Step Sister Corruption Part 230 – Day 126 Summer’s P Blow Out Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Let’s see here I got five spreader bars, three restriction circles, enough bondage tape to decorate the walls, a fuck ton of rope to suspend everything, vibrators, customary butt plugs, a healthy supply of Lilith’s Elixir, P balls for each pussy a few times over, pussy flavoring additive and a variety of flavors I had options, some dildos, a very interesting strap on, and a literal sea of lube.

I think I had enough to do what I wanted.

And what I wanted was to assert my dominance on the incoming girl’s that had just agreed to possibly be part of *our* weird *circle of fun*…..and maybe re-assert my dominance on a certain female as it had been a while since I fully took control of my *pet*.

During my day at work thinking I was fine with Gabe’s day away from us as he honored *our* bet during our mid-terms for the single winner….MIa.

I *thought* I would be completely fine with the whole day away as I *tried* to keep myself busy with work….though I now hated coming to this stupid place as my **new** manager came in and basically laid off roughly a quarter of our staff leaving us fortunate ones enough to still have a job to pick up the slack that this bitch left in her wake.

I’m not sure if I considered myself fortunate or not as I hadn’t yet received my pink slip from my *new* boss though the day was still young.

I originally thought I would be nice to Gabe and see what each girl thought about his proposal of the website and maybe help him collect the money for the website startup.  As I checked in with each girl and getting their answer the more my mind lingered on Gabe….which caused my pussy to start drooling….which made me more and more horny.

Most of the girl’s had told me they either had the money or were still getting the money.  Out of the eight only five had the money ready for Gabe.

Still during my checking in with each girl I couldn’t stop thinking about Gabe….which just made matter worse…..and worse.

I had worked myself up so much I was counting down the time to get home so I could satiate my urges on Gabe…..then I remembered that Gabe was gone today with Mia.

Damn it.

Then a wicked idea popped into my head.

I was horny and thought this would be the perfect time to assert my dominance on these new girl’s.

So I called the *willing* participants and the current selection to meet me at Gabe’s mom’s studio as I flatly told the current selection what will be happening and the *willing* will be a audition to see if they can follow *instructions*.

I was **THAT** horny if I was willing to go full on fur munching to help scratch my current itch.

First I called Kelly to make sure it was ok and to bring not only the keys to the studio but some items from her stash.

Then I moved onto my next easily willing victim….Morgan.

I was a little irritated that I had just missed Gabe when I called Morgan this afternoon and also completely forgot Morgan had gotten a job at a massage parlor though that’s all that I knew about her job as I had never gone to her job to partake in a massage when all I had to do was go upstairs and receive my free employee perk and schedule a massage.  Or go over to *our* spa to get an all around package.

I shrugged after learning I had missed Gabe and moved onto business of inviting Morgan to Gabe’s mom’s studio which she readily agreed and admitted to missing my touch and called me *Mistress* before hanging up.

I rolled my eyes as Morgan called me Mistress but it still made me smile before I hung up with her.

Then I moved on to Karinna for the festivities and at first she said she had to work in the morning.  But I told her what would be happening and maybe if we go long enough Gabe *might* show up.  She quickly agreed at hearing Gabe might be there.

I smiled thinking Karinna was easily controllable.

Then I called our latest addition….Sabrina.  Knowing that this might be an all out cat fight if I included her in my plans but knew this bitch needed to be tamed and with what I had planned I believed I could easily break her.  She of course agreed when I told her this was the last step before she would be freely added at the next group <F> fest.

I made a mental note that she would be my first victim in this all out dominance session I had planned.

I smiled as I imagined having this little bitch bound, spread, gagged waiting for what I planned on doing.

I moved onto my new *willing* participants…Heidi and Jaime Levi.  Heidi was easy to convince into coming over and maybe accept some tit for tat.  As long as it got her closer to Gabe she was in.  Jaime on the other hand was a little more difficult….though not by much.  All it took was telling both Gabe *might* be there and they quickly agreed.

Next was the other additions.  Felicity was an easy sell.  Anita said she’ll think about it but changed her mind as I told her if she didn’t participate in tonight’s festivities it’ll be another couple of weeks before she gets another chance, I lied, but she agreed.  Bonnie was hesitant at first but when I told her if she fully accepted tonight the next chance with Gabe she was in, she naturally agreed.

I tried Josphine but she was still on the whole *not able to share* mind frame so she was out.  Kumi still had a boyfriend and didn’t want to lose that.  And Georgina had prior arrangements tonight…..something about a BDSM party she was taking part in.

I shrugged after thinking I had five out of eight.  With the rest of my cast it was nine girls and me to have some fun.

So after work I pretty much went into the girl’s bathroom at work and took a quick shower to wash off any B.O. before tonights festivities.  Put a P ball in me and high tailed it to Mrs. M’s studio.

And that’s where we were now.

Kelly was already with me as she helped lay out everything after letting me into the studio.

Morgan was first to arrive and I could see an instant smile as she saw everything laid out.

She looked at me, “Where would you like me Mistress?”

I smiled, “Help get the girl’s situated.  In the meantime, help Kelly here hide everything until everyone is here.  I don’t want to give away what I have planned.”

Morgan nodded and went to work picking up everything I had laid out as her and Kelly moved every thing out of sight.

Sabrina was the first to show up and I smiled at her simply holding up a P Ball with Lilith’s covered on it for her.

She instantly growled at me, “I already have a ball in me.”

I smiled as I spoke, “Just do it.”

She huffed and was about to walk off to the nearest bathroom before I spoke, “Here is fine.”

She looked at me then saw it was just her, me, Kelly, and Morgan.  She huffed again before pulling her pants down and inserting the tainted ball up her pussy then pulling her pants back up.

She looked at me, “Satisfied?”

I smiled, “Very.  Now go sit down until the rest show up.”

She blinked at me, “Rest?”

I nodded as I smiled at her, “Yep tonight is going to be fun.”

Sabrina sighed and went to sit somewhere while I waited for the rest of my *victims*.

Next up was the Levi sister’s to walk in.

Heidi instantly smiled at me as she walked in a literal fucking cosplay.

I blinked as I was looking at the sexification of some anime character I had *no* idea who she was supposed to be.  I just knew if Gabe was here he would definitely appreciate the outfit.

At least seeing Heidi in her outfit it was easy to see why she admitted to getting so many *donations* on her adult site.  

Then I thought of exactly how many nerds her alone would bring to Gabe’s website if they get it up and running…..that’s if they girl’s can come up with the money.

Hedi immediately hugged me and spoke, “I’m so glad you invited us here.”

Jaime walked in behind Heidi looking a little perturbed but seemed content as she spoke, “This better be good.  I gave up a night with a potential customer on my night off from work no less.”

I squinted at Jaime thinking I was so going to love dominating her ass tonight.

Instead I smiled, “Trust me it’ll be worth it.” 

*Worth it to me that is* I thought.

Once again I held up the tainted balls for the girl’s.

Heidi looked at the ball, “Ooooo…what is this?”

I smiled, “Just a P ball with a little extra.”

Heidi smiled as she grabbed the ball and pulled her panties aside before inserting the ball.

Jaime just looked at the ball and sighed but followed suit by dropping her pants and inserted said ball.

I smiled, “We’re still waiting on the other’s so if you want just lounge around until everyone shows up.”

Heidi smiled as she walked off and heard her, “Can’t wait until this becomes a thing.”

Jaime just grumbled as she walked off.

It wasn’t long before the rest slowly trickled in.

Karinna came in and easily accepted the ball.

Anita, Felicity, and Bonnie eventually showed up and took the proffered ball.

I waited letting all the balls dissolve before I started tonight’s show though I was itching to get started…..and dripping heavily.

After an hour had passed I looked at the girl’s, “Ready to get this started?”



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