Step Sister Corruption Part 226 – Day 126 Mia Date Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I’m not too sure if I should hate my life or love my life.

I’m pretty sure *any* guy who was living my life or knew about my life would quickly slap some sense into me as it should be televised….on Skinemax……as a drama series.  A series that could easily last 5 solid seasons and I’m sure *anyone* would gladly pay to watch my life as it unfolds.

But the truth is my life is *exhausting*.

No really, I’m serious.

You try juggling two sex crazed nymphos along with the slew of girl’s literally throwing themselves at me.  And that’s **before** all the shit I have had to go through.

And I swear I was never this interesting in high school…..nor cute as Kel and the other females have told me that I wasn’t cute back in high school.  Sure lanky and awkward and almost a loner……with minimal girlfriend’s and long *dry* spells.

Yet now it felt like I couldn’t go outside without some female throwing their panties at me…..and trying to fuck me.  I felt like I was some new whore-nip…..yes I’m referencing cat nip but for females.

It’s like over the summer in between high school and college I had blossomed to where I went from awkward and unnoticeable to sauve and alluring.  Though I swear I’m still the same person as I was before the summer started.  Still awkward.  Still a closet smart ass.  Still a geek.

And that’s before my *change*, though to be honest I haven’t really gone out to find out if my *change* made me more handsome or something…..I’ve been too busy.

With school, *my* girls, Morgan, Sabrina, Karinna and Mia, my mom, Brynn, Dr. Braxter, my online accounts and the other things that seem to mysteriously take up so much of my extremely limited valuable time.  And *now* I’m Kel and **eight** other girl’s agent.  **AND** I’m starting up a new online service.

Yeah my ass is busy.

Yesterday my day was *STUPID* busy….hell my entire week was bonkers.

Before the weekend was over I had humiliated my mom and failed horribly into converting her back into my mother… *only* silver lining from the whole exchange was that I was able to convince my mom to finally go see a damn shrink to work out her marital issues.

Then **MY** dumbass completely forgot that **THIS** week was finals so I didn’t study much.

**AND** I forgot to call *ALL* the girl’s over for a study session and *maybe* call double or nothing for our midterm bet.


I wanted an all out orgy that ***I*** controlled instead of owing Mia a stupid date day.

Plus I hadn’t seen…..or fucked either Karinna or Mia since my change.

Like I said, I”VE BEEN BUSY!!!!

I swear if I didn’t have such a stupid amount of high luck, at the moment seems like my *luck* is only geared one way, I wouldn’t have *any* luck at all.

And I can’t count on one hand how many times something **should** have blown up in my face….but nope I’ve been able to dodge and maneuver through everything as the literal *shit* hits the fan and come out on the other side smelling like roses.

How I have ***NO*** idea.

So the entire week I pretty much used a quarter as my answer guide and test checker.  Just imagine me flipping a coin and using the results to get my answers.  The re-check is I do the coin flips again to *check* my answers.

Yeah I literally watched a student in high school do that during a test as he pulled out a coin and started flipping the coin.  When the teacher asked him what he was doing the student calmly replied ‘Getting the answers’.  Everyone, at the time, looked at him like he was crazy…..except three people who quickly diverted their attention from him to their own tests.  Clear give away they were trying to cheat from him.  Then when the student was done he waited exactly five minutes before flipping a coin and smacking it again.  When the teacher asked him what he was doing now the student calmly answered ‘Checking my answers’.

Yeah the teacher face palmed himself more than once.  At least the students never tried copying off him ever again.

I don’t know why that stuck out in my mind but it just did.

So I raced through ALL my finals not giving two shits about my results as I was carrying either an A in the class or a high B/low A so if I bombed my final the most my grade would drop is a C at worst.

Though I highly doubt I was going to bomb any of my tests as just about 80% of each final was multiple choice so depending on the weighting of the questions the worst I *might* do is a B.  Still not bad and not enough to bring my final grade lower than a B.

I don’t know about Kel or Summer and how they could have done on *their* finals.

After yesterday’s whole *Site pitch* to the girls was done and finals was pretty much done as well.  And now that we were officially on Winter Break, we; Kel, Summer and myself, got home to have some *alone* time before both myself and Summer received a text from Mia reminding us about *our* midterm bet.

Naturally her reminding us of the bet did ruffle Summer’s feather’s.  And mine as well but for obvious different reasons.

So we spent the night fucking damn near until midnight well after I had nothing left in the tank both in the energy department and in the nut department.

Mia made me *start* the day by coming over to her’s and Karinna’s shared apartment with breakfast in hand, a donut from a specific donut shop and specific donut…..a peanut butter filled donut topped with chocolate and white sprinkles.  She wanted *her* favorite coffee from Flying J….a upside down grasshopper with two extra shots and extra chocolate whipped cream.  All of which costed me nearly $25.

I would have been an ass and put said donut on a certain piece of flesh but the hole in the donut was too narrow so that idea was out.  Plus I really didn’t want peanut butter or chocolate all over me.

Still I showed up dressed as commanded that she said I must be dressed proper for the day she had planned and bring extra clothing and styles along with toiletries aka deodorant cologne just to name a few of the items she requested I bring for my day long date as the day was going to be quote *fun* unquote.

I wore one of the few remaining slacks that still fit me and the few remaining collared shirts I had in my closet.

I stylized my long ass hair swearing that one of these days I will finally get my ass over to a barber and get my mop shaved off or something.  Just as long as my hair finally gets out of my eyes.

I would say I needed my face shaved but Summer makes me shave every other day after the razor burn fiasco a couple of months ago.

I put on my only dress shoes that survived my growth spurts from high school… senior prom shoes to be exact.

Actually come to think of it most of my outfit was the clothes I wore to my high school prom if I’m not mistaken.

Then I packed a bag with two pairs of sweat pants, four pairs or boxers, a couple of under shirts, a stick of deodorant, my cologne, and my pills.  Then I threw my bag, sweater and shoes into my car before I went off first thing in the morning I got *my* coffee before I got Mia’s breakfast/coffee request and headed over to her apartment.

I was semi caffeinated by the time I got to the apartment and retrieved the key from on top of the outside light the girl’s threw into there as I could easily reach it.

I unlocked the door and walked into the apartment expecting Mia to up and ready…..nope.

I walked further into the apartment thinking this apartment was meant for Karinna and Mia as I had to bend my head at just about everywhere in the place.  This place was not meant for *normal* height individuals and is meant for fucking midgets.

I looked around finding that Karinna had made herself scarce as I could only find Mia….in her bed…..still asleep.

I sighed looking at the mini twig and hunched my way back into the main common area that was attached to the mini kitchen that I could easily travel through in a step….or two.

I set the doughnut down on the kitchen counter and her grasshopper as I looked around at the apartment finding it was surprisingly…..destroyed.

Did a twister come through here?

Or did they get their decorating tendencies from Kel?

Wait, that was the same thing.

I looked around seeing swim suit strips hanging off the light….the couch….on the living room table.

A mound of flip flops, fuzzy boots, and shoes in a pile next to the door.

Jesus these girl’s could use a maid……or you know maybe pick after themselves.

I kicked off my shoes at the desk that faced towards the front door thinking if Mia was going to remain asleep for our *day date* I might as well make myself comfortable as I looked around for a *clean* place I could sit but only found *strips* that resembled female clothing on just about every single surface.

I looked around the disaster finding that at least it was *clothing* that decorated the midget sized apartment. Being semi thankful it wasn’t food boxes and dishes littering the area I decided to sit down on the couch comforted that I was sitting on cloth that touched a girl’s intimate areas and basked in the musk that hanged in the air with whatever odorizer was *trying* to mask it with a vanilla scent.

I looked around easily finding a remote half covered by a cloth resembling a bikini top on the table in front of me.  I looked up at the TV wondering do I really want to watch TV while I let Mia sleep.

Was she really sleeping?

I mean I knew she looking forward to this day and basically demanded I come here early in the morning yet when I got here she was laying on the bed appearing to be asleep…at least I’m assuming she was asleep but have no idea because she was completely quiet.  

I know when I looked over her for the few moments I was over her before I came back into the midget confines and saw her back rising in her mini t shirt and boy shorts as she laid on her stomach.

So I *assumed* she was sleeping.

I knew with Summer, depending on how tired she is, I get a wide range of sounds from her ranging from moderate snoring to moaning in her sleep.

Sure as fuck was better than Kel’s snoring that sounded like a garbage disposal having a tree branch shoved into it……but that was when her nose was busted.  Usually Kel snores but it’s fairly light but can get loud depending on how tired she is…..or if her nose is clogged.

So I’m used to some form of snoring as my girl’s cuddle into me, usually finding them cuddling into my armpits.

I got up and walked back over to where Mia was sleeping and found her nearly in the same position as I found her a few moments ago.  Except maybe her legs were more widely spread on her stomach.

Was she pretending to be asleep and giving me a little show?

Only one way to find out.

I walked up to the bed and could approach this multiple ways.

I could shake Mia awake either forcefully or lightly.

I could jump up, in the process hitting my head on the low hanging ceiling and knocking myself out, as I performed an elbow drop on her.

I could smack her ass to test exactly how asleep she really is.

Instead I reached down and lightly rubbed her ass causing Mia to lightly moan but didn’t move.

I continued rubbing as my hand slipped down more getting to her special place causing her to moan and move a little as she opened her legs giving me easier access.

That sold it and hit given.

I walked out of the room and took off my sweater and laying it on the couch.  Then I took off my shirt and laid it on top of the sweater.  Then I took off my pants letting it hang on the sofa next to the sweater and shirt.  I took off my socks putting them on top of the pants.  Then the final piece of clothing that remained, though not much longer, was my boxers as they went on top of the socks and pants.

I walked back into Mia’s bedroom finding Mia still in her spot though I could see she had a smirk on her face meaning she wasn’t asleep and this was a ploy.

She wanted me to wake her up the way I was about to wake her up.

I got on the bed reaching down to pull Mia’s panties aside and guided myself finding Mia’s pussy was nicely moist.

I guided myself and lightly pushed causing Mia to moan before she deeply gasped as my tip slipped into her.  Then as my length slowly pushed into Mia’s pussy she moaned and cursed as she felt my dick slip deeper and deeper into her pussy until I hit Mia’s shallowness and kept going causing her to groan *loudly* as my leviathan slowly stretched her out as my dick slipped deeper and rearranging her internal organs in her small frame.

The deeper I pushed into Mia at one point when I hit three quarters in her body started quivering and she started gripping her sheets until I had sheathed her.

And the process started as I slowly pulled myself out before pushing myself back in.

I started off slow letting Mia slowly appreciate my new size though she was cursing and moaning letting her get used to the long stride happening in her pussy before I started increasing my tempo.

It wasn’t long before both of our bodies were glistening with sweat and not much longer before Mia achieved her first orgasm.

I, of course, stopped letting her enjoy her orgasm before I went back to fucking her.

Then a series of events happened as she achieved harder and longer orgasms with decreased time in between before the next one happened.

Soon Mia got to the point where she pushed me away holding onto her chest and laughing saying she needed a break.

Mia laid there panting and she was holding onto herself as her pussy was probably now sore.

I smiled thinking that I had worn out Mia before I went back into the midget living room and put my clothes back on and waited for Mia to exit.

I actually turned on the TV and started watching a show that I had no idea about but just wanted some back ground noise.

Eventually Mia exited her bedroom dressed in comfy attire and quickly found her, now late, breakfast as she had received a good morning wake up or good morning fuck.

She quickly downed the donut and slammed the high sugar over flavored wanna be coffee.

She looked at me and spoke, “Ready to go to our first location?”

I looked back at Mia and nodded as I lightly wondered what Mia had planned for the day.



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