HERE’S where I Get Off

It was a beautiful spring day.
I was heading out to catch the bus, that would take me to the next bus, then the train station.

I hated the busses!
I didn’t mind the train so much, in fact, I found it soothing yet stimulating.
The bus is just annoying and uncomfortable.

This time turned out a little different.
I was waiting for bus #1 when my phone rang.
It was so loud!
Do you ever not realize how high you turned your ringtone up?
Until it embarrasses you while out in public.

It was my aunt Martha , she wanted to know what time i’de be arriving at the station in oak town.
As always, I explained that it depends on if the buses are running on time or not.
Once again I got the “ why don’t you get a car “
I could see the bus off in the distance at the stop light.
Aunti, Aunti !
I’ve got a go! The bus is coming!
She was still talking as I pressed the red button to hang up.

I climbed the mini staircase onto the bus.
Payed the fare, and walked back to find a seat.
I sat in the corner as I usually did.
Watching the cars move past gave me a certain
Melli feeling.
Or it could be the edibles I ate before I left the
House kicking in.
I always took a couple before embarking on this trip.
They made it a little more bearable.

The bus came to a full stop and I stepped down
To the sidewalk.
As luck would have, my next bus was already waiting to go.
I ran as fast as I could and hopped on.
Trying to catch my breath and pay the toll.
I gazed over the couple of open seats .
Not much of a selection but, I have no choice.

Excuse me sir, may I sit here?
He nodded yes and I carefully stepped over his
Shiny black shoes.
He looked to be somewhere in his forties.
But, I have a hard time guessing the age of old people.
I’m twenty two and I guess everyone over thirty seems old to me.

The man stood up while the bus was still moving.
I thought it was strange.
Ok, the edibles are in full swing now.
I tend to over analyze things a lot when I’m stoned.
I realized he was only standing to give his jacket is the air on the bus to become rather stuffy and hot .
I decided to remove my oversized sweater as well.

The bus bumped, and jerked then, screeched.
I started to get a little aroused by the motion of the bus.
Edibles always make me horny as hell.
They generally don’t kick in until I’m on the train.
Witch is perfect because I always have a seat to myself.

I’m just going to distract myself from the throbbing between my legs.
I glanced over at the guy sitting next to me, he
Looked to be asleep.
Maybe I can just touch myself a little.
Good thing I’m wearing my “ Train Skirt”
As I had nicknamed it.
It’s perfect, it looks fitted but it’s stretchy so
I can put my hand down or lift it up without too
Much commotion.

I slid my fingers slowly down into my wet
Oh ! So good!
I’m trying not to bring attention to my self but,
I noticed the man next to me moving his hand
Slowly up and down underneath his jacket.
I think he knew that I saw him and he stopped.

I felt kind of bad because, I’m probably what
Got him hard in the first place.
If I masturbate on a bus, it’s a turn on to men and boys.
Some girls as well probably.
If an old guy does it, he’s considered a pervert.’

I continued to play with my self , I couldn’t help
But look over to see if he had also resumed his
Quest for satisfaction.
He hadn’t.
Now I feel really bad!
I carefully took my hand and placed it on his
Erect penis.
As I began stroking him up and down, I could
Tell he was enjoying it.
He Slid his body over closer towards mine.

To my surprise, he reached down into my wet
Panties, soaking by now.
He started moving his fingers in a way I have
Never felt before.
It was totally amazing!
He teased, and took his time until, He realized I
Had reached that point.
The place you go when nothing matters except
The pulsating, throbbing pressure that is going
Crazy For her climax!

He began a different, new rhythm that was
Taking me to my final , level.
The fu’kin best Orgasm I’ve ever had!
As I sit there panting and trying to catch my
I realized that, I had stopped jerking his off.
OMG! I’m so sorry!
I looked around swiftly , my stop was still about
Ten minutes out.

I put my head underneath his and started
Sucking on his cock.
He was fully erect, I was surprised by how big
It is.
I licked, sucked, pushed him a little deeper into
The back of my throat.
He’s such a nice man, he wasn’t going to do
It on his own!

His kind, caring touch and consideration for my
Feelings , this made me want to give him exactly
What he gave me!
A fantastic orgasm!
I focused call of me on his cock , a little ball licking
( Not Easy On A Bus)
Finally I felt him push his dick down my throat
And began thrusting his huge cock in and out
Between my wet , soft plump lips.

That’s exactly what he said when he came.
Among a few gasps of appreciation in my direction.
The driver called out my stop.
I gathered my things and headed for the exit.
I turned back to the kind, hot gentleman and said
He shouted back “ I KNOW It is!”
We exchanged a brief smile and down the mini
Stair case onto the sidewalk went.
