There were at least two parts of America she didn’t hate [FF]

I was VERY naive when this happened btw. It was also over ten years ago.

I spent a few months traveling alone when i was younger. I was writing and had an online job so I just decided to hostel hop for a while.

I met this girl in a hostel who was not initially too impressed with me. She mumbled something about having to share a room with an American and was pretty rude for a bit.

*Whatever, people hate Americans. I learned very early in my travels to shrug it off.*

So this girl wore all black, chain smoked like crazy, and had the mouth of a damn sailer. She was pretty sexy, but I’m also just attracted to anyone who is a little mean to me.

*Good luck unpacking that one.*

Finally she turns to me without warning and says, “American. I’m bored. Let’s grab dinner.”


She picks a random restaurant and chain smokes the entire way there. I barely get a word in she’s going off so long about how much she hates American politics and probably knows more about my government than I do.

*I don’t mind her visceral hatred, btw. I was more fascinated by it.*

“So tell me. Are you like every other American I know who wants to suck Obama’s dick?”

I stare at her. “Is this a metaphor or are you asking me literally?”

She laughs. “If it’s literal the answer is obvious. We all want to suck Obama’s dick. He’s a joke but sexy and probably fucks like a man.”

*I don’t know how to respond to this.*

She gets very offended when the waiter suggests a certain dish and then proceeds to order five martinis.

*NGL, I was a child and watching someone chain smoke, order drinks, and talk about politics with sex seemed like the sexiest, most sophisticated power move I’ve ever seen.*

She takes out her phone when I ask if she has a boyfriend and shows me a picture. He’s very hot. She then flips through to show me a photo of her lover.

“You have a boyfriend AND a lover?”

“Every woman should have a lover,” she says dismissively. “No man can satisfy us completely.”

*I bet I could, friend.*

“So tell me, American. Who is your lover?”

“I’m between lovers at the moment.”

“What? You hate sex?”

“Um… no. I just don’t want a boyfriend.”

“Who said anything about a boyfriend? Fucking is fucking.”

She lights another cigarette and this time I ask for one. It makes me sick but I try to play it off because I think it will make me cool.

*Smoking is for cool kids right?*

We pay our bill and she announces we’re going back to the hostel.

*Is she bored with me or into me? It’s anyone’s guess.*

On the way back there is a group of American tourists that she points out. I asked how she knows and she rolls her eyes. “Oh please. They have flip flops.”

“Did you know with me?”

*I basically only wore black at that time.*

She snorts. “You’re the most American looking person I’ve ever seen and it’s not just how you dress. You’re like a Barbie with glasses. Of course you’re American.” She takes another drag of cigarette. “You have blonde hair, you’re not wearing eyeliner, and you probably have a boob job.”

*Bro the more she hates me the more I’m kind of in love with her.*

“I do not actually.”


“Have a boob job.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it.”


When we get back we’re the only ones in our dorm and she finally lightens up a little. “Alright American. Let’s see.”

“See what?”

“What’s under your shirt.”

“Um… No?”

She smiles. “Are you homophobic or shy about sex? Either would check out, all things considering.”

*What does that mean??? I was too naive to get American stereotypes then.*

“I’m just a little confused as to what is happening.”

“I’ll show you mine.”


“Of course not! I have a boyfriend. But you’re a free agent in a hostel.”

I do not know why I did it. I think it’s because I genuinely didn’t know where this was going to go and she was fucking fascinating.

So… I took my shirt off and unhooked my bra. I just awkwardly stood there vulnerable and exposed while she looked me up and down, licking her lips and finally smiled.

“I stand corrected. You’re natural”

“Can I get dressed now?” We were not the only ones in the dorm and I kept glancing at the door.

“You like being told what to do, don’t you?”


*I did but I didn’t quite know that yet. I was young and naive.*

She shrugged. “That’s a shame.”

She stood up, walked over to me slowly, and out my face in her hands. “You’re cute, you know?”

“I can’t tell what’s happening right now.”

*Are we about to fuck or is she making fun of me? Both are a possibility.*

She kisses me slowly and when she pulls away I tell her I like her.

“Of course you do.”

*NGL, I draw from this girl sometimes. I was not as confident then and the fact that she was so secure was sexy AF. I still think about it when I’m about to hook up with someone.*

When I reach for her she stops me. “I can only have one lover at a time and I generally don’t pick women.”

*Ahhhh, what the hell? I’m so confused.*

She continues. “You really are cute though. In another life we’d see what those natural things could do.”

*What does that mean and where do I sign up?*

“I have to read now,” she announces as she goes back to the other side of the room and grabs her book.

“That’s… it?”

“You want a goodnight kiss or someone to tuck you in?”


“Oh, ok.”

If you figure out what the fuck is up with this story, let me know. I still don’t really get what happened.

So she left the next morning but added me on Facebook before she headed. What’s crazy is she actually ended up with a very cool career that’s pretty high-profile. I can’t say what it is, but it suits her. I also stalk her photos periodically to try and figure out who her current lover is.



  1. > If you figure out what the fuck is up with this story, let me know. I still don’t really get what happened.

    Well, I’ve got nothing despite my best efforts. Damn hot, though; the mental image of you standing there topless to be evaluated is a quite a thing.

  2. >two parts of America she didn’t hate

    Your tits and the president’s cock?

    That was another freaking awesome read, full of chuckles 😃

    Now, importantly: get back to your damn book!!!

  3. Once again, you easily demonstrate why you’re the best writer on here.

    There’s not even any “sex”, per se, but this is your usual “what happens next” style. You are really quite amazing.

  4. *”In another life we’d see what those natural things could do.”*

    Damn, I think this lady definitively rules.

  5. OK so I’m obsessed with your stories gurlfiend!!! I read so much of your stuff today alone and OMG I’m hooked, not only are you a great writer but some of the BDSM scenarios just from like the far corners of my fantasies.

    Also you’re super funny and I’m shamelessly fan girling here

  6. lol the flip flop thing is so true. I wore flip flops in my home country and got spoken to in English because someone assumed I was American.

    And, as always, great story :)

  7. What country was this woman from? I am trying to read her dialogue in the right accent.

  8. >If you figure out what the fuck is up with this story, let me know. I still don’t really get what happened.

    Ok I’ll give it a shot *cracks fingers*

    You know the thing in games (mostly RPG), where aside form the Main Quest you also have Sidequests. Like the story tells you to go out there and slay the dragon, but every now and then an NPC gives you an irrelevant sidequest, like feeding a chicken or fixing a pan in exchange for a little XP or some shit. Just something completely pointless but you still do it because why not.

    Now I think she got a sidequest to “find an American and confuse the fuck out of them in exchange for a book about spoons.” You just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

    Instead of Geralt of Rivia you got Geraldine of Latvia (my head canon says she’s European)

    Call it The Whinner 3: “White” Hunt – Boob and Matrinis

    And *exhale*

  9. On the one hand I agree, us Americans (in general), suck. On the other she was a condescending B-word. Not bisexual, the other one. Ok, yeah she was probably bisexual too but… fuck what was I saying?

  10. She stood up, walked over to me slowly, and out my face in her hands. “You’re cute, you know?”

    You might want to edit that line. Great story, as ever! 😍😍😘

  11. Do you have any thoughts on how you’ve ended up in these situations? It’s crazy to me that you’ve so many stories like this! Do you think you bring it out in others or have you just been in the right place at the right time?

  12. lol Love your stories! but man it feels like Your last 4 [FF] stories have been teases of you just not getting there! lol just an unlucky time frame for you lol

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