{M4F} “For the Restoration of Vildaret”

(I’ll be out of pocket after posting this for a few hours but I’ll respond when I can!)

(If you are looking for a quick fix and hate a slow build up, leave now.)

Hello all, I’m a male sub looking for the highly elusive irl female gentle dom for something rather typical and overdone, but hopefully some added details and the possibility to treat this as a lightly marked canvas might be intriguing enough to entice some of you…

In the kingdom of Vildaret circa 1476, there has always been a rapidly expanding and somewhat dangerous, free market. For all the chaos it brings, with it comes immense prosperity as the economy thrives despite the tumultuous era of poverty in the region. Anything at all can be exchanged for silver whether it’s a good or service. This is just a common practice until after the passing of the fool king, Saklas. Before his body is yet cold, a new king moves in to replace him with the backing of a zealous aristocracy. King Zuzen was put in his place and has deemed the kingdom “unclean.”

Zuzen seeks to remove and destroy all unclean services including prostitution, drugs, gambling, astrology, tarot, and all other immoral arts. Ofcourse the funds previously acquired from such would be put forward to the promotion of expanding the royal guard, and helping fund the revival of the neglected churches of Innath.
The goddess of healing and restoration much needed in these times of loss and anguish.
This is done by sending out the ever expanding royal guard to shut down these immoral little establishments and purify the filthy silver that they’ve acquired.

Some places willingly turn from their wicked ways seeking to drink of the sacred waters and sanctify their tainted souls, However there are some other heathens who have refused to close their doors and desperately defend their sinful livelihoods against this cleansing river.

Small rebellions and resistances have sprung up forcing guards off of their property either through intimidation or in more recent cases, even violence.

You are a part of one of these establishments and refuse to submit. A very well known and regarded courtesan to be specific. A mistress of pleasure and charm. It’s all just silver to you and in your experience this silver is just as clean as the churches, if not possibly even more so. In some ways, your life might even be more honest than a devout follower of the goddess. There’s no feelings ever attached to your actions, it is but simply paid companionship of the most intimate variety. The lonely and broken men of Vildaret crawling back to request you specifically to bathe them in comfort and succor. To escape the turbulent society the kingdom has become if only for a night.

Though as time has passed, words have been twisted, the citizens brainwashed, and several rebellions converted and dissolved for the glory of the goddess’s radiant waters. Now, your brothel has become the only one left and has acquired a somewhat infamous status being the only one vile enough to withstand the river of revival and keeping the citizens tainted. You are heroes to those few able to see through the illusion, but heretics to the growing majority of those enlightened by Innath’s showers of mercy.

One night, King Zuzen finally unleashed the flood gates of Innath’s scalding water upon you. Sending more of his guards than ever before, they are ordered to remove the pollution of the goddesses sacred spring of Vildaret and do not take any prisoners. With the goddess’s fury in their hearts, and the potential seizing of a wealth of filthy silver in their minds, the guards finally attack the brothel outright.

As expected it is nothing short of a massacre, but the boldest remain steadfast in their defiance, you are among them. Though try as you might as you stand with your sisters and those who’ve come to admire and idolize you, you simply can’t fight off all of the guards. Though you do take down a good few solely out of spite it would seem. Everyone starts to go down around you but you won’t resist or submit to any King or Goddess.

Eventually however you are overpowered and they find that your name and description is one that has surfaced multiple times on the tongues of both the moral and immoral citizens. It has even plagued the inner reaches of the royal palace and their minds as well. At this point they would have killed you even if you were innocent, but not before they try to see why you were so special themselves as if the very air around you corrupted all in your vicinity.

In the distance watching from afar, waiting for the bodies to be left unattended I remain perched on a rooftop. Deciding that seeing some poor whore defiled by multiple men was beyond what I could handle, I finally decide to make my presence known. After all, maybe you deserved a little reward for remaining true to your convictions.

While they were distracted and enamored with your natural allure, sneaking up on them was all too easy. Suddenly throwing knives pierce through the throats of three men. The other eight look on in horror tossing you to the ground and getting in a defensive stance looking for where the knives came from. But there was nothing there, there was however something behind them, two more were now already dead, daggers in their back before they even realized. By that time my rapier was drawn and already thrusting into the throat of a third as he tried to turn around.

The two fools who remained differed greatly, one believed themselves superior and stood true, as my reward for his bravery he was parried with a rapier thrusted straight through the heart, the quickest death I could manage. The other began to flee dropping his weapon to increase his speed, but still his armor weighed him down too much to escape with his life. Despite the differences of their natures they met the same fate, or they would meet it as I let the cowardly guard grovel on the ground bleeding to death while I looted his struggling soon-to-be corpse.

As their bodies litter the ground, our eyes meet. You see me, the skulking phantom that rescued you. I see you the emboldened maiden that remained. We exchange the briefest of glances but nothing more as I sheathe my blade and turn to start looting the other bodies of the guards and even your allies.

The brothel is in flames and there’s no where for you to go. You appear to be the only survivor, but if the king knew you were alive he’d send what remained of his guard to hunt you down, and you knew it. In this horrible new world, you were now a fugitive and fear has turned your patrons into your wardens. You need a place to hide, but where? You decide to ask if I knew a place, after all, I may just accept your now forbidden “currency…”

Hopefully that was a good enough intro to paint the picture! I want this to be a slow burn romance that eventually turns smutty. But it also gets really vanilla. I’m a huge fan of resisting advances so if you could make your character constantly try to “repay me” or tease me in the ways that she knows how, I’d like to deflect the advances with some hesitation, as part of the build up. Not because I’m a gentleman, but because I don’t trust you, and your charming demeanor frightens me and I refuse to be a slave to it, most of the time. Essentially we are two heavily guarded characters in two opposite paths of life, one profiting off of violence and the other pleasure. Despite our massive differences, we are united by a need to hide our existence. Eventually we let our walls down, and discover not only are we capable of feeling genuine love, but we actually seem to feel it for each other.

(I also intentionally left our character descriptions vague because I wanted to brainstorm them together!)

If you read all of this and are still interested DM me with a “🤍” so I know that you are ready to start brainstorming!

core kinks: gentle femdom, teasing, vanilla, and heavy contrasts.

additional kinks: pregnancy risk, creampies, age gap, and interracial.

Limits: cuckolding, cheating, gangbang, anal, heavy gore, scat, water sports, and degradation.

(Anything others are negotiable)

I hope to hear from you soon ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/th0mkn/m4f_for_the_restoration_of_vildaret