Professors little pet [M/f] part 2

My mind was completely consumed with the memory of my recent encounter with Mr. James. I was in a particularly difficult part of my semester, and I was struggling to focus on my studies. I woke up each morning, feeling horny and wet for him. Periodically throughout the day, I would think about the way he shoved his cock into me, and this would ignite a burning ache between my legs. After our meeting, he gave me his phone number. I texted him once, the morning after, so that he would have my number as well.
“I’ll be waiting for you to tell me when to cum, sir”.
It had been 4 days since I last saw him, and I still had no text back from him. A small part of me was worried that our sexual fantasy was a short-lived one. I needed to study for exams in my other class, but every 10 minutes I found myself checking my phone, waiting for his response. I felt weak and stupid for spending so much time thinking about him. I knew I needed a distraction, or at least some time to clear my head. I decided to leave my apartment to study at the campus library.

I found a quiet place to study, tucked back into a far corner of the huge library. It was later in the evening, so there didn’t seem to be very many students around. I put my headphones in and began working on other class work. It felt nice to put my focus on anything else other than Mr. James. About 2 hours into my study session, my phone went off. My heart began beating fast as I read the screen.
“Hi baby girl. I want you to play with your pussy and make yourself cum right now. I expect a picture in 10 minutes. Don’t keep me waiting”.
The heat between my legs began to grow, and all my attention was refocused on Mr. James. However, I started to panic a little when I realized that I was not going to have enough time to drive home and play with myself; I was going to have to do it in the library. My first thought was the bathroom, but the idea of rubbing my pussy in a bathroom stall was a turnoff. I stood up to look around, and I realized that the area of the library I was in was vacant. I was the only student in this area, and my table was tucked back into a private corner. I looked at the ceiling to see if there were any security cameras around. Luckily for me, I had chosen a place were I could play with myself that was low risk of getting caught. Still, doing this in public made it all the more erotic. I pulled my black shorts down to my ankles, then my panties followed. It felt incredibly odd to have my naked ass on a public chair. I reached my hand underneath the table, and began circling my clit with my finger tips. I was already dripping wet from the anticipation, and I knew it would not take me long to finish. I enjoyed myself for a minute or two, trying to make no noise. I started think about when Mr. James curled his fingers inside my tight channel, and I immediately had a desire to do the same. I inserted a finger, and felt a wave of pleasurable nerves crashing inside of me. I continued this motion, massaging my g-spot until I felt the intense buildup of my orgasm. My eyes were closed and my body was consumed with pleasure. Honestly, if someone had walked in right at that moment, I wouldn’t have been able to stop. My legs started to tremble and my pussy clenched around my fingers as I enjoyed a mind-numbing orgasm. I grabbed my phone, and opened the camera. With my legs spread wide open on the chair, I took a picture of my glistening wet pussy and finger. Normally I feel uneasy sending pictures like that, but Mr. James made me feel comfortable with my sexuality, and I was actually excited at how hot the picture looked. I felt proud of how beautiful my wet pussy was, and I hoped Mr. James would be pleased. I sent the photo with the message
“I didn’t have time to make it home, so I hope it was okay that I made myself cum in the library. I had a lot of fun, I can’t wait until next time”.

The post-orgasm clarity began to set in, and I realized how exposed I was. I quickly pulled my panties and my shorts back on, and walked to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I returned, I saw a new message on the phone screen.
“You did so well, baby girl. You will be rewarded for listening to directions. Tomorrow before our class, come to my office. I have a surprise for you”.
I felt butterflies in my stomach. I love that he called me his baby girl. A small part of me knew that I was starting to develop feelings for him. I didn’t want to get my hopes up though. He never said anything about this being any more than a strictly sexual relationship. For all I knew, he could be doing this with other students. That thought made my heart ache a little though. I decided to push these thoughts out of my mind, and focus on the present. There was no point in worrying about what our future together means. Especially when I should have been thinking about my “surprise”. My mind raced with ideas of what it could be. I spent the rest of the night feeling too excited to sleep.

The next morning, I got up and began to get ready for my before-class meeting with Mr. James. I put on another cute skirt with a tight black top that showed off my cleavage. I wanted Mr. James to have easy access, if needed. I grabbed my backpack and headed towards his office. I knocked on his door, but I did not hear a response. Then I remembered that last time he said that the walls were too thick to hear anything. I decided to just go in anyways. I looked up to see him at his desk, dressed handsomely as usual. But my heart sank a little as I noticed the beautiful red headed girl sitting in his office as well.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize you were already in a meeting, I’ll come back later!”. I quickly turned around and walked out, shutting the door behind me. I sat on a bench in the hallway, feeling a slight presence of jealousy within me. I hated that I felt this way, because I had no actual reason to be jealous. We were 2 single people, allowed to have sex with whoever we wanted.
The door opened, and the red head walked out. She flashed me a quick look, almost as if she was marking her territory. I honestly wasn’t surprised, I was sure that most of his female students were throwing themselves at him. I walked over to his office door, and let myself in. He flashed his perfect smile and beautiful hazel eyes at me as soon as I entered. He stood from his chair and walked towards me. He grabbed me by my curvy hips and pulled me into a deep kiss. I could feel the strength and passion as he held my body against his. As our kiss ended, I looked up eagerly into his eyes and smiled.
“I’m sorry for walking in when you were with your other student, I shouldn’t have done that. I know I wouldn’t have appreciated someone walking into your office when we were having fun the other day”, I said apologetically. He softly chuckled, sensing my curiosity about the beautiful red head from earlier.
“Don’t worry Layla, you’re the only one who is cumming in this office”, he said in his deep sexy voice. Although I didn’t show it on my face, I felt a huge sense of relief.
“Now, do you want your surprise for today?” He said mischievously.
“Yes sir”. Every part of my body hoped that his surprise was going to be his cock filling my pussy with his cum before class. He walked back over to his desk and opened one of the drawers. He pulled out a little pink U-shaped vibrator and a small remote. My eyes lit up at the sight of the toy. I could feel the juices from my slit start to soak my panties.
“I want you to put this toy inside your pussy for the entirety of the class. I will control the speed levels from my desk with this remote. If you can last the whole class, then I will reward you again tonight. Does that sound good baby girl?” My face flushed bright red at the idea of cumming over and over again around all my classmates. I was nervous that I wasn’t going to be able to control my body. “Yes sir. I will be on my best behavior”, I said flirtatiously. Class was going to start in 10 minutes, and the anticipation of this sexual adventure was making my core ache. He leaned down and began kissing my neck. I let out soft moans as the sensations swept my body. His hands trailed down to under my skirt, and I could feel him smile as his fingers felt the soaking wet region between my thighs. He pushed 2 of his thick fingers into my entrance, and a euphoric shockwave pulsed throughout my body. He massaged my pussy with pleasurable rhythm. As amazing as it felt, I still craved his bulging cock. My breathing became hitched, and I could feel myself about to climax. Like clockwork, he pulled his fingers out right before I could finished. I let out a soft whimper. “Don’t worry, soon you’ll be cumming more than you ever have before”. He grabbed the little pink vibrator off the desk. The U-shape of the toy allowed for the bigger part to go inside my pussy, while the smaller side wrapped around the outside between my lips, resting on my clit. He slowly inserted the toy into me, without the vibration being turned on.
“Now go to class baby girl, you’re gonna be late”, he said with a wink. I grabbed my backpack and turned around to leave. I was worried about walking to class with the toy inside of me, but I could feel my panties holding it in place. I smiled the whole way to the lecture hall, feeling like I was in heaven.


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