Medieval Japan (MFF)

In the afternoon stillness on the tenth day of the fourth month, the only sounds were the chirpings of the birds in the internal gardens of the castle, or an occasional rustling of the
leaves of the trees caused by a breeze. The cherry blossoms were blooming, and from inside this room in the castle a cloud of pink
petals was just visible through the vertical slit where the shoji* had been pulled a bit to the side to allow the balmy air to enter. Saduki of the House of Sasaki, Lord and Daimyo of the
province of Mino, sat naked on a low stool, relaxing after a bath, his back erect, his powerful legs spread wide, his feet
planted flat on the wooden floor. His genitals dangled at the edge of the stool in a forest of black hair. The two girls who
had been drying his body with large towels, now put the towels away and returned to their knees in front of his legs. Both girls
were as naked as Saduki.
Saduki wondered if perhaps the girls were sisters. He could not remember. Or perhaps they were not sisters, since the face of
one was round and the face of the other long. He tapped the shoulder of Round-face with his folded fan, and the girl immediately bent low to take his penis in her mouth. He tapped
the shoulder of the other girl, and she bent even lower to gently suck one of his dangling testicles between her lips.
On the mat to the right of him, Saduki’s two swords lay with their handles close to his body. He became contemplative as he
glanced at his weapons. Trouble was brewing again, and he had no doubt that soon the fighting between the houses of Honshu would resume. In Edo, the new shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu was said to be
already living a shameful dissolute life, his court a circus of drunkards and dancing girls, all of it a travesty of the bushido,
the samurai code that was now four centuries old. A weakling, Saduki thought. The shoguns all turned weak once they took power,
as if the air of power affected their brains. Tokugawa Ieyasu had been a mighty warrior, a fearsome general, a samurai of great
skill, but as the shogun of all of Honshu all that seemed a lie.
Saduki’s organ had now grown in the girl’s mouth, and she slowly bobbed her head up and down the stalk, a precise and
perfect rhythm that pleased Saduki greatly. Long-face still had his testicle in her mouth, and now he tapped her shoulder with
the fan, and she immediately moved her lips to the other testicle
and engulfed it. The birds in the garden started chirping again. Saduki
listened, counting the chirps, his attention divided between the birds and the pleasure rising in his loins.
The girl sucking Saduki’s organ had settled herself on her knees, her hands on the *tatami* to support her weight as she
rocked her torso back and forth. Her name was Ayame. She could feel the cock throb between her lips. The head was like the head
of a large mushroom on the end of the stalk, large enough so that she had to stretch the lips of her small mouth to the utmost each
time she pulled her mouth back to the tip. She released the cock and licked it, gathering the saliva that had coated the knob and
shaft. With one eye, she glanced at the other girl, happy she herself had the cock to suck rather than the balls, since Lord Saduki would most likely spend in her mouth and she would have the honor of swallowing his sperm. It was said a girl who swallowed the sperm of a samurai would have good luck sometimes
lasting for days, the measure of the luck depending on the greatness of the samurai, and she wondered what that good luck
might be if Lord Saduki would indeed spend in her mouth. She had arrived in Sasaki castle only a week ago, and this was the first
time she had been allowed to perform the bath service for Lord Suduki himself. She had attended the bath of Lord Fuwa Doken,
steward of the House of Sasaki, three times, and twice he had spent in her mouth copiously. But Lord Doken was not head of the house, only the steward, and any good luck that might result from
his sperm had not yet appeared. She took Lord Saduki’s knob
again, tightening and relaxing her lips just behind the rim of
the knob, then pushing forward to engulf the organ until it pressed the back of her throat.
Lord Saduki’s bath was suddenly interrupted by a tapping on
the *shoji* behind his back.
“What is it?” he called out, his voice with an irritated edge to it, since he knew that tap and it had to be Fuwa Doken.
Indeed, the voice that answered from behind the *shoji* was the voice of Lord Doken: “Someone has arrived from Edo, an
emissary. He seems to think his message is important. Will you be
available soon?”
“How many in his party?”
“Only three. The emissary and two other samurai.”
“Tell him to wait. Keep an eye on them. Now go away.”
Saduki was convinced that one day the new shogun would send
a *ninja* to murder him. He despised the *ninja*. They were lizards slinking in the darkness, never fighting like a real
warrior. Ieyasu was said to have already assassinated many daimyo
in the western provinces.
The two girls, having stopped their ministrations to Saduki’s genitals, now began again. Saduki’s organ was fully
erect. Using his folded fan, he tapped the girl sucking his testicle and she immediately moved her mouth to its companion. He
tapped the girl sucking his penis, and the movements of her mouth became more rapid. Saduki felt his sap rising. *Hai*, it was
here. Without moving a muscle or making a sound, he discharged in the girl’s mouth.
Ayame sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed. The sperm was a bit on the watery side, but she was surprised by the
abundance of it and some of it escaped her lips to dribble out of the corners of her mouth. A shudder of fear passed through her as she prayed Lord Saduki would not notice her clumsiness. She quickly retrieved the escaped sperm with her fingers and sucked
the fingers clean.
Saduki’s eyes had been fixed on the opposite wall, and he had not seen the girl’s error. Now he bent his head to look down at his shrinking organ. His flesh glistened. With his fan, he
tapped Long-face, the girl who had been sucking his testicles, and she immediately bent to clean his penis with her tongue and
mouth. Saduki watched the sliding of her pink tongue without interest, his mind on the emissary from Edo. Finally, he pushed the girl away with his foot and he rose.
