Emily’s first public masturbation [F/M]

Today was the day, Emily was determined to cum outside of her house. Just thinking about cumming where she wasn’t supposed to got her moist. She had thought of going to a movie and masturbating in the back of the theatre but she wasn’t sure that would be public enough. Next she thought about going to the mall and taking clothes into a change room, getting fully naked behind a curtain and cumming there. She had watch so many videos online of women doing that and always came herself while watching them. This was exciting but she didn’t think it was risky enough. Finally she thought she would go to the public library. She was sure she would be able to find a spot in there that would give her some privacy but was also somewhat in the public eye.

The next thing on her list was how she was going to get herself off. Would she bring her trusty rabbit? No, it would be too visible if someone walked by. She figured her remote control vibrating egg might just do there trick.

That morning she had spent a little extra time in the shower making sure that her pussy was shaved very smooth. She was one of those lucky girls that never got razor burn and felt a bit sorry for girls who couldn’t shave really close without getting those little red bumps.

She decided that should would wear form fitting lower cut purple sweater. She always like how her C-cup breasts looked in that sweater. She put on her most see through panties. To call them panties was a bit misleading. Technically she was covered but you could clearly see right through the sheer fabric. The fabric gave her pussy a slightly blue tint. Her brown pleated skirt hung to mid thigh. Her socks came up to mid shin and she had on some cute flats. She liked how she looked even if it was a bit on the nose schoolgirl.

Emily stood in front of her floor length mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. She thought that she looked a bit like that girl from that Buffy show only she had brown hair instead of blonde. She could see the muscles in her legs twitching, all the bike riding she had been doing was really paying off.

Emily got a backpack together with some things she might need, first the toy fresh off the charger and ready to go. Next she got a hand towel just in case she got really wet. She hoped she would. A bottle of water to stay hydrated and on a whim she decided to grab her 6 inch dildo. She didn’t know if she could get away with using that in the library but at least that toy would be totally silent even if she couldn’t be.

She decided that she would not insert the egg ahead of time, she would wait until she was at the library to do that. She didn’t want to accidentally give herself an orgasm in the car on the ride to the library. She figured she had all she needed for her adventure not realizing that if she had just stayed home she wouldn’t have ended up so embarrassed.

Driving to the library she started thinking about what she was going to do and noticed that she was starting to get wet. She thought to herself I better be careful any moisture will easily pass right through these sheer panties. She tried to put her mind elsewhere as she turned a corner and her arm brushed over her nipple. She didn’t realize until then that her nipples were so hard. Brushing over one of them send a jolt of excitement through her.

Emily said out loud, “Okay, get yourself together!” And then chuckled.

Emily got to the library without any more incidents, parked the car, gathered her backpack and headed into the library. This was the main branch of the library so it was the largest one in the city. She walked around the main floor looking for an area that might do the trick. Nothing stood out to her. She took the stairs off to the side to the mezzanine level. Up here there were lots of big comfy chairs for longer reading sessions. Realizing that she thought she better find a book to have with her. She quickly found a book about a lady who travels back in time and falls in love with a man wearing something pretty similar to what she was wearing today. A kilt is just a pleated skirt right?

She picked a chair at the back of the mezzanine that gave her a good view of the library but she didn’t think that anyone would be able to see much of her from the ground floor of the library. If someone else came up to her level she would have to be more careful.

She got settled in the chair and put the book on the table beside her and started looking through her back pack for her egg and its remote. She located the egg and took it out of its travel case. It occurred to her that she didn’t grab any lube. She wondered if she was wet enough to insert the egg easily. She shifted in her seat and spread her legs, sliding her had up her thigh under her skirt she found the edge of her panties. As she moved her had over her swollen pussy she could feel her wetness on the outside of the panties. She didn’t realize that she had gotten so wet. She grabbed the egg and slid her panties to the side and in one fluid move inserted the egg.

When she pulled her hand away she looked down and saw her velvety wetness coating her fingers. She quickly stuck her fingers in her mouth and moan slightly as she tastes herself. She grabbed the remote and turned it on to the lowest setting and she felt the egg start to dance. She felt it move around in her pussy as it settled into her, she could feel slight pressure against her g-spot. This is going to work out really well.

She grabbed her book and started reading. With her free hand Emily casually brought her hand up to her breast and gently caressed her breast running over her extremely hard nipple. She was mostly just turning pages not really paying attention to the book. Then she noticed that the time travelling lady was being ravaged by a burly man and that caught Emily’s attention. She started to read the sex scene in the book she could feel the egg working it’s magic. She decided to turn it up one notch and was starting to ride the wave on her way to her first orgasm.

“Excuse me ma’am, can you come with me please!”

Emily looked up from her book and she could make out the silhouette of a security guard standing in front of her. Her panic caused her orgasm to crest as she responded, “Okay.” Emily was trying to figure out how she was going to walk as her orgasm started to subside. She quickly grabbed her backpack and as she stood up she turned her back to the guard so that she could put the remote in the backpack. In her haste she forgot to turn it off.

“This way, please.” Said the guard.

Emily followed behind the guard wondering what he could have seen. She knew no one could have seen her insert the egg so she wasn’t worried about that but yet she was nervous because she knew she was masturbating in pubic.

As they got to the main floor she saw the guard walk by a door that she had never even noticed. The guard swiped his access card, a buzzer went off and he pushed the door open. Emily followed him into the darkly light room and noticed all the monitors. It was then that she started to panic. Oh no! Cameras, why had she not thought to look for cameras?

Pointing to a rolling chair, “Please have a seat.”

Emily sat down and realized that she had forgotten to turn off the damn egg! Walking around and then sitting down had caused it to shift a bit and now it was pressing on her G-spot with much more gusto. She felt a trickle of sweat from on her temple as she started worrying about having an orgasm in front of the security guard.

“My name is Brian, what is your name?”

Emily remained quiet.

Brian said, “It doesn’t matter, you don’t have to tell me your name, but by now you must have realized why I brought you in here. Ever since women have been having cam sessions in libraries we’ve had to install cameras. I am sure you can guess what I saw today?”

Emily nodded

“What do you think we should do about this?”

“Delete the footage?” Pleaded Emily.

Brian smiled, “Now why would I want to do that?”

Emily started squirming in her chair. Usually her second orgasm would rock her world and it wouldn’t be unusual if she gushed while cumming. She often ejected whatever toy was in her during her orgasm. She turned bright red thinking of this.

“Do you mind if I grab my water?”

She didn’t wait for an answer and put her backpack on her lap, oh god she was close. Faining looking for her water she found her remote and turned off her egg. She quickly grabbed her water, opened it and drained almost half of it. Starting to regain some composure she tried to remember if she saw signs warning the general public that there were cameras in use in the library. She didn’t think she did.

“I didn’t notice any signs that indicated that there would be cameras on the premises.”

Brian continued to smile, “You think that makes it okay for you to do what you were doing up there?”

Feeling bolder Emily says, “You can’t record people in a public place without advising them that they are being recorded. If you don’t delete that footage I am going to sue the library.”

Brian had lost his smile and started to look concerned. He didn’t know about the legal side of the new camera system. He was just excited he had finally seen something of interest on the screens and thought he could use it to his advantage. Now he wasn’t so sure.

“Why don’t you delete that footage and we can forget all about it?”

Brian said, “I really don’t know if I should.”

Emily, feeling braver, said let’s take a look at the footage and see what you recorded.


“Yes, let’s have a look.”

Brian started playing with the controls, as he did Emily, figuring since she had come this far why not go all the way, slipped her hand back into her backpack and turn her egg on to level one. She looked up at the screen and saw herself walk up to the chair and put her backpack down and it down. She watched herself put the book on the table beside her and saw her hand slide up her skirt. She noticed that Brian was starting to fidget in his chair. She figured watching this was having as much of an affect on him as it was her. She could feel the pressure build as she saw herself grab the egg and then insert it! Damn that was hot! Was Brian’s face turning red?

She looked back at the screen just in time to see herself sticking her fingers in her mouth. Brian groaned, if she had to guess he was getting close himself. She remembered that from this point she would only be reading her book and then she saw herself caressing her breast. She heard a squeak come from Brian.

Emily cleared her throat, “I will make you a deal.”


Emily said, “If I am totally honest watching myself got me pretty turned on. If we both masturbate and you delete the footage and I will let bygones be bygones.”

“I can live with that!” Uttered Brian.

Emily lifted her skirt so that Brian could see her swollen mound as she did he started to grunt and grunt and grunt. She could start to see the outline of a wet spot forming in his crotch.

This pushed Emily over the edge and she started to cum as well. This was one of those orgasms that built until she couldn’t see straight, she felt spasm after spasm ripple through her pussy as her orgasm gave her one last contraction and the egg shot out of her and was now pressed up against her pussy and her panties happily vibrating away. She giggled and pulled it out of her panties, Brian’s eye nearly popping out of their sockets. She reached into her backpack and turned off the egg, grabbed the hand towel and dried off the egg. She put it back into her backpack and then put the towel on top of her very wet panties. She did her best to dry her self off as Brian watched. He looked like he might cum again.

She decided to tease him a bit and slid her panties to the side and used the towel to clean off her wetness a bit better. No point in making a mess in the car.

“Would you like to hang onto my towel?”

Brian gleamed and exclaimed, “Yes!”

She tossed him the towel and he immediately put it up to his nose and she saw him grunt again. He was going to have to do something about the growing wet spot on his pants.

While Brian was in a euphoric state Emily decided that now would be the best time to get out of there. She quickly grabbed her backpack and exited the room. She hustled to her car and started driving home. She was half way home before she realized she didn’t watch him delete the footage. She debated going back but decided not to. She hoped he would do the honourable thing but if not she at least hoped he wouldn’t upload it to one of those porn sites. Although the idea of masturbating to herself online gave her a chill.

She had done what she wanted. She has masturbated and orgasmed, twice, outside her home. It turned out that there was more risk than she realized but in the end that worked out too.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tba3wj/emilys_first_public_masturbation_fm

1 comment

  1. I’m a guy and that’s why I always do it outside he’s still got cameras but normally you can see where they’re at Insight stuffers actually see a camera so it’s hard to know when you’re far enough away so I can’t really see you

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