Franks’ Lady Stuffing During a Massacre (MFF) (Quite Quite Dark, Snuff)

(This is a slight break away from other stories and exploring a snuff ending. Obviously this is for entertainment so if non-con forced situations resulting in death are not your cup of tea, perhaps skip to something else. Honestly, it’s probably not very pleasant! I was trying for a casual tone which was at odds with the material to lighten it a little. I’ve been considering working on a Splatterpunk style short story, so inspired by another Redditors RP prompt, this is a first experiment. It did end up being longer than originally intended! Enjoy! Or not!).

Eva was hot as hell and a rising star in Hollywood. Brunette, petite, a little Latin about her, but not too much, tits perky enough to have cleavage, but not taking over from her pretty face. Plus she knew to get on in the movies a girl had to get a little down and dirty sometimes, which while it wasn’t ideal, she was happy to go along with a few pervy producers if it furthered her career.

And so it was she ended up at this late night party at a mansion in the middle of no where. Basically it was a sleaze fest with hot willing women and dirty old men who offered movie rolls in exchange for sex. And Eva had already secured 2 rolls and would have been after a third of things hadn’t gone sideways.

Instead she was naked, on a table legs spread, knees up, sweating and propping herself up so she could shout at Scarlett…. “Get that fucking fist up there!!”

We’ll call our hero Frank. Although hero is loose here. He was maybe more a composer and director of affairs. All was in place and he’d observed for a time, admiring the famous and unknown alike. Plans had been made and around 0100 he’d wandered casually into the Mansion to begin.

It was all very dramatic. Lights went out, occasional screams, then more screams as bodies were discovered. The house was mostly secure after preparations and a lot of drugs had been added to drinks before the party, so people were somewhat not exactly in their usual sensible state, which suited Frank just fine.

He’d managed to get these two in a sealed room so was able to spend a little longer. It should be about 7 kills so far and these would make 9, which meant there was at least 20 to go. He took a deep breath and just enjoyed a little glory for a moment. This was a little piece of heaven for him!

The girls were easy to threaten, although his dark attire, large knife, generally affable nature, and several seen dead bodies, was enough to convince them if they did the awful things he asked and passed the tests then he’d let the live.

He guessed they were used to pleasing powerful men to get on. Silly girls!

He did love the sound of their grunting though. It wasn’t like a fist was the biggest thing he had in store!

Scarlett for her part was strangely enjoying trying to ram her fist and arm up inside Eva, just about ready to get her other hand involved in the challenge, as instructed by the knife wielding maniac who had them locked in the room.

She’d been a rising star at one point but now in her mid 30’s, she was reduced to bit parts, soft porn and providing “entertainment” to high rollers. She wasn’t a whore, not something she’d ever entertain calling herself, but sleeping with rich and powerful men was just part of the gig she figured.

Girls like Eva had taken over and this one especially she hated as she represented all those missed opportunities. Once upon a time Scarlett was too moral to play the game and now she’d had her principles utterly worn away it was just too late. Whereas she knew Eva had jumped on mouth first with every interview, making herself available for any part going.

So to be causing the young actress to stretch her limits like this, while a terrifying ordeal, was not entirely without it’s perks.

Whatever this insane guys plans, she was not going to come off second best this time!

The fake breasted blonde with the California tan started in with her other hand and responded to Eva’s screams of encouragement, “you got it bitch, here comes Scarlett!” And Ooooomph, in she went with the a grunt from her and scream from Eva!

Frank marvelled at the blondes enthusiasm. I’m another life he might have considered her as a partner to his terrible crimes, but he’d learned that lesson before in that Convent last year. But that’s a story for another time. Perhaps if she survived this he could do something temporary. It was lovely to have some equally enthusiastic about proceedings.

Both women were laid out, covered in sweat from their efforts, recovering a little. Franks idly stroked his erection through the material of his pants as he watched them, reclining in the big arm chair, like some perfected lord of the manor.

“So ladies,” they jerked at the sound of his voice and as they looked his way he waved at them with the knife, “you see those lamps over there? The matching ones? Take one each and I think you know what to do!” He smiled all friendly and reassuring, or at least what he hoped was.

Both women looked over to the lamps. They were kind of like slightly over sized lava lamps. Thinner at the tip but fat in the middle. Definitely fatter than a good size fist, perhaps closer to a football round the middle.

There was definite uncertainty on the face of the woman, with Scarlett hiding it better. Eva was the first to speak, “there’s no fucking way! That ain’t getting inside me without breaking something!” Her eyes pleaded.

Frank smiled, “we’ve had this conversation. You either pass the test, and you’re so close, and risk some damage, or…..” he waved the knife around and made stabby motions, “you take the no risk option and die.” He shrugged.

The ballsy blonde had obviously decided to show no weakness and strode straight over to the nearest lamp, lifting it from it’s holder to get to work.

“Good girl blondie! Skinny’s got the advantage having had the biggest stretch already, so hopefully enthusiasm helps!” Frank laughed.

Eva headed over as well, but with more resignation. She watched Scarlett trying to handle the lamp towards her pussy with her well lubed hands which was obviously causing her same issues. Her own hands were also slippy from the smaller objects (smaller being a comparative word in this room!) they’d both had to insert already.

Being a quick study she left the lamp on the stand and instead put it on the floor pointing upwards, then carefully placed her already loose pussy over the top.

“Clever girl skinny!” Frank called encouragingly. “Winner gets the glory in the last round and less risky option!”

Eva’s pussy was sore and bruised causing her to wince as she came into contact with the lamp, but after a little wiggling found a good position to push over it. The tightness came quickly and she was a fairway off all the way down. Seeing Scarlett still struggling she took her time gently bouncing up and down to ease a little further.

She felt like she had this in the bag and gritted her teeth to get to work.

Scarlett couldn’t believe her stupidity when she saw what Eva was doing. Stupid bitch! She thought. Although whether that was about herself or the skinny brunette is anyone’s guess.

She desperately looked round and spotted a scarf which had been lost or discarded at some point. Positioning the head of the lamp against her opening and the scarf around the base, she was able to lay back and pull with both hands either end of the scarf to apply pressure on the lamp.

There had been plenty of lube on her hands which had duly been rubbed onto the lamp, so the first few inches went in quite easily. It had been awkward to angle and hold in place at first, but now it was lodged in position she was able to really apply some pressure. With steely determination she was able to get it almost half way up before it really jammed.

“Hmmmm,” Franks rose from his chair and wandered over to the women. He was getting bored. He always did. But thankfully he knew what would help.

It wasn’t awful, these beautiful women trying to impale themselves on large objects with sweaty enthusiasm. The blond on her back with big titties proudly shaking with the effort from her body, muscles in her arms working overtime and with each inch further she would loop the scarf once more around a hand, with a beautiful grunt here and there.

Then the brunette riding the lamp in full squat, getting her weight into the effort, sweat pouring from her face and dripping to the floor bellow. She was a screamer this one!

He stood over the blonde first, leaning down and pressing the knife against her hard round breast. “I’m getting bored my lovely, so let’s give some encouragement,” said Frank pressing the point a little more firmly, “you have two minutes or I pop your fun bag, and then one minute after that, the other one.” Frank drew a little blood to make his point.

Scarlett looked up wide eyed and had no doubt this lunatic would go through with his promise.

The mad man stepped over quickly to Eva, leaving the blonde redoubling her efforts to pull the lamp all the way inside her.

“And you skinny…” Eva had seen and heard the exchange so was desperately trying to put her full weight in to her efforts while maintaining balance, but was just too tight to get over the fattest part of the lamp, “will lose a nipple.” Frank smiled and pinched a nipple on one of her small breasts between finger and knife to accentuate his point. “Go on then girls!” He shouted stepping away a couple of feet.

Eva was almost hysterical as she desperately tried to throw herself onto the lamp and not moving even an inch. Even though her push was feeling like it had been ripped in two, she just couldn’t get it to slip down any further.

She sweated and grunted like an animal in heat, making the most desperate noises as she sobbed and cried, tears mingling with sweat.

Time ticked by and finally some sense of a suggestion got through the terrified fog and she begun raising up slightly before diving her pussy down, punch fucking herself with the lamp using her body weight, feeling like she would tear in two, but also like she was making some slow progress.

She wouldn’t give up she thought to herself as she saw Frank step towards her…

Scarlett was beyond determined as ground her teeth together, pulling and releasing, pulling and releasing.

She worked out, was a bigger build to start with and had ten years of getting her pussy smashed by the perve’s of Hollywood on her side. Even if it killed her she was going to get that damned lamp inside her.

As she saw Frank start to move she pulled out all she had left and yanked with all her might!


With a feeling like her whole body was being pulled in two her arms suddenly lost all resistance, like someone had cut the scarf, and then the awful sensation of being kicked hard between the legs.

For a moment she lost consciousness, but soon came back to the sound of screaming.

Frank stepped up to Eva and watched the girl furiously fucking the lamp with all her might while watching him from the corner of her eye, with something like terror hovering around the edge.

As beautiful as her body was a promise was a promise, so he reached down and pulling one nipple away from her body with one hand, he quickly sliced it off with the knife in the other.

And how she screamed! It was a pure animal sound and he felt a little sorry for her, so reached out and added his own weight to her efforts.

“Aaaaghhh….” More screaming and she fell, but he was most satisfied to see the lamp had disappeared entirely!

“We’ll done Frank!” He said to himself.

Scarlett was laying still, watching Eva semi conscious, sobbing lightly now her screaming had calmed. The lamp was deep inside her like some sort of ornament baby waiting to be born. She had the twin inside her and was already trying to push the bastard thing out.

She couldn’t help but notice the red and bloody space where a nipple should be and shuddered as the man stepped towards her.

She didn’t have the energy to move away as he straddled her body and watched as the lamp slipped back out. “Amazing and great work blondie! You managed it in time as well!” He smiled reassuringly and then quickly stabbed her in the right breast.

“Agghhhh!” She gave a short scream. As much from shock as anything as it wasn’t a terrible pain after all the other sensations, but it still hurt.

“Oh!” He looked surprised and satisfied, “it didn’t pop! Sorry, I know what I said, but I was curious.”

He looked back to Eva and said, “I guess this is it guys! I was going to give blondie the choice anyway but it looks like she gets to be taker by default as skinny is a bit full up.”

Scarlett looked over and saw the slim Latina was struggling to get the lamp out. She must have been exhausted after her efforts.

“You drag your butt over here skinny and get your head up inside blondie, then I’m done with you.” And the crazy smiling bastard went and sat down in the chair again, ready for the show.

Scarlett sat there in shock until she saw movement from the corner of her eye. On looked over Eva was crawling towards her, a look of steely determination on her face.

So this was it, the end finally!

Eva was laughing as she dragged herself towards the older woman. It wasn’t a laugh at a joke, or even a laugh of good humour, it was the laugh of someone whose mind had broken, who could only laugh at the absurdity of life. Because what else do you do when you go from giving a blow job for a million dollar film roll and everyone telling you you’re beautiful you are, to a damp sweaty mess with a lava lamp poking out of a pussy torn from front to ass hole, trailing blood down her leg, while crawling across a floor leaving a line of blood across the floor from where one of her nipples used to be, so you can stick your head, which you’ve just covered in oil from a random bottle some maniac magicked up, up some bitch has been actresses cunt.

And these were her thought as she rammed her head towards the blonde’s pussy, trying to brute force her way inside, still giggling to herself at the insanity of it all!

The insane asylum escapee watched as skinny smashed her head against blondie’s pussy, over and over, while laughing hysterically, with blondie shouting at her to stop and grunting with each impact.

Frank was fairly sure this technique wouldn’t work, but did find it entertaining. In fact he was sure it was possible full stop, which was why he’d suggested it. He’s always been a curious person and the best way to find things out was to try them after all.

After a few more attempts the blonde managed to grab the brunettes head and plant it firmly at the entrance. Sure her pussy had been stretched and must be pretty loose, but not enough for a while head! She lay back, knees up, tits crushed nicely between her arms which held the head in place, partly at the top of the neck and the other almost clinging to the jaw of laughing girl. “Now push you crazy bitch!” He loved blondie’s enthusiasm!

The older once movie starlet was grunting and growling as she tried to pull the girl inside her. Although the head was greased with sweat and oil, she had found a good grip, even if it was likely causing some discomfort. Although after the repeated head butting of her cunt by the piece of shit in front of her, there wasn’t much sympathy to go around, as she desperately tried to even get the head slightly past her battered lips.

The bronzed stripper looking actress began to weep in desperation, feeling this was it for her as she saw the crazy man rise from his seat yet again, knowing what was coming.

“Please……..please…..push harder! He’s coming!” She hissed at the slim once beautiful woman between her legs.

Something must have got through to the addled brain because she started pushing with twice the effort, still laughing, muscles in her legs tensed to bursting and arms moved up to the top of Scarlett’s thighs to pull.

The feeling in her pussy became agony as she felt her lips ever so slowly opening up to reluctantly welcome a visitor. “That’s it! It’s working!”

The manically laughing mess which once was called Eva was in some insane break from reality. The full pussy and loss of a nipple not even part of her conscious thoughts for the moment, she had but one purpose in mind, which she was utterly focussed on beyond all else.

If only she could climb into this warm wet hole, she would be safe. Like some entirely deranged Alice, she just needed to squeeze herself through a tiny door and all would be well in the world.

Words of encouragement drifted to her and she grabbed either side of the door way and pulled with all her might to squeeze herself through this portal of safety. After some maximum pulls and pushes she was rewarded with cheering from a crowd she couldn’t see, with a feeling of tightening comfort enveloping her head. It really was lovely after all the effort, like a warm hug from a lover!

A signal entered her periphery, drifting into her awareness by the fact it was uncomfortable. Uncomfortable was a relative term at this point as pain in various parts of her body had become the normal for her, but this one was just a little more urgent and intense, seemingly coming from somewhere behind her, perhaps even her own firm behind!

Then pain exploded in her back passage and she screamed! It felt like a fire had been lit inside her anal tunnel and she pushed with everything she had to get away from the cause, making a heroic thrust to pass through the door….

As much as Frank was loving the high point of this encounter, it was also losing interest for him. There was only so many times you could see a person force something inside themselves before it lost it’s interest. At first he though it wasn’t possible after the initial efforts, even with enthusiasm, yielded zero movement, but as he’d stood up to have a closer look, and in truth he was considering just stabbing them both to death, he’d noticed a little bit of skinny girls head work it’s way inside of blondie’s pussy.

He took up position behind the younger one to get a good view. Blondie held his stare as she barred her teeth with the effort and seemed almost defiant as she tried with all her might to get the girl’s head to disappear.

Deciding to provide encouragement he started lightly stabbing the rather firm small buttocks before him. Blondie struggled harder, perhaps realising he might head her way next, but the girl below him didn’t even seem to notice he 2 inch stabs into the muscle of her butt.

Casting a look to her head, as she twisted and grunted and giggled, he realised she’s gone a bit bat shit crazy. She wasn’t the first, but it was a shame as he did like some sort of conscious response to his efforts to engage with her! So he thought to himself, “fuck it!”, and jammed the knife into her ass hole, see-sawing it briefly, before pulling it out, with a delightful spray of red.

This brought the girl back to the real world it seemed as laughter changed the same breath to a howl of a scream! Frank smiled and gave a little bow, “your welcome!” He said as he watched the head disappear in a moment up in side the blonde’s pussy.

He was so pleased to prove it could be done! What a smashing finale!

Scarlett held his stare with steely determination and pulled with all she had. Ever so slowly she felt her vagina opening to welcome a whole human head. It was hell of a tight and she felt like she was being stretched to the absolute limit in this weird reversal of giving birth.

She was groaning a straining trying to get her self to stretch enough, spurred on by the terror of the man with the knife. She saw him settle down at the ass end of Eva and start to prod her back side with his knife. It didn’t seem to have any affect on the slim girl at all and Scarlett figured she was too far gone with temporary madness to register the fact some one was stabbing her buttocks repeatedly.

As little as she cared about the wounds inflicted on the poor girl, she was more worried about the man getting bored and heading in her direction, so she pulled with all her might, like she was trying to pull the starlets head clean off. It was working as well, even if the pain was beyond what she’d ever experienced as was causing her vision to blur and close in at the edges. “Hold on girl, hold on….” She thought to herself.

With tears in her eyes from the pain and personal terror gripping every part of her as she saw him pull the knife back, tip covered in blood, she pulled once more with everything she had….

And then everything happened in a moment, she felt the head start to build slow momentum, moving by millimetres, but not stopping either, just horrifically, agonisingly, stretching her pussy beyond rehabilitation and repair, the head was getting there, but the knife flashed and disappeared, while a jerky punch rippled through the girl to Scarlett’s crotch, a terrible scream of pure agony as Eva cam back to the room, accompanied swiftly by a charge forward into the ruined vagina. Pure, awful, pain flared in Scarlett’s body and the last thing she saw was the knife returning to view and a spray of blood as the black closed in and she passed out from the horrendous sensations spasming through her.

Eva had come back to earth with a thump or perhaps more a terminal velocity, full speed smash and liquification into something harder than granite. All in a moment she remembered the maniac with the knife, being locked in a room, having to compete in challenges with Scarlett, that aged actress bitch who hated her for her youth, the ruining of her pussy and lamp still stuck inside. The memory it was her final challenge and then she was free, the pain in her ass which now she assumed had been the knife, with a fire burning deep inside her and the feel of something running down her leg which must be blood gushing from her wounded ass. Then the knowledge all of a sudden, she had done it! She’d got her head inside of Scarlett and this was the end! She sobbed and sobbed in relief, comforted by the pressure and darkness at first.

It wasn’t long before her brain came knocking with messages. She couldn’t breathe. It pressure all around her head and face. She was still inside of Scarlett! So began to move and try to get out, but she couldn’t. She slapped at the woman who she was buried inside and tried to shout to her, but it just expelled what little oxygen she had. She thrashed and moved and pulled, the dead weight of fake titted actress exhausting her.

Why wasn’t she helping? Was she dead? Was she stuck inside a dead woman? Panic set in and she went into a final mad tailspin to free herself.

Frank was in heaven! The wonderful thing for him was the genuine surprise. He was fairly well convinced it hadn’t been possible and the finale would simply be a good old-fashioned stabbing. Now he was presented with not only confirmation of possibility, but also skinny being utterly stuck!

He laughed as he watched her struggle to get free and assumed oxygen was a definite issue. The lithe body was flopping around on the floor like it was having a seizure as the arms grabbed this way and that trying to get purchase on something.

There was a brief thought to do something with his erection as the ass would be nicely lubed with copious amounts of blood, which he always lover, and then the jerking around as oxygen depleted would be heavenly, let alone the vision of beauty before him. Yet he knew she would last long and then after he came down the aftermath would be a loss of interest and it would spoil the rest of the night for him, so he resisted the urge.

Blondie looked lovely with that body growing from her body, belly slightly distended by the head of skinny, fake tits jiggling as the dying woman thrashed, and completely unconscious. What a wonderful culmination to events.

As skinny’s struggles drooped he gave her a poke hear and there with the knife to spur her on for a final struggle. Eventually even that couldn’t motivate and finally he skewered the tit that still had a nipple just to make sure she was gone.

She was.

He breathed a sigh of satisfaction. For a moment pondering the unconscious woman. What to do? He thought.

A moment only and he headed for the door. He liked her commitment and maybe they could play again later if she woke and manged to dislodge the head. He would have loved to have stayed to see her reaction on realising her predicament on waking, yet more importantly there were fresh friends to find!

So off he went with a whistle, having left the knife forgotten and done with, jutting from the dead woman left buttock, as Scarlett snored and dribbled in something deeper than sleep…
