Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 2: Swimming Lessons [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][SFW]

**2: Swimming Lessons**

***|Sunday, day after the backyard party***

I had my best solo orgasm last night—or this morning—within the first 5 minutes of stroking myself. My mind and my cock knew it’s because of Paige and it made me feel guilty and frustrated, making it hard for me to sleep.

So to clear my head, I woke up early and decided to have a jog around the neighborhood and then probably some coffee before Charlotte and the kids start to wake up.

After jogging around five blocks away from ours, I slowed on a corner to take a nice look at a few restaurants in front of the next property. It reminded me of what Ellis told me of him owning some around town wondering which one of these is probably his.

I suddenly saw Paige walking out from one of them. I literally gasped at the sudden sight of her. She’s the last person I needed to see right now.

She put some headphones on, seemingly going for a run too, before she noticed me slowly jogging towards her way.

She removed the headphones again and asked, “Mr. Foster?”

“Yeah. Hi, Paige,” I greeted her removing my earbuds as well.

I was quite sure I saw her glance at my chest as I breathe heavily before looking back at my eyes.

“Do you mind if I jog with you?” She asked panting a little bit as sweat fell down her temples.

“No, no. Sure,” I smiled.

“Thank you. Whenever I’m here, I always do this every morning but no one at home wants to join me so I always end up jogging alone. It’s nice to see you out here,” she explained as we started to walk slowly.

“That’s good to hear,” I said but hesitated at the end overthinking the message that came across to her so I continued with, “Is that one of your dad’s restaurants?”

“Oh that one, yeah. He usually asks me to bring some stuff there for him before the shift starts,” she said casually.

“I see. Seems like you’re a morning person,” I spilt, running out of things to say—it’s not everyday that a 31 year-old married man hangs out with a 19 year-old college student.

“Yeah, I love early mornings. It also allows me to hold more private swimming lessons a day, so yeah,” she excitedly uttered.

My heart raced, not sure if from the jog or from an opportunity waving at me, “You teach swimming? Do you accept kids?”

“Yes! Most of my students are kids,” she replied with her cheeks starting to get much rosier.

“That’s great. Charlie and I have been thinking of a summer activity for him. I think he’ll like that. Do you still accept bookings?”

“I’m fully booked on weekdays but since it’s Charlie I could give him my Saturday morning. Let me know if he’d go for it,” she confidently answered.

“Yes, definitely. I’ll let you know later,” I smiled.

– – –

Due to lengthy sensible conversations on different topics, Paige and I lost track of time with our jog and actually got a little too far or at least somewhere extremely unfamiliar to me yet. Here we got a good view of the mountain miles away and a whole lot different ambience of serenity—a much quieter part of town with less people.

“Wow, this is breathtaking,” I uttered.

“It is. It’s one of my favorite places. And the best part is this small café over there,” she calmly exclaimed.

“Alright, I’m sold.” I uttered, looking at the direction of the café then shifting my eyes back at her.

Then there was this moment of silence where we stare intently at each other’s eyes. With our eyes still locked, I continued, “I mean, how could this be more perfect?”

“Yeah,” she said in a very low voice almost whispery before very discreetly biting her lower lip then looking down at the ground.

I looked away and freed a tiny grin from my lips then said, “Can I buy you coffee?”She perked up, “I’d love that.”

I smiled and mindlessly wrapped an arm around her shoulders while she lightly put her hand on my waist as we made our way to the café.

– – –

When I came back home from the jog that morning, I was greeted by Charlotte with Olive on our lounge area.

“Hi, Mrs. Turner, good morning,” I greeted as I walk towards them to which she replied with a “Hi, Trent. Good morning.”

“Dad!” Charlie suddenly ran up to me and hugged me.

I turned to him to realize Hailey and Jake are also here.

“Mom said we could play outside when you’re here. You are here so now we can play outside?” He added still hugging my hip.

“Of course, buddy. Come on kids, get the stuff you want to bring outside,” I patted his head before addressing all three of them.

As I accompany them outside, I took time to ask Charlie if he wanted to take swimming lessons with Paige.

“Really?!” He exclaimed.

“Yes, bud. She’ll come here to teach you every Saturday morning, are you cool with that?”

“Yes!” He blurted before running towards his new friends.

I sat down the chair on the poolside and started texting Paige.

*Hey, it’s Trent. Charlie said yes. I’ll tell his mom later but for sure she’ll be okay with it. Also, your Mom and the twins are here.*

After a few minutes she replied.

*That’s good. Can’t wait to start the lessons. Update me if ever Mrs. Foster says no 😬. Dad just told me they really want to play with Charlie again. Bear with my siblings please.*

I quickly replied with:

*They are being very good. Kids are little too energetic at times but we love them here. Charlie enjoys being with them so much.*

She then typed something then stopped before typing again and sending:

*Should I come over and help? 🙂. You’re right, they are most times too enthusiastic.*

The suspicious smiley face stared at me suspiciously. Does this mean something, I thought. Is she flirting with me, I thought. But immediately brushed these off thinking I was just definitely overthinking things.

I instead replied:

*Of course! You can come over anytime you want.*

She started typing something then stopped again but now she didn’t type anything else for a while.

So I’ve decided to add this to clear the air:

*You and your family are always welcome here.*

But still, she didn’t reply after that.

And I have to admit I checked my phone every damn minute for her reply thinking I might have creeped her off or something.

Around evening, while the four of us were having our dinner, I received a text from Paige apologizing for not replying because something came up. This took Charlotte’s attention from the spoonful of baby food to my phone on the table.

I looked at the screen and quickly said, “Oh, I almost forgot. Did you know one of the Turner’s daughters does swimming lessons?”

She continued feeding Chloe while answering, “Yeah, Olive mentioned to me earlier. It’s Paige, right?”

“Yes. I asked her if she could teach Charlie. It’s a good summer activity,” I explained.

“Yes, Mom. I want to learn how to swim,” Charlie blurted while chewing a carrot.Charlotte smiled at Charlie then turned to ask me, “That’s good honey. When do they start?”

– – – – –

***|Saturday, first swimming lesson day***

Paige came at our house around 10 minutes before 7. I led her to our backyard pool and gave her a little tour.

I was in the middle of telling her that Charlie just woke up and be probably out within a few minutes when she started stripping in front of me.

She pulled the oversized shirt over her head and the denim shorts down her legs revealing a decent looking one-piece swimsuit that looked so tight it hugged her slim waist and pushed her chest up.

I was uncertain if I let out a gasp but was sure that I looked visibly stunned as I hear her apologize, “I’m sorry. I—I should’ve—“

“No, no. It’s fine, don’t worry,” I cut her off before turning away then point to our small jacuzzi and to say some gibberish about the pool.

We continued to chat casually but every time my eye takes a gaze at her, my aroused self slowly breaks away from sanity. The fact that I didn’t see her since that day we went for a jog didn’t help at all. So I finally decided to get out of the situation before my manhood goes on a full blown boner and headed back in to pick up Charlie.

As I went in I sprinted to the bathroom and calmed myself down. Within a few minutes of breathing exercises, I managed to postpone my erection and got out.

On my way to Charlie’s room, Charlotte timely walked out of our room then asked, “Is Paige here?”

“Uh yeah, she’s waiting for Charlie by the pool,” I replied.

“Alright, I’d like to meet her. Could you get Charlie?” She said in a soft voice.

I didn’t know why but I suddenly got nervous at the thought of Charlotte meeting Paige but replied calmly, “Sure. We’ll be out in a few.”

Charlie and I walked out to the backyard and found my wife and Paige seating on the poolside chairs, both of them giggling.

Charlie ran off to greet her shouting, “Paiiige!”

Charlotte looked at us and laughed at how silly our son looked.

Paige smiled widely as she knelt down to hug Charlie.

I then walked towards them just as Charlotte stood up to tell me, “I got to go, honey. Chloe’s check-up is at 8am. Please look after Charlie.”

I honestly forgot about Chloe’s check-up with a pediatrician I met a month ago when I bought the small clinic beside it, but I said, “Of course, don’t worry about Charlie. You two take care and let me know if you need anything, okay?”

She smiled and tried to kiss me but I subtly dodged it and instead gave her a cheek kiss. She gave me a disappointed look in return which I completely understood, but a kiss from her was something I still cannot accept.

She continued to walk back to the house. I then turned to look at Charlie and Paige only to realize she was already looking at me and quickly turned away to talk to Charlie again. I was quite sure she saw me dodge my wife’s kiss.

– – – – –

After an hour and a half of swimming basics, Paige ended their first session and let Charlie swim around and enjoy on his own with our supervision. She pulled herself off the poolside in front of me so I stood up to reach in and spot her.

She got up, grabbed a towel, and sat on the chair beside me. While gently drying her skin off, she uttered, “Charlie is a fast learner.”

I turned to look at her saying, “That’s great, right?”

She turned to look at me not saying anything but I felt how her eyes tried so hard to read me before answering in a soft voice, “Yeah.”

She gazed at Charlie for a second before looking back at me.

She seemed concerned so I asked, “Is something bothering you?”

“I—I, no, it’s nothing. Don’t mind me,” she hesitantly replied resting her elbows onto her knees with her chin on her palm.

“You saw what happened earlier, don’t you?” I asked as my eyes unintentionally caught a water droplet running from her neck to the ridge between her breasts.

She looked at my eyes—I quickly shifted my line of sight to her face—studying me again, “Yeah. And I don’t want to be nosy, I’m sorry. I just felt a little concerned, but that’s all, you don’t have to say anything. I’m sorry. Don’t mind me.”

I was able to smile at her before Charlie called me to pick him up to finally have some shower. As soon as Charlie got to the poolside, Paige quickly said to him, “It’s nice to teach you today, Charlie. You’re a great student. Same time next week?”

“Yes! Thank you, teacher Paige,” he replied then Paige patted him on the head.

She then turned to me saying, “I’ll go now, Mr. Foster. Thank you for today.”

– – – – – – – – – –


*Here’s Chapter 2. This is SFW so I will upload Chapter 3 (NSFW) along with this to make up for it.*

