My neighbour adores my wife! Part 8

The final part. Link to the previous part:


The next day morning, Tom woke up to see Anna already awake. ‘Good morning baby!’
‘Good morning.’
‘It was so sexy yesterday.’
‘What? Did the sound from Boyd’s apartment bother you?’
‘No, not really.’
‘Then, do you want to talk?’
‘About what?’
‘About what Julie did’
‘Boyd had his cock sucked in front of us. I think that was a little inappropriate.’
‘I don’t want to talk about it.’
‘Okay. But, are you angry?’
‘No, it’s just that I don’t want to talk about it.’
Tom looked at her. She was wearing a camisole and a white panty. He said, ‘I have to confess I was so horny when Julie kissed you.’
Anna took her hand and rubbed his chest and slowly took out his cock from his shorts. It was semi-hard. ‘Tell me, why were you so horny?’
‘Well, I have never seen you kiss another woman.’
Anna gripped his cock hard, ‘And?’
Tom closed his eyes as Anna rubbed him harder. He moaned.
Anna said, ‘Were you horny because I kissed the lip that kissed Boyd’s cock?’
Tom didn’t reply but his cock throbbed now.
Anna said, ‘Did you want me to suck him? Hard?’
Tom moaned harder as Anna cupped his balls. ‘Did you think I was going to suck him?’
Tom didn’t answer. Anna cupped his balls harder. ‘Tell me.’
‘Umm. Maybe I would have.’ Tom came almost instantaneously and looked at Anna.
Anna left her to hold over his cock. Tom said, ‘Are you serious? Did you want to suck him?’
Anna shrugged, ‘I don’t know. I have been thinking maybe I should have. Of course, I won’t since you don’t want me to.’
Tom said, ‘I don’t know. I think I sometimes feel you regret not having sex with anyone else.’
‘But I love you.’
‘I never said love. You will always be mine. But, if you are okay, I think you can experiment. Of course, I need to know everything.’
Anna said, ‘I don’t know.’
‘Well, have you imagined?’
‘Yes, I have.’
‘Did you like it?’
Tom said, ‘Is it about Boyd? We can start with it.’
‘No. We don’t start anything. Let me think.’
‘But I fuck you afterwards like crazy.’
‘Boyd will go crazy.’
Anna laughed, ‘You think’
‘Ahh. I know. He wants to fuck you bad.’
‘He’s so big and round.’
‘I know you. You’ll love being mercilessly fucked.’
‘No, I won’t’
‘I know you will. You will go down on him.’
Anna suddenly got up and said, ‘No, let’s not discuss.’
Tom asked, ‘Can I get inside you?’
‘Not now’
And so, the week went with Anna being distracted. Tom could figure out that she was listless but he made no attempts to talk about it.
Later that week, as they got into bed, Anna said, ‘Baby, I feel so guilty.’
‘About that night?’
Tom understood. He said, ‘But why?’
‘Well, I feel like I shouldn’t have done it.’
‘See, if you are uncomfortable, then don’t do it again.’
‘But I also keep on imagining what would have happened next.’
Tom hugged her, ‘Baby, I know you love me. It’s okay. It’s just an experience.’
Anna said, ‘Julie messaged me. She wants to go out with me for drinks on Friday.’
‘Do you want to go?’
Anna said, ‘I don’t know. Should I?’
‘If you want to.’
‘Will Boyd also be there?’
‘No. But, we will come back to his place.’
‘Ahh. Am I invited?’
‘Do you trust me?’
‘Of course, yes, baby. Why do you ask?’
‘Then, don’t come to Boyd’s place. I don’t know if I will embarrass you.’
‘You will never embarrass me.’
‘No, I mean, if you’re there, I will feel so guilty. You know right.’
Tom kept mum for a while. ‘Okay. It will be hard but I am okay. You’ll text me though that you’re okay.’
Anna kissed him on the lips. ‘Is there anything we should set as strict No’s?’
‘Just don’t fall in love. Be mine.’
Tom came back home on Friday night to see Anna dressed in her usual tee and jeans. ‘Will Julie come to pick you up?’
‘I think she’s at Boyd.’
‘Cool. Don’t worry. Just don’t overthink.’
‘I am anxious.’
‘You’re my babe.’
‘What will you do?’
‘I think I will watch some movie and have a drink.’
Julie came over to their apartment in half an hour. She was wearing a short dress that showed off her curves. Julie said, ‘Anna, you can’t go out like this. Come on, let’s get you dressed.’
When Anna came out, she wore her little black dress. Her cleavage almost popped out and the dress hardly covered her ass. Tom whistled. Julie said, ‘She is going to turn heads today.’
As Anna kissed Tom goodbye, Tom said, ‘Text me, baby.’
Tom didn’t know what to do. He felt weirdly anxious.
Sometime later, Anna texted him, ‘Guys are checking me out. It’s weird to get so much attention.’
Tom laughed and could imagine her being sexy. ‘Dance with one of them.’
‘Maybe. Julie already is.’
Then silence again.
This time, his phone rang. It was Anna.
Her voice sounded loud over the constant background songs that blared, ‘Hey babe, I missed you so much.’
‘Did you dance?’
“I did. A bit’
‘Ahh. Are you drunk?’
‘A little.’ And Anna giggled. Tom smiled as she reminded him of the first time he met Anna – the same, bubbly Anna.
‘When are you leaving?’
‘In some time.’
‘You’re coming to Boyd’s?
‘No, we are going over to Boyd’s friend’s place. It’s two blocks away from our place.’
‘Ahh. Okay. Are you okay?’
Anna sighed, ‘Till now, yes. Are you okay?’
‘Yes, baby.’
‘I love you.’
‘I love you too.’
As Tom cut the phone, he felt an unsettling sense of anxiety. Will Boyd fuck his wife? Is it worth it? Then, he thought Anna wanted to experiment. She deserves not to regret it. It’s okay. Let her have some fun. Thoughts of his night with Karen flooded his memories and he poured himself a whiskey.
An hour later, the doorbell rang. Tom smiled and ran to the door thinking maybe Anna didn’t go through it. When he opened the door, it was Julie standing along with Anna.
Anna’s hair was dishevelled, her make-up in a mess. Tom said, ‘What happened?’
Julie smiled, ‘Your wife is yours again. Enjoy.’
And with that, she left and went into Boyd’s place. Tom held Anna by her shoulder as he made her sit on the sofa, ‘Hey, you okay?’
Anna looked at him and started sobbing and hugged him back.
‘What happened?’
‘I couldn’t do it.’
‘Ahh. It’s great. Why are you crying?’
‘I thought I wanted to but as soon as Boyd touched me, I cringed. And when Julie led me to kiss his…I puked.’
Tom laughed out aloud. ‘Like actually puked?’
‘On him?’ And he laughed harder.
Anna also laughed sheepishly through her sobs. ‘Not on him. But, I started puking and crying. And Julie took me home.’
Tom hugged her, ‘Ahh baby, I am glad.’
‘You are?’
‘More than you can imagine.’
‘Haha. Well, it’s us to ourselves then.’
Tom poured Anna a glass of whiskey and said, ‘Cheers to the adventure called Boyd.’
