For Research Purposes [F/M] [Gentle Femdom] [hand job] [doctor-nurse roleplay]

I observed you as you did your job. You did it well and quite efficiently, I must say, although there’s still room for improvements. I quickly glanced at the waiting room outside. There were still quite a few people queuing to get their cum collected. I sighed, this project is gonna take the whole day.

“Meet me in my office after you’re done with this patient,” I said, and left you to do your job.

About ten minutes later you knocked at my door, and I let you in. You looked nervous, so I opened up by telling you that you did a good job and you’re not in trouble, so not to worry.

“As I was observing, I noticed there’s something you could do to make the patient cum quicker.” I said, while putting on my latex gloves. I then squirted a bit of warm lube to my hands and rubbed it together. “The trick is to put your thumb at the back so it would rub the frenulum while you’re stroking. I’ll show you.”

You stared at me, almost dumbfounded, unsure of what to do. I stopped and said, “Well, what are you waiting for? Take off your pants so I can demonstrate it on you.”

As if you just snapped back to real life, your whole body jerked a bit before you started fumbling to take off your pants and show yourself.

“Sit down,” I gestured to the seat, and you obeyed in silence. I started by covering your whole penis with lube from my hands. Not too much, but just enough to make everything feel nice and slick. With both hands I started to stroke at first, making a circular motion up and down, making sure my finger would always circling against the part where the tip meets the shaft. Then I moved to one hand fondling the balls and one hand stroking. I kept my thumb in position so that when I stroke up and down my thumb would constantly brush against your frenulum. Then I—

Ah. You came.

It was a bit of a surprise because I didn’t think you’d cum that quick, so I was not prepared. Some of the cum spurted on to my forehead, cheek, and upper lip. Instinctively, I licked my upper lip to clean the cum.

I looked up to your flustered face, your eyes wide and watery watching me licking your cum, and you stuttered between saying sorry and thank you. You reached over to get the tissue box on the table beside you and frantically offered to clean my face.

“Don’t worry,” I said, telling you to put your pants back on.I “I hope that was clear? Now go and try it on the next patient. If you’re still unsure you can come again and I’ll tell you again.”

I took off my gloves and walked back to behind my desk. With your cum still on my face I gestured to the door, telling you to leave the office.
