For the Love of Stars 2 parts 4&5 [sci-fi, tentacles, romance, incest, twincest, LONG]

Hey! Sorry it’s been a while since I posted. Got pretty caught up in life and stuff.


4 – An Ancient Melody

Prince Lionel walked aimlessly through the palace, still seething over the encounter with the princess. She was like a stranger to him! He guessed that was just the way of things from now on. It was not on his shoulders alone to carry the relationship so he would drop the weight. He needed to find something to do with his life. Pining around in a palace that he did not belong in was becoming too pathetic. He thought of the military again, imagining himself as a conquering hero of the Star Children. If he found his own glory, Lionel would not need his mother’s royalty to be his meal ticket. 

The young man walked halls he did not recognize as his imagination carried him to distant planets. Places that did not have aliens intent on brainwashing all the women. Places where he could be…what was that sound? Lionel stopped, his attention suddenly on his surroundings. The corridor was silent for a few moments and then he heard it again. A single musical note rang out from behind a door. He waited while holding his breath and after a few seconds, another single note played. 

Lionel walked over to the door, carefully placing his feet to make no sound. He peered through a view glass built in the door and saw a room full of dusty old furniture. Among the clutter sat an old rectangular box with a row of what appeared to be white buttons. He knew what the instrument was, something from Earthian culture but could not quite remember what they called it. A trumpet? Or an opera? That did not sound right. He knew this was what made the sounds from before when he saw a thin black tentacle reach out and press one of the keys. 

The musical note rang out and the form of a small Anubi seemed to vibrate with, ecstasy? It took several seconds for the creature to calm down and when it finally did, another tentacle reached forward and hit another one. Again and again the creature played a note and vibrated as if mimicking the strings inside the instrument. Lionel never before seen one act like this or hang out by itself. To him, all these creatures seem to be clingy by nature and were usually seen with a partner. His curiosity prompted him to open the door. 

Lionel reached down and turned on the translation band on his right wrist. It vibrated a greeting and the lonely Anubi took notice of him. It seemed to shrink away a bit, like a timid animal. “Hello. Just wondering what you’re doing here.” Though he did not mean it this way, his tone was a bit lordly and accusing.

The creature reached forward and slapped a tentacle on the piano as if to say, “duh.”

“I have never seen one of these before.” Lionel walked over to the piano and saw the hinges on the back. He lifted the lid and peered into a collection of golden strings. He slowly pushed one of the keys down and saw the correlating sting come to life. Lionel noticed that the Anubi body moved with the vibrating cord almost exactly. The prince struck another key and the creature continued to vibrate only it changed to match the movement of the cord he just played. He pushed 2 keys at the same time and the Anubi seemed split on the decision before half its body moved with one cord while the other half did the other. 

“Wow, that’s pretty impressive.” Lionel thought about running his hand across all the keys at once but felt it could be cruel. “You really like this thing, huh?”

Playfully, a tentacle reached over and hit the highest note and trembled with the sound. 

Lionel laughed, feeling the genuine mirth coming from the creature. It held up one tentacle in a human-like gesture as if to say, hold on a second. The other tentacles searched through the room, digging through the various crates until it pulled out a small club-like thing made of thin wood. It had strings attached to it like the piano but not nearly as many. A small tentacle poised over the thing and moved down in a quick, even motion. The device made a very pleasant sound and the Anubi thrummed with joy. 

“Wow,” Lionel smiled. “That sounded pretty nice! I’ve never heard anything so… organic before.” 

The tentacle handed him the instrument and froze as if waiting. After watching the Anubi, the prince knew what to do and strummed the little strings with his fingernails. The creature danced with the sound and the prince continued to strum the instrument with a huge smile on his face. He discovered that if he covered some stings on the marked bar of the instrument, the sounds would change. Lionel experimented while the Anubi danced and occasionally struck a key on the piano. 

It did not take long before Lionel’s fingers hurt too much to keep playing. Not to mention the Anubi seemed to have had enough of the vibrations as it could only twitch with the music. “This is cool, is it yours?” Lionel was examining the instrument like it was a complicated device. 

The creature answered by pressing down the lowest key on the piano. 

“That means no?” 

The creature played the highest note on the piano. 

“Yeah, okay. That works for me.” The prince was pleased. He never before successfully communicated with one of the Anubi. They seemed pretty intent on their partners and paid little attention to anything else. Which brought a question to the young man’s mind. “Are you here alone?” He was growing used to the vibrations coming from the wrist device.

The Anubi hesitated for a moment before pressing down the high key. 

“That’s a bit odd, I’ve never seen any of you without a partner before. Are you lost? Or did you run away or something else?” Lionel flinched as the harsh chords boomed out from the piano. “Hey! What was th-.” He trailed off as the Anubi stormed out of the room. Lionel was at a loss. They were getting along fine. Perhaps he had reminded the Anubi of an appointment? A feeling of loneliness came over the prince and he realized he was now sitting alone in a dusty room. He left, absently carrying the ukulele with him. 

“Do all Anubi have partners?” Lionel was leaning in the doorway of his mother’s room. His back was against the frame and he kept his eyes fixed on the hallway or anywhere except in her room. He never knew what he might see in there with the Master’s room so close by. 

“Most do, yes.” Fiona ran a brush through her long curly black hair. “They go through a segregated period, as do our young until they are ready to join the colony. Most of them find a partner within a day.” 

“But are there some that don’t?” 

Fiona looked at her son’s reflection and wondered at his sudden curiosity. He never before showed such interest in the Anubi. “Only a couple that I know of. Sometimes they hatch a bit… incomplete. It’s very rare but some are born without their planting tentacle. Without that, there’s no real point in taking a human partner. They just sort of, live? I don’t really know what they do.”

“Oh.” Lionel was trying to remember if he saw a purple tentacle on the Anubi in the storage room. He had not been looking for it at the time but he thought, no. There was no purple tentacle in his memory. “That’s kind of sad, don’t you think?”

“Every species has its troubles, Lion. Even with all our science and technology, humans still have complications from time to time. You can’t hold all the sadness for such things in your heart. You’ll be forever miserable.”

“I know. I just think it would be hard on someone to be surrounded by people you can’t be a whole part of…”

“Yeah, I can see that” the queen said, running her brush and not catching her son’s deeper meaning. She felt a smooth touch on her bare calf. One of Master’s tentacles moved in on her, wanting to check the progress. She casually parted her thighs and the tentacle swam into her open pussy. Fiona moaned slightly as her lover sent tiny feelers into her womb to examine the eggs. 

Lionel heard the sound of their wet connection, his mother’s intake of air, that faint moan she let out and felt heat rush into his face. He did not want to look, gave it his very best effort not to look and looked anyways. His mother’s back was to him but he could see enough to give his imagination more source material than it would ever need. She was gripping the vanity tightly with her thighs pointing out provocatively. She was looking down as if studying the place that the two of them had joined. He could not see that connection but he could see the tentacle that rose off the floor and how it was between those smooth pale thighs. His eyes lingered on her exposed skin and he felt blood moving for the one woman in the entire universe it was not supposed to move for. 

Finally, Lionel moved his eyes off her thighs and looked back into the mirror. His mother’s cheeks were flushed and she was breathing in hitches. She was looking through the long strands of hair that fell into her face. He felt an electric jolt course through his body and mind when he realized his mother was looking at him. They locked eyes and Lionel’s mouth went bone dry. He wanted to run away, to hide his sudden lust but her powerful grey eyes paralyzed him. He watched as her eyes rolled and her body began to tremble. 

Fiona had not been thinking when the Master’s tentacle came for her, she just reacted. She looked down, amazed by the feeling of the eggs being rotated and could just make out the tiny tentacles moving around in her belly. The feelers, satisfied with the eggs, turned their attention to the body they currently possessed. As they massaged and prodded her insides, Fiona suddenly remembered herself and what she was doing before this. Her eyes shot to the mirror and hoped to see an empty doorway. Instead, she saw Lionel standing there and watching with a hypnotic look on his face. His eyes were roaming over her bare flesh. Fiona wanted to rule her Queendom with absolute sexual openness, that’s why living here has to be a choice. On Anubis, they were shedding the taboos and folly of Earthian culture. Still, this act felt like something forbidden. Even to her.

When her son’s eyes left her thigh and found hers, Fiona expected to see disgust or fear but could only see the youthful lust. His strange desire cast his eyes like those of a starving wolf and when they met her own, a shock went through her body. A sudden orgasm blanked out her senses. She tried to control it but the sensation consumed her and she surrendered to the feelings. Her body jerked and her eyes rolled, causing her to lose sight of Lionel. His surprised expression was the last thing she saw before the blissful white out swallowed her down. A minute later, when Fiona calmed and glanced into the mirror, Lionel was no longer there. 

Lionel was breathing hard by the time he closed the door to his room. His mind was like a skipping record, playing the memory over and over. Inside the privacy of his own thoughts, Lionel could admit to the attraction he felt towards his mother and sister but he would never outwardly express such desires. At least, he would not have before. Watching his own mother orgasm while she knew he was there was more arousing to him than any woman he laid with before. His cock was a painful indication of how much the moment had affected him. He kneaded it through the fabric of his pants and it felt supernaturally hard. 

He could not help himself. Lionel clumsily threw his pants down, feeling relief from the pressure his pants put on his cock. The cool air was nice but his warm palm was better. The prince jerked himself off with his eyes closed, putting as much of his imagination back in his mother’s doorway as he could. His mind offered him the memory of her moans, her pale skin, the way her eyes rolled and her body moved. The memory was good, a perfect addition to the young man’s catalog of erotic experiences. However, it seemed not to be enough. 

Just as he was reaching orgasm, Lionel’s sister strode into his imagination as if she owned it. She walked in on the scene of their mother’s chambers on her long black tentacles. “Do you like that, little brother? Watching mommy cum?” Her whisper in his thoughts was almost real enough to make his skin break out in goosebumps. A wet slapping sound was now part of the fantasy. The sound he heard so many times, he could not help but hear it now. The sound of Kade inside his sister. 

Lionel cried out as the orgasm finally broke over the edge. His knees wobbled with the force of it and he had to use his toes to keep from falling over. His cock was twitching like crazy in his hand and each spasm sent sensual sensations rushing through his lower body. His eyes rolled in the same way his mother’s did not too long ago. He felt the last hot drop of cum spill lazily over the back of his hand and slowly released the held breath. The pleasure quickly faded leaving Lionel feeling shame. His best orgasms came with thoughts of his sister and he realized how much trouble that put him in. 

Not too far away, Fiona could not breathe! The last breath she managed to pull in was long expired. Lights were popping in her vision as she tried in vain to cough. Tears and hot drool streaked down her neck like rain as the Queen of Anubis Prime made one last attempt to reach up to her throat! Her vision was going out and the darkness that was closing in felt so inciting. The weight in her limbs began to fade, was she floating? Perhaps we do have souls…

Fiona gasped in a lung burning intake of sweet, sweet air just as a black tentacle spewed hot cum all over her face. Like a pro, Fiona turned her face down and took the next spert to the back of her head. Sure, her fucking hair was ruined but at least she could get some air in her body. “You. Pushed me. A little. Far that time.” She spoke between gasps of air. “Made me question. Existence. Asshole.” 

The purple tentacle with glowing silver veins that was womb deep inside her wiggled appreciatively. The Master always refused to thrust when she was holding eggs. However, thrusting was not the only thing the Master was capable of. The Master did not let up on many of their desires no matter how many eggs she held. With her breathing back under control, Fiona used the filtered water in the living pools to clean some cum out of her eyes. She looked up to see many black tentacles moving in from all around her. 

Throughout the night, the queen of Anubis Prime served her Master by taking every tentacle they threw at her. Even in the most depraved moments of giving the slimy bastard total pleasure, one troubling thing would not stop circling back into her mind. Covered in cum and stuffed full of more tentacles than she could count, all Fiona could think about was that look in Lionel’s eyes. She did not want to connect the intense orgasms slamming through her body to what was in her mind. 

5 – Bonding

Prince Lionel sat down and strummed the ukulele lightly. He listened for the sound of approaching steps but the corridor remained silent. Unperturbed, Lionel used the projector function on his wrist device and summoned a holosheet of finger layouts. Over the past week, the young man spent most of his time researching the musical instrument that the Anubi gave him. He not only discovered what the device was called but also a treasure trove of information on how to play it. Everyday during that week, Lionel would spend an hour or so in the room full of artifacts, practicing on the ukulele. 

At first, Lionel was only interested in drawing the curious Anubi back to the room but as the days passed, he found enjoyment in his growth on the instrument. His fingers were growing calluses that enabled him to play longer and the dexterity in his touch became sharper. His proficiency grew with a rate that spoke of innate talent. The prince possessed a rhythm that cannot be taught. A fire was beginning to grow inside his heart for the sound of old Earthian music. It felt more real to him than the synthesized sounds that had no passion. 

Lionel examined the sheet music in front of him and positioned his fingers on the correct strings. He strummed once, a check on the tune of the instrument and was satisfied with the sound. He was slow at first, warming up his fingers and mind. After a minute, the music flowed out as if he was the one who wrote the ancient Earthian ballad. The words of the song meant nothing to Lionel, some odd Earthian sentiments but the music moved him in a way he could not quite explain. So entranced in the song, he did not even notice when the Anubi slipped into the room. 

When Lionel played the last chord, he let the vibrations of the note play out until the sound expired. He whipped his sweaty palm on his pants and finally saw that he had an audience. “I’ve been practicing. Did you like it?”

The Anubi sat still for a few seconds before slowly reaching forward and pressing down the highest key on the piano. 

“Awesome! I found it while trying to figure out what this thing is.” He tapped the ukulele. “It’s called Wonderwall by Oasis. I don’t know who composed it though. The lyrics are quite odd.” 

The Anubi pressed a few keys on the piano, perfectly playing the opening notes of the song. So, the Anubi had been listening. The prince laughed out in unabashed merriment. “That’s great! You’re a natural. By the way, my name is Lionel Star.”

The Anubi suddenly froze and sat like that for a few seconds. Lionel was not surprised, he half expected the creature to flee again. This time it would leave him out of intimidation of his lineage. Why in the glory of stars did he open his mouth? He could have been anyone to this sightless Anubi. Why did he expect this palace dweller to act any differently? The Anubi pressed the highest key on the piano. 

Prince Lionel felt relieved and smiled even though his companion would not be able to see it. “Do you have a name?” 

The lowest key on the piano. The answer was sharp but the creature did not flee this time. 

“Okay. Cool. I have to admit, I’m not very knowledgeable about your species. I haven’t really had a reason to be, you know?” Lionel gestured over his male body before realizing the motion was wasted. 

The high note answered and Lionel guessed this ostracized member of a species would know what he felt. He was starting to realize that asking questions like this was draining the good mood out of the room. He understood. If someone cornered him and asked a bunch of questions about humans, he might feel the same way. He strummed the ukulele to fight off the blossoming silence. “Do you want to play with me? I know you can’t see the music but you seem to be good without it.”

The high key rang out three times as if the Anubi was excited. 

“Alright, I’ll play for a moment and then I’ll stop and we can try together. Cool?” 

Before long, the deserted corridor was full of harmonious string music. At a certain point, the companions no longer played music that was written a thousand years ago. They bounced the music between themselves, each one experimenting and adding flair to simple chords and notes. The Anubi danced and Lionel laughed as time melted away. It was the best experience of the young man’s life and the beginning of something even greater. 

Over the next few days, Lionel would go to the storage room to meet his new friend to play music. They continued to play together, building their own compositions one piece at a time. The prince became increasingly fascinated with his instrument and treated it as if it was a priceless treasure. His companion was likewise finding joy in the piano and as they took breaks from playing music, they cleaned and organized the room. Slowly but surely, the room of musical relics was becoming their own slice of paradise. Being the prince of the palace, having anything they wanted brought into the room was as easy as asking for it. 

As more days passed, Lionel and the lonely Anubi grew closer with a bond built of a mutual love of music and a general sense of being outcasts. Lionel no longer spent time moping around the palace or pining for a different life. Nor did the Anubi spend all its time in the shadows and avoiding others. The two of them played music, explored the palace and designed new ways for them to communicate with each other. More times than not, they spent nights with each other, either in their music room or in the prince’s room. Though their friendship grew rapidly, there was something between them that felt like a hard block. Lionel wanted to remove that block and he thought he knew how. 

“Mom. I think I want to be a rider.” Lionel stood in his normal spot in his mother’s doorway. 

Fiona was reading through an S.C. update article and only half listening to her son. Just lately, the young man seemed to be less moody. She heard reports and mutterings about what he been up to with the artifact room and the stunted Anubi. None of it bothered her, the queen was glad her son was finding happiness. However, human males and Anubi had no purpose for each other. His sudden request slipped past the nonchalance and she finally looked up from the holofeed. “You want to, what?”

“I want to learn how to ride the Anubi. Like you and Regina.” 

“Son. It’s not that simple. You know that.” 

“You told me before that I needed to have a partner to ride. The reason I couldn’t ride was because you could not force one to pick me. Well, what if I found one to be my partner?” 

Fiona was quiet, earnestly thinking about the request. Could there be a way for him to do this? She knew that having the Inserter Tentacle inside their bodies was a huge part of why women were able to ride in the first place. The Anubi hold them against that connection. She could not imagine how to attach a saddle to one. To even dare ask an Anubi to wear a saddle would be a grievous insult. These were not wild animals meant to be tamed and bridled. “Lionel… I don’t know.”

“Are you saying no?” The young man became suddenly combative.

“I’m not saying anything, Lionel. I just don’t know how it would happen without, well. You know.”

“I know.” Lionel stood quietly for a moment, feeling his pulse behind his eyes. “I can do that too.” His stomach felt alive with nervous energy. He could not believe that he actually said that. To his mother. 

“Oh.” Fiona had not considered that he would be willing to use an inserter tentacle. It could work. “Well, I say if you find a partner and you bond with them then, yeah. You can be a rider.”

Lionel beamed, finally turning to face her. “Really?!”

Fiona chuckled. “Really. After some safety training, of course.” 

“Thanks mom!” Lionel did something he had not planned on doing, he just moved with the happiness in his heart. He walked over and hugged his mother. “I won’t let you down. I promise.”

After a moment of surprise, Fiona returned the hug. She could not recall the last time he hugged her. It had to have been before she moved the twins to Anubis Prime. “I know you won’t. You’re a Star, after all. So, um, the feeler bit. Can you handle that?”

Lionel stiffened, realizing he was fully wrapped around his mother. Inevitably, she mentioned a tentacle and his mind immediately filled with the lude scenes that were his every day. His cock stirred and he coughed as an excuse to pull away. “Well, not exactly. I guess I want to but only because it will help. I’m not experienced with that side of things.”

Well, the intimate side of Lionel was good while it lasted. Fiona looked questioning at her son. Why the sudden switch back to no eye contact and facing away from her? Boys. She did not go through the typical phase of a normal woman. Fiona was born to be a soldier for the Star Children. She was one of the blessed few to find her mission in the stars early and spent much of her youth here on Anubis Prime. Was her son behaving like normal men? Perhaps she should have sent him to Star Children Command for assignment…

“I would suggest you become more, experienced before taking on that role. Riding an Anubi is more than sex with one. You have to be able to take it rough and that’s speaking for a vagina.”

Lionel felt clammy. It was not abnormal for people to speak so openly about such things but this was stacking a lot of intense subjects together. Lionel believed his mother was unaware of his secret attraction. She would speak like this to anyone but a secret level of taboo was making his heart race. He wondered if he dared to push it a little farther? The mental image from a couple weeks ago was still fresh in his mind but adding more to the bank would not be such a bad thing. And it’s not like she was modest about it in the past. 

“Could you possibly show me how?” Could a person’s heart explode? It was hammering hard enough in his chest, he was sure it was audible. 

Fiona was glad Lionel was not looking at her. She felt a swirl of curious emotions and could not lock one down quickly enough. She trained others in the past, including Regina and that involved seeing it up close. Lionel would have to have the same training but did it have to be her to show him? Fiona remembered that look in his eyes from that night before. She still thought about it far more than she probably should. She knew what continuing on with that behavior would lead to. Encouraging Lionel even a little would be enough to ensure further infatuation. Would that be terrible? 

“You want me to show you?” She asked him in a flat tone, looking right at his turned face. 

Lionel tried to swallow but found his mouth to be too dry. Instead, he summoned his courage, returned her look and nodded his head. 

“Okay. Come with me.” Fiona held out her hand and led Lionel to her bedroom. She sent a pulse vibration to the Master to let him know she was on the way. 



1 comment

  1. I will try to get the rest of this story posted by the end of the day. Just don’t want to spam the feed too much.

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