Night to Remember or Not

Slowly I tried to open my eyes, but they felt crusted over with something. I strained to lift my
head, but again it felt strangely too foggy and heavy to function like I know it normally does. Suddenly, I
felt a drop of something, I know its not rain, this was too hot, thick, and sticky to be rain. I didn’t think it
was any type of food or drink substance either. My squinted, crusted over eyes, noticed a shadow
above me. The shadow leaned down, wiped the substance from my cheek and place it into my wide
open mouth. “taste it slut” and I did as told. I taste the warm salty cum that had been dripped onto my
cheek. My mouth is still wide open, held that way I now realize by some sort of contraption I swallow
the drop and it flows down the back of my throat. I feel tired, so I quit trying to open my eyes and I quit
trying to figure out what exactly is going on and I drift back into black nothingness.
The next thing that comes to my mind is a terrible, terrible, terrible headache. I stretch my arms
out wide above my head and give a big yawn. The pillow feels soft under my aching head and the covers
make me feel comfy and cozy. I snuggle further down under the covers and it is then that I notice I am
not wearing any panties. “How strange, “ I think to myself. I always wear panties to bed, as a matter of
fact I always am fully clothed in bed, but this time I have awaken to me being completely naked
underneath the covers. My eyes slowly open under great duress it feels like. They are heavy and feel
like they have been dipped in sand or something. I blink a couple of times and try to clear my eyes of
the crust that has developed. I go to throw my legs over the side of the bed in preparation of getting
out of bed. I have no idea what time it is, but I know that I should have been up by now, long by now.
My feet touch the soft rug by my bed and I look down at them and then I notice the thin red lines
around the ankles. They are bright red and leave a small indention in my ankle. It doesn’t exactly hurt
but I can definitely tell that they have been through something. Something is definitely feeling off here,
I am just not sure what that something is.
I walk into my bathroom and turn to look into the mirror. The face that stares at me, does not
look like the me I know at all. Lipstick is smeared across my face and I never wear lipstick, along with
dark black mascara running like a river of tears down my cheeks. I am not a makeup person, so this just
keeps getting stranger and stranger by the minute. I look down at my still nude body and here and
there I notice bite marks, hickeys, finger nail indentions, even some scratches. “What in the hell have I
been doing?!” I loudly ask myself in the bathroom mirror. Shaking my head I step into my shower and
begin to clean off. A very vivid, very intense vision comes into my head and almost makes me cum right
there on the spot without even touching myself. I am pressed against a shower wall as a man with short
black hair is pounding into me from behind, I look over my shoulder at him, but my head is quickly
turned with a swift jerk back to looking at the wall. My body is shoved and pushed and slapped over and
over again in the shower, in the vision I can actually hear myself moaning and cumming to this man’s
deep commanding voice that tells me over and over what a good girl I am, what a pretty pet I
make…and then just as quickly as it came ,the vision fades away. I shake my head in the shower as if
waking from a dream and wondering if indeed I was just dreaming, but then I can see the bruises on my
body and know that this is a memory, not a dream.
After my shower vision I am feeling strange feelings all over my body; burning, hot, tingling and
aching to the very core of myself. I want to rub my hands up and down my body to try and take the
edge of these feelings, but I don’t. I go to my room and I find a comfy pair of panties, a bra, and put on
some leggings and a tunic for just some comfortable lounge around the house clothing. I go into the
kitchen and grab a pint of ice cream from my freezer. For some reason today just seems like an ice
cream kind of day. I ponder on the vision memory I had while in the shower but nothing is coming before or after that memory. Shaking my head, I sit down at my kitchen table and then I see a plain
white notecard with sapphire blue ink printed on it. I pick it up and notice there is nothing on it except a
couple of lines. “Had a great time last night, can’t wait for tonight. You belong to me.” That’s it, that is
all the notecard says, no signature, no address, no name, just that cryptic line. I study and study the
card trying to make some sense of what this means but I honestly don’t have any idea or memory of
what happened last night except for the shower. I take my ice cream into the my bedroom and sit down
and start to mindlessly play a game on my phone as the day fades away into darkness.
I must have fallen asleep because when I awaken, the sun is gone and it is very clearly dark in
my room. I turn the light on and I notice a glass of iced tea sitting by my bed. I don’t remember bringing
one to bed with me, but I usually do, so I think nothing of it. I am feeling pretty thirsty after my
unintended nap, so I take a big gulp of the ice tea…it’s a little sweeter than I usually like, but I am now so
thirsty that I gulp the rest of the tea down quickly. I stand to walk to the refrigerator for a refill but a
wave of dizziness crashes over me and sit back down on the bed. All of a sudden I feel very very very
tired. “must not of gotten all of my nap out” I think to myself and lay back down on my bed for a quick
nap, but not before I hear the turn of a key in my door.
I sit back up quickly but that causes more dizziness and I fall back down on the bed. My eyes are
half closed when I see a tall, heavily muscled shadow approaching me on my bed. I think I scream, well
at least my brain was saying to scream, but my mouth wouldn’t cooperate very much with the
commands my brain was giving it. “Oh fuck, she’s still awake!!” I hear a deep voice with a slight English
accent say. Another shadow is now standing next to the first shadow now. “TskTsk someone’s pet didn’t
drink their tea like a good girl.” He looks over at my nightstand table where the now empty tea glass
was, “hmmm or perhaps she needs just a bit more to drink.” “are you still thirsty my pet?” “Pet?” I think
to myself I don’t have any pets living with me. Then the tall shadow walks into my kitchen and brings
back another glass of cold sweet tea. I try to sit up and tell the men that I am not thirsty, try to tell them
any number of things, but my voice seems to have decided it was not time to work. “Come now, pet.
Lets be a good girl, and drink all of our tea for Daddy” the English man said. He came to the side of the
bed and raised me up as the other man poured the tea down into my mouth that was being held open
with two fingers on either side of my jaw. As the tea raced down my throat, I began gagging at the rate
he was pouring the tea down. “Going to have do some more gag training it looks like” the shorter
shadow chuckled to the taller shadow. These were the last words I heard as the blackness consumed all
of me and I fell into a slumber.
I awoke to one of the shadows setting my body down on top of a mattress in the middle of an
empty warehouse looking space. I sat there in a daze, looking around trying to figure out what just had
happened, had I been kidnapped, was I being robbed, what did they want with me? I didn’t have a job
and no one really cared that much for me so it couldn’t be money, and I didn’t have anything else worth
anything so no ransom, all these thinking was starting to hurt my head, so I lay back quietly on the
mattress. I heard one of the shadows approach the mattress I was laying on. “Ready for some playtime
princess?” the shadow said with a hint of lust in his voice. My voice was still not working and as I
struggled to sit up, my head involuntary fell down into a nod of consent. “looks like a yes to me!” the
other shadow shouted fairly loudly. I stopped struggling to sit up and just lay there with my eyes closed.
I heard the clothes coming off of each of the shadows and I dared to open my eyes and take a peek. The
shorter of the two shadows was standing at the side of the mattress just beside my head and I could see
his already semi hard cock as he stroked it up and down and up and down, slowly making it grow and get harder. He looked down at me and saw that my eye was open and I was staring at the sight before
me. “looks like someone wants to help her Daddy and her Master tonight” the shorter guy said. I
blinked my eyes actually recognizing those terms he used. I got a safe warm tingling inside when I heard
those words, like I was something to someone and they cared about me. I began to relax my stiff
muscles and lay back on the bed no longer afraid or confused as I had been previously.
I eagerly held my mouth open for the contraption to go in that I knew would leave me as just
another hole for the two most important men in my life. I began to salivate as I watched the shorter
man continue to slowly slide his hand up his rigid cock. The taller of the men came over to me and
began to undress me, I panicked slightly still a little disoriented from whatever had been in my tea to
drink. The taller man slapped me across the face. It stung and there were tear drops gathering in my
eyes. The slap was so shocking that I just lay there as he removed my pants and underwear. Another
slap came across my face, “what did we tell you about wearing bra and panties, there is to be none of
that. You belong to us, and if we say no fucking panties or bra then that is what is to happen, do I make
myself clear little cumslut?” I shook my head yes too rattled by the slaps to even begin to formulate
words. Then there was a sharp pain on my left breast as the shorter man slapped me there…”this is not
fucking mime class, you will use your words and you will answer as is appropriate for our title and your
station in life.” “now answer what your Daddy asked you, little cumdump” “see if you can manage to
make that weak little brain of yours actually form words to come out of our hole.” I meekly looked at
Daddy and said “Yes Daddy and Master, there is to be no underwear and panties worn at anytime
except on my period and that is only if you allow it” They both nodded their heads at me and then each
told me what a good girl I was and that I deserved a treat for listening.
Master stood knelt down by the mattress where my head was laying and shoved his cock deep
to the back of my throat. He didn’t go softly, didn’t give me time to prepare he just started fucking my
mouth as hard and as fast as he could. I struggled to breathe but it was near impossible to do that with
his cock at the back of my throat and my nose pushed against his stomach. I clawed and I scratched at
his legs to let me breathe, tears were pouring from my eyes, and drool just kept sliding and dripping
down my body. Finally Master let me come up for air. “This is a lesson you need to learn selfish slut,
you only get to breathe, when we decide you breathe.” And he pointed at me, “this air, all this air that
you breathe, this belongs to us, we choose to let you use our air.” I nodded and then quickly
remembered my warning from earlier, “Yes Daddy and Master.” I quickly said. Master then jammed his
cock back down my throat in a brutal pounding way, “this mouth.” He grunted “this belongs to us, we
use it as we see fit, if we want it to talk, then it talks, if we need a hole to fill with cum, then we fill it with cum.” And
with that last explanation he grunted hard and filled the back of my throat with his cum. He pulled out
and held my mouth shut with his hand until I swallowed every last bit of his cum into my body. After
that I just wanted to rest for a bit, I was still tired from the medicine but it was Daddy’s turn to use their
cum dumpster. I struggled against the thing that was holding my mouth open but it was no use. I even
dared to turn my head away as Daddy approached me. That was a big mistake. A very very big mistake.
Daddy was usually the calmer of the two, more level headed, less incline to jump the gun and bring on
punishments, but when I turned away from Daddy using my mouth and throat, Mr. Sadistic Daddy
turned up to join the party. “what did you just do you fucking little cunt of a whore!!??” he raged at me.
“you did not just turn your head from doing your duty to your Daddy, did you little selfish whore?!” “I
know you value your ass too much for that to have been the case.” Daddy turned to Master and told
him “Princess wants to play rough tonight, she invited Sadistic Daddy to the party.” “Oh really did she now, “ Master said and raised his eyebrow in communication with Daddy. I knew I was fucked then, so
royally, royally, fucked. I could do nothing but lay there in abject misery until my punishment was
I heard a scraping sound coming across the warehouse floor. My legs began to tremble both in
excitement and in fear. I knew that sound, I knew what was coming. Master picked me up off the bed
and lay me belly down on top of the sex machine they had brought over to be used, my tight little
butthole hung off the edge of the thin bench that I was laying on. Master tied me down to the bench. He
positioned the dildo on the machine into my pussy and to my horror, I was soaking wet. I couldn’t
believe how wet I was. “Look at that cunt.” Master said “just dripping wet for us.” He jabbed a finger
inside of me and turned it to catch all of my cum that he could, I moaned as the finger felt so good inside
of me. “Who needs to cum, who needs to have all of these pussy juices out of her stupid little cunt” he
teasingly said. “I do Master, I do soooo bad” I said pleadingly to him. He stuck his finger in my mouth
“Lick” he said and I licked Masters finger greedily. He placed the machine on a slow setting and I began
to get fucked slowly and achingly. All I could do was lay there and take it…I couldn’t move or anything.
“All set?” Daddy asked with this grin on his face that I rarely ever saw. Master nodded and
grinned back at him “ready to go!” My head was forced into a parallel position with the bench and
strapped down so it couldn’t be moved. My mouth once again was held open for me. The bench
become shorter so that my head was at the very edge of it. “Now we will see who turns their hole away
from Daddy, when Daddy wants to use it.” And with those words he slid his long slender cock into my
mouth. He began pumping in and out almost matching the rhythm of the sex machine. “This mouth is
ours, we use it when we want to” Daddy said. “If I want to use it every fucking day of every fucking week
of every fucking month than I damn well will.” He shouted at me and pushed in harder. “ If we want this
mouth to have a cock in it 24 hours of the day it will damn well have a cock, no matter whose I choose in
it” he roared at me and started face fucking me. I was so taken aback by the rough handling from Daddy
that I almost didn’t notice the searing pain in my asshole. I screamed, or rather I tried to scream but it was
very hard to do that when you had a cock ramming your throat like a jack hammer and taking no prisoner.
I had a cock in my throat ramming me, a sex machine pumping in and out of my soaking dripping wet
pussy, and Master in the back of me literally tearing me a new asshole. I was in pain, but it was the
most beautiful of pains. Here I was fulfilling my purpose for my Daddy and my Master. I felt the first
wave come on and there was nothing I could do, I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t stop. Daddy and Master
just kept going at me and I felt the cum whoosh out of my body, I heard it fall into a container that was
positioned underneath me, “that’s strange” I thought, but didn’t have enough time to keep the thought
in my head as another wave was crashing into me. “Does little cumslut want Daddy’s cum, does she
want to swallow Daddy and be a good little cumdumpster all for Daddy” he grunted. Oh how I wanted
that, how I wanted to swallow Daddy’s cum just like I had Masters, I tried to communicate this need but
I couldn’t. “what’s that, you don’t want Daddy to cum down your throat?” “oh well that’s too bad,” and
with that he jerked out of my mouth and went to stand where the container sat underneath me..he
came into that container with a roar of satisfaction. He came back to the front of the bench where my
head was and gently wiped the tears away from my eyes. “there, there, you are such a good girl such a
good girl for Daddy” “I love you so much, and from now on we know that when Daddy or Master wants
their holde, they get it.” “It belongs to us little girl” and with that he released my head and lay it gently on the bench. The sex machine was still going at a steady pace, Master was ramming my tight asshole again
and again and again. I was exhausted, I cant tell you how many times I had already came for the night,
“Does slave want Master’s cum in her tight ,tight fuckhole.” I picked my head up enough to nod yes, but
again what I wanted to happen did not happen. “Oh too bad, only good cumsluts get Masters cum
where they want it.” And with those words he pulled out and went over to the bucket that held so
much cum from me that I was sure I was going to die of dehydration any moment now, and he came
into the bucket with a long strangled grunt being pulled from his lips. I still lay there with the sex
machine still going on me. “well I think this should be it for the night, don’t you?” Master asked Daddy,
but Daddy was still feeling the rejection from earlier, “Not quite, however I am hungry. So why don’t we
order some pizza to eat.” And the two of them left me on that machine as they ordered the pizza and
awaited its arrival.
About 15 minutes later, a sound of knocking came from somewhere in the room. I by this time
was just a puddle of goo, of sore, wrung out goo. I couldn’t even have lifted a finger if I wanted to. The
pizza man delivered the pizza. He looked over at me with a questioning eye to my Master and my Daddy.
“Want to take a spin in her?” Daddy asked with a twinkle in his eye. The pizza man looked incredulously
at him and then began to quickly remove his pants. “You only get to use her mouth, that’s it, you do not
get to cum, she belongs to us, she only gives you what she gives you now because we own her and we
are allowing you to use her throat.” “you don’t look her in the eyes” “as a matter of fact you will both
wear blindfolds.” Daddy gave these curt instructions out as he lead the pizza man over to my where my
head lay. Once again it was picked up and strapped into a position. The mouth thing was there to hold
my mouth open for this new strangers cock, tears seeped from the corners of my eyes, but I was too
weak to protest, and even if I could I knew I didn’t want to. This is what Daddy needed to feel better for
me rejecting him earlier. I earned this punishment and I would take it like the good little punishment
whore I am. Daddy placed a blindfold over my eyes and then I felt an unfamiliar cock begin to slowly
and thoroughly use my mouth and my throat for his pleasure. Soon and sooner than I thought possible
he was at the edge, Daddy instructed him to pull out and leave. I heard footsteps receding.
I was picked up from the bench by Daddy’s strong arms. Master untied me and said all the loving
things that I needed to hear as he stroked my sweat sopped hair and my aching jaw. They sat down on
an old ragged couch on the other side of the warehouse and each of them held a part of me. I snuggled
down into each of them, feeling like the most loved and safest person in the world. Pretty soon, Daddy
asked me if I wanted something to drink, and I said yes please. He came back with a bottle that looked
like it had milk in it. “Here baby girl gets special milkies tonight” he cradled me in his arms and he put
the bottle in my mouth, I slowly began to suck on the bottle to pull the milk out. Only when the taste hit
my tongue I realized it was cum that I was drinking out of that bottle. “This is baby girl’s, Daddy’s and
Masters special milks all mixed together for our sweet baby” “now you can never forget who you belong
to as we are a part of you, little one. Now close your eyes and go to sleep for the night” I slowly drifted
off to sleep with the bottle still in my mouth.
The next morning I awoke to a soft pillow and a fluffy bad, but God was I sore. I felt like I had
been working out all night. My head felt foggy and my mouth was dry. I tried to throw my legs over the
side of the bed like every morning but they felt so heavy and so full of lead that I could barely move
them at all. I looked down at my naked body, “wait, naked?” I mumbled to myself. “this isn’t right” I
always wear clothes to bed including my glasses. I stumbled to the bathroom and got a good look at
myself in the mirror. I looked terrible, my lips were bruised and swollen and there was thin strap of redaround my neck. “Now how do you suppose that happened?” I asked myself. I shook my head
gingerly and wearily as I climbed into my shower. I put my head against the cool tile of the shower stall
and I suddenly had an orgasm just rush right through me because of the picture I had in my head, two
men, a sex machine, gagging, face fucked till I literally passed out. I damn well nearly passed out in the
shower from the force of that memory. I got out of the shower and was preparing to put my panties on
when in my head came this voice of man, “we do not allow panties and bra on ever is that clear little
slut?” I shook my head but decided I could do without the bra and panties for one day anyway, just find
a cute pair of leggings and a shirt and I would be fine. I was still feeling a bit tired and dizzy so I headed
to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
I opened my freezer to get my usual ice cream out when I noticed my tea pitcher had a notecard
on it written in sapphire ink. “Another great night, make sure to drink all of this tea today” “Cant wait
until tonight” That was it no address, no name, and no signature. Taking the card back to my room I
pondered on it, it was almost like at the back of my mind, I could see another similar note card laying on
my kitchen table. I retraced my steps as best as I could, but that seemed to be getting a little harder
each day and I seemed to be getting a little more tired each day as well. I drank my glass of iced tea, ate
my ice cream sandwich, and promptly fell asleep again.
I woke up to darkness again and an unquenchable thirst this time. I went into the kitchen and
got the pitcher of ice tea out of the fridge and began drinking no chugging it down as if I couldn’t get
enough. I began to feel very dizzy, the room was spinning, I heard a crash on the floor and realized I had
dropped the tea pitcher and it had shattered. I heard a key turning the lock on my door. I looked over at
the two men entering my home and that is the last thing I remember.
This time when I awoke I was in my home, my Daddy and my Master sitting next to me, looking
completely worn out. I looked at the date on my watch, I had been asleep for 2 full days! I looked down
at my completely naked body and saw all the marks, the bruises, the welts, the red marks, the
indentations, the scratches, there even a cut or two on me. I tried to get up but realized that I couldn’t
move a muscle at all the this time. I felt exhausted and worn out, used to within an inch of my life and I
loved it. Slowly Daddy and Master began to stir beside me. I looked at them shyly out of the corner of
my eye. They both had the biggest grins on their faces. “well baby girl, did you like this week?” Daddy
asked me and I nodded eagerly “Do you know what happened to you, sweet ling?” Master asked me and
I shook my head just as eagerly. “You officially become ours in everyway possible.” Daddy said. “You
gave more of yourself and trusted us with so much that there is no way we could ever think of having
another sweet ling baby girl in our life” Master said. Then they pulled out the most beautiful black collar
with a sapphire heart that was inscribed “Sweet ling Baby girl’ on one side and on the other side the
most beautiful words to me I had ever seen, OWNED by Daddy and Master. They put it around my neck
and I snuggled down to sleep with them both, knowing this was a memory that would stay with me
