Midnight water park [Horror] [Tentacles] [BDSM] [Non-con] [Forced Orgasm]

Micole set her phone as camera up at the edge of the steps, intending to record the once in a life experience. She took her outer wear off, revealing her micro bikini as she took a step into the jacuzzi that was still turned on.

“Wow… Someone forgot to turn it off… Oh well”

She slowly submerged her body in, feeling the warm water relax her body and the jet stream massaging her sore muscles from her workout. Her bikini was made loose from the water pressure, exposing her bare nipples and pussy slit as the cloth was pushed off. But it didn’t bother her as she was all alone in the secluded water park. The tip from online really helped her locate a side gate that usually was not locked, allowing her to park her car right outside and walk through.

The jet stream was massaging her all over in random places, even on her tits and nether regions. She didn’t think much about it, looking up at the night sky and enjoying the moment. It was till the massages turned repetitive, as if they were groping her instead of random streams. Feeling strange, she looked down.

The clear water a moment ago was now dark purple, with the current looking more like a whirlpool portal. She wasn’t able to see anything past the water surface, not even her own body. Micole gasped and tried to struggle, but the once “jet stream” was now grabbing her in a gentle but yet solid grip. It was almost like they were wrapped around her arms and legs, preventing any chance of an escape.

She gasped, unable to comprehend what was happening and all she wanted was to escape this pool. Amist all the struggle and unknown to her, she was actually being lowered deeper into the water. The once lower chest deep water level was now almost at her neck, splashing some water onto her face as she came to realisation.


Micole could only breathe out the words, unable to voice out any louder. The fear struck her hard as she felt like her heartbeat was at her throat. Her mind was like the water, in a whirl and unable to think properly. Her vision was wild and blur, wondering to herself if it’s real or just her mind playing tricks with her. Nevertheless, she knew she was being restrained, groped and soon to be drowned.

As the water level reaches her chin, she took one deep breath, prepared to be lowered into the water and begin her fight for oxygen. She held her breath, but the water level seem stay the same as she realised that the lowering has stopped. She tries to struggle again, but to no avail as the grip is dead shut, dimishing all hopes of escape again. Just when the fear of drowning was lessened and she was starting to think more properly, she could feel brushes directly between her legs.

Her breathing caught up again, with a new fear that occupied her mind. The entrances of her both orifices were ran across by something long and coarse, but seemingly coated with something slimy. She could feel something ran across her tits, brushing against her nipples and slowly making it hard with pleasure. It was only this time that Micole realised that her swimwear was gone, either loose and slipped out or released by whatever was in there.

Panic started to build up as she tries to fight whatever was inside. The more she struggled, the tighter the grip becomes. Her arms were spread out and legs folded and lifted up, like when receiving missionary. She recognised the position she was in amist all the panic and fear, as her thoughts went wild on what would happen to her.


Her sentence was cut off by being dragged down the surface. It was like being dragged down the water but inside was a whole new dimension.

The walls around were like an oil coated translucent rainbow wall. She gasped, feeling both amazed and overwhelmed with fear, which she then realised that she could still breathe. She looked around to see what seemed like gel tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs, including the ones that are brushing against her pleasure points. Her bikini floated across her, confirming her suspicion that she was indeed naked. Before she could continue reacting to them, she felt an insertion up her both orifices as she gasped.

The tentacles penetrated her, wriggling deeper and deeper inch by inch into her holes. She could feel the one in her pussy has reached her deepest reach, while the one in her anal was still going, crawling up to her rectum and growing larger inside. They started moving, sliding in and out of her holes. Pain and pleasure senses shot though her entire body, causing her to moan and scream. They were all irregular shaped, stretching and contracting her entrance and insides. It felt as if they were just shoving multiple random objects into her just for the sake of it.

In an instant, her body was teleported into another position. Her elbows and knees were straight as if on a flat ground, but locked in place and unable to even fidgit. Her pussy and anal holes were still being violated and penetrated throughly, feeling each inch sliding in and out. Her head was pulled back forcing her mouth open as the same tentacle shot straight into her mouth and expanded, filling her whole passage way as it started to slide in and out as well. No matter how Micole gagged or choked, it was useless and only seem to motivate it to go faster. Even her belly button was not spared, with a tentacle wriggling inside as if trying to penetrate through it.

She felt terrible and overwhelmed, with tentacles plugging and wrecking hell inside her lewd holes. Pain and pleasure filled her entire body, building up between her legs as she felt and impending orgasm. Her throat, pussy and anal holes felt as if they were going to be torn apart, uncomfortable and utterly wretching but with a tinge of pleasure, enough to put her on the highway to orgasm city.

Her breathing became rapid, chest expanding quickly as she was close to orgasm. With one final moan, she finally released and climaxed. Gushes of squirts ejected out, spraying all over as the tentacles continued to penetrate her.

Instead of toning down, the tentacles became more rapid, seemingly excited from the reaction they gave her. Her mind became dizzy from her climax, submitting to them as her vision became blur. A second orgasm was impending, bringing her breaths more rapid again.

Her squirts and juices seem to activated something, feeling the significant shift in the surrounding. All of a sudden, a single massive eye opened infront of her. It was bloodshot and staring directly at her, as if peering into her soul. Micole’s eyes widened with fear, frozen to the bone blood was drained from her face while being penetrated. The tentacles followed suit, with eyes shooting open from all directions and glaring at her. She tries to scream, but to no avail as her throat was filled and jammed up. Her vision shifted from looking at the giant eye, as if it was feeding to her what it was looking at.

She could see multiple visions, all pointing at herself. Her pussy, anal, wrecked up body and throat could be seen inside out, connecting each pain and pleasure with their movements instead of one big lump of everything. The clarity allowed her to focus more on the pleasure, letting her orgasm after orgasm.

The plane was changed drastically as she could see each reason for every touch. The tentacles in her pussy had mini tendrils sticking out, rubbing her every g-spot along her pussy walls. Her anal tentacle turned more into a string of beads, expanding and contracting her anal hole and rectum as it slide in and out. Her clitoris was seperately teased, as a thinner tentacle was attached to it. Wriggling wildly and jerking it all around, her pleasure senses were shot sky high. Her tits were wrapped up tightly, forcing more blood to the nipple where they were violently twisted and pulled around.

Orgasms after orgasms overcame her, each one more intense than the next. Violent spasms shook her entire frame, but unable to escape or even fidgit. Every other body part besides her violated orifices were numb, focusing her senses all on the intense pleasure. Micole was nothing more than a tentacle sex toy at that point, submitting her holes to the great entity. Her eyes were wide open the entire time, gazing into the huge eye projecting images of her slutty hole to her. Her mind was completely blank, only enduring and taking in everything till its satisfied. The concept of time was no longer valid, as she was merely a toy to them.

Her senses started to dull, expanding and pouring every ounce of energy into endurance. No matter how terrifying her surrounding looked, her mind was no longer in fear. With a blank state of mind and nothing left in her, her vision slowly faded as her body became a vessel of pleasure. She blacked out.

Micole regained conscious, feeling the hard and wet floor as her eyes slowly peered open. She was at the water park again, with everything seemingly normal. The once horrifying water was now just a calm surface with the jets all turned off. Her hands immediately went to her chest and bottom, only to realise that she was still naked. Slowly getting up, she looked around to see that her micro bikini was inside the jacuzzi. She stood there pondering, her heart beating at an extraordinary rate as she wondered if this was all a dream. Just as she was leaning in, the jets turned on again.


She thought to herself as she tried to walk briskly away. Her tits, pussy, anal hole and throat instantly felt sore and weak, making her limp as her realisation kicked in. It wasn’t a dream.

She forced herself to pick up the pace, grabbing her phone that was recording along the way. Every pleasure point and g-spot tingled, reminding her of the ordeal as she was partially sent back on the road to orgasm. Although she was completely naked, she never bothered much as that was her last worry. She never turned back and continued struggling to get away till the back gate, where her car sat waiting for her. She got in, started up the engine and immediately drove off. Looking at her side mirror, she could roughly see a tentacle seemingly waving at her, as if it was sending her off.

“Shit……” She though to herself.

After a long and heartstomping drive, she finally pulled up at her garage and back home. She collapsed on her couch, still naked from when she woke up. Her nipples were still hard and red sore, sensitive with every touch. Her clitoris was no different, seemingly remembering what went down. She took a moment to calm her nerves, before pulling out her phone to view the footage. From start to middle, it was seemingly all normal till the point she realised something was wrong. After the point she was supposingly dragged into the pool, the footage showed her getting out of the pool and onto the ground naked. The only abnormality was that she seems to be carried out of the pool.

Thinking it was a failed video, she deleted it immediately. The deletion of the video brought her to her next latest media, which was another video she didn’t remember taking. The first few moments of the video was pitch black, with the same eye appearing right after. Goosebumps appeared around her body as she froze, recognising the same eye. The next words promoted her to throw her phone in a distance.

“Be seeing you”

(Hey all, let me know if this is okay, as I plan to write more horror themed erotica if this goes well)

Cheers :)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tbmdrn/midnight_water_park_horror_tentacles_bdsm_noncon


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