Hot Loving Cuck Adventure

(This is Part 1 of the story)

Your lips melted against mine as we held each other in the park, the grass gently swaying with the breeze, the warm sun overhead us glazing against our skin. Our energy reverberated through each other’s bodies, a warm, calming affirmation of our deep connection.

“Baby..” you whispered in my ear as you rolled on top of me. Our kiss locked passionately before you lifted your head and chest up for a moment. Looking up to you and behind, I noticed your friend Dana and the tall, muscular guy she was talking to in the distance. They were watching us.

“Can I ask you something babe?” you said in between kisses. I nodded, enjoying your weight atop me, the warmth of your soft body in our cozy embrace. “You fully trust me right? You know how much I love you?”

“Of course babe, what’s up?” I asked, confused as to why you’d ask this obvious question. You hugged me tight and sighed. I looked up to you and behind again. Your friend and the guy she was with seemed a bit closer. I thought they might be slowly walking towards us.

“Ok so.. you know you’re the only guy I’m interested in romantically, right?” You continued. I noted your gulp, the raw sincerity in your voice. “Literally my best friend, my soul mate, the only guy I want to be in a relationship with?”

“Babe, what’s up? Why are you asking this?” I asked with concern. I was worried about you.

As you rested atop me I glanced around the park. Aside from us, Dana and the man she was with were the only people within eyesight. This time, they were significantly closer.

As I tried to get a closer look at them, I could tell they were walking. I swore it seemed as if they were checking out your butt, which I knew looked amazing in the flare pants you were wearing. I thought it seemed strange. You had told me Dana had started seeing a new guy recently, and that you weren’t sure about him.

“Because babe..” you continued, drawing my attention back to you. “I think it could be really good for us.. to.. try what we talked about earlier? Me.. maybe fucking other guys sometimes? Just for sex, and nothing else? Remember baby.. how you said that turned you on too?”

I had no idea what to say, but immediately became rock hard against you. You smiled and kissed me on the cheek. We held each other for a moment. Your confidence affirmed by my physical reaction, you pushed your weight against me. I could feel the electric power of your sex energy as you smiled tenderly down on me, brushing my hair with your hand. And after the shock of your words, I knew I had to be honest with you. There was nothing in our connection but honesty, after all.

“Baby.. I mean,” I inhaled deeply. “I love you so much too..” my heart raced as you continued to sweetly caress my hair. “And if you really want to try that.. I’m open to it.. I just.. I guess I’m a bit worried.. worried I’d lose you,” I said vulnerably, before you hugged me tightly.

“That will never happen. Just trust me right now. Close your eyes and relax,” you said, kissing me. I took a deep breath and did as you said.

You turned your head to Dana and the hot, muscular guy with her standing behind you. You shared a smile, nervous and excited as he looked up and down your body.

Dana nodded to you, and you nodded in return. You slowly began to arch your back, putting your butt up higher in the air.

I’d heard some faint sounds, but kept my eyes closed. “Just relax, baby,” you whispered in my ear. I took a deep breath. What was going on?

(Would love to collaborate with other writers for part 2 :)


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