Sometimes you [f]ellate at practice

Sometimes you [f]ellate at practice.

Hey folks. Your fave grad student here; yep, still a slut. Today’s tale is about the summer after my senior year, before I was going to head to college. Come hunt down the last of the silly-boys-still-holding-out with me?

The dog days of summer. We all know ’em, some of us are even crazy enough to love ’em. I personally really enjoy the heat especially after sampling one academic year in Minneapolis. I’ll never live somewhere that accumulates snowfall again, so long as I can help it.

That summer in between I had a few hotties I had to check off of my “fuck list” before everyone went their separate ways for college and other forms of post-high-school life. A girl had priorities. One such item on my menu was a very tall hombre who went by JJ. He claimed to be 6’5″ and I believed him, unfortunately he was every bit as dumb as he was tall but he was a hard worker and really likeable, so that was enough to get by academically.

JJ was the type of guy to pretty much always be in a relationship. He has this really ‘All American’ look and had some pretty broad appeal just at a base level with how nice and smiley he was, then when you paired that with his digustingly hot athlete’s physique and his extreme height and it worked well for him. But luckily for me, JJ had dated a lot of prudes.

I showed up to his morning practice in my best dick appointment essentials. A black tank top over a sports bra, blue-green boy shorts with no underwear, and a pair of open toed sandals. Hair was back in a lazy ponytail and there was only one thing on my mind.

As I arrived to their practice I just went up into the bleachers a few rows and took a seat to settle in and watch. I don’t know a ton about sports stuff but this seemed to be like a conditioning practice or something; JJ had dreams of playing college baseball so they were doing a couple weeks of these practices before the school term started. Things seemed pretty informal so I just sat tight until JJ noticed me and flashed me a smile and wave. I, of course, waved back. I’d been hunting JJ via text and innuendo for about a month but he had been holding out on me. I would claim he was intimidated by what he thought I want, but I think what’s more likely is the girls in his orbit warned him I was a slut or some other type of bad news. They were just trying to protect their trophy man, I get it. But unfortunately for them he has a penis and is not able to outsmart it.

After about a half an hour JJ jogged my way. He was wearing basketball shorts and a thin sweatshirt which was showing just a little bit of sweat at the V-line, his hair in his typical crew cut. Looked like something out of a 90s high school movie.

He stood over my with his hands on his hips, confused smile like some kind of excited golden retriever, “Hannah, what are you doing here this early?”

“I wanted to see you, and support you, Silly.” I shielded my eyes and looked back up at him.

“Wow, that’s actually really sweet of you. I need to do ten sets of these but then we have a 15 minute break, if that’s cool?”

I nodded and smiled and he took off up the bleachers. I didn’t envy the conditioning he had to do but I looked over my shoulder and certainly admired the shit out of him doing it. I do not demand my partners be chiseled or fit beyond just ‘not being a slob’, but goddamn do I appreciate when they are.

He finished his reps and I was expecting him to come right over and sit next to me, but he went back down onto the field where everyone gathered up. There was a quick talk, then they broke, *and then* he carefully came back to me still panting just a little.

“You look…happy but exhausted” I mused as he sat down a lot closer than I expected him too. He took up a spot on the row just below the one I was sitting on, turned around to face toward me.

“That’s about right actually. This is hard work but I feel at home here.” And as he said this I just took the liberty of scooting over. Our orientation stayed the same but I was now in between where his legs were so he was basically ‘straddling’ me. He reacted a bit, unsure of what I was doing, but her let me moved just fine.

“I’m so proud of the hard work you’re putting in! It was always plain to see you were bound for bigger things if you put the work in.” I smiled my biggest, corniest, good-girlfriend-smile and put my hands on his knees. I’m pretty sure he blushed but it was tough to tell with his workout flush and the morning light.

“Well thank you, Hannah. I really appreciate that. That’s very sweet to hear.” He lowered his head when he thanked me; I had him just where I wanted him.

“Do you need anything during your break? Gatorade, fresh towel,” my hands slid off of his knees and down his thighs a little bit, nails gently caressing him, “maybe some head?” I smiled when I asked, looking him right in his eyes.

Shyly, he stuttered a little on whatever he was going to respond with before thinking up a new approach. “What did you just say?” He laughed, clearly embarrassed.

“Head, silly. Quick release, get your mind back on training.”

“There’s like 50 people here, you’re crazy.”

“Well your car is in the lot, or…” I slid down off of my seat on the bleachers between his legs and onto the ‘step’ level below me. I turned around, and slid down into the area under the bleachers while he nervously looked around for anyone spying us. Reaching up, I tugged at his shorts to encourage him to slide down too and he did, still very concernedly looking around.

As he scanned, I reached up into his shorts guided by the clear outline of his semi and found my way into his boxer briefs. “Come on, babe.” Teasing in my best sulty sweet..

“….Fuck” he said quietly and in that moment I was certain his cock had taken over the thinking. With one swift motion he slid under the bleachers with me although it was much more awkward for him and his 6’5″ frame.

He no sooner than got his feet planted before I was already tugging his shorts down, boxers with them, and watching his easily 8 inch cock spring free, already well beyond half mast. I gripped his hips and guided him straight into my mouth, suckling the head as he pulled his sweatshirt up and took in the view. I could see his face contorting with pleasure and surprise as I worked my magic, bobbing slightly further down with each pass of my mouth. One, two, three, four inches in before my soft glucks were all we could hear. It was just about then he started looking around nervously again, laughing that this was really happening.

I was a little mad his focus wasnt on me so I reached up for his arms and put his huge hands on my shoulders hoping he would get the picture. And being the poor repressed stallion of a man he was, JJ did get the hint. Cupping my face with surprising tenderness he held me just so as he started to buck, flexing his hips forward and pumping my face. I don’t think I took him all the way down but I got a good 6 inches or more of it *consistently* as the drool started to flow.

I could feel him tensing up, getting close, so I popped off of his lollipop cock just long enough to ask, “Wanna fuck me?”

He smiled and instantly nodded as I stroked his cock, and just as I tried to stand up he pushed down to stop me. “But I want to take my time. I’m close now. Come by tonight.” And this time, I got the hint.

I returned to that magnificent cock with renewed vigor as he hunched forward a little bit. I was fucking his cock with my face more than he was facefucking me. What had been soft and pornstar like glucks before were now dirt raunchy gaggings as this time my nose *did* make it to his pelvis. And after maybe 45 seconds of the third gear, he groaned out a loud “FFFUUUUUCK” as he stood straight up and pushed his hips forward, burying his cock deep in my throat way past my tonsils and unloaded what felt like must have been 15 ropes of cum. God bless athletes and their supplements.

Eventually I slipped my mouth off of his cock with a big smile and a *pop* and one last kiss. I pulled his shorts up for him while he caught his breath and just kept smiling down at me.

“Have a good practice” I croaked out hoarsely as I stood up and wiped off my chin.

“See you tonight”, he panted back.

Part II of this’ll come at some point, when we both kept out word that night.



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