How the turn tables have turned [FF]

Alright I’ve been Tik Toking a lot trying to build a brand while writing this damn book.

*I feel so fucking stupid saying that.*

So two days ago I found out my ex girlfriend HAS A FUCKING TIK TOK. Not just any account either, but one where she describes in detail how to responsibly dominate someone in bed.

When I found it I texted her and was like, “Bitch, why didn’t you tell me you had a #KinkTok?”

I now know why.

I was scrolling through today and heard her talking about how to spank.

*Lol, yep you were always good at that.*

Then I got to one about her making her sub wear toys in public.

*Lol, that’s so funny. You used to make me do that.*

Then I got to a story about how she dated someone who liked to be dominated so much she couldn’t come without her permission.


She then tells this story about how her EX once “disobeyed” and she spanked her (me) so hard her ex had bruises all over her ass.

We were in a wedding that weekend and I kind of forgot about it. As I was changing someone pointed out I had “Some kind of weird rash on my backside.”

EX GF was in the room for this and basically spit out her champagne. I was mortified and quickly pulled down my dress and explained it was normal and I’d be fine. For the rest of the evening, she kept gabbing my ass when we were in dark corners and watching me cry in pain because I was so sore.

She told this story on her Tik Tok.

I think the moral of the story here is that I’m so good in bed my ex is posting about it ten years later.

Seriously though, can you imagine the audacity to anonymously post about a kinky ex partner on a public forum?


*I did text her and we had a good laugh about it.*



  1. That’s just absolutely shocking of her, isn’t it?

    You should write about those events to get your own back. :)

  2. Of perfect, been wondering for a while, ever thought about having one of your exes/former partners write one of your stories from their perspective?

    Btw “KinkTok” is such a good pun, kinda angry I didn’t come up with it but also impressed at the same time lmao

  3. >can you imagine the audacity to anonymously post about a kinky ex partner on a public forum?

    I’m glad you’re not that audacious.

    Edit: wait a minute ……. 🤔

  4. Somewhere out there, I’ll bet there’s an entire forum of people all trading sexy stories and none of them even realize they’re *all* talking about you.

  5. Wait… so does “EX GF” know you’ve written so many stories about her on Reddit??? Or not?


  6. “…I’m so good in bed my ex is posting about it ten years later.”

    I laughed so damned hard. This is all I needed to see.

    ^(You know everybody on here is checking #womenauthors to see if they can find you.)

  7. And she’s so good in bed you’re posting about her 10 years later 💀💀

    Great minds sure do think alike!

  8. Can we give her a follow? Or is this getting too close to compromising anonymity?

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