Keeping each other warm at night [mf] [first time] [vanilla] [wholesome]

Just after I finished my final year of highschool, my friend group planned a camping trip, celebrating all of us being accepted into our local college.

The kinda rich grandpa of my best friend Tyler owns a piece of land with a little lake on it in our neighboring state and allowed us to stay there for as long as we wanted. So it was quickly decided, that we six would spend most of our summer there. Our group existed since the very first year of middle school, and we all stayed friends till now, even if our dynamic got a bit weird at the beginning, when two couples formed in our clique.

Tyler was the captain of our highschools basketball team and his girlfriend Lisa was head Cheerleader, which is a bit cliché I guess, but what do I know. The second couple consisted of Neil and Maya, who knew each other since kindergarten, as they lived next door to each other.

As those four got all lovey-dovey, it kinda left out me and Kim. Kim was head of our debate team in our senior year and a very popular girl with a bubbly personality and great looks. She has caramel skin, long black hair and deep brown eyes. She also is really tiny and petite, being only 5’2″, with a small, but still adequately sized chest and a cute juicy rear.

To be honest, I think she is quite cute and have had a crush on her for quite some time, but always thought she was a few leagues above myself. Admittedly I’ve always considered me to be kind of the black sheep in our group, being shy and awkward, a tall, lenky kid who’s still a virgin, but my friends seemed to never care.

Thats why I love them, they might be idiots sometimes, but at least they are truly lovable idiots. It was a longer ride than expected, to get to our camping ground, which was mainly because Neil’s old Volkswagen couldn’t handle the weight of six teens with their luggage, refusing to go over 50 mph, even when the engine sounded like a plane ready for takeoff, leaving me to worry, whether it would completely stop any moment.

Furthermore the ac wasn’t working as well, and the air outside was as hot as it was inside, so we just had to dwell in the heat, being pressed against each other in the tight space of the car. I was sitting between Tyler and Kim, the former, inadvertently ramming his elbow frequently into my side, leading to him excusing to me wholeheartedly, before cursing Neil’s shitty car.

Kim on the other hand channeled some godly power and managed to fall asleep in this hot, narrow vehicle, that started to reek of our sweaty bodies just minutes after we got going this morning. I take a look at her face, resting on my right shoulder. Her skin looking incredibly soft, a strand of hair got caught in the corner of her slightly open mouth, which drools a bit on my shirt, but I don’t mind in the slightest.

Tyler gives my left arm a slight jab, “bro, don’t stare so much, it’s getting creepy”, he chuckles. Embarrassed I turn my eyes away from Kim’s face, trying to concentrate on literally anything else outside the window. The guys know about my little crush, but I wouldn’t really like Maya and Lisa to find out and especially not Kim.

Another hour goes by, untill we finally reach our destination. Relieved to be finally set free again, the others stumble out of the car, moving their tired, fallen asleep limbs, whilst I try to wake up Kim, her head still resting against my shoulder.

I gently brush some strands of hair out of her face, causing her to open her eyes and give me a cranky look. “Why’d ya wake me?”, she mumbles, reminding me of little kids after their nap. ” Well, we arrived and I don’t wanna let you sleep alone in this shitty hot car”, I retaliate. As I say this, her face instantly lights up, a beaming smile forming.

“We are? I wanna see the lake”, Kim laughs exited, running out the car, towards the others, as I slowly follow her. We decide to pitch up our tents first, before taking a dip in the water. We took three tents with us, so we’ll have to share, I guess I’ll have to endure Tylers snoring, but oh well.

After we finished setting up camp and unloading the car, the others change into their bikinis and swimming trunks, urging me to join them, as they know that I don’t like swimming. I follow them to a little foot bridge, where my friends jump laughing into the water and I sit down on the edge, letting my bare feet dangle in the cool water, watching them fool around.

Kim squirts water around her like a maniac, sometimes also targeting me, getting me soaking wet over time. After a while the two couples seperate themselves from us, making out along the shoreline. Kim, a bit exhausted after her escapades, wades towards me and chats me up. We talk about college and a lot of random small talk stuff, untill Kim suddenly blurts our, “Man I’m jealous of Lisa and Maya’s racks”.

Shocked about this sudden remark, I scramble for words untill stuttering, ” Uh, I think small boobs are cute, also you’re petite and this is a popular porn categorie, so I guess a lot of dudes like them small.” Wow, I think to myself, I thought it could not get anymore awkward, but here I am, talking about porn, way to go me. But Kim only laughs wholeheartedly, like she always does.

After a while she calms down, asking me dead serious:”so you watch porn of petite girls like me?” I can feel my face turning bright red and try to advert my eyes.

In this moment, I feel her hands wrap around my wrist and she pulls me into the cold water. Surprised I splutter out some water, panicking flailing my arms around, untill I find my footing on the ground. Again Kim is just laughing and kisses me on my cheek, “what a brave guy”, she snickers. Now it’s my time for revenge, I grab her little waist just above her yellow bikini panties and toss her through the air into the water, like my father always did when I was a kid.

She lets out a surprised squeal, right before diving into the lake. But then she doesn’t come up again. I’m getting scared, I might’ve knocked her out. Right before I wanna rescue her, she surfaces in front of me, having dived underwater to give me a scare. It feels like slow motion, as I watch her coming up, her bright smiling, excited face, water drops sparkling on her tanned chest. “Can you do that again? “, she asks laughing, so I do.

We fool around, untill she gets cold and the others rejoin us for dinner. We grill sausages above our campfire and have smores, the usual camping stuff. After a while Tyler asks casually if I’d mind sharing my tent with Kim instead of him, so he could be with Lisa.

Before I can say anything, Kim chimes in, ” of course we don’t mind, as long as you won’t be too loud “, she smirks. After this matter is settled without asking me, the girls seperate themselves a bit from us guys, chatting about god knows what. Sometimes I feel their look linger on me, but when I look over to them, they avert their eyes and start giggling.

A while later I find myself in my sleeping bag, Kim lying next to me. I hear her steady breathing and doze off.

I don’t know how much time has passed, when I hear the rustling of her sleeping bag, before she turns on the flashlight, we’ve draped on our tent roof. “Is there a problem?”, I ask her, slightly concerned. “I don’t know why, but I’m freezing even inside my sleeping bag”.

” Do you wanna switch, maybe yours is thinner than mine “, I offer.

“I don’t think that would, help, but would you mind sharing your bag with me?”

Before I can say anything, Kim already slipped in right in front of me. I can feel her small body pressing against mine, her truly cold feet brushing against my shins, as she snuggles herself into the beding. Her hair is directly under my nose, letting me smell a mixture of her sweet shampoo and smoke of the campfire.

Completely enticed by this sensation, I feel myself getting slowly hard. Trying to avoid her feeling my boner against her butt, I turn over, as does Kim, now pressing her chest against my back. Suddenly she slips one of her freezing hands under my shirt, onto my back, causing me to let out a surprised yelp.

She snickers and purrs, “you are so warm and comfy”, before she proceeds to tickle and tease me with those cold hands of hers, letting me squirm laughingly under her touch. Then, a devilish spark shines in her eyes and with one smooth motion, her right slips into my shorts, grabbing my dick.

” Well, seems like I found an especially warm spot, you don’t mind, if I warm myself with that, do you?”, she whispers into my ear. Absolutely dumbfounded, I just stare at her wideeyed. Kim gives me a seductive smile, followed by a soft kiss, which causes my heart to make a jump inside my chest.

As our lips part, I get a deep look into her mesmerizing eyes, glinting with lust. Unknownst to me, she got rid of my shorts, while we kissed, now gently stroking my hard member with her incredibly soft, tiny hand, which notably got warmer. Soon after Kim released me from my pants, she wiggles out of her own clothes, throwing them out of the sleeping bag, which is now the only thing concealing her naked body, pressed against mine.

She takes my hand and guides it to her little tits, letting me feel her hard nipples, slightly gasping when I pinch them. I keep on exploring her body with my hands instead of my eyes, caressing her soft, warm skin with my fingertips, sending shivers over her spine.

When I arrive down at her slit, I discover, that she is already pretty wet, making it easy for me to slide a finger inside her. Kim lets out another series of moans, grinding her lower body against my hand. She is franatically rocking her hips, again locking her soft lips with mine, screaming her pleasure into my mouth, as she climaxes, her juices flowing down my fingers.

Now even more giddy than before, Kim again wraps her fingers around my boner, guiding it between her legs and signaling me to fuck her thighs. Of course I do as I am told, rubbing my rod on her clit, with it being lubricated by Kims cum, as well as some of my precum oozing out of me. I speed up fucking her thighs, feeling my own pleasure piling up. Before I could cum however, Kim stops my movements, we both lie panting inside my sleeping bag, chest on chest, my erect cock still squeezed between her toned thighs.

“I want to feel you inside now”, I hear her whisper, whilst already angling my cock, ready to penetrate her. Again I happily oblige, but when I feel her hot, wet insides engulfing me, I know I won’t make it long.

Just when I slow down my hip movement, Kim starts moving herself, now fucking me. ” Stop it, Imma cum, I whine “.
” Me too, so just cum, no shame in it “, she smiles, right before pounding on my pelvis, pushing me, as well as herself over the edge of orgasm.

I try to quickly pull out, but my attempt is rendered futile, by Kim grabbing my ass, keeping me deep inside her body, so my hot seed shoots into her, causing her body to tremble and shiver.

After calming down a bit, Kim flashes a big smile at me, “we should do that again”, she snickers softly. Instead of an answer, she receives a kiss from me, ” Feeling warmer now?” , I ask after that, a smirk on my face. “Definitely, but I’d still like to keep your warmth inside me tonight”, Kim chimes, snuggling against me, my now limp dick soaking inside her, as we fall asleep, embracing each other.



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