A forest trail pt. 2

He hands the clerk the change, and dashes out without a receipt, he wouldn’t look at it anyways. As he looks up at the sky, he realizes he has to put a bit of a pep in his step to get back home before dark. He’s still got a way of light, but doesn’t want to keep his dog waiting too long. He makes his way back to the start of the forest and feels a cool breeze whiff through his hair, smiling as he gets a small tingling feeling at the back of his neck. He starts walking, notices a couple jogging with their dog and flashlights out already. He decides to turn his on too. As he’s walking, he sees a black and white plaid skirt walking towards him, and he starts to nervously look around somewhere else, as to not cause any unnecessary attention to her. He looks down at the skirt’s feet, which are rocking some worn out, classic converse with knee high socks, looking like a classic school girl that runs wild after class. Marcel looks up a bit, to see a pretty blonde headed girl doing the same as him, looking around to not cause attention, accidentally meets his dark brown eyes, and quickly looks away again. Stunned by the energy between them, Marcel drops his flash light, and stumbles a bit trying to catch it. But its too late, the light is rolling away just in front of the dirty converses, when he notices the surprisingly clean laces in a perfect bow. The girl in the skirt looks slightly frightened, but quickly bends down and grabs the flashlight.

Taking a breath, Marcel hopes the blush in his face isn’t as noticable through his dark skin, and looks at the girl, then at the flashlight, then back at the girl. She meets his gaze, and looks behind Marcel, then herself, maybe to see if anyone saw up her skirt. She looks at the flashlight beaming at the ground, and says to Marcel “This is a pretty big flashlight to be dropping around anywhere.” Marcel starts to stutter, and says “yeah it’s for protection just in case too.” The girl laughs and says “huh, maybe I should start walking with one too instead of just defenceless as I am.” She starts to hand the flashlight over, but stops, and looks back at the ground. She starts clicking it off and on a couple times and says “or maybe I could have someone, big like you to carry it around next to me, and fight off any bad guys I find on this trail.” Marcel begins to get more flustered, and says “well, I’ve never seen any guy too menacing around these parts,” to which the skirt replies “oh, who says the guy is going to be menacing?” and starts to rub the flashlight over her flowy plaid skirt. Marcel looks her in the eyes and says “I’d hope not too menacing” and begins to put his hand out for the flashlight. As he’s putting his hand out, she begins to shrink away, slightly stumbling as she steps off the sidewalk. She giggles, and asks “Have you ever chased a thrown stick before?” Marcel looks her in the face, and before being able to say anything, the girl scuffs her converse around in the dirt and tosses the light a few feet into the forest. “Oops” she says, moving her hand to her cheek.

Marcel is quite shocked at the quick thinking and actions of this little lady, and tells her to go get it instead, since her shoes look dirty enough to not make a difference. She sighs and says “You’re no fun, but follow me and make sure there’s no snakes or rabid dogs?” He hesitantly agrees, after all, it’s only a few feet into the trees. She marches into the trees, and looks around to see where the beam is coming from. Marcel looks back at the trail, and doesn’t see anybody. Once he hears the leaves crunch back towards him, he spins around to see her holding the torch up on her sweater, which he can now read as saying “Save the bees, get the honeys”. She’s holding it in a way that mimics telling a ghost story, with her face lit up, but the only thing scary about the situation is seeing the “boo-bies” being held up by her arms through her sweater. The skirt then starts to hand it back, when the torch falls again. But this time, she drops to her knees to pick it up. Marcel can hear the twigs crunch under her knees as she falls down. Quizically, he looks at her, as she picks up the flashlight and shines it underneath her skirt. She looks up at him, as he notices that he can see through her skirt, seeing her soft, thin thighs and an electrifying gap. She says “I think I might’ve lost the flashlight, can you help me search for it?”

Marcel is quite lost in her words and innocent looking eyes, knowing there is nothing but trouble within them, but chuckles and says “sure, I’ll give a hand.” He reaches down to below her skirt, meeting her knee socks. His hand falls from her knee socks down to the floor of the trail, scuffling around a bit. He then says “I can’t find it on the floor,” and the skirt says to him “maybe look a little bit higher.” As he moves his hand around in the air, he brushes her right thigh a bit, then moves around to the left. Before he manages to make it to the left, he feels something slightly furry. This confusion causes his face to furrow up a bit, to which she giggles. Marcel’s intrigue is taking over the slight off puttingness of the fur, but proceeds to follow it up. Brushing past the torch, he looks down at the torch again to see that there are no panties covering this lady. Wondering where the fur is more than the exquisite detail of her coochie, wanting to do nothing more than lick’n’sniff it, he’s still following the tail up, wondering if this girl has just worn a tail under her skirt, and around her hips for shits and giggles. He meets flesh. The side of her right buttcheek, but finds theres more tail to go. He goes deeper into her underneath region, her own little forest within the trail’s forest. She’s wearing a tail buttplug! His heart begins pumping even faster. This foxy little schoolgirl’s breath starts to pick up as he looks at her lips, breaking a smile.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t6u1h3/a_forest_trail_pt_2