Mountain Friends pt 3 (mf)


Nick gave a deep laugh as well, “Sorry to leave you there buddy. We were just thinking of waking you up to play some games. The night is young.”

“Games sound good,” I answered.

Suddenly, a loud boom sounded from outside and the electricity to the house turned off. Maria screamed and we all cursed loudly.

I scrambled to find my phone and turned on the flashlight. She had hugged Nick and buried her face in his chest. His arms were around her protectively and he was also feeling for his phone. In the light of my phone I could swear he had to move his penis to grab it but my mind was elsewhere.

“The fuck was that?” I exclaimed.

“Calm down buddy, it was probably just a transformer blowing or maybe a tree fell. Don’t worry, it happens.” His calm allowed me to relax and I calmed down.

“Why don’t you take your girlfriend and I’ll grab some candles.”

“Ok, that sounds good,” I said but Maria shook her head.

“I want to go with you.” Nick shrugged at me and then grabbed her by the shoulder and told her she could.

“Buddy, why don’t you be useful and check the fridge to move any perishables outside.”

I agreed and grumbled to myself, feeling a little degraded. Why did she want to go with him while I moved food? I sighed, moving the food was smart and it would be plenty cold for it outside. Unfortunately, the fridge was packed, it would take a while even with just the perishables. I started moving them out. I was about halfway through when Maria came to leave me a candle.

“We found everything we needed, Nick’s going to start a fire, just come join us when you finish up.” She sounded significantly more cheerful.

“Are you ok babe? You sounded really scared with the lights out.”

She shrugged, “I was just startled by the sound. And I’ve been a little on edge with just Nick here, we didn’t end on the best of terms.” With that, she practically ran back over to the living room. I kept moving stuff outside thinking about what Maria said. They certainly seemed like they were friendly. What could she mean by they ended poorly?

I finished up and tried to clear my head. I had sobered up and calmed down so I was feeling pretty good. I walked back over to the living room where Maria was sitting with a blanket around her and Nick was messing with the fire. It lit up the room nicely and there were plenty of blankets and some cushions. There was a coffee table with some cards and a few bottles of wine.

“This is actually pretty nice all things considered,” I said looking around. The chill was already coming in but the fire was warm and overall we were pretty comfortable.

“Yep and now we can actually get to know each other,” Nick chimed in as he took a seat on the third side of the table. I glanced at his shorts again and this time, in the light of the fire I saw the outline of a ridiculous package. A mix of arousal and intimidation shot through me but I smiled and nodded.

“What should we play?” Maria asked.

After thinking a moment, I suggested, “How about we play “never have I ever”? Everyone knows the rules and it’ll get us into the gaming spirit.”

Nick nodded, “That sounds like a fine idea. Maybe we can make it a bit more interesting.”

“Oh, how so?” Maria asked.

Well, we could add some rules in addition to the normal drinking.” Maria and I nodded.

“Maybe we could add in truth or dare?” Maria chimed in.

I thought for a second, “Truths if you put them all down, dare every three times?”

Nick looked pensive for a second. “Sure, but what if we do our full hands. So a truth for the first two and the second two, then dare if you lose?” We all nodded since it seemed reasonable. Nick poured up some drinks and we all settled in for the game.

“Well, ladies first,” announced Maria. “Never have I ever been caught masturbating.” Nick and I both put down a finger and laughed.

Nick went second, “Never have I ever caught anyone masturbating.”

Maria laughed, “I feel targeted.”

We were all at a single finger down and it was my turn. Nick was flirty and good looking I figured I could get him with something sexual. “Never have I ever had a threesome.”

Nick and Maria glanced at each other and Maria blushed. They both put a finger down then Nick said, “Well, I guess that’s a truth question for both of us.”

Nick looked at Maria, then at me, then back to Maria. “Maria, tell us about your sexual fantasy. Do you masturbate to anything in particular?”

I perked up at the question, then got angry for a second. “Maria, you don’t have to answer something uncomfortable like that.” I glared at Nick.

Maria interjected, “I’ll answer. I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. I sometimes think of riding a man’s face and playing with his hard cock.” She looked at me and I must have looked confused but then she looked back to Nick and continued, “But the fantasy of it is that there would be another, bigger, stronger man fucking my pussy from behind until they come deep in womb. Then I’d want the boy I’m riding to lick up every last drop as it slides out of my pussy.” She said the last little bit looking at me.

I wasn’t sure what to say and my mouth was dry. I licked my lips and said, “Wow Maria, um.. That’s something.”

Nick added, “Its fucking hot is what that is.”

Maria blushed again then asked, “It’s my turn right? Better catch Arthur up.” I smiled awkwardly. “Never have I ever masturbated while watching another couple.”

I blushed a little and put down a finger. “It was my roommate from college and I’d been drinking. Later found out they knew the whole time and would purposefully position themselves so I’d get a good view.”

Nick arched an eyebrow at me then looked at Maria and said, “I think I have a good one.” She leaned over and he whispered it to her.

She lit up then asked, “Would you want to have a threesome with me and one of my friends.”

I must have lit up when I answered yes because Maria laughed and said, “Maybe one of these days if you’re going to react like that.”

Nick went next, “Never have I ever licked another man’s cock.” Maria and I both put down fingers. “Well Maria I expected but I didn’t think you were so adventurous. “

I glared over at him, “Never have I ever had sex with someone in another relationship.” Maria and Nick lowered a finger. I looked at Maria and she looked at Nick. Maria was down to one finger and Nick still had two.

I asked quickly, “What sort of bad terms did you all end on.”

Maria sighed and I worried I pried too far, “Nick ended it with me because I was going to follow him instead of going to college. He just up and left one day, leaving me a letter. I was depressed for a while but I wouldn’t be where I was if he hadn’t done that.”

Nick went over and gave her a hug. “I’m a stronger woman for it though I was angry for a long time after I was done pining.”

Nick added, “It was hard for me too.”

They sat down and Maria took a deep drink. Then, before anymore could be said, “Never have I ever peed standing up.”

Nick and I were both down to one. Maria looked at me then asked, “Have you ever fantasized about me getting fucked by someone else she asked in a low voice.”

“Yes,” I answered shakily. “I don’t want it to happen but I’ve thought about it.”

“Have you masturbated to the thought?” she quickly followed up.

“Well, kinda, yeah I guess,” I answered sheepishly. “More to the thought of you though.”

“Hmph,” she snorted. “Nick, do you want to fuck me?” It was rare to hear her talk so vulgarly but it turned me on.

“Seeing you walk in my kitchen put a new edge on an ache and desire that I’ve had since I first met you.” My mouth dropped a little.

“Maria blushed a little, “Thank you Nick, you’ve always known the right things to say.” She looked at me coldly, “You could learn a thing or two.”

Nick went next, “Never have I ever…” He looked at both of us, “Eaten out someone’s ass.” He smiled triumphantly but neither of us lowered our remaining fingers. “Well damn! Guess I’m owed a dare.”

Maria leered a little. Then said, “Take your clothes off.”

Nick shrugged then took off the tight shirt he was wearing and his shorts. I stared a little. His physique was really impressive. Thick corded muscles covered his upper body. His legs were also well defined and powerful. He could have been a bodybuilder but the muscles were utility, not show. He was still lean enough to have agility. The real site was his cock. It was flaccid but hung thick in front of his heavy balls. It was easily seven inches long and as thick as Maria’s wrist.

I looked over at Maria and she was gazing at him. Nick stood tall and showed his body. There was nothing but deserved pride. My own pasty thin body had nothing on him. Maria licked her lips then, without taking her eyes off of him, said, “It’s your turn Arthur.”

“Never have I ever fucked someone in the ass.”

Maria looked over at me like I was stupid and I realized what I said. “How would I fuck someone in the ass, estupido.” Nick laughed and I joined in.

“I want you…, I want you to get naked too then get hard.”

I shrugged. “Ok I guess you want all the eye candy.”

She laughed a little cruelly, “Something like that.”

I took off my clothes and stood trying to emulate Nick though also realizing it was no contest. I run semi regularly and I’m healthy, but I’m not buff. My penis was also doing its best to curl up inside me from the cold and nervousness. Internally I felt incredibly inadequate standing next to this Adonis. I mean who wouldn’t. It would be like putting your average gal next to Gal Gadot. Maria looked from Nick, to me and back to Nick.

“I thought I said to get hard Arthur.”

I started playing with myself though I was finding it a little difficult with an audience, especially one so intimidating.

“Do you need some inspiration?” Maria asked and then took off her sweater. She was wearing a tight, light grey shirt and a pair of black tights. I stared at her and she pulled the shirt tight to show off her curves. My penis started to react. “Nick, help me take off my shirt.” Nick stood over and walked to her, she turned away and I could see her ass make contact with his hips and grind a little as his arms wrapped around her and grabbed the bottom of her shirt. He lifted, showing off the dark skin of her stomach. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her ample breasts tumbled out of her shirt.

My mouth was dry and the words I wanted to say, to tell him to get away from my woman, died in my throat as he took her shirt and stepped away. His penis had swelled a bit and was even larger as he sat back down. My own penis was hard as a rock, in its 6 and a half inch glory. Maria smiled at it and said, “Good boy.” Normally that sort of talk turned me on, but now it felt a little patronizing.

We all sat around the table, no one making moves to put on clothes. I gave a nervous laugh, “Well that was fun, what now.”

“Well, I have a couple games,” Nick said and opened what I thought was just an ottoman. Maria crawled over to him and peered in.

“Ooh, this looks interesting, have you played this?” she said, holding up a game. She passed it over. It was called Sexy Game and had some lurid illustrations on the front. There was a tagline, “orgasms with your friends”.

“I don’t know, this game looks pretty racy.” I turned it over in my hands.

“We can’t know until we play right?” Nick added jauntily. “It’s probably from the 60’s how racy could it be?”

“We can try it out and see if we want to play with the whole group tomorrow. It’ll be fun.” After saying that, Maria bounced back over to me and took it, kissing me on the cheek.

“Alright, we’ll try it.” I said reluctantly.
