Summer Night Sex

I approach your front door in the summer as the sun sinks low over the leafy green treetops. My legs are shaking as I approach and I berate myself inwardly. Why am I so afraid? So nervous? I take a deep, steadying breath rich with the moisture of Missouri humidity. I stand there, looking at your door for a long moment, listening to the June bugs singing along to a symphony of summer insects, my senses tickled by the perfume that rises from your garden. Everything smells green and fertile, warm and full of life. I smile. There’s nothing separating you and I but this door. I raise my hand and knock.

You open the door and I feel my breath leave my lungs. My knees are shaking and I’m trying desperately not to smile like an idiot. I’m failing. You smile back. We say words that mean nothing. We are communicating on a primal level now that most people don’t even remember exists. It’s all body language, posture, position. Desire is flooding in waves from us, intertwining in the air between our eyes. I can’t look away from you. I don’t know a single word I’ve spoken. I couldn’t repeat a single word you’ve said. None of the small talk matters as you step aside and beckon me to enter your home.

I cross the threshold. The door closes behind me. The world no longer matters. You are my world.

We stand for a moment, staring awkwardly. You offer me a drink…I think. Instead I hold out my hands. You take them. I spin you Into an embrace. Your arms cross beneath mine, your back pressed Into my chest. My breath ruffles the hair over your ears. I feel your breath catch in your throat and you feel my lips curl Into a smile.

Before you can react I move again. You spin out of my arms. My hand is cupped behind your head, providing a cushion as I push you up against the door. Hard. Your breath leaves your lungs In a gasp. You don’t know if it’s from the impact or from the quickening of your heart. I can feel it besting. It is drumming a wild rhythm, a million beats a minute beneath my palm.

I draw close, my hands sliding to your shoulders, down your arms, closing around your wrists. Your heavy breasts rise and fall as your wanton breaths mixes with my lustful panting. Our air intermixes between our hungry lips as I raise your arms above your head and pin them against the door with one hand. My free hand closes over your jaw and your vision is filled with my blue eyes.

My lips hover over your own. You can feel their heat. Your skin is tickled by the sensory anticipation that comes from the knowledge that you are about to be touched, and yet my lips hover still. You feel my breath wash over yours. You start to struggle, your body squirming, your lips reaching for mine. I keep your arms pressed firmly above your head So I can revel in the beauty of your breasts as they rise and fall. I keep my hand on your chin so I can control your hungry, thirsty, questing lips. You cannot look away from me. All you see are two identical blue orbs dancing with the light of mischief, gleaming with happiness and aglow with insatiable desire for you.

It all happens at once. Your mouth is filled with my own. My lips encompass yours as my hand drops from your chin to your throat. I squeeze. You can’t breathe as I cut off your airflow with my mouth and my hand, but you don’t care. Your face gors red but still you kiss me. Our tongues entertwine, discontent to rest behind our lips, they seek to fill the other, twisting, licking, tasting, touching and exploring. You moan in pleasure at the sweet taste of my mouth and from your need for oxygen. Lights dance behind your eyes.

An eternity has passed before you in seconds. I drop my hand and break away from the kiss. You gasp for air as your mind returns to earth. Your arms are still pinned by my grip. You cry out, breasts heaving as I kiss your neck. Your skin is awash with my hot breath. You gasp in pain as my teeth nip at your flesh and my free hand finds occupation with your breasts.

I squeeze and fill my grip and you can feel my desire, my need, knowing that I will always need more of you, never satiated, never Content, always, always I will need you. My mouth on your neck seeks to devour you. I growl in your ear like and animal and you have had enough. You are ready to break my illusion of mastery.

Your hands break free of my grasp and grab the back for my neck. You pull my lips to your own. You were not done and now you drink deeply from my kiss.  I tangle my fingers in your hair and we stumble drunkenly away from the door, faces attached at the mouth as you devour my soul through my mouth.

I feel myself falling as you push me away. I land on the couch. Before I can recover you climb on top of me. Legs straddling my lap, hands gripping my head as your sweet lips glue themselves to my own. My body is shaking and undulating beneath you as you trap me between your beautiful thighs. Our kiss is no longer just with our lips. It is a full body connection and we cannot tell where I end and you begin. My lower lip is in your teeth. Your breath is in my lungs. My hands are on your shirt, and for a moment I hope it’s not one of your favorites.

I rip it away.

The fabric tears in my hands as I expose your body to my animalistic need. You pull my head Into your breast as I use my teeth to pull away your bra. It’s a beautiful bra. It’s one of your favorites. When you wear it you look and feel beautiful. We barely notice it as anything more than a hindrance.

You shake yourself free of the tattered rag that was your top and scrabble at the clasp on your bra as my teeth move from your bra to your tits. I bite and kiss and suck until the skin is raised, red, and stinging. I close my teeth over one nipple as I squeeze the other between my fingers and you scream and moan and writhe while pulling me closer and closer into your embrace.

My world is a heavenly envelopment of soft pink flesh. All I see is you and all I smell and taste and touch is you. All I hear is your moaning cries. My world has shrunk down to your body and been elevated to the universe of your soul. My breath comes in small desperate gasps as I feel heat and pressure building between my legs. I know I’m going to explode and I throw you down on the couch. Your pants. They are a problem that must be removed.

You felt me when you were on top, growing snd throbbing. You know what lies beneath and you want it. You want it so badly that you’re already scrabbling at me belt ad I throw you down on the couch. My hands are fumbling with your button and zipper. Your fingers are struggling with my belt as our basic motor skills abandon us in the rush of adrenaline and desire. I laugh at my struggle and you join me. My smile fills your vision and I am once again transported to the galaxy found in your sparkling brown eyes. I cannot help but kiss you again, I want to taste your laugh and feel your soul caress my heart. And somehow, as my lips are locked on yours, we remember how to use our fingers for more than simply groping, grasping, and squeezing.

I pull your pants off and you help me slide out of mine. I have trouble with yours and you help me slide them over that huge hispanic ass and down your dark, thick thighs. We toss them away where they land forgotten, draped over furniture or crumpled in a pile on the floor. Who the fuck cares. Who the fuck CARES! We Both know the assignment and there are no more garments, no more barriers of fabric separating my flesh from yours and I collapse on top of you, my body writhing between your legs as my lips slide off your lips, down your chin and neck.

You groan and scream in frustration as I drag my kisses down your body. You say something I ignore as I laugh at your quivering frustration and uncontrollable desire. You take that as a personal Insult and decide I’ve lost control privileges again. Your hands close around the back of my head and I gasp for air a moment before you submerge my face between your thighs and I discover myself right where I want to be.

I drink from you like a man dying of thirst. I devour you like a man starving to death. I taste you like a man who has just discovered his senzrs and I feel myself overwhelmed by your scent and your taste. I wrap both arms around your thighs and pull you closer, burying my face in your lower lips. The top of my nose presses against your clit as my tongue dives deep between the constricting, shivering folds of your flesh. You wrap your hands around my head, tangling your fingers in my hair, equally pulling and pushing, smoothing, stroking and sliding your hands over my head. Your breath catches in your throat. You can’t breathe. Your body has stopped functioning as it draws closer to an explosive eruption of pleasure fulfilled you are so close…so close…goddamit, SO FUCKING CLOSE!

I pull away, smiling, my lips and chin and nose stained by your pussy juices and you are ready to throw a temper tantrum. I laugh and crawl over you until my body hangs over yours like a roof supported by the strong pillars of my arms, my legs, and my cock hangs above your pussy like the sword of Damocles.

You try to grab me and I pin your wrists once more. You squirm beneath me but can’t break free as I kiss you again. Your mouth is filled with the taste of my tongue, my lips, my breath, and your own lubrication. I pull away and crawl off your body. I stand in the room, cock erect as you follow me off the couch. smiling wickedly you take my cock in both hands. You squeeze my shaft and slowly stroke with one hand, cupping my balls in the other. You slap them once as punishment for pulling away before your climax and I moan. Then, rising up on your knees, you slide me between your beautiful lips and take my cock in your mouth.

Your hands grip my ass for leverage as you slide me deeper and deeper inside your mouth. With a slow, final push you swallow me entirely and hold me inside your throat, feeling my cock throb as my legs quiver and shake. My fingers tangle in your hair and grip your scalp as I try to thrust deeper. You have complete control over me as you pull me back out. In and out, slowly at first but growing in speed, you fuck me with you throat and listen to me whimper and moan as the pressure grows. You feel my balls constrict on your chin and my cock expand, and smiling wickedly, you pull out and back away.

Not yet. Not yet.

I lunge at you and you duck away, laughing as I chase you naked through the house, down the stairs to you rfinished master bedroom (it looks great!). I burst into the room and stop dead in my tracks, struck dumb by what I see.

Through the passion and hunger, the overwhelming desire and lust pumping my blood at a million miles an hour, I stop and see you.

You are lying on your side atop the blankets. One arm rest in the sweet curve above your hip, one leg crossing the other. Your gorgeous hair falls in curling waves of rich brown over your smooth, round shoulders
Your lips are crooked in your sweet and precious smile. Your eyes are alight with mischief and delight and I feel like Adam when he first saw Eve and he knew that he had discovered the meaning of the word beauty.

I approach more slowly now, and you wait for me. I crawl across the bed toward you, reaching out with one hand to cup your face when I arrive at your side. You reach up to me as well and our lips touch again, the taste of our tongues now intermingled with you pussy juice and my precum. As we kiss we communicate. No more games. No more teasing. It’s time.

My cock slides inside of you. You gasp and shiver. I grip your waist in both hands. You close your arms around my neck and your legs around my back. There are no good words, there are no good descriptions. We Both know what is going to happen.

I start slow at first,  going faster and faster. My breath comes in throated growls as your gasp and cry out and scream.

I fuck you. That’s all there is to it. I FUCK you until your legs are shaking and my arms are weak from holding me up and I collapse on top of you. We are a sweaty beast with no distinction between our flesh as I continue to shake the bed as I thrust deep inside of you. My hands slide down your body and grip you ass cheeks, spreading them wide. Your moans are Interrupted and you gasp for air as I slide my middle finger inside your asshole. You dig your nails into my back and grut your teeth as my finger slides past the first then second knuckle, lubricated by our sweat and your flowing juices. You dig bloody furrows across my back like and farmer tearing her field to madness and insanity as I bury my finger inside of you.

We are rising and falling. Thrashing and slipping and sliding and quivering. Our breaths are erratic and our movements madness and our vision blurred as pleasure invades every iota of our senses and we are lost in the explosion of passion and desire and base animalistic instinct to breed!

This is it. You feel me swell, constrict and explode within you as stars fill your vision and a wave of electric sensation steals your breath and raises goosebumps across your steaming body and sends chills down your spine. Your back arches off the bed as you bury your hands in my hair and you hear me cry out into your throat as I empty everything I have deep Inside of you.

We collapse in each other’s arms. Our bodies are spent, our lungs are empty, and our minds dulled. We act on instinct. You curl into my arms and I wrap you in my embrace as exhaustion and pleasurable contentment draws dark curtains over our eyes. My nose is filled with the sweet, tickling sensation of the your lioness’s mane and you feel safe, warm, and protected within my arms, like you are home and always will be.

Outside the sun has dipped below the horizon. The heat of the day sits hot and moist over the trees. The cicadas slow their song and seek their beds. High above the house with the door the stars watch and smile and dance and shine…

*author’s note: what’s your favorite porn category? tell me all about it!


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