One comment led to soooo much more! (Dominated by a college girl) [MF] part 2!

Please read part 1 if you haven’t done so.

Throughout the week. I couldn’t help but masturbate to her, it was as-though she had me under her hypnotic spell.

Despite Nathan’s warning ringing in my ears, the burning desire for more was overpowering, i delicately envisioned the scenarios of what could happen this week, only yet to know that they’d be wrong.

Wednesday comes around. Im eager this morning. I was prepped, id shaved my balls the night before ready for another hopeful encounter with Fiona. I again stuffed some weed in my pocket and set off.

I arrived at 8:45. Neil my tutor literally did a double take on me walking through the door before 9.

“Thirsty for knowledge this morning Mr *****”

“Yeah, you could say that!”

Fiona arrived dead on 9 o’clock. As she sat down she said,

“Morning big boy”

I grinned “morning Fiona”

My tutor overheard our greeting and looked at me with his eyes slightly squinted in a sense of wonder, i knew the thought of his students fucking each-other was stirring around in his head and it really did make me feel like a ‘big boy’

She was wearing a tight pair of skinny jeans outlining her towering legs and a pair of chunky black boots, she sat down and removed her coat. Underneath wearing a short sleeved nirvana t-shirt revealing and sleeve of tattoos on her arm.



“You’re tattoos are cool!”

She said nothing. We listened to our lecture, and with more growing confidence than I’ve ever had with her, i gingerly placed my hand on-top of her thigh….. Immediately she removed my hand and placed it back onto my own. She looked at me with her enchanting blue eyes and nodded her head downwards as if to say “what the fuck are you doing”

Confidence shot i went back to my place…. From big boy to good boy all in one gaze and suggestive nod.

15 minute break, i asked

“Are you coming?”

“No. I need to do my student id card”

Outside with just me, Nathan and Kieron, Kieron asked

“Are you two love birds disappearing again at dinner?”

“I hope so!”

“Where did you go last time?”

Id only told Nathan at this point and he remained quiet.

“Had a joint in my car with her”

“Why don’t we get an invite?”

“Because you’ve got your own car! And besides how am i gonna get lucky with her if you two ugly twats are in the back seat!?”

Them both howling away, they agreed with me. We made our way back and during the class i needed an answer from her.

“Are me and you going out again?”

i must of seemed like a desperate puppy wanting a treat.

“Why what you hoping for?”

“N-no nothing i didn’t mean it like that im-“

“-Yeah ill get dinner with you hun”

Mission accomplished, fuck me she had me sweating! Sat in frustration watching the clock tick by awaiting our dismissal noon rolls around, we walk down the stairs and i head towards the canteen again, she abruptly stopped me.

“No, i don’t wanna go in there lets go out and get something”


I felt like i should be saying “yes miss” at this point,

We get in my car drive out the college grounds and towards the town close by… Mc Donald’s.. of all the places, we ate inside and made our way back watching her suck her milkshake straw wishing it was my cock. As we enter the carpark she said

“park over there”

pointing to a place furthest away from the main doors, out of sight from the yard and closest to the back football field. A flood of thoughts began rushing through my brain as drove in silence.

“Why did you wanna come here?”

“Because the weed stinks and i don’t want to be near the doors”

“Oh!” Shit. Wasn’t the answer i was wishing for.

The same as last time I rolled up. Lit and past her the joint, i knew something was coming i just didn’t know when or how. Nor did i want to instigate it. Eventually she turned to me, gazing into her eyes like a submissive little boy awaiting her command and FINALLY said.

“ can i see him again”

This time I didn’t hesitate. I was hungry for her touch, i whipped my pants down to the middle of my thighs faster than she could finish her sentence. She glanced over my already hardening cock noticing my freshly shaven balls. Reached out and ran her hands from underneath to the top of my throbbing shaft holding me steady in her hand, she made me gasp and rocket to fully hard.

“Is this for me?” She laughed “you shaved for me!?”

“E-er no!! I always do it!”

“So you where expecting something!?”

My face gleaming red in humiliation

“No! Honestly! I wasn’t!”

“What do you want me to do with it?”

“Uh W-w-“

“Just tell me!”

“I don’t know Fiona! Fucking suck it if you want!”

She looked at me with that serious look again, i couldn’t tell if id upset her. Angered her or surprised her. She passed me the joint. Leaned in and put her head close to my cock… really close i could feel her breathing over my newly sensitive hairless ballsack. She paused and so did i. The longer I waited the heavier my breathing become, i had such an urge to thrust towards her mouth but I knew she’d move away and most importantly….. she hadn’t commanded me to, she began to inch closer, finally opening her mouth allowing entry, in one continuous movement she took me in her mouth, slowly working her way down my entire shaft to my base holding for a second before coming back up

“Oooooohh fucking hell Fiona!”

She kissed my tip, licked and went back down for another gulp, this time using her hand to pull my foreskin back as she worked her way up, the feeling was so intense she made my body tremble, my cock throbbed and pulsed in her throat,

“F-Fucking feels so good!”

Then… she stopped. She sat back upright and watched me stutter.

“Fucking hell Fiona! You’re such a tease!!!”

“You want more?”


She leaned in towards my face, kissed my lips and then stuck her tongue in my mouth. We snogged. I throbbed hoping she’d go back down. She didn’t….

“Don’t cut your nose off. It’ll be worth it i promise”

I huffed in disappointment yet again!


We made our way back, it was 1:20 we was late. Time had clearly ran away with her “experiment” as we walked into a full room of people, everyones head turned to look towards us, we was met with prying eyes and cheeky grins. Clearly they were talking about us in our absence. She blushed a little, a side id never seen. I walked in behind her feeling like the absolute shit! Knowing that everyone could only imagine what we was getting up to.

I didn’t dare pull another stunt trying to touch her again, before we left to go home i sheepishly asked,

“Can i have your number?”


“I don’t know”

“Then no.”

“Oh. Okay”

“Give me yours”

“My number??”


I did and we left. On the drive home the words

“it’ll be worth it, i promise”

began to sink in, playing over and over and over in my mind. I could wait for next week……

Part 3?



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