Sorry, are you on a date? [M][F]

She was on a date.

I was out with co-workers looking for a place to grab a couple of beers. The first two places were crowded and sticky so we kept moving. It was hot and I knew a place blocks away and we eventually made it there.

She was in her mid-50’s, black, in a summer dress, toned arms, showing cleavage, but it was her round ass, which she now had covered with a long t-shirt, that, I am sure, drew most of the attention. I was attracted to her immediately. I have a thing. She fit it perfectly.

Still, I am a respectful man, so even though my group was seated right next to hers, I said nothing. That was the plan, but everyone in my group was upset at me for walking (they wanted to take a cab) and froze me out of the conversation. So I sat.

My friend across me, started talking to her date. Weather, sports and other boring stuff. My friend was a boring guy. This guy was a boring guy. I was straining. While they were talking, I got a chance to check out my attraction and she was even more incredible than my first glance. Dreads, clear midnight skin, full lips, intelligent eyes, I was now staring.

All women know that you are interested, especially hot ones. For them it extends beyond mating instincts, and falls upon survival. They need to avoid the creeps. She had me one fire. Whatever rules I had about not crossing another man’s dating terrain, I broke. I rationalized by telling myself that she deserved better.

When I joined the conversation, I went in hard. I ignored her date and my friend and only talked to her. She responded to the others politely, but I noticed, with a smirk, she responded mostly to me. One of my other friends in the party I came, a woman, started to glare at me, basically saying, “knock it off”. I didn’t, but rather, I went in harder.

The conversation went on for about 15 minutes. My boring friend became uncomfortable with the energy and went and sat at the bar. I became so comfortable with the energy that near the end of the conversation I stopped talking and just eye fucked this woman right in front of her date. My friend next to me under her breath started whispering “stop, stop, stop, stop”. Her date, now fully understanding that he had lost, excused himself to go to the bathroom. I wasted no time, “ Could you write down your number?” She did.

When her date came back to the table, they left. My group stayed for another round. Then four of them left. One friend stayed for another beer. She told me I need to get rid of the number. “Shady!” I laughed and responded, “It was their third date. She is obviously out of his league and she deserves to know what is out there”. My friend rolled her eyes, finished her beer, and left.

Not wanting to leave just yet, I texted my new friend, “Did you get home ok”

She responded with a quick “Yes” and then responded with “Do you think you have a real shot with me?

I responded “I hope so. You are beautiful, smart, and my guess is you look incredible naked” Sometimes when you push the texts to the sexual new acquaintances end the conversation or pump the breaks, and, other times when the attraction is so immediate and intense, it lets both parties know that they are the same wavelengths.

She responded back with a question, “Do you know that I am 25 years older you, have one kid older than you and one younger, have never dated, fucked, or kissed a white guy?” She threw in some laugh emojis, which, to be honest, I am not a fan of for some reason.

I texted back ”I want you.” I did not expect to hear her again that night or maybe ever. I finished my beer. Part of reason I picked this bar was it was close to my apartment and I walked home. The night was an early summer nights that was hot, humid, with a lot of energy in the air, maybe a thunderstorm was coming. There were a ton of people at the bars and I hated to be going home alone.

I was a couple of blocks away from my apartment. She texted me her address, nothing but her address. It was not far away, about four blocks in the other direction. I debated going home and changing because walking in the air I was now dripping with sweat, dust decided to fuck it and go straight there. I responded “on my way”.

I got to her apartment, self-conscious about my sweat, unsure of what she wanted, doubting that I was doing the right thing, and knocked.

“The door is unlocked come in”

She was naked. We fucked and then dated after that. It was simple because she simply wanted the same thing that I wanted. And it was obvious to both us as soon as we met.
