Out of the Fire – Chapter Two The Blue Bonnet

Half the time I was questioning myself in the compound. After all, it is quicker to demolish a building than to build one. This chapter was no exception. “Service above oneself.” This mantra rang true to my surroundings each day below ground, but now I was leaving.

The radio played the familiar butter commercial regarding how much we would like things better with a little butter on it from a woman in a blue bonnet. You may have heard the jingle back in the 80’s. Rebecca’s small radio played in their bunker tonight. Ironically, I grabbed my blue bonnet and waved goodbye.

I left through the kitchen tunnel of her home. It was my last memory of the compound days. Rebecca’s parents would be back shortly. I found my way stealthily into the visiting businessman’s vehicle trunk and stowed tightly when they weren’t looking. He was on his way to the next business meeting…or so I thought. Instead he drove all the way to his home for the weekend, four hours, maybe. Time was hard to discern in his trunk.

I was huddled and becoming stiff as I traveled in his freezing trunk, wedged between suitcases. Eventually he found me. I was only in my church dress and a jacket over top and my blue bonnet. My hands were cold and fragile as he began to retrieve me from inside his vehicle. He was warm and inviting to the touch, so attentive. By the look of it, he never suspected a stow away. As I stepped out, my bare legs were goose fleshed and numb in the air as I stepped out. We weren’t allowed to wear pants.

He was dismayed at my abilities to endure, yet cussing slightly under his breath with his newly discovered burden. He unpacked me like a file and saw right through me. I wanted more freedom and “a cold trunk ride into the unknown” seemed a fair gamble to a better future for myself. He had wanted something he had seen from afar. I had found him looking at me in Rebecca’s kitchen on several visits. Now, I was standing right in front of him, a true Bete Noire, yet he was drawn to me.

Once inside his place, I could stay “just for the night” so he could sort things out in the morning. He finalized carrying the suitcase and leading me upstairs to get warm. I calculated to leave before dawn, no chance of sticking around to be found. I knew not to stay for long. He settled me in for the night, with a clean shower and a decent meal. I would be gone before morning.

I waited until he slept. In the dark morning hours, my hands traced along the wall, feeling the edge of my new perimeter. Quietly l, as he slept in the adjacent room, I danced my digits like a ballerina trying to learn my whole location again in my mind.

I was in the dark again, just like at the compound, but I was free here…with him…for the moment. He had brought me to his apartment to pivot, recover and redirect. It was not a high rise like I heard of people living in, but it was above ground and fairly clean. I loved the fresh air already. The smell of dry wood and cologne filled his large apartment.

In search of the doorway, slinking in the darkness, with only the senses in my fingertips and limited sight, I traced my hands feeling for the front door. Restrained, I was finding my way in between the textures and temperatures of the walls and decor, just like home. I was trying to recall my way from what he showed me earlier.

He had given me a tour in the late evening light, but some things I couldn’t quite remember or see. I would not outstay my welcome, he would see. I was no mooch. I arrived and would be gone, like a flash in the night.

It was hours since he stopped to remove his suitcase from his trunk and found me hidden. I had rested and was now ready to leave. If only I could find the door…

From the countertop smoothness to the rough drywall, straight into cold concrete, I found my way in the dark looking for the entry. The clean floor was amazing to shuffle against. It felt amazing on my bare feet. No more dirt or uneven concrete. The air was cozy and dry and my hair was dry and smooth as it dangled.

My legs were warmed by the heater vents on the floor as I passed over them in my dress. The fabric flared with the air currents and warmed from underneath. All of these simple luxuries tempted me to stay.

I wanted beyond these doors but I had no idea what to expect beyond his doors in the darkness. I wasn’t sure if I should leave in the night in an unfamiliar town. Where would I go? Which direction? I didn’t even know the town’s name. I had only just arrived. I had to act quickly, he said he would call my family in the morning to make arrangements to bring me back. He made that very clear.

“Where are my shoes?” I muttered under my breath, feeling along the floor with my hands. He had asked me to take them off at the front door. I vaguely remembered. I was starting to question my memory, until I finally found the front door and gave a big sigh as I leaned against it. My shoes were just where I left them. Wanderlust was taking over, I had found the front door. I wanted to run like a gazelle in an open field…

Suddenly, in a soothing voice from behind me, “you make me want to try something new, do you know that?” he whispered. He stepped in close, lifting the corner of my ruffles to my dress, pressing them against my leg, just high enough for me to notice.

“Luxury is when we experience something rare in life,” he said with a sexual appetite. He leaned toward me, sending me a smile the whole way. I knew what he wanted. He didn’t want to admit a good woman was a luxury for him. I was something hard to find. A woman in his home felt grand, I could tell. Already I could see he liked the attention I gave him.

With his shy, reserved, yet bold moves, he reluctantly let go of my dress until the last ruffle. He wanted to keep me and enjoy me, if only for a moment. I tugged away with a pretend smile and a fancy twirl of nervousness. I was moving closer to the door preparing to bolt. He couldn’t be trusted, nor could I.

Noticing he was about to lose me, his hand grabbed the door handle tightly. Our hands met and he peered into my eyes. Both of us flashing our separate fears between each other. I stared back fiercely trying to decide who would stand down.

“You can stay…I won’t notify your family,” was all I needed to hear from him. He stood so close to me, observing and acknowledging my desire for dominance in the darkness. I appreciated it. I could feel his body heat as he lifted my hand slowly from the door lock and drew my hand back down to my side before withdrawing his arm. He was so calm and delicate and swift to act, all in one quick move. I couldn’t quite tell his intentions.

I felt like prey standing there deep in his lare. I wanted to run. The closeness of his hallway entrance echoed our movements on the tile as we shifted around each other. Both were looking for equality in our stance.

In the blackness, he reached out and started to pet me gently on the back of the head and down my back, speaking quietly, repeating, “you can stay.” With urgency he tried to settle me. He had seen me in the tunnels of the compound. He knew it was a step up in dwelling comforts for BOTH of us…if I stayed. Quickly retreating, to let me decide, he returned to his bedroom leaving me with a choice. I stood in the entry hall unsure of my next move.

After a few minutes of watching him close his bedroom door, I quietly went back to my allotted room next door and remained. Once inside my bedroom, with the door locked again, I felt safe and fell into a deep sleep until morning. I did not want to risk being spotted or observed above ground. I did not want to be found. The stress of things had caught up. I needed to recharge myself.

Early the next morning, I made use of myself almost immediately. I picked out some things to make for breakfast from the ice box and pantry. I was starving. He had all kinds of boxed items and canned goods I recognized. I made something tasty for both of us in short order. Unbeknownst to me, cooking was my specialty for him from the start of that very first day.

Before long, he couldn’t resist having an in-house chef every day and someone nice to look at making it. My hands were accustomed to working hard and it made running through the kitchen and cleaning up easy as clockwork. His laundry was done, his meals warm and served at a table, better than his own cooking, I guessed. All within a short time of my stay, I had made my mark.

Soon, he requested closer routes for property acquisitions at work, he never made mention of me with the compound leaders. He woke up early with me and I stayed up late with him. We were spending more and more time together.

I simply offered him things I was good at every day. Within a short time, he changed his mind about returning me permanently. I knew my place and I and earned a comfortable spot in his daily routine.

All he had to do was give me cookbooks to read, Youtube videos to watch and leave me for the day to learn. I cooked, cleaned and tidied, something I was already very familiar with. Usually, I had to care for a lot more people than just two.

It was a fair trade…for now while I worked on a plan on where to go next. There had to be more he would want, that I maybe wouldn’t have, but I didn’t care for now. I was above ground. He was appreciative of me and he was busy with his work, more efficient than ever. For weeks, I stayed hidden in his house with no disruption. No one knew I existed now above ground.

He told me about all sorts of things I didn’t know about that happened above ground with the “worldly’s” and I listened intently. It was an easy compromise after discovering me in his trunk. I worked hard, so did he, we could work together. We were starting to like each other’s company. My family thought he was the villain coming to conquer their land. Now, I wasn’t sure of what he wanted to conquer, exactly.

Rapidly, lunches and wholesome dinners spilled from my fingertips with ease and made him happy. He made me feel beautiful as I danced around the kitchen a few nights a week, listening to music. I would catch him looking at me attentively and admiringly for no apparent reason. He would observe me while he finished his calls and emails perched in the home office, just his head poking around the corner to see what I was making. It was usually treats in the oven..

He brought home groceries ordered on the Internet connection to his phone. His phone did everything. It was amazing. He seemed to want simple things for now, meals together, and conversation. I wondered how Rebecca was fairing back at the compound.

“Have sense, man,” he must have rationalized internally as he took me in as his own. After all, he could return me “if they started looking,” but for now…I was all his. It was written on his face if I watched carefully.

He would enjoy me the way he wanted to and buy the land too, it seemed. I watched him calculate my presence more each day in his mind. After all, he was a businessman. He wanted more. I was his true prize thus far.

Within days, he sought change already. I needed new clothes, he said. The dingy white ruffles and solid-colored, cheap spun fabric of my home sewn dress wasn’t cutting it anymore in his kitchen. He wasted no time dressing me in new fabrics and dresses within a few days. He personally selected new dresses since I had no money yet of my own. Thankfully I loved his taste. Soon the frills and ruffles were everywhere in my wardrobe. I had never felt or seen such beautiful fabrics and colors.

Eventually his pent up sexual energy was starting to show all around, while I tried to hide mine, especially with all the new dresses. He didn’t know what to do with me and his proper religious background as they collided.

I did everything he asked and was pleasant to look at. I was like an elixir to his desires and he wanted a sip from the cup. He wanted more of me with every “yes” I gave. I cooked and cleaned without being asked and I helped with his maps, drawings and knowledge of the compound for his acquisition. He loved what he had found, a true rare person, a businessman’s gem.

The days were running smoothly so far. I loved my new showers and room to myself. He eventually came in to watch me during my showers. I didn’t mind. I invited him in every time he darkened my door. I enjoyed watching him look at me naked. He wanted to teach me so many things. His eyes said it all. I wanted him to touch me and teach me.

On any given day, I reveled in the fresh smelling, soapy water of my shower as it would run down my legs in the large glass shower. My eyes would watch the suds as they slipped down over my nipple’s edge. I would get lost in the water of the drain sounds, following the bubbles As they went. Indoor plumbing was amazing, showers were phenomenal, how could anyone want to live below ground? Every moment, I wanted to learn more from him.

After watching the naked people have sex on the Internet with Rebecca back home, I wanted to know how the outside world shaved the woman’s body next. I asked him to show me how. Razors were only for men in my world, women were not allowed to be vain by shaving, wearing makeup or jewelry. When I explained this, he volunteered with an open heart. He would patiently explain to me where to consider shaving my body, but always through the glass.

His hands never laid on me, only his words and eyes praised me through the glass. I wanted him to caress me like he did at the front door on my first night. For some reason, I could not seem to get his attention in that way. I tried to give him signals every chance I could. He would hand me the shampoo and conditioner and would sit to watch me from across the room…just sit sternly and watch. I loved when he watched me stoically, not saying a word. He could only wait for so long…I could only wait…for so long.

Suddenly, one day at the kitchen sink, he snapped. I felt him line up behind me and grab me by the hips. His lust had gotten the better of him and he knew it. He wanted to slip inside and drain himself out in short order. No more thinking about it for us both.

“Have you ever been with someone?” he said quickly and quietly.

Dish suds and fresh hot water filled the sink in front of me. I looked down and inhaled deeply at the fresh water and steam. I held my breath and a frenzy of thoughts flooded my mind. Would this be my first time with a man? All the movies Rebecca and I had watched together, it seemed imminent.

“No…” was all I could say, then I managed, “but I want to.”

He lifted the ruffles to my dress and bunched them at my waist without a moment to lose at my consent. His hurried motions excited my instincts, like he was opening a present. I could feel his stiffness burning at the edge of my body opening. He was waiting for permission to enter me from behind, but only as a formality of his upbringing.

He was anxious like a horse at a starting gate, ready to charge. He had mounting needs, combined with a background of strict religious beliefs. They were bridling him. He was raised to ask permission from others, always. This was why the company had sent him to the compound. He appeared docile and smooth but calculating, ready for completion of the final goal. He would not break his moral core, yet could see he was struggling as he stood next to my partly exposed body. He wanted to feel inside of me, ravish me, cum in me. He was about to explode.

He moved in tight against me. I could feel “his anticipation” slide up against my underwear gusset and move up my crack. The cloth was the only barrier between my waiting, wanting vagina.

Soon his hands were over the front of my thighs under my dress, leaning me further, against the sink. His warm skin was burning hot against my cold skin. The pressure felt so enticing, I cannot lie. As he grabbed the wads of ruffles around my waistline tightly and pulled himself close to my panty covered bottom, I felt the familiar tickle already starting. The same sexual stir when I played with myself.

I heard him draw in a deep breath as he stepped back, readying his aim at me and looking at his prize. I felt him drag the tip back and forth in the pattern of the X across my exposed backside and soft, frilly panties he had just bought. After all, “X” marks the spot.

This was going to be my first time with a man and I wanted to cum as much as he did. It appeared to be a race to the summit. I was raised to serve but I loved to come too. I felt guilty that my underwear were becoming so wet from my own arousal. I had waited for this moment to be with a man and I wanted it to be good for me too. Passions and anticipations were high for all. He was about to enter the house…my house.

I kept envisioning my dream house to distract from my fears as he started petting my hair gently. He was bulging at the seams; I didn’t know what was going to happen. I was trying to prepare for him but I didn’t know how? I tried to take my mind far away but my thoughts rattled back to reality as his fingers pulled the length of my dress zipper down quickly.

He was exposing my shoulders and my back to him. I was becoming a display. A straight power play with my skirt hiked in preparation and back exposed with just my knickers between us. I was purposeful as I stood waiting and gently spread my legs a bit further apart, trying to guess his next advance. I had seen the ladies help in this way and I had long since forgotten the people on the street, possibly observing us together. At least the window was closed and I had dipped down out of sight.

He doubled in size as he took himself out for me to see. I looked back as soon as I could. I was fascinated with seeing a penis in the flesh. This was already intriguing. It was my first time in real time. There was about to be some smoke in my dream house I was visualizing earlier. My mind was panicking and sexually raging all at once. I was imagining my legs being divided by a mountain peak as he aimed for my virgin spot. I had never put anything except my own fingers inside myself until now.

Suddenly, one of my hands slipped down into the hot soapy dish water unexpectedly, as I braced myself for him. I heard him spit in his hand and ready himself. I knew he didn’t need to. I was already wet. He directed himself up next to my panties, yanked them aside. I heard a stitch rip…“Yes?”

“Yes…” Then, just like that, he slid inside my already wet opening. He stopped for a moment, thankfully because I had felt a sudden pinch inside. It wasn’t like the Internet, he didn’t seem to go far at all. I didn’t understand why.

Exhilarated, by my situation and concerns, he smiled and double checked again, “are you ok?”

It felt like my body was melting in excitement, “why did it feel like you pinched me?” I asked.

“You are truly a virgin. There is a piece of skin every girl has to signify this fact. This is normal. Do you want me to try again?” He questioned intently, looking feverish.

My trembling voice sounded unfamiliar even to my own ears. I was getting so turned on and anxious, I wiggled my hind end and repeated, “yes…yes…oh my goodness, please.” My compunction flushed my face.

I waited and waited thinking we were done. Then I felt him finally slide against my skin, so I pushed back on him. I am a girl who knows what she wants and goes for it. I wasn’t going to wait.

With a rush he went so far inside me, I shrieked. I lifted my torso up in surprise at the pinching pain for a split second. My virgin outcry turned a few heads on the street and he stopped instantly and he cajoled me. I averted my eyes in shame and hid my smile as I saw their shock in their looks up at us. He had taken me all the way and they all knew what was happening on the street below.

Beginning promptly, his first few thrusts made my body shiver, the pain was short lived and already it was phenomenal. I loved the feeling of him moving inside me. It was so new, like nothing I had ever felt.

I had made myself cum many times on my own and this was so much more intense, powerful and fun. I could not believe how wonderful he felt buried deep inside me. Thankfully he reached out and brought the window closed with a quick wave to the onlookers.

Then I felt his hands reposition with purpose, finding my shoulders. I braced myself as he squared himself behind me again. He held my shoulders and pulled. My thighs mashed tight to the counter, sinking the cuff of my kitchen gloves fully under the water now.

I felt like his glove. He moved freely inside me and I was wet like my hand. I watched my glove slosh back and forth with water as I looked down my arm with our rhythm. I was almost on all fours over the sink.

It felt crowded down there with him inside me. Each time he pushed his way inside me I could not flex anything enough to keep him out. This turned me on feeling powerless behind closed doors…or windows. I had to let my guard down for a short time. I had no regrets.

Amazingly, he would flex at just the right time, pull out half way and dive back in with such a perfect pattern. It was hard to keep my eyes open as he plunged. His pace was mesmerizing and stronger than my hand alone. It was better than my comfortable times in the barn with Rebecca.

He could read my face as I hovered over the sink full of hot, sudsy water and dishes, taking him all in. I was as “pleased as punch.” I was castigating myself for not trying sex with a man sooner. The steam from the sink was wafting up as I inhaled and indulged. I felt my body getting warmer, that much stimulation, it was inevitable.

Eventually, I wrapped my arm over my head to protect from pounding into the tiled backsplash, letting my other gloved hand sink deeper in the hot dish water. It had filled almost completely with water after his first few thrusts, it was useless to try to keep dry now. I felt so guilty for my pleasure with him but I wanted an orgasm. That I knew.

We were both schooling each other. He was busy fulfilling his “rescue mission fantasy” with me over a kitchen sink, while I was learning how to angle a man deeper inside my favorite spot. It was wonderful when he landed just behind the front of my pelvic bone with a steady pace.

He seemed to already know my special spot as he skewered me. I didn’t quite know what I was doing but he sure seemed to know all about my body, more than I did. It took exactly 24 thrusts before I felt the tickle I needed to reach my pinnacle. It started to warm me from my center, causing me to hold my breath until…

Finally the spasms inside I yearned for…started. It was uncontrollable, my eyes shut and I just kept forcing back towards him as he pumped…until there it was, a climax. It flowed through my body in waves until dissapaiting, leaving slowly. He looked so surprised with me. I blushed. This girl had “gotten her cookies.”

He shouldn’t be shocked. All this time, I had practiced on my own quite a bit now and given an even bigger prop to work with, a man, it was sublime. I didn’t have to rely on stowing away with my own hand or find time to hide out in the barn. I had been so ready to have relations with him for weeks.

The sexual tension was thick in the air. I could feel it. It wasn’t proper for me to initiate but he finally did and he was about to initiate me with his fluids.

Instead, he pulled out suddenly. I was confused and stood up right away, “I cannot risk it. I do not want the burden of a baby for you. I cannot do that to you.” He sighed, reaching out and caressing my face, “I saw all those mothers out there, trapped.”

He had stopped to consider my feelings yet again. I wanted to please him even more now. After all, I had seen what the women could do in those movies Rebecca and I watched. I could certainly put a man’s flesh in my mouth. I knew no pregnancy could come of that. I was so wound up and he had satisfied me once; I could not leave him hanging.

I knelt in front of him feeling beautiful, as all the pretty ruffles fluttered to the ground on my dress. Looking at my kitchen gloves in contrast to my delicate dress, I studied my predicament. I glanced up, and he chuckled as soon as our eyes met.

His gripped the tips of my gloves one by one and he pulled them off my hands. Each time, a little water spritzed on my face, making me smile. I couldn’t help but laugh eventually and thank him for the assistance, as if it were some big deed.

Like birds from a cage, my hands were freed, drawn to him immediately. I ran my hands up his legs enjoying the different textures and found myself holding something so powerful in my hands. His penis held all the power in my mind. If you had one of these, you had so many more opportunities. Now there was a penis in the flesh, staring at me. I froze in awe.

Again he laughed and was unable to control his mirth, seemingly charmed by my innocence. He didn’t know some of my predilections until now. I had wanted to see one for so long….

All at once, before I could ponder further, I took him into my mouth, I didn’t even think to consider where it had been moments ago.

As he slid in, his smoothness was amazing on my tongue and the roof of my mouth. It was better than I imagined. I felt energized all at once by the opportunity. His skin moved with a sturdiness underneath. What a fascinating part of his body. Nothing on my body compared.

Together my mouth and hands stroked him, as if set to a soft melody. Anyone on the street saw a man bobbing gently back and forth, with head in the air, not a care in the world. His face was clear. I was doing a good job.

I continued to shove his thick muscle into my mouth, past my uvula. I could feel the head rub past. He mused, guiding his way down my throat in one slippery, swoop after another. I didn’t even realize anything could go that far back, as my jaw stretched and my saliva glands ached from an overload of stimulation.

Each time he thrusted gently, my eyes closed softly. I would feel him inch down further each time, making me swallow. He would slide in tight and hold himself in me. It felt lovely and Rebecca had been the thumbsucker, not me.

He seemed impressed with me as I sucked him with tenacity. After all, I had been told, “the young live for pleasure and don’t know what hard work is…and the old still live but have forgotten what fun is.” I wanted my first time to be memorable and his.

As we neared the end, he guided my hands and mouth, to hold tighter, with more conviction. He was trying not to scare me. Together our religious constraints were set aside in those last few moments as he succumbed. He moved with such measured passion, petting my hair and rubbing it between his fingers soothingly until he came. It had the texture of a creamy dessert as it went down. I let it go all in my mouth and I swallowed.

With the last gulp of him, I heard the old commercial play from the compound in my mind’s reel. I looked up at him, encouragingly and smiled at the jingle in my mind:

My blue bonnet was truly on, tousled a little to the side at the moment…“you are going to like this better…with a little blue bonnet on it.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t0kpv4/out_of_the_fire_chapter_two_the_blue_bonnet