Accidental flash [M]

After sharing this story with a friend, she suggested I share it. I know it is tame by these standards but this is a first for me so depending on how it goes I may share more stories.hopefully this is the proper place to share.

This happened when i was younger and in better shape, around 24 at the time. I was always a bigger guy, but used to work out a lot more. So had a bit of a belly but strong legs and upper body.

I was living with my gf at the time in nice apartment complex. I had a different work schedule than she did, So I used to come home from work or school and would strip as soon as the door closed behind me. Back then I liked to relax in the nude after my day and before my gf got home, it wasn’t a sexual thing just a way to relax.

On this day like any other, I got home closed the door behind me and as usual began to get undressed, first my shirt, then I’d kick off my shoes and socks, then I’d take off my shorts and underwear. I gathered up my clothes and took them to my bedroom. As I returned to the living room I noticed one of the curtains was open in the dining area. From where I was at I couldn’t see outside and it wasn’t unusual to have to close the curtains so I walked over to them. It was only as I got in full view of the window that I saw a neighbor of mine, a women maybe 15 years older than me, walking her dog. I froze realizing I was fully nude and before I could hide she looked up and saw me. She started to look away but quickly did a double take when she noticed I was naked. We both froze for a second and then I saw her eyes shift downward. At the time I wasn’t hard, but once I saw her look, I instantly got harder than I had ever been. It wasn’t till I saw her reaction to my hard cock that I was able to move again and I quickly shut the curtains and ran into my bedroom.

My heart was pounding and I felt super embarrassed. I don’t have a large cock by any means, but when she saw me harden I could’ve sworn her eyes got bigger and a hint of a smile crossed her face. My heart continued to race and I realized how incredibly turned on I was. I wish I could say I invited her in, or let her watch me play, but truth be told I just played by myself but still had an incredible orgasm from the thoughts of what just happened.

Nothing further happened with this neighbor, I would occasionally see her around the complex. She would usually smile and blush when she saw me but never a word of what happened was spoken between us.


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