For the Love of Stars 2 parts 6&7 [sci-fi, tentacles, romance, incest, twincest, LONG]

6 – Twin Pleasure

Kade felt the warmth of their human partner engulf the most sensitive of all its body. They shuddered in delight, feeling safe inside her. The special place inside her body nudged the bulb of the tentacle and Kade felt a rush of pleasure course through its network of body. The pleasure must become its own energy, that would be the only way to release it. Otherwise, the feeling would move forever, becoming a source of madness. Kade had no choice but to push the madness away!

“Wow Kade!” Regina gasped. “That was fast. You must have been happy to be back.” Warm cum spilled out of her and oozed down the exposed purple tentacle. The tentacle remained hard, pressed firmly against her womb as if to assure her that it was not yet finished.

Happy to be back was an understatement. They were only separated for a couple hours but those were long hours. Kade rarely knew what to do when Regina was off doing ambassador work. They were still confused on why they could not go with her. Anubi could go to space just like the humans. Part of the training, before taking a human partner, taught young Anubi that humans sometimes needed time away from their partners. Even knowing this, many Anubi struggled with the separation even for short periods.

Kade wrapped tentacles around Regina in a complete encompassing embrace. They felt her appreciative hum in every tentacle. Then she spoke, sending vibrations from her wrist that Kade could translate. She saw something interesting today and wondered if they would want to see it. Kade gave her arm a quick double squeeze and they felt something so incredible, it took them a moment to realize what she was doing.

Earlier, when Regina landed in the Anubis Prime Spaceport after her mission in orbit, she saw a couple doing something she had not seen before. A woman was licking her partner’s tentacles and the Anubi was obviously enjoying the act. Before that, Regina had not considered using her mouth to please Kade. The idea stuck in her mind and she was determined to give it a shot. And now, being wrapped in their complete embrace and stuffed full of the purple tentacle, Regina felt the time was right.

“Guh!” The gag she made was mostly from shock. When she sucked the tentacle into her warm mouth, Kade bucked violently. The purple tentacle inside her pushed way deeper than it ever breached before. Regina felt like she could not breathe from being so full. “My stars! Kade! If you go any farther, you’ll be in my stomach!”

Kade pushed harder causing Regina to grunt out, no longer sounding like a princess. Her body began to tremble and Kade closed in around her, restraining her body and not allowing it to move. From there, they moved one slim tentacle back towards her mouth. Whatever that was, they wanted to feel it again. Kade pushed a tentacle into Regina’s mouth and she sucked it enthusiastically. The intense sensation was beyond good, it was exquisite! The black tentacle in her mouth felt as good as the purple one and for the first time in their life, Kade pushed some pressure through the black one

The tentacle in Regina’s mouth swelled and began to spasm. The first burst of hot cum completely filled her mouth and she just managed to keep it in. The second burst completely dismantled her control. The force of it made her cough and a geyser of cum erupted from her lips. Cum coated her face and flowed like magma down her lovely slopes. She swallowed what she could but the majority of it was on her body. The tentacle withdrew from her mouth, gave one more lazy lunge and oozed more cum out that coated the rest of Regina’s face like a cream glaze. The princess was enraptured. She wanted more. As much as her partner held. She wanted all of it.

“Kade.” Her translation vibrations came from inside the ball of tentacles. The cum on her face was warm and it felt good, as if she was being claimed by her partner. Regina could not be seen from outside of the ball of writhing tentacles but a pool of cum was slowly growing out from under them. “Give me all of it. Every. Drop.”

An hour later, an exhausted and limp looking Kade desperately pulled themselves towards a nearby hot pool. As they moved away, Regina’s used body was slowly exposed. She was lying in a pool of Anubi cum with a smile on her glossy lips. Her body, perfectly glazed like a pastry, still twitched with the aftershocks of uncountable orgasms. She was a mess from love making. Her pussy looked swollen and throbbed from the pounding she just experienced.

Regina laid there for several moments as her right hand lazily traced circles on her bare stomach. She wondered about what it would feel like when Kade finally gives her an egg. A squirming feeling of excitement told her exactly how ready she was for that moment. She watched with hooded eyes as Kade pulled themselves into the pool and disappeared beneath the water. The moment of post coiltal clarity came over the princess and she realized how she must look right now. “Damn. I’m a fucking mess.”

The young woman stood up, pushing her dark hair back and trying to clean the cum off her face. She blindly stumbled forward, mostly using memory and slow steps to try to find a hot pool. She felt a tentacle wrap around her wrist and easily guided her home. Regina dipped beneath the water and rinsed her body clean, using more ease between her legs. She would indeed be sore in the morning.

“No Kade, I can’t!” Regina laughed and pushed the eager tentacle away from her crotch. “You got too excited yesterday, there’s no way I can ride right now.”

Regina found it tough to even walk on her own. The idea of supporting her body with her pussy muscles was not one she liked to consider. Still, she is a princess and has duties to perform. A rough night of sex would not be an acceptable excuse to miss her marks. Being the princess of Anubis Prime meant she should probably arrive on Kade but she was not quite used to the everyday torment. She needed time to recover and the citizens would just have to respect that.

“Come on, we’ll be late if we don’t go now. Walking takes longer.” Regina sighed and walked evenly if not a little slower than usual.

Regina and Kade moved through the corridors of the palace together, she holding a tentacle in her slim fingers. The other palace dwellers would move aside and give polite bows and she would acknowledge them and blush over their kindness. The princess was growing a reputation as a kind spirit who was like a ray of sunshine compared to her dower and moody brother. Her smile seemed to bolster good cheer and kind words could inspire total devotion. Regina seemed as if she was born to be royalty.

The harmonious scene with princess and servants, moving around in a happy palace could be the crown jewel of any painting or bardic tale. On, I could wax the details, showing you the song birds that sing as they play in a stone bath or that exotic tree over in the courtyard with golden leaves and neon blue fruit. Sure, that would be quite the tale. But this is no medieval castle lore. This is good a ol’ sci-fi fiction. And it’s past time for some action!

“Princess!” The shout cracked the peace open like an egg. A woman with dark purple combat armor rode into the courtyard on a fury of tentacles. The armor had silver attachments that made the warrior appear completely untouchable. She stopped short of the princess when Kade moved between them, rising up like an angry spider. “Damn! Move you fool, it’s important! Princess! Glax que 476629 vul.” The warrior had to shout around Kade.

Regina and Kade recognized the official daily password at the same time. Kade stood down, moving quickly out of the way but remained close to their partner. “What is it, Kraken?”

“We must hurry, mount Kade and let’s move.” The Kraken warrior’s eyes scanned the room, aware of the civilian presence. “Official business, the details are sensitive.”

Regina felt a stab of pain in her sore insides and knew today would be a long one. “I, uh, don’t know if I can ride Kade. Right now. I’m too sore.”

The black faceless plate of the warrior’s helmet considered the princess silently for a moment. Regina, feeling scrutinized, stood taller and lowered her brow at the woman. Regina felt intimidated and wanted to look away. The urge to submit to this obviously strong and capable warrior was almost impossible to ignore. But she was the daughter of Queen Fiona. She would not be cowed by this woman or any other who would try to look down upon her. Inevitably, the Kraken bowed her head in acknowledgement.

“Of course, princess. Please, come with me as quickly as you can.” The Kraken turned on her tentacles and moved at a slowed pace towards the palace’s stronghold.

Regina felt a stirring of foreboding when she recognized the direction. Kade, noticing too, squeezed her wrist sharply. “I know. Relax, this could be a drill. You know we were overdue for one.”

Kade responded with another sharp squeeze.

“Yeah… I feel it too.”

Lionel woke slowly, the unfamiliar surroundings causing his sleep crusted mind to reel in alarm. As the details of the room sharpened, he did recognize the area but a part of himself could not believe it. This is his mother’s room, his mother’s bed. Details from the night before swam back into his consciousness and he saw them as dreamlike memories. They were definitely dreams, there is no way that actually happened. Lionel turned his head slowly and saw he was alone but this was definitely his mother’s room.

Fiona guiding him to her bed was not a dream even if it played out like one. His heart had been beating like a ceremonial drum and no thoughts could penetrate the ringing in his ears. Lionel followed like a drooling virgin.

“Lay down.” Fiona pointed at the bed. She used her Queen’s tone, giving no room for argument. As Lionel laid on the bed, Fiona walked around the room touching light panels and casting the room in a seductive orange light. Lionel watched her move, feeling the anticipation tightening his core. She slid into bed, moving under the covers and snuggled up to Lionel.

Fiona pushed Lionel’s shoulder making him lay on his side facing away from her. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close for a few moments. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Her lips against his ear sent goosebumps racing over Lionel’s skin.

“Yes.” It felt like he could not pull a deep breath in.

“Okay. Take your pants off.” Fiona kept her hands on Lionel as he worked his pants off. She suddenly felt very curious about his situation and was glad she made him turn away. She would not have been able to stop herself from looking. Once his pants were tossed carelessly to the floor and he was snuggled back against her, Fiona whispered more into his ear. “Trust me and relax, okay?”

Two tentacles slithered into the bed, joining the humans as they cuddled. One of the tentacles went to the prince’s front side, instinctively knowing where to go. The other tentacle moved up and nestled into Fiona’s left hand. She began stroking the bulb of the slim tentacle, seductively urging the appendage to begin leaking. The prince flinched as the other tentacle found his cock and coiled around his hard flesh as if it was a snake. When it made it to the engorged head, the tentacle opened and began to swallow it. The tentacle moved all the way down, surrounding his entire member in warm, firm pressure. The tentacle continued to move down until both of his testicles were engulfed in the warmth as well.

“Holy shit!” The prince gasped. “I didn’t know they could do that!”

Fiona laughed, guessing what the Master just did. “The Anubi are quite surprising.” She held the bulb of the tentacle in her hand and waited. Lionel was twitching and breathing hard from the pleasure he was receiving. Fiona would wait for the right moment.

The tentacle attached to Lionel’s crotch was moving in a way that simulated a sucking feeling. That felt incredible on the young man’s swollen cock but it was just the beginning of the pleasure the Master gave. Feeler tentacles came into the picture, surrounding the enveloped flesh like 100 tiny fingers. They stroked, prodded and lapped at every part his cock and balls. It was clumsy in a way, as if the Anubi was trying to find the right places to touch. The feeling was beyond anything he had ever experienced and it was making him breathless.

Fiona knew the moment was right. Lionel was vibrating with the overwhelming pleasure and felt like puddy in her hands. She slowly guided the tentacle down and lightly brushed the lubricated bulb against her son’s asshole. She waited for the clinch and panic, the reaction from most males in similar situations. Lionel did not retreat, he merely froze and Fiona took that as tentative consent. She used her fingers to gently spread the tentacle’s lube on him, Lionel groaned with pleasure as her fingers massaged him.

Lionel was using every trick in the book to hold the boiling load inside. The pleasure coming from the tentacle was more than enough to make him want to blow but he wanted to see how far his mom was going to go. Her slender fingers on his ass, sliding along and prodding his most sensitive places was pushing the limits of his control. He did not think he could hold on any longer. The sudden pressure coming from his ass was enough to distract him and the orgasm was delayed but only just. The prince was on the absolute edge, standing only on the tips of his toes. As the tentacle penetrated his body, the unexpected and immediate pleasure on his prostate shoved the young man right off the cliff.

Lionel began to cry out in pleasure. The moan started low and quiet but grew as the mounting orgasm peeked. One long groan with no break or breath came out of the prince’s stomach and the young man began to buck wildly in Fiona’s arms. His cock was spewing cum with a force he never knew before and his prostate clenched with each burst. The most intense orgasm of his life left the prince in a white out of bliss. Both tentacles retreated from the twitching human and left him in the caring arms of his mother. Fiona cooed and stroked Lionel’s sweaty skin as his body calmed. Before he knew it was happening, Lionel tumbled down the long dark well of post coiltal sleep.

7 – Invasion

Tuk-na’s small and unassuming cargo ship slowly approached Anubis Prime. From space the planet looked like a giant skull. There were organic growth patches and obvious water erosion signs but that made it seem as if it was moldering. However, the hovering defense satellites and battalion of battleships were not at all festering. They looked sharp and cued on the approaching vessel immediately.

“This is Captain Vince of the Anubis Prime Defense Squadron. Please present your codes and power down external shields.”

“That won’t be necessary, Captain Vince.” Tuk-na spoke evenly, trying to sound a bit annoyed. “I have that expected delivery from Head of Planet Nathan Brooke. I’ll send the appropriate signal.” Tuk-na pressed a transmission key on her console and swallowed hard. This Captain was apparently in the large man’s pocket and was their window. It still felt way more risky than she liked. If this did not go well, who knows how trigger happy these guards are?

“You are clear for approach, Captain Milla. Landing zone 4-B. Sending coordinates now.”

In the early morning, before the palace had time to wake up completely, Tuk-na and her band of pirates attacked. They used improved gel explosives to breach the pompous building and moved quickly into a corridor. None of the pirates matched colors or armor style. Each one of them built personalized sets from pieces of defeated enemies but they moved like combat experts. Plasma weapons hummed to life along with defense programs in their armor. A bio-symbol for each pirate appeared on Tuk-na’s HUD, 12 in total. After splitting into several 2 man teams, the pirates spread out and searched for the Anubi.

The palace was quiet in the morning hours, like Tuk-na assumed it would be but something felt too still. Perhaps she was being too paranoid. The unease made her tail twitch and the male with her noticed but wisely said nothing. The Captain felt suddenly very foolish. Here she was with the bulk of her force in a place she knew nothing about. What’s more is, she did not even really know the target. The Anubi looked imposing even through holoimages. She was aware of how unprepared they were but the credits that were on the table were undeniable. A sum that was worth the personal risks.

Fulto moved quickly through the palace, glancing in every window or door he and his partner came across. He wanted to be the one to capture and bring the captain a creature. Surely that would be the kind of prize to earn him a place among the crew. It may even be enough to earn him some return on the pleasure he bestowed upon his captain every day. Not that he was complaining. Having that powerful pussy on his tongue was like drinking from a holy grail. When she sprayed him with her mating scent, Fulto wore it with pride. He was marked as hers and he basked in the claim. However, it would be nice to have his own urges quenched.

Fulto glanced into a doorway and saw a room full of antique instruments. He nearly wrote it off as all the other empty rooms but at the last moment, he saw slight movement. Fulto stopped as fast as he could, hissing at his partner about what he saw. The two pirates stacked up on either side of the door and readied their plasma rifles. After a silent three count, they burst into the room, moving with practiced formations to cover and clear the area. They zeroed in on the trapped Anubi and slowly closed the distance.

Fulto noticed this monster was smaller than the ones from the holoprojector but it was still a terrifying visage. They encounter space creatures of all kinds on their missions and most of them are formidable but easily managed. He could tell this monster could be a lot more dangerous. It seemed innately intelligent and the audio reciprocal in his helmet alerted him to sonar pinging. This would be tricky.

“Easy there little fella. We aren’t here to hurt you.” Fulto kept his voice low.

“Yeah. We just wanna… help ya find a safe place to hide.” Sneered the space pirate with, I shit you not, an actual eyepatch. This was one big cat who looked as if he participated in mating scraps every night.

Fulto’s finger was applying just a bit of pressure against the trigger of his weapon out of caution. When the monster burst up from the corner like it was going to attack, he began to fire hot plasma. The rounds flew wildly at first but Fulto gained control quickly and started to hit the target. His partner began to fire as well, somehow laughing louder than the firing rifle. The plasma did not seem to be damaging the monster but it was pushing it back. From some depth of the writhing tentacles, the monster screamed loud enough to shatter eardrums.

“Fuck!” The one eyed pirate screamed and dropped his gun. The fool had decided to forgo wearing a helmet so lacked the audio dampening gear that would have saved his hearing. The blood matting his orange fur was enough of an indication of the severe internal damage.

Reacting on instinct and reflex, Fulto switched his weapon fire from damage to suppression and a charged poly fiber net burst from his gun. The net hit the monster perfectly and wrapped it neatly in a secure and unbreakable ball. Again the monster screamed but could not thrash in the containment net. Fulto made sure to switch the weapon back to damage before relaxing slightly. He put a critical eye on his teammate as the big cat rolled around on the ground. He was clutching his ears and sobbing incoherent sounds of misery. It was a shame.

Fulto walked smugly over to his captured prize and kicked the net with an armored boot. He revealed in his victory and imagined their ship flying off with a cargo hold full of these golden egg geese. The Star Children politicians only ordered one of the Anubi but the pirates saw an opportunity for growth here. Every one captured, other than this runt, would be a bonus on top of the already life changing reward they were owed. He inspected the net and was convinced it would hold.

“This is Fulto in yellow status. Objective complete with one casualty.” Fulto pulled a basic projectile side arm from his waist and executed his teammate with a single silent shot through his remaining eye. He removed the insignia from the dead pirate’s collar. “Returning to the infiltration location.” He signed off and turned to face the captive.

“What is this?” Prince Lionel

Not long after waking, the prince was removed from his mother’s chambers by a palace guard. She did not give him any answers, only pulled him along with her partner’s tentacles. The palace seemed stirred up like an ant hill. Lionel saw a woman laying on the ground with several medical personnel surrounding her. It was strange seeing a woman on Anubis Prime without a partner but she seemed to be one of the rarities. At least, he could not see one around her.

“This is the direction to the stronghold. What is going on? Where is the Queen?” The prince summoned as much of his royal tone as he could. He tried to plant his heels to be obstinate but the tentacles were too strong.

The purple armored guard seemed to grow exasperated with Lionel. “She’s busy and I’ve been ordered to get you to safety. That’s all you need to know.”

“Truely? Or do you just take every opportunity you can to flaunt a little power? What is the harm in explaining?”

The tentacle on his wrist tightened sharply then quickly softened as if it forgot who it was holding for a brief second. “We’re under attack.” He guessed she released this information as a peace offer. Physically punishing one of the Queen’s children was not a good way to keep a good career. “I don’t know who or why, I was given an order and here we are.”

“Fine. Let go of me. I can use my own legs.” The tentacle reluctantly released his wrist but stayed close by.

When they arrived at the stronghold Lionel saw his sister and moved over to her. There were a lot of people he recognized and some he did not know. It seemed they were slowly evacuating the palace while fighting the invasion. The guard who brought him here was already gone, having received new orders immediately. Among the citizens were a couple women who were without partners and seemed to be hurt. Others were trying to calm the obviously distraught women.

Regina noticed Lionel looking at the women with a puzzled expression. “Pirates.” The word ground out between her clenched teeth. “Or rather, poachers.” Kade’s appendages were moving around in barely contained anger.

“Poachers? For what? We have no exotic game on Anubis.”

“You got a point little brother. I suppose it would be appropriate to call them slavers.”

It finally clicked home in Lionel’s mind. The alone and battered women, the anger from the guards and his sister, the intense evacuation. “They’re taking the Anubi?”

“Yes.” Regina said as Kade slammed a tentacle on the ground, cracking the stone floor.

Lionel could not believe the truth his sister spoke. Slavers on Anubis Prime? The whole planet was protected and the practice of slavery is detested across the entire settled universe. There were machines that could handle any task. Even though he found it hard to accept, Lionel believed the fury in his sister. Even if this is the first conversation they have had in over a month, he could still tell her moods. Plus the surrounding area was proof enough. Lionel’s eyes scanned the area, looking for something subconsciously. Something felt wrong, even in this safe haven. How many of the citizens were out there now facing pirates? How many could possibly… a cold certainty fell down over the prince like a death shroud.

“No!” The prince ran as fast as he possibly could out of the safety of the stronghold.

The prince’s feet pounded hard against the stone corridor as the walls blurred. He heard Regina’s surprise and she tried to follow but got caught by the lone Kraken guard. The sentry had orders to protect the princess and prince. In that order. Lionel heard sounds of which he never expected to hear in his home. Shouts and clashes, screaming and banging. The noise was enough to make any battle trained person nervous but Lionel was only afraid of what his instincts were telling him. Who would be an easier target than an Anubi without a partner? He swallowed the fear and pushed harder.

As Lionel slid into the corridor, barely managing to stay on his feet, he heard a loud bang come from the music room. The sound was like thunder and it put ice in the young man’s heart. The room he and his friend spent days inside of, passing music and growing closer. The room was like a sanctuary, the one place on this planet that felt like his own and the one being that felt like his own. Lionel did not hesitate. He ran into the room and the next few seconds were a blur of confusion and reflex.

A teenage boy with short black hair hit the ground hard. His shoulder jam painfully against the ground and he cried out in pain. The dust flew up from his hard slide, choking him mid inhale. It was a bad start to an already bad situation.

“Damn Lionel!” A teenage girl with curly black hair rose up from behind the concrete block. She fired her plasma rifle a few times in a covering pattern before ducking back down. “You really ate that one! Are you okay?”

“I’m fine!” Lionel growled through gritted teeth. He rolled over onto his stomach and poked his rifle out from the side and fired a few rounds of his own. “This is bullshit!”

Taking advantage of her brother’s cover fire, Regina sprinted for a piler that was riddled with damage. She just made it before hot plasma smacked the stone column. Regina laughed with the crazy adrenaline rush and fired blindly over her shoulder. “Lighten up, little brother! There’s no getting around this!”

Lionel pulled a grenade from his belt and primed the timer. “There’s always a way around it!” He threw the explosive and it was a perfect arch. So was the distraction.

The training battle mech followed the trajectory of the grande, just as Lionel thought it would. He leapt up from his cover, aimed the rifle and his face became alive with pain. The plasma round fired from the mech struck him square in the face and knocked the boy back. Lionel tried rolling around to regain his breath after the stunning effect but could not pull in air. Being stunned and having the air knocked out of him simultaneously was far more pain than this training warranted.

Regina watched the mech analyze the tactic her brother tried and rolled her eyes. He tried this already! “Idiot.” She scoffed at his foolishness and aimed her rifle at the distracted mech. At least he could pull a decent diversion. She waited a half a second, giving the mech a chance to fire before she hit it three times with well placed shots of her own. Lionel deserved the lesson. “Got em!”

Regina looked down at red faced Lionel as he gasped in deep breaths. He was sweating and looked ready to rip the training mech apart. “Why. The fuck. Is this necessary?”

“We need to be ready for anything. Mom says knowing how to fight is important.” Regina felt good. She loved the feeling of combat and training herself for battle. It felt like she was sharpening herself like a blade. “You gotta mix it up. The grande trick will only work once.”

“I’m sick of all this training! Fighting! Studying the stars! Reading old books! And all that ‘royal teachings’ shit! It’s too much! Why can’t we just be kids? I just want to go out and travel, why do I need to know hand to hand combat and how to manage governments?” Lionel threw the training weapon away as he scrambled to his feet.

“You want to travel the universe without knowing how to fight? Lionel, that’s stupid. You’ve heard mom’s stories. It’s dangerous out there and you’re a prince. You’re in danger all the time.” Regina roughly dusted her twin off. He was so dense!

“There’s got to be more than that. It can’t all be dangerous.” His feet were planted. Lionel would find a different way.

Lionel saw the dead man on the floor as he ran into the room and dismissed him immediately. He could not waste time on details that did not matter. As the training from his youth took over, his mind cleared like a circle of calm in a raging storm. He saw the helmet of the surprised slaver flinch back and the second of hesitation was just enough. Lionel hit the stranger like a linebacker and drove them into the hard ground. The man grunted out in pain and his rifle flew from his hand. Lionel began to hammer down on gaps between armor with his curled knuckles. He was aiming for tendons and nerves. If this would be a fight of attrition, he needed to get an early advantage.

A hard fist hit Lionel in the ribs like a hammer and he rolled with the blow in an effort to reduce the damage. He pulled the slaver with him, making sure to end up on top of the grapple. He slammed the man’s helmet against the ground as hard as he could. The prince felt this was his last chance to end the fight quickly and did not get that lucky. The slaver bucked his hips up and the unexpected move sent the prince flying. Lionel tried to turn the throw into a roll but did not have the right momentum.

Still surprised and now dazed from the concussive helmet smash, Fulto tried to find his gun. He patted at his waist while trying to form a sentence. His HUD display was flickering making him sick with dizziness. What the fuck just happened? The kid came out of nowhere like a wrathe. Was this planet covered in savages? Whatever. What’s one more kill for this kind of payday? Just another round, if he could find the fucking gun.

Lionel saw the man reaching clumsily for a gun and attacked again in desperate fear. It was as if the slaver saw it coming. He twisted quickly to the side, dodging the attack with a roll and when Lionel spun to face him, a gun was pointed right at his face.

“You fucked up my helmet.” Fulto said coldly. He was breathing hard and drinking in the look of pure terror in the boy’s eyes. “That’s a death sentence, boy.”

He lost. It was over. All the training he refused to embrace. His heritage. The palace and all it’s guards. His love for his partner and this fulhearty attempt to rescue them. None of that ended up mattering in the end. He could not save his partner or himself. It was a very unfair death in his opinion. The barrel of the weapon seemed to open like an evil mouth to swallow him.

“So is pointing a gun at my brother.” The thunderclap of Regina’s rifle was enormous in the padded room.

Lionel finched and waited for the all consuming darkness to take him. Even the lifeless body of the slaver did not convince him of his continued survival. Then, arms were around him. Familiar and warm, they anchored Lionel to the land of the living. He felt his heart beat once. Then it beat again. His eyes blinked rapidly, filling with tears and burning with sweet life. His breath hitched and he sobbed out the fear. Regina held him close and whispered calming words in his ear.

“That was either really stupid or really brave of you.” Regina sniffed, feeling the reality of what almost happened. “You fucking idiot.”

Lionel laugh-sobbed and squeezed his sister tighter. His eyes landed on the reason he had run into this room in the first place and he jumped to his feet. “I’m here! It’s okay!” The netting shocked Lionel as he tried to pull it off of his partner. He did not let go, only gritted his teeth against the pain and pulled harder.

“Here!” Regina held out a laser cutter scavenged from the slavers.

“Perfect!” Lionel used the tool and quickly cut the net away from the trapped Anubi. “I got you, you’re safe!” Lionel held out his arms, not sure how to comfort them.

The Anubi embraced Lionel with its entire body. It trembled with the same emotions coursing through the young man in its embrace. Regina took a few steps back, feeling the energy of the two companions and giving them space. Kade was at the door of the room, poised above it and waiting for a victim to walk blindly into the trap.

Before long, a host of Kraken warriors in purple armor found the twins and hauled them back to the stronghold. They went quietly, having caused enough trouble for the day.

“Damn. That was the other initiate.” Tuk-na hissed at the members of her raiding party. Including Fulto and Gaarne, two others were flat lines on her team display. Oh well. Loses happen on dangerous missions. With three captured Anubi, the gains were far more than the cost. It was a shame though. Fulto had been an excellent service. She would miss that tongue. “Back to the ship, quick!”

As the team of pirates approached the area they hid the ship in, they heard an ominous ripping of metal that sunk their hearts in ice. “Captain? What is that?”

Tuk-na moved forward because that was the only option. She harbored little doubts as to what the sound could be. What else could she do? She led her crew here and this was the conclusion. For credits! How naive could she be? The Abyss Serum would be too precious for this planet to just let slip away. Tuk-na miscalculated and it seemed to be a fatal mistake. Still, she did not think her people killed anyone. Perhaps she could salvage this. “Leave the captives here!” She turned on her crew. “Leave them tied up, they may hurt us in retaliation. Let me do the talking and do not overreact. Got it?”

The pirate’s all exchanged glances though most faces were hidden behind black glass visors. If the captain was worried it meant they were in it too deep. They did not argue, only placed the captive Anubi to the side. They were more gentle now than they were while dragging them this far. As if this small token would help their case. The Anubi shrieked at their tormentors with viger although the shock nets kept them from moving too much. Tuk-na looked at the captives and knew survival was not going to be easy or painless.

The pirates emerged from the breach hole they made earlier in the assault. Their rifles and weapons were at the ready but as their eyes adjusted to the daylight, they saw how pointless the arms were. Tuk-na felt her upper lip rise with sudden beating in her chest. Each breath she took was at the mercy of an army of purple clad warriors that surrounded the pirates entirely. Taking a glance over her shoulder, Tuk-na saw the corridor behind them was now full of writhing tentacles. It seemed like they were finished already but the scene in front of the defeated bandits was even worse than just being surrounded.

Up high in the air, supported by uncountable tentacles, a woman in gold armor glared down at the party of pirates. Tuk-na tried looking into the person’s face but was blinded by the glare of the sun. However, she could clearly see the pieces of her ship being dismantled and tossed away by the powerful limbs. Tuk-na was thinking quickly, looking for a way out. Was this the queen that the politicians mentioned? Tuk-na did not see how a human could ride these creatures without getting bucked but somehow they figured it out. She felt like a foolish child for rushing this job and now she was beaten. Now she had to decide how much of her pride would die with her.

“Your majesty,” Tuk-na shouted and tried to sound confident. “It seems you have us at a disadvantage.”

“No slaver could ever be such.” The queen hissed down. “You’ll get what’s deserved.”

Tuk-na swallowed hard. “Slavers? Pirates. Bounty Hunters. Assassins, yes but we’re no slavers.”

“Oh? The Anubi you were going to kidnap were being taken to paradise? Never forced to work or produce against their will? Or is what you intended called something less harsh against your honor?”

Tuk-na bit her tongue. “Okay. Point. But as you can see, we have failed our mission. What’s the harm in letting us go?”

“Besides the fact that you’ll be more prepared next time? Or the information you gathered here? Or the damage you’ve caused? No. You’ll be staying here for a while.”

Tuk-na finally saw it. Given time to absorb her surroundings, she cued on how these humans were riding the Anubi. In her culture, a woman in an open display of carnal acts was one demonstrating authority. Tuk-na’s jaw fell slack as her eyes confirmed each Kraken warrior’s connection. These women were more than strong, they were powerful. Tuk-na dropped her weapon as the instincts of her species took over her actions. She surrendered her control and her pride. What other choice did she have? Her tongue felt dry and heavy but she made it work.

“As you say, my Queen.” Tuk-na slowly bent her knees and knelt before her new lord. “I am weak in your presence, lord. Please, do as you wish.”

A few of her crew were absolutely stunned by their captain’s actions. Four of the remaining eight pirates decided to try their luck, obviously not recognizing the power in the women of Anubis Prime. As the four tensed and began to move, four shots rang out simultaneously and all of them collapsed before even getting their rifles up. The remaining 3 pirates joined their captain on their knees.

Fiona regarded the pirates with a cold eye and nodded her head. Kraken warriors moved in quickly and subdued each one. They removed the pirate’s armor and helmets before binding them with restraints. “Take them to the cells, not the nice ones. Except her.” Fiona pointed at Tuk-na. “Put her in the nice one. I’ll question her myself.”

The Kraken warriors did as their queen bid and began to clean up the area. Fiona left the captain of the Krakens in charge while she went to check on her children.

