Opened my home to a kid who’s part horse [FM]

So, let’s get this out of the way to begin with, since I know how this goes. I’m 46, recently divorced, 5’6″, shoulder length brown hair, 130 soaking wet, with a good portion of that in my breasts (hence the name, The1WithBigTits). Anyway, I have an old friend from college, Lindsey, who had asked if I could help her out. Her son, Danny, has been going to college near where I live, and had been evicted from his apartment for some reason. Since I got the house in the split (and almost everything else, downside to being cliché and knocking up the secretary), and my kids are out of the house, I figured it’d be nice to have some company. I had this memory of Danny from a while ago as, well, a scrawny little kid, so you can imagine my surprise when this not so scrawny college kid shows up to stay in the guest house. Things go well to begin with, he’s a good tenant, pays the token amount in rent on time, and helps out around the house if I need it.

The reason I’m here is, well, there are 2 reasons. The other day a pipe or something burst in the guest house, so he’s been using the shower in the main house. The first day, I guess he just walks around naked for a while after a shower, and he left his clean clothes in the guest house, so he just walked back out naked. The path to the backyard goes through the kitchen, where I happen to be, and I managed to catch him. I would say I “caught an eyeful”, but there’s a good chance he could put an eye out with that thing. Along with his formidable appendage, he was in surprisingly good shape. I guess he manages to hide it with his plain clothes, and some industrial tape or something, because that seems like it’d get in the way when walking. Are they putting something in the water nowadays or something?

The other reason, and the reason I made this account (used to just lurk, but a friend said this would be easier than having to remember all the slutty subreddits and type them all out each time I want to masturbate) was what happened last night. I went out with some friends to celebrate being single again (they’re mostly still married, so it was just a lot of drinks), and when I got home I noticed some music coming from the backyard. Being reasonably inebriated (don’t worry, didn’t drink & drive, uber’d back), I decided to check out this mysterious tune coming from the backyard. Turns out it wasn’t coming from the backyard, but the guesthouse. Apparently Danny uses it to cover up, from what I could hear, him and some poor girl who’s going to need a wheelchair in the morning. I put my ear up to the door and heard this girl practically screaming for him to go harder, choke her, spank her, and in my intoxicated state I started rubbing myself. I quickly came to my senses and went inside as quietly as I could, and went straight for one of my toys.

I passed out on top of my sheets, still wearing the dress from last night, looking like a mess, with one of my toys between my legs. So I got up, had some coffee, and went to see if Danny and his friend were still back there, but they both had left already. Now whenever I think of him, I think of me becoming that girl who he sends into orbit, at least I wouldn’t have to walk far to get home…



  1. Please fuck him and report back.

    Thank you for your attention in this matter.

  2. Such a hot story! Thanks for posting. I really hope this goes further…

  3. Pretty sure he’s interested in you if he’s walking around naked. Also, gonna need visual confirmation to verify your username

  4. Yes please try your luck. I’m sure he has imagined the same with you 😉

  5. Yes he did walk around naked on purpose. You are both adults. So give him an opening.

  6. Short skirt while gardening with a colorful thong. A lot of unnecessary bending over. A top that is more cleavage than coverage should do the trick. Go get the cock

  7. So how much is a good portion and as long as he’s legal…You did tell your friend you’d take care of him

  8. Well, uhhh….now you’re going to have to show us your tits after that description.

  9. I’m liking what I’m reading, any follow ups would be great hear! May also need some confirmation of said appendage and also if the reason for you username… For research purposes of course 🤪.

  10. Alternative take: he walks around naked b/c it is comfy. I’m guessing maybe he is clueless about an older woman finding him tempting. That said, I say you should drop some hints to him that you heard him having sex. See where it goes.

    I would’ve loved to have an older woman seduce me when I was in college.

  11. Yu probably wouldn’t like me staying in your guesthouse I have a habit of not wearing clothes when I’m at home

  12. Ew dude this story sucks, creepy and weird to want to fuck a guy who you knew when he was a little kid and you were a grown adult..your friend’s son no less like where are your boundaries, creepy and gross no thanks

  13. I hope you haven’t gravel on the backyard because the wheelchair may be stuck…
    On the other end remember that YOU are a cougar and him your prey…
    Just curious to read how it ends…maybe a draw…but who knows…

  14. I’m with all the others. I’d like some photographic evidence to prove your name.

  15. The title had me in the first half not gonna lie 🤣 at this point you gotta go for a test drive on this “horse”

  16. Great story, and sexy AF……maybe you should have joined them LOL. Please tell us when he sends you out of orbit. Can’t wait to hear. Also, the masturbating thing drives me crazy……caught a woman masturbating at work one time and instantly was hard as a rock. Thanks for sharing mmmmmm

  17. I say do it if you want to, and also we would all love to see if the username fits!

  18. I’d ask your friend if him walking around nude is something he’s done at home. If she says no, reassure her that it wasn’t a big deal. It just caught you off guard. If she says yes, then you can go down the path of finding out more.

  19. Will you share a pic of your tits? Since your name is basically that lol

  20. Haha, read the title. Just the title. And assumed it was from r/nosleep. Kind of right but also I was so wrong.. hehe.

    (By the way, don’t feel tempted to post there. Absolutely the wrong genre… ;) )

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