Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 3: Physical Examination [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][gynecologist][physical exam][checkup][doctor][patient][clinic]

**3: Physical Examination**

***|Friday, 4th week since moving in***

I woke up a bit late this morning around 9. I didn’t feel like going for a jog today and I’m not sure why, I guess it’s just one of those days when doing nothing is the best thing to do.

Considering the surge of patients I met this past two weeks, I thought this maybe my body asking me to take the day off.

I stared at my phone for a few minutes as I sit on the edge of our bed. Honestly and embarrassingly waiting for Paige to message me. For what reason, I don’t know. I didn’t text her either. I don’t know what I was expecting.

I haven’t seen her since their first swimming lesson two weeks ago. I had fully booked clinic schedules during two subsequent Saturdays after that. I didn’t see her during my jogs either as I even have to squeeze my runs at evenings. I’ve talked to her through text twice to let her know that I won’t be able to supervise their lessons. But that’s it.

I knew I shouldn’t worry, but something in me did.

“Fuck,” I groaned in frustration and let my back lie down the bed again.

I then heard laughters downstairs seemingly coming from my wife and another woman. She didn’t tell me her mom will be coming over, I thought.

I went down and was surprised to see Liz, Charlotte’s younger sister, hugging her. I instantly got annoyed not only because I wasn’t told but mainly because I don’t really like her.

Liz never liked me as a man for Charlotte since the very beginning. At first I didn’t understand why, but as we progressed with our relationship, I realized her real reason. She wanted me for herself.

When Charlotte got pregnant with Charlie while we were living in, Liz started to stay at our house almost everyday. Making it look like she’s concerned for my wife’s and baby’s health while taking her time to show me how much she liked me.

She flirted with me, gave me naughty glances, told me things she thought would arouse me, and if that’s not enough she even told me how her sister doesn’t look good anymore and that I deserve someone hotter like her.

But I never liked her, not once. I didn’t see her the way she wanted me to but I may have been wrong to keep this a secret from Charlotte. I saw how close they are and was aware of how much she trusts her only sister. I didn’t know how to break it to her that she is flirting with me and is saying those things about her.

Besides, I knew that time that if it comes to worst, Charlotte would believe her over me and the chances that I might even come out as the villain was extremely high. So all left for me to do was to show my discomfort every time Liz was around and hope that my wife would realize it, but obviously she didn’t.

“Hi, Trent,” Liz greeted and walked towards me before giving me the unwarranted cheek to cheek courtesy.

“Good to see you. I didn’t think I’ll catch you here. I guess you’re not busy today?” She asked smiling widely.

“Well, I am. Actually, I need to move now ‘cause I have a patient waiting for me, so…you two enjoy,” I lied and swiftly moved myself out of the interaction.

I came back to our room and lazily got myself ready for work. Though I didn’t have any appointment today, I’d prefer to be in my clinic waiting for walk-in patients than to be in this house with Liz.

After a few minutes of taking a quick shower, I got out of our bathroom with a towel loosely hanging around my hip. Then I saw Liz sitting on our bed looking at me.

“I’m sorry. I thought this is the guest room, my bad,” she mockingly apologized before biting her lower lip.

“Get out, right now,” I sternly commanded.

“Alright, calm down,” she said raising her hands up in the air. She walked out the door but peeked her head back in to say, “You’re aging like fine wine, Trent.”

I waited for her to pull her head out before slamming the door to her face.

I got into my clothes in the fastest way possible and hurriedly made my way out of the house after saying goodbyes to my wife and kids.

– – –

I only had two patients in their early 20s visit in the past 4 hours, much less than usual. It was indeed an awful day, or so I thought.

“You could take the rest of the day off. It’s a lax day so I can handle this,” I told my clinic assistant who was on her phone, must’ve been passing time.

She thanked me and went straight out after a few minutes.

I sat back in my office again and decided to read a book to ignore the silence and slow movement of the day. A few pages later, I heard the clinic door open and a female voice saying, “Dr. Hall?”

I walked out of my office to see Paige standing by the door. Confused, we said each other’s names at the same time.

A smile escaped her lips as she tried to ask, “Is Dr. Hall here? Why…are you here?”

“She’s not here. She has retired last month. I own and manage this clinic since then,” I calmly told her remembering that I unintentionally left out the detail that I’m a gynecologist when we had a talk in the cafe.

“I see,” she murmured, surprised.

I walked closer to her and asked, “Were you supposed to see her? I mean, is she you doctor?”

She looked up at me to make up for more than a foot difference in our heights as she nodded, “Uhm, yeah.”

I could hear my heart beating so loudly at this point when I said to her, “Well, I could be your doctor if you’re okay with that. She left copies of her patients’ medical records here for me to use if ever patients decided to continue under my care.”

“Sure. I mean, why not. Right?” She mumbled, clearly nervous.

“Alright,” I smiled then asked casually “Do you want to proceed now or set an appointment?”

“Now, I guess,” she uttered, putting her hair behind her ear.

“Okay, come with me,” I said leading her to my office.

After taking her records from the registry, I sat across her and quickly ran my eyes on it.

Paige suddenly spoke, “Before we start, I just want to tell you that my parents weren’t aware I was seeing Dr. Hall.”

I looked at her without saying anything.

“I know there’s nothing wrong with having regular check-ups with a gynecologist but my parents are kind of strict with us. You would see in my records that I started to take pills since 16. They didn’t know I was sexually active that time. They didn’t even know I was seeing someone back then. So please, I expect you to keep this a secret just as what Dr. Hall did. Please?”

I nodded and assured her, “Don’t worry, Paige. I completely understand and I promise I won’t let them know, okay?”

“Thank you, Mr. Foster,” she uttered.

I smiled at her before continuing to skim over her records then saying, “So, you’re supposed to have your a physical exam today.”

“Yes,” she said while intently looking at my eyes.

I started asking her the usual questions before the exam including, “Have you engaged in sexual activity in the last 24 hours?”

“No,” she quickly answered.

I wrote her response then followed up with, “Do you remember the last time you had sex?”

She gasped a little before hesitating, “Uhm, I don’t know exactly. Probably a month ago. Definitely before I came back here.”

“Good,” I smiled before continuing, “You’re good to take the exam today.”

The thought of running a physical examination to Paige raised my body temperature—a thing that never happened to me with all other patients.

I sighed heavily and explained, “So that will include a urine test, external and internal pelvic exam, pap smear, and a breast exam. We’ll start with the breast exam, but let me know if you’ll be able to urinate so you could take your sample. Okay?”

“Okay, but I can’t afford to skip swimming classes for a few weeks. So if it’s fine I’d like to skip Pap smear for some other time,” she requested.

“That’s fine but just to be clear, you still need to have it done. And if that’s all, you may take your top off for the breast exam,” I looked at her with a serious face trying my best to hide how aroused I was.

“Yes, of course,” she replied with a hint of giggling in her voice then added, “This is a bit awkward isn’t it, Mr. Foster?”

“Yeah, it kind of is. I was actually about to say that. But don’t worry, this is purely professional. I’m your doctor now,” I smiled before walking away to prepare the examining table as she stripped down behind me.

“Of course,” she uttered.

I heard her walking towards me so I turned to face her and instructed her, “Sit here and open up your gown so I could start the breast exam.”

When she did, I completely lost my cool. It became clear to me that my attraction to her is real. I literally stared at her chest for too long and mumbled, “Wow, I mean I—I’ll start now.”

She bit her lower lip as she looked at my eye saying nothing.

I palmed her right breast first and it was big and perky enough to sit on my hand without me lifting it. As soon as I my gloved hand made contact with her, I saw how her nipples harden even more.

“Is it cold?” I asked while pressing around the other breast.

She blushed at the question and replied, “Yeah, a little.”

I honestly didn’t fight the urge and massaged both breasts at the same time making sure my fingers lightly touch her nipples, which definitely made her move her legs and clench her thighs tighter.

I abruptly stopped and told her, “There’s nothing to worry about. You’re breasts are healthy.”

“Good to know,” she panted fanning her hand to blow wind to her sweaty forehead.

Now I was sure she felt the same way as I do, at least the part where we were both aroused by each other.

I looked at her questionably as if saying I thought it was cold.

She defensively spoke, “Uhm, it’s getting hot, not sure why.”

“It is. Definitely. Do you want me to adjust the temperature?” I rode on.

“No, no. It’s fine,” she quickly denied.

I grinned a little before asking, “Okay. Could you lie down now please? We’ll start with the pelvic exam. Scoot a bit over here and rest your legs over here.”

She breathed heavily as she followed my instructions.

I put my hand on her shoulder and asked, “Are you okay? Nervous?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m okay. You could start now,” she answered as she completely lied down.

“Alright, I’ll begin,” I said in a low voice as I lowered my head towards her inner thigh and instantly saw how wet her swollen vagina was.

I returned the lube bottle I was holding to the side table as I realize it won’t be needed anymore. I took a deep breathe as I touch her labia with my gloved index finger. I lightly traced her slit down then up until I touched her clit which made her hips jerk.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured as the sound of her voice was muffled by her hand covering her mouth.

“You’re good, just relax,” I smirked feeling my crotch hardening inside my pants.

I then pressed two fingers on her opening over and over, lubricating my gloves with her juices before finally pushing both fingers slowly into her.

She moved her hands to grab the sides of the table freeing her mouth as it released a pleasured moan.

“Did it hurt?” I asked, though I know for sure it didn’t.

“No,” she replied in a breathy voice.

“It felt good then, did it?” I asked trying my best to not sound like a jerk.

She didn’t answer but when I started to move my fingers inside her she moaned again then began to move her hips in tiny circles.

I pulled my fingers out then pushed three in then out and in. I felt how her insides start to tighten around my fingers just as I felt how my cock hurts so bad from being constricted that it now visibly sculpted and grew towards my right thigh.

I then levered my thumb on to her clit, pressing it on a circular motion, to have more force in fucking her with my fingers.

“Oh god,” she groaned a little too loudly this time, no longer caring about anything else. So was I.

– – – – – – – – – –


*I just realized Chapter 4 needs to be read soon after this since it’s a continuation so I’ll also upload it now.*

