Spanish lessons [MF]

So I speak Spanish somewhat fluently.

*Im my real life I still say I’m conversational. Ive spoken it in meetings and abroad for years but I don’t usually claim fluency. Teach your kids another language when they’re young so one day they too can use this skill to get laid.*

*Also, I’m going to write this all in English because it’s easier than translating or going back and forth.*

There was one time I was at a bar and I heard a group of men talking about me in Spanish. They weren’t even being disrespectful, they were all asking if one of them should buy me a drink. A few said something about me in my dress.

I turned around and answered in Spanish, “A drink from any of you would be fine.”

One of them told the bar tender anything I wanted, so I ordered an insane drink I had never even heard of. It just sounded cool.

One dude leaned over and asked, “Wait so you understood everything we just-“

“-Yes, and it was flattering.”

“The part about your dress?”

“I do look good in red.”

He smiled at me. He was cute. “I’m technically their professor.”

*He was my age and I was young.*

“Oh really?”

“Yeah it’s like an immersion thing.”

One of his students came up and started asking me random questions

Their “professor” said, “My apologies. You’re an American in the wild and they’re all very excited.”

I told him I actually needed to practice my Spanish and he got my number to help with my “practice.”

I left shortly after because I had other plans, but we agreed to meet up the next day. The best part was when I arrived he was ending a tour with his students and they all stood up and clapped for him when they saw me.

*So that was a confidence boost.*

We had such a good date we ended up back at my place which was kind of rare in those days.

We make out for a while, but we have to keep stopping because things are getting heated quickly. The conversation keeps turning sexual.

I’ve had a few drinks so I’m struggling, but when he asks if we should switch to English. I say absolutely not because discussions of sex sound better in Spanish.

*They REALLY do. English is not a sexy language.*

The thing is, I wasn’t going t sleep with him. I told him that at the beginning of the evening and I wasn’t about to change my mind, no matter how hot this dirty talk was.

That does not stop us from dry humping. We really go at it, and somehow end up in my bed.

Sometimes you make out and just KNOW you would theoretically have great sex with someone. The chemistry is there.

I explain again we can’t fuck that night and he asks me what’s ok to do. I tell him basically anything so long as clothes stay on and he appreciates this boundary.

*Also, thank god I’m wearing jeans.*

We continue making out and rubbing on each other, but we have to take breaks on occasion. It’s a beautiful frustration.

“Sorry,” he says as he leans back. “I need a break. This is a fun practice of control, but it’s painful.”

“Yeah, I get it. It’s probably because we’d have such terrible sex,” I joke.

“Yep, you can just tell we wouldn’t work together at all.”

We chill for a bit and then I ask, “Want to tell me how bad it would be? You know, for practice in Spanish.”

He smiles and spreads my legs as he climbs on top of me. “Let’s see,” he says in Spanish.

*We had been switching languages back and forth at this point. But not after this.*

He puts a hand to my breast and squeezes through my shirt. “I’d have to start here.” He pinches me and I squeal.

“Fuck,” I say in English.

“That’s not being a good student.”

“Por favor continúa?”

“That’s better.”

He puts his tongue in my mouth and kisses me very deeply before he pulls back and whispers, “I want my tongue all over your body. I want to lick you from the outside in.”

He kisses down my body until he’s in between my legs. “Trust that while my tongue would go everywhere and you’d be the one really going places.”


He flipped me over and put his hands all over my ass, lowering himself to kiss my back. “This would need to be taken care of,” he said as he squeezed me hard.

*Well fuck, he was making me rethink my stance on one-night-stands.*

He pulled my hair. I told him to pull it harder. “You like this, don’t you?” He asked as he yanked.


“Then this is how I’d make love to you. I’d go slowly and move exactly how you wanted. I’d use every part of me to make you feel good.”

He bent over me and rubbed himself against me. He was VERY hard. He whispered, “I’d send waves of pleasure from your cunt to your finger tips.”

“I’d use myself to unravel you until you were nothing but mine.”

Holy shit. I had to stop him.

“I think you have to go,” I moaned.

“Did I do something wrong?”

I laughed then. “No dude, you have to go because you almost just took me to orgasm and I think I need to get myself off in the next minute or so or I’m going to explode.”

“Can I watch?”

“Not tonight.”

On the way out the door we made out “one last time” which ended up with me pressed against the wall for ten minutes as he ground into me.

I put my hands down his pants. I couldn’t help it. Like, I HAD to see his face when I touched him and he did not disappoint. His whole body buckled as he reared his head back and let out a moan.

“Fuck, that feels good,” he cried as he slammed his hand down. He put his mouth back on me me quickly but then pulled back. “I should go. We’re going to fuck if I stay.”

“Yeah, I have to touch myself thinking of the things you said.”

That was the wrong thing to say apparently. He gasps and almost looks panicked. “Maybe we wouldn’t fuck if I stayed, but I would come in my pants.”

This broke the tension slightly and we both laughed as he grabbed his coat and ran out the door.

We hooked up one other time, but we ultimately wanted different things and stopped seeing each other. It’s a great memory though and I still sometimes talk dirty in Spanish.



  1. That’s hot, you are such a tease. Please do a part 2 about when you did hook up!

  2. *somewhere in the Duolingo HQ”

    Duolingo Exec: “the bird isn’t working anymore, we need something new”

    Random Duolingo Employee: *while browsing Reddit* “Sir, how about this?” *points at this story*

    Exec: “write that down. WRITE. THAT. DOWN!!”

    Oh man oh man, if they ever implement this, I would become a polyglot!

    Another great story! But do be careful of “green owls” ok lmao

  3. This story has totally reminded me about my Hot Spanish Intern… I’m totally gonna write this up and send you a link on TikTok 😇

    There is something extremely sexy about the Spanish 😍

  4. I worked out *properly* for the first time in 6 years last night, and again tonight, so my body is super sore and reading this story has taught me just how much I involuntarily clench my muscles when I get aroused O.o

    Also I really really want to hear all of this in Spanish now! I also need to refresh mine cause I used to be fairly close to fluent but never used it and lost the words

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