I want your erotic stories.

Ever started reading a steamy, super dirty story or book only to be distracted by misspelled or duplicated words? Unfortunately, this has happened to me so many times. I have all but given up my guilty pleasure of consuming juicy word porn.

I want to edit your stories for grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Let me double check your work before you publish a story on Reddit, Amazon or other platforms.

I will edit the first 5 responses/stories for FREE. Please message me for details.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tghou4/i_want_your_erotic_stories


  1. I’m going to be “that person” and just say that this seems like the perfect way to get free erotica. I don’t buy it, and I am absolutely, 100% sure that you’re not a professional editor.

    No thanks. Good luck getting better erotica, all you have to do is look properly.

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