[F] My boyfriend found all the naughty things I recorded with my ex…who he also works with.

Let me first say that I didn’t realize I still had this hard drive. It was on an old hard drive that I hadn’t watched in the years since I had broken up with the guy. I also use ex lightly, it was more like we hooked up for a year straight. A fun year, but nothing official.

Me and the boyfriend have been in process of clearing out old storage and moving things into different rooms in the house. It’s been very rewarding and exciting to change up the place and make it feel more like home.

I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for many years. But before him, I was with this ex guy for a year. And it was a wild year. I think I went through that period in my life where I needed a burst of adventure and excitement and a little bit of danger. The ex was incredibly creative in bed, good at all of it and looked so hot. We had a lot of fun.

I was also young and dumb and felt completely okay recording ourselves. He was on the road a lot for work and I don’t love watching porn as much, so I would watch what we made. And we made some wild stuff. We both had some unique fetishes that we made sure to capture on video.

We always recorded on my own device so I would feel comfortable and it was up to me what I wanted to share with him. Our escapades included tons of public sex. There were photos of me all over the city (and parks) completely naked. There were videos of my ex urinating on me, videos of me receiving anal sex, toys, bondage stuff…let’s just say it was the works.

A rather large part of our process is that the size of my ex was very significant. He is larger then average in both thickness and width and we made good use of that fact in our videos and pictures.

Suffice to say, like some passionate relationships, this one burned bright and horribly burned out. He turned out to be too toxic. I broke up with him and stashed the hard drive in a box when I moved out of our shared place.

Cut to a few weeks later I met the loving, wonderful man that I’m with today years later. This relationship, while not as wild, has been good. Everything else is amazing though and sex can be a growing experience.

Anyways, we’re moving things all day and I was handing all the boxes down from the attic. At one point my boyfriend yelled up asking what was in the box with wires and drives. I told him I didn’t know and to check them out. I went back to work and didn’t think anything of it.

About twenty minutes later I thought I heard a female voice moaning downstairs. That loud blast of sound when someone doesn’t realize their sound is on. The female voice sounded a lot like me. I froze and listened carefully, but didn’t hear anything else.

It still didn’t hit me that it could have been me for real. I went back to organizing. About an hour later I had finished and needed a break.

I went downstairs and saw my boyfriend was gone. Then I saw the box with the wires. On top of it was the hard drive. Suddenly realization hit me like a sledgehammer. I ran over and plugged the drive into my computer. Last accessed date: Today.

Dozens of videos and pictures of myself in the only folder innocently titled “Very Nice, How Much”. My boyfriend must have seen all of them. There was nothing I could do about it now. I unplugged it and put it back in the box. Then I waited.

He came home an hour later and I braced myself for the talk. But it never came. He went out and got groceries. He never brought it up.

Now I’m not sure if I do bring it up. Maybe he didn’t see it at all? To be fair, it was in storage and we’re both grown ups, we know we both have been with other partners. But I’m worried about him having a inferiority complex after seeing the size of my ex compared to him. Or after seeing what I was willing to do with him that we certainly didn’t do with each other…

The other big curveball is that my ex is someone who works with my boyfriend. My boyfriend didn’t know we had been hooking up in the past so this hard drive was how he would now know after seeing him inside me.

Not sure how to progress at this point and I’ve been a huge ball of stress.

TL;DR My boyfriend found all my old sex tapes and pictures from my last relationship.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/t1xv1c/f_my_boyfriend_found_all_the_naughty_things_i


  1. It isn’t cheating. This happened before you met your current bf. So the former partner had a bigger dick and was better/more adventurous relating to sex? Perhaps your boyfriend is mature and happy with his body to where he doesn’t care what you did in previous relationships?

    It’s a weird time we live in when people are assumed to walk around with body confidence issues by default. The truly gorgeous have them because there is always someone more gorgeous to compare to. The less attractive have them because, well, they are expected to. The majority of people in the middle are expected to have them just because.

    It’s crazy how dick size has become something many men struggle with and some people weaponize it hurt to those men. I’ve always wondered why other body issues like wonky toes or fucked up elbows don’t get the same amount of play in society. Humans are interesting creatures.

  2. He may feel guilty for invading your privacy so he doesn’t want to bring it up. But if you don’t then
    How would he know when it happened and how you feel about the guy. You can always play dumb and explain the situation without acknowledging he found the tapes.

  3. You need to bring it up. It’s not easy but it will make the relationship much healthier. Maybe he is into some of that stuff but didn’t feel comfortable bringing it up. Just yesterday my gf revealed to me an idea I had that she shot down back in October, non-sexual btw. Apparent it’s been eating at her ever since. We talked about it and it’s all good. But hiding stuff just eats at people and can damage good relationships for no reason.
    It won’t be easy, but trust him and share it with him.

  4. I would have brought it up to my gf then when have been I want to try some of it I’m not big down stairs but it gets the job done and I haven’t had any women not come back after the first time hooking up so it must be big enough in fact my gf now told me the guy she was with before me was like 12in twice the size I am and she said it was good and they only hooked up 3 times because it was to big but I did tell her my ex was tighter witch is try but not as fun because my ex would cum then be done like a guy that cum to fast and doesn’t care if the other person gets off

  5. Oof on having that. I’d just talk with him and ask him if he’s ok. Regardless the most important thing is to support him if he’s feeling insecure. As long as it was a past part of you and not something or someone you still interact with in any way. Also make sure that his co-worker isn’t keeping his “relationship” with you over your bf’s head.

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