A Father’s Struggle 32 – Indian Giver (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)


I had masturbated last night and deliberately left my door open and my system didn’t catch shit.

No Rule 4’s were thrown. No 3a-4’s. No 2a-3’s.

Hell not even a 3b-2 was recorded last night during my ‘*special show*’.

I was beginning to think this system was faulty or my timing fucking sucks.

Hell I was **expecting** as soon as I replaced the stupid spy bulbs that **someone** would come sniffing around….but nope.

I know I **had** to be more patient with everything I had done but the anticipation was beginning to kill me.

Is it *wrong* that this is kind of exhilarating? And by exhilarating I mean I’m turned on?

No, not turned on that my girl’s were watching me….I rolled my eyes and admitted that yes I was *kind of* turned on that **one** of my girl’s, don’t know the full detail but I know for certain that Nicole has watched me **ONCE** but I was sure there were more, was spying on me.

I mean I should be scared that my girl’s are catching me fornicating with myself or other people and *apparently*, as witnessed by Nicole, they were turned on enough to masturbate to my acts of lewdary.

Is lewdary a word?

Let’s go with lewdary. I don’t think I’ve cross into debauchery…yet. At least I don’t think ***I*** have.

Hell I should even be **concerned** that my girl’s are spying on me as that was a clear indicator that they need help and **should** not be **attracted** to their own father.

I know there are **A LOT** of people coming out who are RELATED in some form and fashion AND there was that law to where society couldn’t persecute them for that **love** for one another.

Which, honestly I never really cared as I thought that most people there **might** be special circumstances as to WHY their relationship came about. Though I would argue that they might need therapy before coming out. But I’m not them nor did it really affect me so I ultimately didn’t care.

Yet there **ARE** a lot of people out there that **WOULD** persecute them regardless of the LAW.

I think I just read about a couple, mother and son, that got outed and the mother’s DAD took drastic measures and is serving life in prison after *helping* both his daughter and grandson with a *forced* genital removal through a shotgun blast.

Or the father daughter couple that was outed and had to move to another location under a new name so they could enjoy their life together.

My point is there are people out there who have accepted their passion for their kin and accepted what will happen.

As for me, once I figure out WHO are my spies I will eventually have to face the fact that my daughter(s) either have an attraction to their own father that is too strong to overcome OR their attraction is a simple convenience for the time being.

Which one of the scenarios it is I’m not too sure about.

But that’s WHY I’m on my little hunt. To find my **SPIES**.

Once I am sure I have caught all my **SPIES** then I will need to figure out what to do with them. More than likely therapy. Or convince them to find a boyfriend so they can have feelings for that person instead of me.

You know someone other than me…..though I will admit it is flattering….and a turn on.


I’m ALLOWED to be turned on by the fact people are spying on me. I’m just NOT ACTING on it.

With my little trap from last night ruined I sighed as I closed my laptop and decided that a nice shower to relax was probably the best medicine for the time being. It’ll help me think.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water then simply stepped in the shower letting the hot water roll off my body while I thought out my next steps all of which was simply to wait to see what happens.

I was frustrated that my video system hadn’t logged actual red flags but decided *maybe* the system was still learning and I was being too quick hoping something would present itself.  I mean it *did* notate in the rules *adult activity* so that means that it recognized certain acts as *adult activity*.  So using that logic *maybe* it was still learning and deciphering what constituted as *adult activity* really was.

Or *maybe* I needed to input **more** information into the system so it could properly ‘flag’ items correctly.

OR I just needed training on this stupid system.

Either way I need to talk to George about this system and see if he had *any* guidance that would help me in my hunt for my spies.

I sighed and made the decision that I should talk to George which meant I needed to treat him to another dinner/whiskey at the club.

Hell if I was lucky and talked with him on the phone maybe he’ll be nice and simply *upload* something that would help me.

Then there was the *bulbs* that I needed to address.  I could research the bulbs and find out more like if they broadcasted on a certain IP address or something then I could pinpoint WHO was checking into the system.  IF they were still actively accessing the bulbs.

No, my current plan sounded like it would yield me the best results.

I just needed to be patient….which is SO frustrating.

I’m not a patient man….I mean I **CAN** be patient but something like this it was hard to not want to know now.


I put my head under the hot water letting the shower do it’s thing so I could relax hoping it would wash away my frustrations and anxiety of everything that was going on.

I needed something to distract me.

But my current *distraction* was busy for at least the rest of the week and into the weekend.  The earliest my *distraction* will be available will be next week sometime.  And I was still waiting on a text.

I mean I could text Lola or Maxine to see how they were doing BUT Lola did say her ‘clients’ have been rather needy in their unique *services* this week so she did tell me that her dance card was rather booked.

Didn’t know if that meant HER dance card was full OR **BOTH** HER’S and MAXINE’S dance card was booked.

No, I was going to let them text me and not force the issue.

I mean it wasn’t like I was **attached** or anything….Ok I was but because they were actually fun though their unique dynamic was still weird to me.  Fun but weird.

I sighed again and just stood there letting the hot water hit me until my finger tips had started to wrinkle before I shut off the water feeling somewhat relaxed to actually think as I started creating a checklist of things I **NEED** to do.

First item was to call George and see if he could help with the system in any way.  Two research the bulbs.  Three and the most frustrating….wait.

Annoying as it was, I simply needed to wait until most of my *traps* had caught someone.

If I forced anything I was afraid I might scare my spies off until they were comfortable enough to start spying on me again.

I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist and exited my bathroom to only stop at the doorway as an *unknown* trap had caught someone.

That someone rifling through my drawers was a female, not my daughter’s thankfully, as she faintly murmured something that I couldn’t quite hear.

Her back was facing me so I knew she didn’t know I was behind her.

I let the girl rifle through my drawer for a moment to revel in the storm of anxiety I had **FINALLY** caught my first fly….I mean *SPY*.

Only problem was that my *prey* looked like she wasn’t after the bulbs…I don’t think.

No, she was focused on something else.  Though at the moment I didn’t know **WHAT**.

I cleared my throat causing the snooper to quickly turn to face me and I saw who it was…..Reagan….I think.

It’s hard to tell which one of my daughter’s friends was who.

I mean I could know which was which if I took the time to actually remember their names but in Mackenzie’s case there were so many it was hard to keep track of who was who.  Though I *think* there’s *maybe* five or six that were frequent friend’s that came over but that was *usually* before **they** went on one of Mackenzie’s ‘tours’.

And most of Mackenzie’s ‘friends’ almost look alike with their colored hair and lack of modest clothing.  So I really never pay attention to the face as I try not to undress them with my eyes on a constant basis.


It’s not MY fault that I can’t remember their names as they dress so alluring as blood goes from my brain to somewhere else.

I blame them.

And Mackenzie’s friends weren’t the only ones I had problems remembering their names….Savanna’s friends were JUST as bad.

The only difference between Mackenzie’s friends and Savanna’s friends was that Mackenzie’s friends were more flamboyant in their style like hair color and tattoos while Savanna’s was more….normal I guess you could say in comparison.  But that was about the only difference between the two.  

Both sets wore risque or fabric that left nothing to the imagination OR were very ‘friendly’ and ‘flirty’ when they were over.

But I was certain this one was Reagan.  Again I think.

This ‘*friend*’ stood about my daughter’s height but an inch or two shorter being close to the five foot nothing range.  Had Mackenzie’s body frame of being petite or close to petite with nice curves.  A wild selection of tattoos was openly shown on her body.  Obvious piercings which I’m getting accustomed to and actually think they’re attractive.  Half red half blue wavy back length hair.  Unique makeup to bring out her natural features and highlighting her blue eyes.

The female spoke in a shaky voice, “Mr. F.”

I nodded, “Reagan, right?”

She nodded her head fast.

I spoke, “What are you doing in my room Reagan?”

She nervously spoke as she blushed, “Oh ummmm.”

She looked at her devastation of the drawer’s pulled, especially my no no drawer, as she looked at me through a red face and decided to let her instincts kick in as her ‘fight or flight’ decision was made and was about ready to bolt but I spoke, “Don’t move.”

She instantly stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me without saying anything.

I smiled and spoke, “Stay right there.”

She stood scarlet but nodded as I slowly moved and walked over to my door.  I closed the door and locked it before I turned to face her.

I leaned against the door and smiled, “SO *Reagan*, **WHAT** are **you** doing in **my** *room*?”   I slowly spoke enunciating each word without malice or emotion.  My only emotion was my smile as I thought I had caught my first potential *spy*.

Reagan blushed and looked around at the damage that she did and quickly spoke, “I can clean this up Mr. F.”

I smiled and nodded, “That you will but you still haven’t answered my question.”

Reagan blushed as she murmured something that I couldn’t hear clearly.

I spoke clearly but not very loudly, “What was that?”

Reagan’s face was crimson as she took a deep breath and spoke more clearly, “My panties.”

I raised my eyebrow at her, “What about them?”

She looked at me, “I was looking for them.”

I spoke, “You mean the ‘*gift*’ you all gave me?”

She nodded, “Yes.”

I smiled, “Why would you be being looking for the ‘*gift*’ **you** gave me?”

Her crimson face didn’t change but she looked down as she spoke, “Because they’re kind of expensive Mr. F.  And comfy.”

She looked up at me, “You know how hard it is to find underwear that is comfy AND sexy?”

I shook my head, “Nope.  Been out of the female clothes buying game for a minute.”

She smirked at that, “Well trust me it’s hard.”

I looked at her quizzically, “So you were looking for **your** *gift*?”

She nodded, “Yes sir.”

I sighed as I thought that *maybe* I didn’t catch a *spy* just a lonely person wanting her panties back.  Instead I just looked at her as an *indian giver*.

I looked at her, “It’s a shame I really *liked* your **gift**.”

She looked at me, “Wait!  Are you telling me you **enjoyed** us giving you OUR undies?”

I laughed and shrugged, “Been a minute since I’ve had a gorgeous girl throw her panties at me let alone drape them over my head.”

If she could get any redder that compliment did it.

She looked down trying to avoid eye contact, “I bet you say that to every girl.”

I watched her closely but answered, “Only to ones who *deserve* it.”

She continued to look elsewhere away from my eyes as I caught her lightly shudder.

I licked my lips, “So **Reagan** *what* are you willing to do *if* I gave you back *your* **gift**?”

She looked up at me as if in shock but somehow looked at me quizzically, “Mr. F are you suggesting something?”

I smiled at her, “Just curious what ways you would try to convince **me** to give back **your** *gift*.”

I saw her look down at my no no drawer and blushed but looked at me, “Are you saying *if* I want **my** undies back you want me to what?  Offer myself to you?”

I shrugged, “Not really no.”

She looked at me, “Then what?”

I looked at her with a smirk, “Tell me Reagan,” I pushed myself off the door that I had been leaning against this entire time and walked up to her as I easily towered over her small frame, “are you all talk and no action?”

She looked up at me obviously confused to what I was getting at.

Hell even I didn’t know where I was going on this.  All I knew is I was having fun teasing her.

She looked at me for a few moments before answering, “I don’t get what you mean.”

I smiled as I leaned down and whispered into her ear, “Does your ‘undies’ have your number and message saying ‘Call me’?”

I stood up and back away a couple of steps so I could see her reaction as I saw her face remain crimson but didn’t say anything for a moment before she finally spoke, “I was just playing.”

I raised my eyebrow at her, “Were you?”

I watched her stutter, “Y-yes I was.”

I looked at her, “Were you only *playing* because you have a boyfriend?”

I walked around her and whispered into her ear, “Because I can put on clothes if you do have a boyfriend.”

She stuttered, “I didn’t say that I did.”

I smiled, “So you want me to remain in my towel so you can continue salivating?”

She tried to change subjects, “I **thought** you told your daughter’s that **you** wouldn’t go after us?  So why are you doing this?”

I sat down on my bed in front of her letting my towel spill open as it barely hid my *friend* as I smiled, “That I did.  I did *promise* my daughter’s I wouldn’t go *after* you meaning I haven’t actively called the numbers on the *gifts*.  I never said anything about *tempting* you especially now that you’ve come to reclaim your *gift* meaning *YOU* want to be called.”

I caught her looking down at the hidden object before she looked at me, “That’s **NOT** what I’m doing.”

I spoke, “Oh?”

I opened my legs and leaned back a little supporting myself and I caught Reagan actively trying to not stare.  I smiled knowing she was trying to not leer too long on the object as she was blushing horribly, “So *you’re* telling me that **you** only want your *gift* because it is SO comfy that you would deprive me of my *gift* that you *freely* gave?”

She sputtered, “Y-yes.”

I looked at her as she *tried* to not stare down, “And you’re not offering me any type of compensation for taking away your *gift*.”

She blushed as she looked away, “No.”

I clicked my tongue, “Shame.”

I reached over to my phone and opened the mass text from Savanna that I still hadn’t looked at but pulled it up in front of her to show emphasis as she watched me, “And here I *thought* you were here to fulfill a *promise*.”

I looked up at her with a smile.

She looked at me beginning to get her attention back, “I didn’t *promise* you anything Mr. F.”

I rose my eyebrow, “You didn’t?”

She shook her head, “No.”

I clicked my tongue again, “Darn.  And here I thought you **wanted** to give me a demonstration.”

I looked up at her, “Or at the very least a private *show*.  Seeing how you and my daughter actively *tease* men.”

She remained silent but stared down at me though I couldn’t tell if she was leering lasciviously at me or maliciously at me but she was staring down at me.

*If only her eyes would turn purple I would know I was on the right track* I thought.

I spoke, “How about a deal for your oh so special undies.”

She looked at me, “What kind of deal?”

I thought about it and an evil idea hit me.  And this *idea* will be another ‘trap’ to entice my would-be ‘spies’ to show themselves…I hoped.

Only problem was for my *idea* I needed some *things* to do it.  *Things* I didn’t have.

I looked at her, “A day.  A day where you’ll do anything I ask and you can’t refuse.”

She looked at me, “I’m **not** going to fuck you Mr. F.”

I smiled, “And I’m not *asking* you to.”  I left out that by the time I’m done she might **beg** for it.

I continued, “All I want is a day to get to *know you* if you will.  Might be something *fun* that you’ll *enjoy*.  But all that **I** ask is that you follow my *instructions* for the day and I promise you that I will *not* force myself on you.”

She squinted at me, “And if I agree to this you’ll give me back my undies?”

I smiled, “And I’ll even delete your photos.”

She thought about it before she spoke, “When will this *day* happen?”

I shrugged, “Soon.  Next week at the latest.  But you have to promise the **entire** day you are **mine**.”

She looked at me, “And if I’m busy that day?”

I smiled, “Then we **will** reschedule for when you are fully *available* for the day.”

I leaned forward, “The only thing I ask is you don’t tell my daughter of our deal.”

She scoffed, “And why not?”

I smiled, “Because THEN **SHE’LL** ask you WHY **you** were in **my** room.”

I got up and walked away, “Unless you want her and you fighting.”

I heard her sigh as I smiled *Hook Line and Sinker*.

I looked over my shoulder, “So we have a deal?”

Reagan looked at me like she was defeated, “Deal.”

I smiled, “Good.  Now clean up **your** mess while I change.”

Reagan groaned, “Yes sir.”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t21bka/a_fathers_struggle_32_indian_giver_fiction_family

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