My Brother’s Wife (Finale)[M/F][Cheat][Con]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](

[Part 7](

[Part 8](

[Part 9](

[Part 10](

[Part 11](

[Part 12](

[Part 13](

It’s a chilly morning in our sleepy mountain town. In the distance, over the field white with frost, I can see the smoke from our closest neighbor’s chimney. The sun’s first rays of the day are sliding over the frosty blades of grass, melting the ice and waking up the world.

Somewhere behind our wide two-story house, the dogs bark as they chase some poor rabbit or squirrel that dared enter the canines’ territory. I’ve got a steaming cup of coffee in my hands—my own little hearth—and my boots up on the wooden railing of our wrap-around porch.

Every so often, my eyes take a break from snowcapped peaks in the distance, scanning the dirt road that leads up to our house. Our driveway runs down the field until it disappears into the tall pines of the tree line, and I spend a bit of every morning, Monday through Friday, watching until she returns.

Finally, she emerges, her earthy brown dress hugging her body beneath a thick coat, her black boots kicking up mud as she struts towards the house with a bright smile on her face. I set my mug down on the railing and head into the kitchen, filling her cup that had been waiting by the pot—her morning coffee would get cold if I didn’t wait until she returned to pour it.

By the time I’m back on the porch, Dani’s boots are knocking against the wooden steps.

Age has only refined her; a streak of mystic silver runs down the right side of her still jet-black hair that falls to her hips; the subtle lines on her face reflect the years of endless laughter, not the tired lines that many people seem to get as they grow older, but lines of joy and life.

I hand her the hot mug, which she takes with a curtsey that makes me tingle between my legs.

“You know,” I say, hiding a grin behind the rim of my mug, “the kids are old enough to walk themselves to the school bus.”

“And you know that I’m gonna keep walking them until it’s too embarrassing for them to be kissed goodbye by their mom in front of their friends.” Dani takes a sip from her coffee, sighing pleasantly and raising her mug. “And then I’m gonna do it for a little longer.”

“They’ll despise you.”

“Then, at least I’ll have you.”

Dani sets her mug down, slithering playfully to me and shooting her hands underneath my undershirt.

“Your hands are freezing!” I yelp, choking on my coffee. “You’re starting something you can’t finish!”

“Then finish it,” Dani coos, “my love.”

She takes my mug and sets it down, and my hands immediately tug up her long dress and invade the space under the hem. Dani squeals as we torture each other with frigid fingers.

But soon, we’re kissing, and the blood of our bodies creates the heat we’re after.

Motherhood has taken Dani’s busty body and pushed it to the limits. Every time I take her ass in my hands, I feel like a boy touching a woman for the first time.

“Are you not wearing panties?” I ask slyly as my fingers find her exposed sex.

“I guess I forgot.” She turns and leans against the railing, pulling on her dress until her beautiful butt plops out and jiggles in the air. “Come and keep me warm, baby.”

You’d think that ten years with the same woman would kill a man’s sex drive, but I’m more attracted to my wife than ever. Even if she wasn’t the best person I knew—my best friend—her body alone would still drive me insane.

I step up slow, beating the wood of the porch with my boots as I unbuckle my belt and slide it off my waist. Her breath is floating in the air as she pops her creamy butt out eagerly, giving it a little wiggle as if to relay her impatience. Before I take my cock out, I bring the leather of my belt down lightly on her cheeks, watching the mist of her breath come in expansive clouds as she gasps and moans with each strike.

“Imagine if the kids had forgotten something and came back to see this.” I run the leather down her back until I’ve reached the bunched up bottom of her dress, lifting the wool until her massive breasts fall out over the railing.

“It would scar them for life,” she laughs, exhaling as her erect nipples take in the freezing wood. “But they’d sure be grateful that we’ve never hit them.”

The belt meets wood with a clang as I release it from my hand, and I plunge my face into Dani’s ass. She cries out like a wild animal, and I lift one of her legs until her boot is propped up on the railing—I love how flexible she is.

“Oh, baby!” she yells. We don’t shy away from the sounds our sex draws from our lips when the kids are at school. If our neighbors heard anything in the distance, we’d blame it on the dogs. “Fuck, your tongue is so warm on my pussy!”

This is my favorite breakfast, and I have it damn near every day.

Looking back, sometimes I don’t know how my life turned out so perfect.

Sometimes I dream that I’m the one who fell into a coma and that this perfect life is just my mind dealing with my comatose state. If that’s the case, I’m not complaining, and I hope I never wake up.

“Are you ready for this warm cock?” I huff, wiping my lips as I rise and drop my pants. The frigid air assaults my tip, and I hurriedly line it up with Dani’s soaked lower lips before plunging myself into her. I don’t take it slow, ramming her against the railing as she screams and clutches the wood with her hands.

“Yes, yes, yes!” She cries, her leg still propped up and spread before me. I let one hand run down to her tensed calf before coming back up and smacking her hard on the ass. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!”

“I want you to scream so loud that everyone in town thinks two Sasquatch are going at it!”

“Goddammit, Alex,” she squeals, laughing as she whips her hair out of her eyes. “Stop trying to make me laugh!”

“I’m not trying—I’m succeeding.”

Dani brings her leg down and forces me out of her, turning around and shoving me back until I crash against the wall of the house. We’re kissing like that first night when we finally gave in to our impulses, desperate and passionate and with the urgency of two lovers who could be caught at any moment. We haven’t fucked since yesterday afternoon before the kids got home, and the first tumble of the day is always a little heated.

I spin her around, kneeling and forcing her boots off of her feet.

“It’s too cold, Alex!” she protests, but she gives in when I take her foot in my hands and kiss her from her soles to her toes as she moans and rolls her head back against the house. I linger on the rosary tattoo around her ankle, admiring the mountain peaks that she added to her other foot.

“You can’t hide these beauties from me.”

When her boots are off, I lift her up and pin her against the wall, loving the way she wraps her legs around me and presses against my butt with her feet. I’m back inside of her in an instant, and we fall into a rough rhythm that seems to rock the house to its foundations. I undo the buttons at the top of her dress, bringing the wool back down to her belly but letting her tits spill out of the top. They bounce and smack me in the face as I fuck her, and I take swipes at them with my tongue like I’m bobbing for D cup apples.

“Are you gonna cum for me already?” She teases, her eyes narrowing and her mouth agape. “Huh? Are you gonna fucking fill me up?”

“Is that what you want?” I huff, relentlessly jackhammering her against the house. “You want this load?”

“Mmm, baby. I’ve been craving it all morning…”

“You’re just gonna have to wait.” I wrap my arms around her and carry her into the house, my cock still bending inside of her as I walk. Fatherhood has made me strong, and I can manipulate Dani’s weight with ease. “Tell me where you want me to fuck you.”

“On the kitchen table!” She squeals delightfully. And I make it so, lowering her feet to the floor and bending her over the table where we have our family meals. Her hair spills out over the table like black noodles, and I watch her ass ripple as I pound into her.

She requests the kitchen counter, against the reading nook in the living, and on the staircase. Each surface receiving a more brutal pounding than the last.

“The couch,” she cries. “Fuck me on the couch!”

I drag her along by her hair, fingering her clit roughly as we stumble back into the living room. With my back against the sofa, Dani climbs aboard and rides me like a madwoman. Her hands are on my muscular quads as she leans back and grinds her sex into me, her tits are a beautiful sight from down here, and I can’t help but reach up and stick my finger in her open mouth. She sucks it with all the passion that she affords my cock, licking it as if my salty seed is going to shoot forth from my fingertips.

“Where next?” I huff, but she’s got me right where she wants me. My muscles are starting to twitch, my toes are curling, and cock is pulsing.

“Cum,” she demands, staring down at me as she slows into a seductive pace and lets my finger linger around her lips as she licks it.

I try to resist, but there’s no turning back now. Dani leans forward, staring into my eyes and breathing into my mouth. “Put another fucking baby in me, Alex. Cum, cum, cum!”

Dani and I go rigid and lose control of our bodies as I blow my pent-up load into her. She’s quaking and squirming like she’s possessed, her juices mixing with the cum filling her pussy. The brown dress has fallen far enough to cover the space below her hips, and I lift it up slightly to watch as she continues to ride me slowly as the last bits of cum pump out of me.

When she finally collapses into me, she’s giggling and sighing that way that I love.

“Why do we always fuck before we’ve finished our coffee?” she asks, kissing my neck. “For once I’d like to drink it while it’s still warm…”

Eventually, we take to the porch, getting our clothes back on (for now), and drinking our nearly ice-cold cups of coffee.

“I like it cold,” I say, smiling as I take a sip.

“You like the sex, Alex.”

“Well, that too…”

Dani sits in my lap on one of our wooden rocking chairs. We’re in total comfort in each other’s warmth as we watch the dogs run around the field. We joke, talk shit on our children (in a loving way), and decide what we’ll cook for dinner.

“There’s plenty of basil in the garden,” she says, implicitly requesting her favorite dish.

“I suppose I could make that chicken dish that you love,” I groan, pretending like it’s such an inconvenience.

We know where the conversation is going—we’ve had it hundreds of times before—but we do it anyway because after all these years we still love to act like we can’t read each other’s minds at this point.

“Oh, I wasn’t even thinking about that one,” she hums.

“Right…” I’m distracted by a silver truck coming slowly out of the tree line. “Who could that be?”

Dani snorts. “One of the neighbors who’s finally sick of our morning routine.”

“I don’t recognize the truck.” But then, as it comes fully into view jostling down the uneven path, I do recognize it. “That’s my dad’s truck, Dani.”

We both freeze. He hadn’t told us he was coming, and it’s not exactly a short trip to come see us.

The truck squeals to halt fifty or so feet from the house. Whoever is inside of it, we can’t make them out, and they don’t seem eager to come out and say hello.

“You don’t think—”

“I do, Dani.”

I push my wife gently from my lap, stepping up to the railing and leaning over. Finally, the driver’s door pops open and a pair of boots hit the dirt. He takes a moment before closing the door, stepping out into the open, and gazing up at us with his hands in the pockets of his blue jeans. My brother. Living. Breathing. Staring right at me.

The three of us stand in silence until the dogs rush over to greet him. He flinches as they sprint towards him, and I finally say something. “They’re friendly.”

Mike relaxes and even smiles as the dogs shower him with love. “I… Uh… Wasn’t sure if I’d found the right house,” he says, rubbing our black lab, Riley, behind the ears. “It’s a little confusing up here.”

“Ya,” I reply casually, “and the GPS doesn’t work so well.”


After ten fucking years, I can’t believe the first words that we’re saying to one another are about how hard it was to find my house.

“Dani,” I say without looking at her, “why don’t you grab Mike a cup of coffee. And refill mine, would you please? It’s gone cold.” She heads into the house without a word.

Once the dogs have tired of the new scents, they run off and allow Mike to step up to the house.

“Mom tell you where we were?” I ask, moving around to the steps to face him.

“Yup,” he rocks back on his heels. He’s gaunt—like his body is still living off the machines in the hospital—and his skin sags off his face like an old man’s. It’s been ten years, but he’s aged twenty. “Did she tell you that I was awake?”

“Yup,” I mimic his response. “Almost a year ago now. How’s it feel?”

Mike laughs, I can see a hint of that wild smile from his youth. It’s a shadow of what it was, but it’s there. “It’s been fucking jarring, brother.”

I allow my face to relax, but the muscles in my core are still tense. Why has he come to find us?

My words from that day in the hospital echo in my mind. I’ll kill you, brother.

“Why don’t you come up and have a seat?”

We don’t hug or even shake hands as he steps onto the porch and lowers himself carefully into a rocking chair across from mine. He’s feeble, and I guess he catches my eyes scanning his scrawny legs.

“I’ve got a cane in the truck,” he says, finally settling into the chair, “but I don’t like to use it. A year of physical therapy and I’m only just starting to get my movement back. That’s atrophy, for you.”

His cadence is so slow and calm compared to the old Mike, and he seems to struggle through certain words.

The screen door opens and Dani steps onto the porch. Mike’s eyes linger on her. There’s a glint in his eyes, only for a moment, that looks like it wants to pour every tear in his body out onto the porch. But it vanishes as quickly as it came, and he smiles at her.

“Dani,” he says, taking the cup of coffee and a little hand towel from her. He rests the cup on the towel over his leg, nodding at her awkwardly. “It’s good to see you.”

“You took, Mike.” She steps back, handing me my own mug and towel, but underneath the towel she’s slid a piece of cold steel between my legs. I know from the weight and length of the barrel that it’s the revolver from our room, and I do well to cover it with the little white towel.

“Thank you, baby,” I say, watching Mike cringe a bit at the word. It wasn’t intentional, just habit.

Before either of us can say anything further, Mike pipes up, “Dani, you can head inside, if you like. I’m here to talk to my brother, and I figure we ought to cut as much awkwardness out of this as possible.”

Dani shoots me a concerned glance, but I nod at her to let her know it’s OK. As she opens the door, she pauses and turns to Mike. “I’m glad you’re alright, Mike.”

“Thank you,” he says politely.

The door creaks until it closes itself and Mike and I are alone on the porch.

“Do you remember what I said to you the last day I was at the hospital?” I don’t know why I asked. I guess I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“I was in a fucking coma, Alex,” he snorts, smiling as he takes a sip from his coffee. “This isn’t a lifetime movie. I don’t remember a damn thing. One minute I was in a casino, and the next I was awake in a hospital in a body I couldn’t move and barely recognized. Everything in-between is just dreams…”

I take a big gulp of my coffee, letting it scald my tongue as penance. “What was it like?”

“I couldn’t describe it to you, brother,” he says. “Most days I can barely make sense of it myself.”

“Best to move on,” I say.


The steel of the revolver is cold on my fingers as I slide a hand just under the towel. Mike looks like he’s about a hundred pounds soaking wet, but I don’t know what he’s got hidden in his black coat.

“So.” He rocks the chair back and forth, gesturing to the house and surrounding land. “This is quite the place you’ve got here. And four kids! Y’all have been busy.”

“Why are you here, Mike?” The words snap out of me, and my finger itches near the revolver’s hammer.

Mike takes a leisurely sip of his coffee before reaching into the pocket of his coat. I tense up, and he notices, slowing down and pulling something small and wood into the air.

My knife.

“You know,” he starts, taking another big gulp before setting his mug down on the floor with an elderly groan, “this is one of the first things I saw when I woke up. It was just sitting there on the table next to my hospital bed, your initials staring me right in the face. I guess Mom really liked that you left it for me and made sure the staff kept it there—a sort of good luck charm.”

“You woke up,” I say, sitting upright as he opens the blade. “So maybe it was.”

Mike rocks his head back and forth as if considering it as a possibility. “Maybe. But the funny thing about this knife is that when I saw it, for some reason, everything just clicked into place for me. It’s like I knew what the doctors were going to say before they even said it, and I knew that Dani was gone… I knew that you were gone.”

“I thought this wasn’t a movie?”

“No.” He eyes the knife with sunken eyes as if he’s watching the memories of his life reflecting in the steel of the blade. “But the mind is a funny thing. Maybe, subconsciously, I already knew that you and Dani had been sneaking around on me, and I was just too damn stupid or afraid to confront the truth. Maybe some quiet part of my head was soaking up what my heart couldn’t handle.”

We’re both quiet as Mike twirls the open blade in his hands. He’s leaning forward now, closing the distance between us. He could lunge out and be on me in the blink of an eye if his muscles allow it.

“What now, then?”

“Now?” Mike rises to his feet, supporting himself on the railing before steadying and straightening his jacket. He closes the blade, holding it out to me. “I just thought I’d return this.”

Dumbfounded, I set my mug down, reaching up slowly until the knife is back in my hand after a decade of absence.

“I think you left that with me as a way of moving on, leaving it all behind, and it’s time I did the same.” Mike smiles down at me—the last bit of wildfire in him just a tranquil, glowing ember—before turning and stepping off the porch. At bottom of the steps, he turns and laughs as he points a finger at me. “And I don’t blame you for that gun in your lap, brother. I don’t blame you for anything.”

He’s halfway back to his truck before I lurch up and call out to him. “What now? Where will you go?”

Mike stops, shrugging at me and grinning like he doesn’t have a care in the world. “Dad gave me the truck. I think I’ll keep driving until I find a nice place where nobody knows me… Like you did. You should give that knife to your son, your firstborn, keep it in the family—I wish I had still had mine.”

Tears are stinging my cheeks, soaking up the morning chill and frosting on my face. “I’m sorry, Mike.”

“Don’t be!” He throws up a wave and doesn’t look back. “It was my lesson to learn, and I learned it the hard way.”

As the truck turns around and heads down the drive, the dogs give chase, and Dani comes out of the house cradling a rifle in her arms.

“Were you listening?”

“No, but I was watching,” she says, carefully setting the rifle against the house as the truck disappears in the trees. “What did he want?”

I sigh, holding out the knife. “He wanted to return this.”

She takes it and rubs my initials before cupping my face in her hand and wiping away my tears. “Do you think he’ll come back?”

“No.” I finally break my gaze from where the truck had vanished, smiling at my beautiful wife. “I don’t think he will. Everything is going to be OK. He’s going to be OK.”

I’d give the knife to my son one day when he was ready and responsible. And he’d never use it in anger, learning the lessons of his father and the uncle he’d never meet. There would be hard conversations to have with our children, but we’d be honest with them and get through it together.

They’d get older, get into their own trouble, and we’d deal with that too. We’d worry like my mother and keep secrets like my father.

Wherever our road led, we’d go together, stopping to take in the views and make love under blankets of stars.
**The End…**

***Thank you all so much for reading and always leaving me such positive, wonderful comments! This has been my first series here on Reddit, and there will be many more to come. If you haven’t already, follow me so you know when my next series begins (which will be sometime next week).***

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  1. I found this thread this morning, read it all! was hooked! I’m so glad you’ve uploaded the ending now, imma get me some snacks before I read!

  2. I am sad to see this story end!
    I have questions about patroon. Would you mind if I PM’d you?

  3. This is easily one of the most enigmatic stories that I have read. It had everything love, betrayal, friendship, family, kids, past present and future. It touched every aspect of life that a man can think of, or at least dream of having.

  4. I’ve been here since day one… this has been the best story I’ve read here. Period.

  5. Wow-what a wonderful, finale I’m glad that Alex and Dani ended up as mother and father to four beautiful. Children and that Alex could patch up loose ends with his brother who wasn’t mad, he stole his wife all those years ago when he was oblivious to the fact the affair was happening around; him and in a coma, I can’t wait. To read what series you make, next I hope it’s as amazing better than this one was I enjoyed reading every second minute hour, of you’re such a goddamn good storyteller you know that.

  6. This is such an inspirational work, I really appreciate you taking out the time to make sure you write an excellent piece, loved every moment of it, got engrossed in the nest parts, got emotionally attached to characters and rode the rollercoaster throughout.

  7. I don’t know how you can top this one Lydia! I think you brought your best out first! I guess we shall see. Oh and in case I wasn’t succinct enough this was the best story I’ve ever read! Congratulations!

  8. I’ve been following this like a middle-aged woman watching a soap opera. It was profoundly beautiful and emotional, you create such an amazing atmosphere and world in addition to the admittedly hot sex scenes. Incredibly well done. I’m legitimately sad to see it end, lol.

  9. The finale didn’t tell whose child was the eldest and i’m kinda glad it didn’t

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