My first [FF] experience with B

Last night was incredible. I am writing this at work this morning because I can’t keep it in any longer. This is certainly not the most wild story, but it was special to me.

As usual, please no creepy DM’s.

Yesterday, B and I were home alone working around the house. She was doing her normal “nanny” things, and I was doing office work on the computer. At one point, she came over to me and hugged me from behind as I was typing, and kissed me on the cheek before going back to her thing. This is not a normal thing for her to do. We have threesomes all the time with my husband, and we have gotten very close, traded spit, touched each others tongues during blowjobs. But never any direct affection towards each other.

This felt different. I am not used to that. But I thought it was sweet, and went about my work. I got a fresh cup of coffee, and stood by the coffee pot sipping. She walked up to the sink, washed her hands and stepped up very close to me (in my bubble). I asked her “whats up?” and she started stroking my arms lightly as she said “just feeling mushy”. This is a thing she typically does with my husband when she wants attention.

I let her rub my arms, then she slid both her hands under my shirt and rubbed my love handles. I was starting to get a little weirded out, as I am straight and only my husband rubs me like this. But then she started scratching, and I am a sucker for it. So I said, “if you’re going to scratch, go ahead”. I then turned around and let her scratch my back as I sipped my coffee. She started at the small of my back and worked her way up, it felt great. She started scratching under my bra strap and I melted at that feeling. Then I felt my bra strap fall loose as she unclasped it. I hunched over to stretch my skin as she used both hands to scratch my whole back. My husband does this, but his fingernails are short. B’s are long and felt amazing. She worked her hands around scratching and eventually both her hands were grabbing my tits. I tingled all over at this. Ive never had another woman touch me like this. I asked her what she was doing, and she responded with “what I’ve wanted to do since the first time I saw you naked.”

I was so nervous at that point, my cup started to shake in my hand. She took my cup and set it on the counter by the sink. I looked down at it and all I could think of was “i’m not done with that”. By the time I looked back at her, she was coming it for a kiss. My initial reaction was to pull back, but then she locked lips with me, and I could feel the electric charge coming from her as I kissed back. Very softly I could feel her tongue ease into my mouth as we slowly kissed. My body tingled as I could feel every time her tongue touched mine. She pulled my shirt up and exposed both of my breasts and began softly licking and sucking on my nipples. This sent me in a euphoric trance. I didn’t want it to stop. Something was so different this time. I’ve had my nipples sucked on many times, but this was so soft and gentle. It was unlike any other time. She came back up and we kissed so passionately once more that I could feel myself melting. I embraced her and ran my hands up and down her body, exploring every curve. I ran my hands under her shirt to feel her skin and lifted her shirt so our bodies could touch each other. At this point, I could not get close enough to her. I was borderline emotional as I pulled her close to me.

She pulled away and looked at me for a moment asking me if this is something I want. I didn’t know. Our rules of our Poly V relationship are pretty clear. But those rules were based on me being straight. My husband respected it and never asked B and I to touch each other out of that respect. But it’s different now, I wanted it. I kissed her again, and this time, I pulled her shirt up so our breasts could touch. We both caressed each other for another moment with our bodies touching. I pulled away and told her that I needed to wrap my head around this new feeling before I go any further. But in my head, I was screaming to keep going. I wanted to cry when I pulled my shirt down. But out of respect of my husband, I knew he would not care, but I also think he should be a part of this conversation.

Later that night, I talked to my husband about it, and he was so sweet and supportive. He told me to take my time with it, and even told me that he did not need to be there when I decide to go further with it. (one rule is that anything sexual involving B would need to have all 3 of us there). But he knows that I am timid when it comes to this and wants it to be special for me.



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