[MF] Breathless Desire in the Falls: Chapter 1

I examine myself in the mirror and reapply the crimson stain to my lips. I bring my lips together and smooth the lipstick, my heart fluttering in my chest. My phone chimes on the bathroom counter breaking my focus with my reflection. It was him; it was always him. Immediately a smile spread across my lips as I turned the screen on to read the message. I’d hidden this trip from him and somehow he hadn’t read my mind to deduce what I was up to I’d thought about the moment where our eyes meet for the first time thousands of times and tonight it was actually happening. What would he think about seeing me in person? I let out a nervous breath and looked back to the mirror. My soft golden curls were framing my face, my piercing blue eyes a stark contrast to my fair skin. I’d picked black to wear, the lace fitting to my curves and ending above my knees. The finishing touch was a pair of shining black pumps, red on the underside, the same shade as my lips. Just the thought of his eyes seeing me and taking in my body made me shiver. 

As the elevator doors opened to the main lobby, all the sounds of the casino rushed in. I exhaled and started walking through the casino floor. I knew where he’d be towards the end of his shift, so I made my way there. The casino was bustling tonight, but even though the sea of people I saw him immediately and slightly slowed my stride. 

Head down and able to only see the brim of glasses, he was on the phone. I came to his side and leaned against the counter. Like everything else in the casino, his station wasn’t overly illuminated but I could see the outline of his pale blue uniform contrasted with a black tie.

“Excuse me but could you point me in the direction of Koi? I’ve got a reservation and–” He hangs up the phone and swivels to face me. As soon as raises his eyes to meet mine, he stops, and without skipping a beat… “What time is dinner, beautiful?” I smiled. “I have a table waiting for us as soon as you’re done here. Meet me there?” “There’s no place I’d rather be.” I hear the buzz of the radio on his shoulder. I smile again and give a wave of my hand to let him know it’s okay. “I’ll be waiting.” 

I waited outside the restaurant in the lounge when I saw him. I couldn’t stop smiling and rose immediately to meet him with a hug, my head against his chest and his nestled against my neck. Time was non-existent; my heart was pounding in my chest, his on time with mine. “Look at you!” He exclaimed, finally pulling back and giving me a twirl. “I clean up well, eh?” I joked and stood back, holding each of his hands in mine. “You know, you aren’t so bad yourself. Especially in that uniform.” 

“Oh yeah? You like a man in uniform?” He questioned. “I like *you* in a uniform,” I replied, pulling him back in for another hug before the hostess breaks in. “Your table is ready.”

“After you.” He smirked, his hand on the small of my back. She led us back to a dimly lit corner and without prompting, he was there pulling out my chair for me before sitting down himself. We ordered drinks; me, a red wine, him, a whiskey on the rocks. “So, how was work?” I prodded, with a small laugh. He chuckled. “It isn’t worth talking about, especially now that you’re here,” he replies, raising his glass to meet mine. I blushed slightly, giving him that smirk that he’d always commented on. We sit in silence for a few moments, saying everything with our eyes, drinking each other in. I absolutely had to touch him again and at the present moment, all I was thinking about was his hands all over me. I slip my stocking-covered foot from my heel and gently graze his inner thigh with the top of my foot. He tilts his head, still smiling at me, and says, “Where’s your mind at, hmmm?” “How about I give you an idea?” I purr softly, increasing the firmness of my touch. He responds immediately, hardening, my toes finding his bulge. Still rhythmically stroking the head of his cock through his pants, I swirl my glass of wine.

“What are your thoughts on skipping to the main course?” I beam over the edge of my glass. “I didn’t know you already ordered.” He returns now somewhat moving himself to meet my strokes. “What I want isn’t on the menu.” I almost whisper, slipping back on my heel. “Oh?” He raises an eyebrow, and finishes his drink. “I have something else in mind for dinner too.” He stands and extends his hand to me and without hesitation I take his hand, smiling devilishly. 

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/thwxxn/mf_breathless_desire_in_the_falls_chapter_2/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/thwwm2/mf_breathless_desire_in_the_falls_chapter_1