How it started with my brother

[Part 1](

After I got to my room, all I could think about was how good that dick felt between my ass cheeks. I stayed up all night edging for hours and cumming multiple times with my vibrator. Just dreaming of my new fantasy. A fantasy I thought I would have never even thought about. Yet it actually happen. I couldn’t believe my thoughts and how much of an emotional rollercoaster my body felt. The rush of arousal and some guilt of all the lust and how wrong it felt. I tried to not think about it but the feeling of that first night was just to good to ignore.

The next morning on Sunday I got up took a shower and freshened up before I headed downstairs for some breakfast. When I got to the kitchen there he was sitting there eating his breakfast my mom had made us. I grabbed my plate and sat next to him. I could feel the change in energy. It felt awkward and at this moment I had a lot of regrets on how last night affected our relationship. I guess both of us didn’t know what to say so we just stayed on our phones as we ate. I was pretty sure that he wasn’t into what happened the night before so I just tried to let go of what happened. As I scrolled through instagram he got up and put his plate away. I tried to keep my eyes on my phone but as he walked by I couldn’t resist looking at his bulge. He walked right infront of me and I had a clear line of sight looking directly at the nice bulge of his grey shorts on his way out to the gym.

After breakfast I headed to my room to catch up on some homework and clear my head. Every 15 to 20 mins my mind would race back to the night before. I just wanted to feel it again. I used my vibrator for a good hour just edging to all my thoughts till I couldn’t hold it any more and came. This was the horniest I had ever been. Prior to lastnight I would only use my vibrator like twice a week and for not more then 10 or 15 mins. But I had used it now for almost a whole day. My body felt exhausted so I fell asleep for a long nap.

I woke up after about a 4 hour nap and my pussy was throbbing. I was so wet my panties were soaked. My arousal just kept peaking and I couldn’t control how much my body needed what I started to desire. I went downstairs to get some water and see what everyone’s up too. My mom and dad went out and my brother was in his room. I quickly ran up stairs as I thought it was a great opportunity. I needed to get his attention. I took off my pants and put on a nice thong. I walked around the house making noise and across his room while his door was open. Humming and making sure my ass has a nice jiggle as I walked by. I knew I had his attention. Both of our room were infront of each other’s so I left my door open as I cleaned my room in my nice bright pink thong. I bent over to clean stuff on the ground. Got on all fours to grab my socks under my bed. I wasn’t sure if he was even looking but the thought of it was enough.

Then I hear my door fully open. I turn around and he was standing there looking at me in my thong and small shirt. “Wow your room looks clean” he said. “Thanks” I replied. We talked for a bit on how I like stuff to be clean and everything in the right place. Then he said “well then where do you keep your vibrator because I know you don’t just keep it on top of your night stand”. My face turned beet red. I totally forgot to put my vibrator away. “I have my secret spot” I replied. “Do you even know how to use that thing?” He asked. I was shocked and caught off guard. I can’t believe I just left it on my night stand. “Yes, probably a lot better then you know how to use your thing” I replied. I couldn’t believe what I just said. We just both looked at each other for a moment then laughed. As the awkward between us from the night before had just faded away.

He walked into my room and sat down on my bed as he grabbed my tiny pink bullet vibrator. I justed looked at him looking at it and holding it in his hands. I started to get ideas. Should I just take off my thong and jump on top of him? Or I should get on my knees, sit infront of him and pull his shorts down like a good girl? The he asked me “how often do you use this thing?”. “Everyday I replied” knowing that was a lie. Then I asked him “how often do you jack off?”. He was a little surprised I asked him that. “Pretty much everyday. Almost every morning and night before I got to sleep”. The thought of him jacking off every morning and night was very arousing. “Do you think I can watch sometime?”
