Step Sister Corruption Part 224 – Day 124 Accusation and Website Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I don’t know what’s worse….. the fact that my dad came home early or the fact he came home pissed for some odd reason.

I wonder if he’s pissed at mom for seeing a therapist that I *made* her see?

The way he was looking at mom made me think I was right.

I feel like it was *my* fault that I made mom go see a therapist because I felt like if we continued having sex dad was surly to find out.

I was only trying to get her help.

My dad came home late this afternoon and essentially surprised everyone including my mom.

My dad called me over to the house and I walked in feeling an instant chill in the air…..which instantly made me sweat.

Did he find out?

I tried to be cool as I spoke, “Hey dad what’s up?”

Dad looked at me and didn’t give me any emotion but when I walked up to the table my mom was completely quiet looking down at her hands.


After a moment my dad spoke with no emotion, “Sit.”


This didn’t help my mood.

Still I played it cool and pretended nothing was a miss as I sat down.

I didn’t say anything as I looked between my mom and dad trying to read the room but was uncertain as to what exactly I was reading.

Finally after a *long* moment my dad spoke, “Listen Gabe, there’s going to be some changes.”

I looked at him perplexed as I tried to not give anything away.

My dad finally let out some emotion as he sighed, “It’s come to my attention that there’s things going on around this house that hasn’t been healthy.”

Oh shit!

What the fuck is going on?

Did he find out?

No….. he wouldn’t be acting this way if he did find out.

Or if he did he was handling really *really* well.

My dad looked at my mom, “Your mother has started seeing a therapist.”

I looked at him then at mom as I wondered what exactly they talked about.

I spoke, “Ookkkkkk…….”

He looked at me, “And she won’t tell me why. Would you happen to know why?”

My mom instantly spoke, “I already told you Ja…”

That’s as far as she got before my dad held up his hand and silenced my mom, “I want to hear it from Gabe.”

I blinked as I quickly looked at mom and saw her quickly very minimally shaking her head.

My dad spoke, “Don’t look at her. Look at me.”

I looked at dad as he spoke in a very calm commanding voice, “Well let’s hear it!”

It was clear. My dad had suspicions and what he was hearing wasn’t adding up in his mind. He was sniffing for clues.

Looks like I have to be on defensive and only divulge just enough to get him off my back and off our trail.

See this is what I was afraid *might* happen as dad was clearly on a dangerous path that could lead to *our* demise. Not just my mom’s demise for her indiscretions but *my* demise if he continued sniffing and found not only was I fucking my mom but I was fucking **his** daughter.

I shrugged, “I don’t know what mom told you. But mom has been rather….what’s the word I’m looking for……”

I looked at him, “Pissed.”

He squinted at me, “And why would your mother be pissed at me?”

I looked at him, “You tell me dad. You’re the one who keeps running off to God knows where lately leaving mom behind when **you** normally take her every where you go.”

He looked at me and then at my mom. Then he looked at me, “And why is it you think you know about it and not me?”

I looked at him, “Really? Mom hasn’t told you her out right that she’s irritated that you are no longer taking **her** on your little trips anymore?”

Dad just looked at me and I decided to up the ante just to make sure, though he was on the right trail, that he was barking up the *wrong* tree, “Wait! what are you insinuating here?”

I saw my mom give a brief smile before it disappeared as I continued not letting dad actually think this through, “Are you accusing me of something nefarious? Again?”

My dad blinked and spoke, “Well…”

I spoke **loudly**, “Well nothing ***dad***! First you accuse me of literally fucking Kelly,”

I didn’t hide my anger as my dad shrank a little bit.

“And now you’re accusing me that there might be something between me and mom?!?”

I glared at him, “You do realize how fucking disgusting that sounds right?”

Dad spoke, “Then why did she tell me that **you** were the one who suggested she see a shrink?”

I kept my loud voice going, “Oh I don’t know dad. Maybe it’s because you have neglected her and stopped taking her to all these *meetings* you suddenly are going to **without** her. Excuse me if I gave a shit about **your** marriage to **my** mother.”

I stood up, “You know what *dad* next time you fail to take mom on one of your excursions away from **this** family. I won’t say shit to mom. I’ll let her think **her** nefarious thoughts and let **your** marriage crumble!”

I stormed off thinking my ploy was good enough to merit me a fucking academy award for best acting…..or at least best supporting role.

I got about two steps into my *storming off* when my dad commanded, “Wait!”

I stopped hoping he didn’t have any left over ammo or evidence to prove his correct suspicions.

I looked at him, “What. And to be accused more? I don’t think so.”

I took another step when dad commanded me, “I said wait!”

I stopped and looked at him, “Got something to say?”

Dad looked at me as I could tell his fires were efficiently snuffed out as he sighed and looked at mom, “Fine you can see a therapist.”

I watched my mom look at him and growled, “And you’re going too.”

He sighed obviously defeated, “Yes dear.”

Dad looked at me, “You still want to do your *little* website?”

I squinted at him but nodded.

He looked at me, “Sit down so I can tell you of my decision.”

I walked back my three steps towards the table and sat down to listen to what my dad had to say.

I waited for a few moments before my dad looked at me, “So you really want to do this?”

I looked at him as I spoke my previous statement, “It’s the only way that I can think of dad. It’ll help **every** single female that we can bring to this than have each of them *maybe* raise their status out of being an amateur.”

He looked at me and nodded, “Sure I can see that.”

He waited for a moment before he spoke again, “Well I talked to our webmaster that created your mom’s site. It’ll take some time…..and money.”

I looked at him, “How much time? And how much money?”

He ran his hand through his short hair, “Well that’s the thing. It’ll cost $25,000 and will take about a month before the site is up and running. However, if we rush it it’ll cost us, aka you, $50,000 and he can have it up and running in a couple of weeks.”

I blinked, “I can’t afford $50,000!”

My dad nodded, “And neither can we.”

I looked at him, “How in the fuck can we get our hands on $50,000?”

He shrugged.

My mom spoke, “Jason, I thought you told me we had money?”

He looked at her, “We do but I have it all tied up in various areas like stocks and what not.”

My mom slumped.

Dad looked at me, ” And that’s not the worst part.”

I looked at him thinking *uh oh what else could be bad* as I looked at him, “Ok what’s the worst part?”

He looked at me, “Though **we** have a nice studio that fully supports Jesse and your mom. It will not support **ALL** the girls all at once.”

I quickly spoke, “We don’t need **ALL** the girls there at once. Maybe one or two, three at most to do photos and videos for the new site and help build teasers for their accounts to point to this new one. They can easily be rotated.”

He nodded, “I can see that. But I’m telling you right now that our studio **cannot** and **will not** support more than that. So if you somehow get this going and possibly expand you will **easily** out grow **our** little studio.”

My mom spoke, “And don’t forget that Jesse wants a raise if she does this.”

My dad sighed, “Of course she does.”

He looked at me, “That’s another thing that it will take to expand just for **your** *small* venture.”

I spoke, “If we expand we can go elsewhere.”

He shrugged, “Sure. But you will need to hire more people for when Jesse gets overwhelmed. And I’m telling you she **will** get overwhelmed rather quickly. So you will need to plan for that.”

I looked at him thinking of everything, “Ok what do **you** suggest?”

My dad sighed, “That’s the thing I thought about on my flight home,” he looked at my mom, “along with *why* you are suddenly seeing a shrink.”

He looked at me, “Here’s the thing I thought of and it’s a little out there. If the girls each pitch in $5,000 including you we can get the site up and running within a couple of weeks.

Seeing **I’m** already paying for the space or at least renting the space, I’ll continue renting the space for your mom and her site *without* asking for anything in return.

**BUT** if your site grows beyond our little loft and I guarantee it will, if you charge $3000 from each girl a month that will cover Jesse’s pay and help save up to possibly buy out the building outright and we can use all six floors and can handle everything. Then we could expand and decorate the space within a year.”

I did the math so the girl’s, and me, had to fork over $5,000 which equals out to $50,000. Then each girl forks over **another** $3,000 per girl bringing in $27,000 a month. After a year that’s $324,000, that’s for the girl’s currently.

If we expand then that’s an extra $3,000 per girl per month netting another $36,000 a year.

My dad continued, “So if I were you with the $3,000 I would ask another 10% from each girl as your agent.”

I sighed. So now he’s supposing I get **more** money out of the girl’s.

I put my head in my hands as I thought of ALL that had to go into this new venture.

I groaned as the math made my head hurt not realizing exactly how much this was going to cost just to start up a measly website.

My mom spoke, “But it’s not that bad honey. I’m sure your dad will do everything he can to help these girl’s and get them sponsor’s asap.” She looked at my dad and spoke, “Isn’t that right honey?”

My dad coughed, “That’s right. If your new site can get 350,000 users I can easily negotiate with various companies to sponsor these girls and the site.”

My mom growled, “That **you** will help *Gabe* speak to these companies seeing how this is **HIS** deal. Am I right?”

My dad coughed while he winced, “Yes dear.”

I was tempted to look under the table as I imagined my mom was possibly digging her fake nails into dad’s leg.

Tempted being the key word. Though, looking at my dad’s facial expressions told me I was on the right track in my thinking.

I spoke, “So let me get this straight.”

My dad nodded.

I went on after he acknowledged me, “So I’m supposed to ask each of these girl’s to *front* $5,000 in order to get the website up, which I imagine **most** of them pretty much spends all their income they get in so them coming up with $5,000 will be damn near impossible.”

My mom spoke, “I’m sure most of them have that.”

I looked at my mom with my eyebrow raised and she smiled and spoke, “Though you’re probably right.”

I looked at my dad and continued, “That’s to get the website up and running fast. Then,” I thought about Jesse, “how much of that $3,000 would be for Jesse?”

Dad shrugged, “I figured at least $500 per girl.”

I blinked and did the math. $500 times nine was…..$4,500 per month… the current roster at the moment. That could increase until Jesse was overwhelmed like dad was saying.

Then I would have to find someone or a multiple of people to do the same thing Jesse was doing.

I spoke, “So that’s $2,500 per girl per month. Over the year that’s $270,000 to possibly purchase the complex?”

My dad bobbed his head side to side a little bit before he spoke, “It’s enough to put a down payment on the complex. But one step at a time. You might have to go get a building if you expand too much too quickly.”

My mom smiled, “But we could *rent* the remaining floor above us.”

She looked at my dad, “I think that one is still vacant.”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know, haven’t been to the shop in a minute so I have no idea.”

I sighed, “So *IF* we do purchase the complex what would we do with the tenants below you all?”

Dad shrugged again, “Don’t know. Have to cross that bridge when we get there.”

I sighed, “And then **you** want **me** to ask the girl’s for an extra 10%?”

He heard all the numbers and bobbed his head side to side as he was obviously doing **all** the math I wasn’t calculating before he said, “Yeah. It’s reasonable. You’re asking rent and a cut. And they keep the rest.

After the initial payment to get the website up and running between those two big items I figured they would be keeping roughly 70% if not more of their income that the website can bring in and that will only take a month before they start seeing real money.

Then once the site hits 350,000 followers I can easily get the sponsors,” he looked at my mom, “that I’ll help him get.” He went back to addressing me, “That’ll rain more money.”

I smiled, “And I can rub all that in Morgan Guzman’s face.”

My dad smiled at that, “And effectively pissing on Vuse and their shit offer.”

I smiled.

My dad looked at me, “So now **you** only have one thing left to do.”

I looked at him, “What’s that?”

He smiled, “What do **you** want the website to be called?”

I *tried* to think of a good name that would fit this raga bunch of girl’s.

Then I smiled as the one thing that stuck out in my mind. It was the one thing that I had been calling my *life* for some time now and thought it was perfect for this.

I looked at my dad with a **large** smile and spoke the words, “How does……”




  1. Gosh Darn’it, you left us hanging again!!!! 🤬🤬🤬
    Just kidding, it was well written and this is getting suspenseful!

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