[F] 35. I am a policewoman and I fuck my fellow policemen.

I don’t have any proof to prove this nor am I going to share any. My intention is to share my post and not to malign the department or get involved in any other means.

I am a policewoman in my local district currently put under station duty. I a married mother and my husband works in abroad. I maintain sexual relationship with my colleagues, mostly amongst my peers and juniors and with some seniors as well. It’s more or less a stress reliving activity for us, and also my only way to get sexually satisfied. I’ve maintained this since day one in duty with people whom I’ve worked with before.

Sex can be generally categorised into three. Station sex, quarters sex and vehicle sex.

Quickies happen in the station. Not in front of everyone but we have a store room behind the main building and that’s where the action happens. Apart from this I go to their quarters for sex and that’s where prolonged sex and anal and proper oral sex happens.

I have to do one or two night beats every week. In the jeep, I have sex in the back seat, usually when the vehicle is running. We don’t use this method a lot because of the high risk involved in here but we go for it when we are passing through sections that we know will be safe.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/td3ycv/f_35_i_am_a_policewoman_and_i_fuck_my_fellow


  1. Fuck, this is hot. Love how this is written, too… straightforward. Will look forward to reading more. Have you ever taken on more thanone at a time, or had others watching?

  2. Look, I don’t understand the pig insults. Maybe you commenters personally dislike the occupation but you don’t need to share your views in hateful comments. They’re people too, and they can do what they want, I don’t care too much. But the insults really grate on my nerves and it’s aggravating to see it directed towards an occupation someone holds as their current employment.

  3. you have sex with your peers juniors and seniors that sounds like everyone except people in the cells or do you fuck them too
    you sound like a real Slut do they handcuff you and how deep have you taken a baten in you

  4. I’m an ex cop you’re as unique as every other badge bunny that got their badge to make it easier lol. Seriously I didn’t know a single female officer that wasn’t sleeping with a higher up.

  5. What you know… police officers are humans too. If this helps you to get through the days and be the best, good for you. But in the interest of empirical data acquisition, do continue with your reporting on Reddit. I am very interested…

  6. Is this a oneway thing or does your spouse get to screw around? Makes for entertaining stories if true. It does speak towards your morals and ethics and how seriously you took you vows and oath. I’ve worked with men and women like you and didn’t hold them in much regard since most were lazy and self absorbed. I’m sure I will be down voted but that’s ok.

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