Conversation with my ex [MF]

*I will soon return to my regular programming, but I wanted to get this up. Again, I realize this is weird for GWS, but whatever.*

*Someone asked me if my ex would write a story from his perspective and in absolutely no uncertain terms he declined. When I posted an “interview” with my friend yesterday he said he’d be down for that. Enjoy…*

Viola: Alright [name], why are we here?

Ex: you asked me if I would write a story from my perspective and I said hell no.

Viola: That doesn’t describe why we’re here. That’s not helpful.

Ex: I saw you interview your friend and said you could interview me and transcribe it. But you have to keep me anonymous and I have absolute veto power.

V: Thank you. That’s actually helpful. Do you want a fake name?

Ex: Why do I need that?

V: idk.

Ex: I still haven’t decided if you can post this. This is not something that happens to me everyday.

V: How did we meet?

Ex: A mutual friend

V: That’s it?

Ex: We hung out for a few months. I had no idea you liked me. I really wanted you to make the first move and then I finally kissed you after you basically spelled it out.

Viola: How long did we date?

Ex: Did we date?

Viola: How long did we fuck?

Ex: A few months… and a few more times later on.

V: Are we friends?

Ex: Yes? What do you mean?

V: It’s an interview bro. I’m trying to paint a picture.

Ex: Yes. We are friends. I like you a lot as a person.

V: How did you find my account?

Ex: It wasn’t that hard to figure out. I read a story about a girl who tied her boyfriend up and then realized you had written about being a lawyer and chess. Also, the finger sucking thing. I read that and was like, “Oh, this is V.”

V: The finger sucking thing, eh?

Ex: Not a lot of girls have done that to me.

V: What was your reaction to finding me?

Ex: I wasn’t totally surprised to find out you did this. I also knew you had a crazy sexual history, but reading the details was an odd experience. It was a little weird reading about myself in bed. It was also flattering though. Most of the stories about me are pretty hot.

V: What’s your favorite post?

Ex: It’s not one about me. When you fucked [redacted]’s girlfriend. That guy is still an ass by the way. I saw him a couple months ago. I hope he knows about it. The moment l read that I knew who it was and it was so satisfying.

V: I fucking hate lawyers.

Ex: You say that so much. No one put a gun to your head and told you to go to law school.

V: Dude, what?

Ex: You have a very lawyer-like personality, you just think you don’t.

V: Seriously?

Ex: Yeah.

V: Are you pissed at me?

Ex: I know who [redacted] story is about which means you cheated on me. It’s a little annoying.

V: We never dated. You literally just said that. That’s not cheating. You didn’t hook up with anyone else while we were together? We said we could.

Ex: No. I didn’t want to.

V: So this is going well.

Ex: I’m being grumpy. I’m sorry.

V: This was supposed to be about sex. We got off track.

Ex: About our sex?

V: Yes.

Ex: We had good sex.

V: That wasn’t the question.

Ex: Ok, what do you want to know?

V: The story you read where I dominated you. What did I get right and what did I get wrong?

Ex: Ok, you make me seem so stupid at the beginning. I would have called you a whore in bed. You said you wanted me to pretend like I was forcing you.

V: Did I? I literally have no recollection of this.

Ex: *That’s* what freaked me out. You also told me you wanted me to tie you up and choke you with my penis until you passed out. It was a lot. At the time I didn’t know you just say crazy shit in the moment.

V: Are you sure I said that?

Ex: I’m concerned you don’t remember. You leave yourself during sex though.

V: Fuck. Ok, I can see how that came on strong.

Ex: Was the pegging story about me?

V: …No.

Ex: How many dudes have you fucked in the ass?

V: Don’t be a dick. How many girls have you fucked in the ass?

Ex: One.

V: Was it me?

Ex: Wow.

V: It was me. I remember. It was at [redacted].

Ex: I can’t believe you didn’t remember.

V: I feel like it’s a good sign if you DON’T remember anal. If something stands out there was usually an issue. You don’t want any surprises with that act.

Ex: I’ve missed you. You’re an insane person, but I’ve missed talking to you.

V: I’ve missed you too.

Ex: I still can’t believe you’re married.

V: No one can. We’re supposed to be discussing the time I tied you up and taught you how to dominate me. What else was accurate or inaccurate?

Ex: *Chuckles* You made me wait WAY longer than that story implies. It was well over an hour. I was physically sore for days. Your dirty talk was so much weirder than what you wrote. I think you said you wanted to put me in a collar and make me your sex slave. And you said [redacted]. I’m remembering why you scared me.

V: I mean, that sounds hot.

Ex: Also, you should have expanded on how we fucked after. We fucked all afternoon. That was some of the best sex we ever had and it was only a line.

V: That was the best sex?

Ex: Was it not?

V: I liked when you ate food off my body. Or when we went to Atlantic City.

Ex: When we got kicked out of a strip club?

V: Want to tell that story?

Ex: A stripper REALLY wanted to fuck us and she made out with you. Apparently that was against the rules.

V: We had good sec after. Do you think she was soliciting us or just actually wanted to hook up?

Ex: Idk, we didn’t get that far. It was really hot though. She was very into you. That was sincere. That reminds me of our threesome with [redacted]. That was actually the best sex.

V: I hate that.

Ex: Why?

V: Because she’s better at sex than me.

Ex: I mean, y’all had some impressive teamwork.

V: Tell the story.

Ex: I watched your ex get really rough with you and then you blew me while she pulled your hair back and forth. I think *that’s* when I actually learned how to dominate you. I’ve never seen anyone quite that happy to get spanked.

V: Good times.

Ex: Does [husband] not care we’re talking about this?

V: He is literally beside me. Does [his wife]?

Ex: Nah, she likes you too much. It’s weird y’all are friends. I think she kind of thinks this whole thing is hot.

V: I’d totally fuck your wife.

Ex: Yes, I know. You’ve said that. She reads your Reddit posts by the way. She’s the only person I’ve told.

V: She probably gets off on it.

Ex: Stop. That’s so weird.

V: Why else would she read it? The plot?

Ex: To be honest she asked which stories were me and that was interesting. It opened up conversations.

V: Did she know you almost got arrested?

Ex: She does now. Yeah thanks for putting that on the internet.

V: Are you actually mad?

Ex: Not really. I mean, it was weird but it actually brought up good memories too.

V: That’s been a really interesting side-effect of this hobby.

Ex: …

V: What?

Ex: I’m trying to remember why we broke up.

V: I broke up with you.

Ex: why?

V: Long distance I think. We were never going to get married or even date.

Ex: I agree. I thought you’d never marry anyone.

V: Surprise!

Ex: Who is KO?

V: … [Name]

Ex: I knew it. That hurt to read.

V: What? Why?

Ex: Because he was not a good person. And I always knew y’all had a thing. I didn’t realize how deep it went and I kind of wish you had told me.

V: You were a dick to him.

Ex: I didn’t like you around him.

V: Well I didn’t like YOU around him.

Ex: Did y’all fuck when you were with me?

V: No.

Ex: Not once?

V: We kissed once during that time. We always had tension but we actually went through a period where we didn’t fuck for like 3 years. Does it matter?

Ex: I guess it’s jealousy still, but I never liked him. Literally every time I saw you two together you were in a fight or wasted. It wasn’t like you.

V: I don’t know if I can blog this.

Ex: I think you should.

V: Why?

Ex: It’s like this… I just… you’re a real person. You act like nothing fucks with you but I KNOW that’s not true.

V: For what it’s worth things like that don’t fuck with me anymore.

Ex: I don’t know if I believe that.

V: It’s true.

Ex: If you say so.

V: I thought we were on much better terms than this.

Ex: Some of your stories messed with me.

V: What the hell does that mean?

Ex: Someone asked you about [redacted] on your AMA. You have a one line answer but I realized you never actually told me anything about that. And it just felt painful to read about you with other people, especially because there were overlaps.

V: Do you just have bad memories with me then?

Ex: Of course not! Holy shit. I’m being grumpy but you’re one of my favorite people. I loved dating you. It changed me in a good way.

V: How?

Ex: I got more confidence from that relationship and I felt better about my life generally. I was still pissed at you, but even then I saw it as a net positive. You’re a good person.

V: you’re a good person too. And you changed me.

Ex: Really?

V: Yeah. I just felt really safe with you. And normal. You were by far the most normal person I dated at that time and it made me crave stability.

Ex: It changed the way I have sex too.

V: True, you eat pussy now.

Ex: You were very clear that was a dealbreaker.

V: So what’s the difference between Viola and me?

Ex: I don’t know… Honestly? It bothers you so much when people don’t like you.

V: I can’t stand it when people don’t like me.

Ex: I know! People hate me all the time and I don’t care. I never understood why you obsess over it.

V: I think because I like people so much.

Ex: Also, you NEED to be loved.

V: Doesn’t everyone?

Ex: Not like you. To be fair, you’re very lovable.

V: So are you, for the record. Anything else? This is weirdly insightful

Ex: Yeah, you get really attached after sex. That was why we didn’t fuck for so long. I don’t think your stories portray that.

V: I’ve written that on my page though. It’s why I don’t have casual sex very often.

Ex: Were we not having casual sex?

V: Of course not. I’m really sorry I’m having to even say this but you weren’t casual to me. You were my best friend.

Ex: You had a lot of best friends.

V: Oh fuck off.

Ex: I understand it more now but you fucked with my head. You were so into me and then you were gone and over it in a day.

V: I’m different now. You might not believe me.

Ex: I actually do.

V: it’s really nice to hear from you

Ex: This has been a weird conversation.

V: I was supposed to get your side of a fucking story.

Ex: My side is that it was really good. I still think about it. I let [wife] tie me up.

V: Seriously?

Ex: Oh yeah.

V: Dude, she’s so hot.

Ex: Yep.

V: This did not go how I expected it.

Ex: I know.

V: I really love you a lot by the way. I know it didn’t seem like it, but breaking up with you was really hard. I’m glad we’re talking again.

Ex: I love you a lot too. Text me when this is up. And when you’re in [redacted]. We’ll double date.

V: Sounds good.



  1. Wow, this is super raw, I would have had a hard time sharing this if it were my stuff.

    Really interesting read!

  2. I just broke up yesterday, so reading this gives me hope for a time when we can chat like this again.

  3. Damn V, this actually put a lot of things in perspective and has really humanised things for me. I think I and probably a few others had started putting you on a pedestal (despite your repeated warnings lol) but this reminds me that things are always messy and there’s always more than one side to a story. Thanks for having the courage to put this up and be so raw and real even though you would have every right to minimise this side of your story.

  4. Wow.

    Thank you for this. It paints a much fuller picture of how much you affected him, and how things got to the places you’ve written about. I remember asking a lot of questions on those posts, trying to figure out how it all went together, and this basically clears it all up.

    I don’t think I truly appreciated just how dangerous you are.

  5. This is super raw. I like it. Was it by text?

    I love how you can just be so honest with an ex and say you’d fuck his wife. That’s kinda hot.

  6. For some reason, this feels way more personal than anything you ever posted. Maybe because it’s “live” rather than a memory. Awesome read tho just to be clear

    It just screams “…and I took that personally” – Michael Jordan 2020. And you are right, this is insightful, maybe more so for you and Mr. Chocolate Bondage than for us.

    *Hi Mr. Chocolate Bondage if you ever read this, kudos to you sir tips hat*

    It’s not surprising that you really have a knack for this interview thing, maybe it’s from years of lawyering or whatnot. You can still get down to the nitty gritty despite all the detours. Bet an interview/AMA with yourself would be a blast (would read this in a heartbeat btw lmao).

    Also for what it’s worth, we like and love you Ms. V *finger guns* lmao cheers!

  7. As a devout voyeur and social spy, I can take a lot of usually hidden truth. In fact, as a writer, it’s half my diet.

    But still I’m giddy from your stories — in part because I’m (we’re) part of your circuit. Whatever this process does for you implicates us.

    I feel like Proust writing a porn fan letter.

  8. Reading your stories has always left me confused about why you’ve referred to yourself as a slut and this is just another log on that fire.

    There are a lot of words I could think of, based on your own stories, I’d use to describe you… Adventurous, kinky, confident, defiant, a little crazy (in a good way!! 😂), fearless…

    I know “sluts”. I like my fair share of sluts. You ain’t that. Not based on what I’ve read.

  9. The Q&As are just as good as the sex stories! Thanks to both of you for opening up and sharing.

  10. This account has turned into such a therapeutic and reflective space and I’m here for it.

  11. I’m a huge fan of Dan Savage and in particular his podcast. For most episodes he has a guest. Should your book or books get published your agent should prioritize getting on his show. I think the two of you would really hit it off. This kind of banter makes great copy and would be even better on a podcast.

  12. *why else would she read it? The plot?*

    V, I feel like you **severely** underestimate your storytelling. Like you have a way of making it really easy to physically connect with your story and it’s amazing. Including these little talks with people you know and their perspective of everything just adds a whole other layer to it and it’s really incredible how vulnerable you’re willing to be (maybe it’s easier with anonymity? Idk) to complete strangers.

    It’s weird to be cognizant that I really don’t know a person yet still feel like I *know* them in a way that’s deeper than knowing what they look like or what their actual name is. Stellar freaking work :)

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