New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 227-229) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 227: The Last Seconds (18++)

“Yes! Oh, God, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” the milf moaned as both her partner and the snake lady fucked her holes.

*Well… I guess our team might have more synergy than I at first assumed,* Beatrice concluded, still surprised at how easily the duo became a threesome. *At least we’re making good time!* Beatrice automatically raised her arm and looked at her wrist without thinking, only to remember that she no longer had a watch. *Oh, right.*

Beatrice looked around and saw that not many participants followed the example set by her teammates. About a dozen or so were still busy scrambling to form what little semblance of a team a bunch of rejects could hope to form. They had no time for such activities. Only one other team decided to have some fun and double-team their teammate while the third reject laid on the ground. Most of the others were busy discussing strategies or studying their competition.

Beatrice looked up and saw naked bodies appearing one after another. Apparently, many people could not wait for those sex booths that were supposed to appear in the breaks between rounds and already took after the example set by her team. *I guess I started this one.* Not that Beatrice felt any guilt over the fact that the crowds gave in to debauchery so keenly.

And as the final teams formed, sixteen out of eighteen masked men split up walked toward each of the formed teams while carrying on their shoulder some kind of long item, wrapped in cloth.

“Just a reminder, you have sixty seconds to finalize your choices and line-up, shoulder to shoulder!” the announcer’s voice echoed across the arena.

“Wrap it up!” Beatrice hurried her teammates.

“Don’t tell me when to cum into my wife!” Number Twenty-six growled.

“I will when all our lives are on the line!” Beatrice snapped back. *Fuck! I overdid it with the whole ‘anyone will do’ attitude.*

“Don’t listen to her, baby!” the pink-haired husband lovingly whispered to his pre-orgasmic wife. “Enjoy every second of our cocks inside you!”

“Uuuugh, I love it when you talk to me like thaaaaat~” Number Twenty-five moaned as she thrust her hips against her husband’s relentless pounding.

“Ooof, that’s the face! Ooooh, I’m gonna cum!”

“Yes, baby! Cum! Cum inside me!”

“I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” the husband tensed up. “You better cum too, you hooded weirdo!!”

“I’m cumming!! Cumming!!”

“UOOOOOHHHH!!” their bodies jerked as they came in unison, with seconds remaining to complete the forming of their teams.

As the other teams lined up, a masked, shirtless, kilt-wearing man took position no more than ten yards away from their respective team.

“What do you think they’re holding?” one of Number Fifty’s teammates asked.

“Most likely some kind of weapon,” Number Fifty said.

“One for a team of four? Who should have it?” the other girl in the group asked.

“That would depend on the type of the particular weapon, sister!” their bearded teammate said.

“A fight between teams then?”

“No doubt, brother!”

“Great! Let’s show them what real teamwork looks like!”

“Hell yeah! Nobody can beat the spirit of our cooperation as long as Lady Anderson is with us!”

“That’s right! We stand with you, Lady Anderson!”

“That’s enough of that!” Number Fifty cut the chit-chatter of her three teammates as the final seconds approached.

“Come on!” Beatrice hurried her teammates as she literally lifted them up one by one while they still came off their orgasm. “You’re cutting it way too close!”

“What’s the hurry!? We have a team already!” Number Twenty-six said as he buttoned his pants. “What should we do? Just stand still like statues like all the others?”

*I’m gonna kill you!* The thought flashed through Beatrice’s mind but she shook it off and said, “Whatever, just get dressed! And shoulder to shoulder!”

“Aaand~… Time’s up!” Thelicia announced.

Suddenly the mines went quiet. As if Thelicia’s voice froze time itself, heavy silence hung over the arena. Even the noise of the lively crowds died down. Only the sounds of the giant burning balls of fire remained. They rose around the arena and dissipated after their spectacular, but short-lived expansion. The participants looked around to see if there were any stragglers, as well as what teams had ultimately formed and whether their mismatched teams stood a chance against other mismatched teams.

## 228: 29:59

“Perfect! We have sixteen neat teams! Not a single straggler left for execution!” Thelicia praised the participants for following her instructions so diligently.

Beatrice breathed a sigh of relief and looked to the right at her three teammates, wishing she had her real team next to her. But this also meant that everyone made it, including the double-teaming bunch, though the girl ended up taking her position in the row buck naked, displaying her fluffy tail for all to see while cum leaked out of her pussy.

Beatrice scanned the arena for Olivia and found her in the company of savage-looking beastkin. *Good for you,* Beatrice smiled, happy that Olivia wasted no time in securing a formidable-looking team for this round.

“Now, as you may have noticed, our lovely staff members have a gift for you,” Thelicia said while the sixteen masked men undid the cloth from the item that they carried. As many had suspected, the masked men brought weapons. A single weapon each, to be precise. And each of the men held a different kind of weapon: a spear, a crossbow, a rapier, a mace… Some of the weapons Beatrice could not even name, though each of the weapons that Beatrice saw had lethal potential, even the primitive-looking club with nails sticking out of it.

The masked men threw the weapons in front of each team. Beatrice watched the dagger clang against the rocks just a couple of feet away from her.

Number Fifty’s team found themselves with a crossbow.

“Well, I’ll be damned!” the bearded man, Number Twenty-two, spit and crossed his arms. “Seeing this again reminds me of the good ol’ days when daddy took us boar huntin’.”

“A ranged weapon should give us an advantage!” the girl on their team, Number Forty-nine, said with a nervous smile.

“With just three arrows, it ain’t giving us shit!” Number Twenty-two shook his head, as the amount of ammunition was the first thing he looked for. “We’ll be usin’ it as a club before the first minute passes!”

“But each team has only one weapon!” the other teammate argued. “As long as we get that one, we can take their weapon too and arm ourselves.”

“We don’t even know what exactly we’ll have to do,” Number Fifty, their leader, pointed out. “And besides, there may be several people here with abilities that require more weapons. They might even give their weapon to the weakest person just as a distraction.”

“Oh,” Number Forty-nine lowered her head and sighed.

A few participants stepped forward to collect their weapon, but a sudden fireball explosion between them and the weapon made them jump back with a scream.

*A warning shot,* Beatrice thought when she saw the masked men raise their hand, aiming the potential next shot into the transgressor’s faces.

“Oh, did I forget to mention it?” Thelicia asked lightheartedly as if she forgot to mention the weather. “You absolutely cannot touch the weapons until the round begins, sillies!”

The balls of fire that the masked men fired off were not even close to the level that Ember unleashed yesterday. But when Beatrice considered that these men might very well be also responsible for the pyrotechnics around the arena, it was safe to assume that the members of the masked staff were no pushovers.

“Now, the rules for this First Round are simple!” Thelicia continued merrily. “All of you have neatly divided yourselves into sixteen single-elimination brackets.”

*Oh,* Beatrice quickly realized what this meant for her, her teammates, and everybody else, including Olivia.

“What?” several participants whispered and looked at their teammates in confusion.

“Well, I’ll be bamboozled!” Number Twenty-two cursed and spit again as more participants caught on to what awaited them while Thelicia continued her explanation of the first round.

“As you stand right now, your group is split in half, and you have two pairs locked in for your simultaneous semi-finals!” As Thelicia said this, each masked man fired a fire beam from his finger that charred a line in the rocks, dividing each group of four into pairs.

“Once both semi-finals are over, the finals begin immediately between the two victors! All fights are to the death! You may not kill anyone else but your current opponent! Whether you choose to use the weapons we provided or not, is up to you, but you will move on to the next round only after you kill your ‘finals’ opponent!”

The crowds livened up once again and grew louder and louder while many of the participants paled.

“The time limit for this round is thirty minutes so I would not recommend stalling!”

As Thelicia said this, four masked men fired flames into the air above the arena, just below the giant viewing sphere. The fires morphed into large fiery numbers, a timer, *“30:00”*.

“Oh, and you should make sure that you do in fact kill your opponent!” Thelicia added. “Any *lucky* survivors will be executed along with the false victors… Begin!”


## 229: The First Minute

“Well, that sure does explain the pitiful ammunition for our lil’ xbow,” the bearded Number Twenty-two said, making light of the horrifying situation his team found themselves in.

“Y-you mean… We have to… Each other?” the other girl of the white and blue uniform team stuttered as the horrifying realization set in. Their leader, Number Fifty, looked shook to the core and did not say a word while she stared with blank eyes at the weapon they were provided with. One weapon to kill each other.

This momentary calm in the arena could not have lasted for long, as the gobsmacked participants one after the other came to terms with what had to be done if they were to survive.

“W-wait a minute,” one guy with an eyepatch and bucked teeth said with a nervous smile and looked up to his bigger and stronger partner, a gray wolfkin, with whom he found himself paired for his “semi-final”. The beastman looked back at his bucked-teeth teammate without saying a word. Seeing not even a shred of mercy in the cold, emerald eyes, the eyepatch guy realized he had only one chance to stay alive.

The eyepatch guy leaped to the polearm that lay just a few feet in front of him. Tumbling to the ground, he reached the weapon and turned around to defend himself from his first opponent. But in his desperation, the eyepatch guy did not consider how utterly useless the polearm would be in inexperienced hands when his opponent already went past the weapon’s effective area. The wolfkin grabbed the polearm with one hand, punched the eyepatch guy out cold, and moments later pierced the heart of his unconscious teammate while the other two team members watched in horror.

“Well? What are you waiting for?” the wolfkin asked his two weaponless team members. “Oh…”

The wolfkin looked at the bloodstained tip of his polearm, threw it to the feet of his teammates, and said, “Use it if you want to. I won’t need it to kill either of you.”

Both of wolfkin’s teammates looked more pitiful than formidable and in their desperation they both jumped for the weapon, tumbling, scrambling and tackling each other, trying to reach that sliver of hope for survival.

Similar scenes developed simultaneously across the arena as dozens of participans desperately fought over the weapons to secure an advantage for themselves, all the while cheered on by a bloodthirsty crowd.

Number Seven’s team found themselves with a square shield at their feet. But was there any weapon that could give them a chance against “the fridge”?

“G-gheee, not fair!” the jittering hyenakin cried out with a resigned grin just as The Cleaver pierced the skull of the hyenakin mere seconds after the fiery timer started counting down.

Olivia instantly struck at her opponent, aiming one of her kunai in the side of some random beastkin brute Number Thirty-three. The brute intercepted her attack, catching the kunai in his fist. With her first attack thwarted, Olivia dashed away to gain some distance before a counterattack. She completely ignored the trap that was fighting over a greatsword with three other people, instead, relying on her own arsenal to win her fight.

Neither Beatrice nor any of her three weirdo teammates jumped for the dagger that they were so kindly provided with by the masked staff member. Instead, they turned to each other, sizing up their inevitable opponent. The fur coat-wearing couple stood back to back—the four-eyed milf faced the snake lady while her husband faced Beatrice. Both the snake lady and Beatrice took several slow steps back to make some distance, though none of the four appeared in a hurry to attack.

“Well, well,” the husband smirked as he looked at Beatrice. “Had I known that I’d have to kill you so soon, I would’ve let you join in on the fun.”

“You can’t be serious,” Beatrice shook her head, even though she knew that Number Twenty-six was in fact very serious.

“I’m not a monster! I wouldn’t deny any woman her right for one final fuck before death!” Number Twenty-six said sincerely. “There is still some time. How about it? I’ll make you cum so hard that you’ll be able to die happy, knowing that you finally were graced with the great Rigardo’s fabulous cock!”

“She’s not worthy, babe!” the milf protested.

“Oh, I know—I’m just too generous!” Number Twenty-six puffed his chest a little without a shred of modesty. “Think about it, masked bimbo: I’m offering you an honor that many women only dream about! Don’t you want to die fulfilled?”

Beatrice’s stomach churned as her guilt for having to kill her teammates evaporated by the second, and she said, “Are you that horrible in bed that the women would gladly welcome the sweet embrace of death rather than subject themselves to your ‘honor’ for even a second longer?”

“How dare you!?” Number Twenty-six exclaimed, shocked and appalled by such a baseless insult.

“Kill her!” Number Twenty-five shouted to her husband while not letting the snake lady out of her sight.


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