Step Sister Corruption Part 223 – Day 122 Ginger Sees a Shrink Pt 2 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

*Sarah aka Ginger*


Dr. Hill smiled at me, “Orgasms?”

I nodded, “Yes orgasms. What is your view on them?”

Dr. Hill smiled and spoke, “Orgasms are essential. They help Release a flood of endorphins. They help fight depression. Helps with blood flow. And other benefits.”

I looked at her, “And is there a difference between small and large orgasms?”

Dr Hill smiled, “Of course.”

I kept up my line of questioning, “And if your partner only helps achieve *small* orgasms?”

Dr Hill looked at me, “But he doesn’t help give you large orgasms?”

I spoke softly, “I thought he did.”

Dr Hill spoke, “Thought as in past tense?”

I nodded.

Dr Hill followed my questioning, “But you found something or someone that opened your view of the difference?”

I nodded.

Dr. Hill caught on to my *silent* omission, “And that’s why you came to see me?”

I nodded again.

Dr. Hill spoke, “And you’re afraid if you continue using this ‘*something*’ or ‘*someone*’ that you’ll lose your relationship with your husband?”

I sighed and looked at Dr. Hill and spoke softly, “Yes.”

Dr. Hill wrote something in her pad before she looked at me, “And have you told your husband about this?”

I shook my head furiously, “God no!”

She looked at me for a moment before she spoke, “How long has this been going on?”

I shrugged, “A few months.”

Dr. Hill spoke, “About the time you started questioning your relationship with your husband?”

I felt my eyes begin to water, “Not at first no.”

Dr. Hill was silent for a moment before she spoke, “Why don’t you tell me what happened to make you do this?”

I looked at her, “Because I don’t want to say it.”

Dr. Hill spoke, “Are you afraid that I’ll tell your husband?”

I shrugged, “Maybe.”

Dr. Hill spoke, “Mrs. Michaels whatever we speak about here I will not divulge to your husband or anyone.  This is a safe space.  My purpose is to listen and help you on the road to recovery in whatever is causing you to come to see me.”

I looked up at her, my first tear falling from my eyes to fall into my lap not saying anything.

Dr. Hill remained silent, not saying anything as she let me go through my own head as I played everything that happened.

Eventually she spoke, “Mrs. Michaels why don’t you tell me?  Just the facts.  You don’t have to tell me names or associations.”

I looked at her, another tear falling, “You sure?”

Dr. Hill nodded.

I sighed, “Well it happened a few months ago.”

Dr. Hill remained regal as she simply sat there just listening.

I tried to think of the correct words to use without mentioning *Gabe* or *Kelly* in my scenario as I **tried** to replay my **cheating** on my husband and how I found out that I had a much bigger and unknown strength in my body.

I continued, “I was helping some close *friends* with their own drama.  *Friends* I never thought in a million years that would needed my help.”

I watched as Dr. Hill wrote something on her pad.  I imagine it was my usage of *friend*.

Still I continued, “These *friends* I had watched blossom over the years and they had recently started dating.  At first I couldn’t believe that they had gotten together.”

Dr. Hill went back to jotting down that note.

I continued to speak, “So during one of my *helping* these two realize their emotions for one another I *accidentally* watched them fuck one another.”

I smiled at the memory as I remembered exactly what I thought when I watched Gabe and Kelly fucking as I had orchestrated the entire scene after getting Kelly to admit her feelings for Gabe.  At first I was appalled by their situation but after some time I realized that Kelly would be a scenario where she could dive off the deep end and begin hating men as none seemed to have satisfied her need…..that is until Gabe entered the picture.  When she admitted her feelings and through the videos on the security cameras I knew that as long as Gabe was in the picture she would be happy.

And isn’t that what a parent wants in their child…to be happy.

I spoke as I smiled at the memory, “After watching what unfolded in front of me it made me want what they had.”

Dr. Hill spoke, “Is that when you had your indiscretion?”

I shook my head, “No, at first I tried to have the same level with my husband, Jason, and thought it was amazing as it reminded me of how we used to be before Samantha and Jasmine came into this world.”

Dr. Hill nodded, “Go on.”

I smiled as I replayed another memory as I watched Gabe fuck those girls in their new house while I stood outside in the freezing snow becoming a whore-snowwoman, “Then I *accidentally* watched them fuck again.”

Dr. Hill said nothing as I mentioned another *accidental* private show as it was more my *wanting* to happen than it *accidentally* happening.

I spoke, “Just watching this man have their level of intensity with this female and the intensity was just so captivating and mesmerizing to watch that it made me wish I was the one that this person was fucking instead of the girl.”

I looked at Dr. Hill, “This about when I wanted to try what they were so effortlessly doing in front of me.”

Dr. Hill looked down and notated this admission, “About how long did you watch your *friends* have relations?”

I shrugged, “About a couple of weeks or so?”

Dr. Hill noted that and spoke, “And how was it different from your husband and you?”

I shrugged, “The intensity.  How long it seemed to last.  The emotions on the female’s face as the guy brought her to orgasm after orgasm.  The whole package.”

Dr. Hill spoke, “So you’re saying this *guy* seemed to out perform your husband?”

I nodded.

Dr. Hill spoke, “And did you try to recreate this level of intensity with your husband?”

I chuckled, “Yeah I tried to recreate the same level.  I even went as far to slip him some drugs from Muschi hoping it would make my husband perform at the same level as this guy.”

Dr Hill spoke, “And did it work?”

I shrugged, “Sort of.  He was more intense but the length of time didn’t extend much.”

I chuckled, “Though I thought it was spectacular.”

Dr. Hill added for me, “But what you saw from this guy you couldn’t get out of your head?”

I shook my head, “No.”

Dr. Hill spoke, “And how much longer before you got a taste?”

I smiled, “Not that much longer after that.”

Dr. Hill notated that but looked at me, “Go on.”

I sighed, “Well I convinced this guy into thinking I was his *girlfriend* effectively tricking him into fucking me.”

Dr. Hill spoke, “And that’s when you experienced the difference in orgasms?”

Another tear dropped from my eyes as I nodded.

Dr. Hill spoke, “What did this guy do when he found out he wasn’t fornicating with his girlfriend?”

I chuckled, “He freaked out.”

Dr. Hill smiled but didn’t say anything.

I continued, “After that and knowing the clear difference I *tried* to recreate the same level with my husband slipping him even more drugs from Muschi but it wasn’t the same.”

Dr. Hill notated that.

I sighed, “Ever since then I keep trying to have the same level of intensity as this guy.  Each time I feel like I’m failing.  And each time I want to go back to this man just so I can experience the same orgasm high.”

Dr. Hill spoke, “And have you?”

I shook my head as I flat out lied the level of control Gabe has on me.

I looked at her, “What can I do?”

Dr. Hill looked at the time, as I’m sure I was approaching my hour, and at me, “Well you have two options.”

I spoke, “And they are?”

Dr. Hill spoke, “You need to distance yourself away from this guy or you’ll continue going back to this guy as it’ll continue to ruin your marriage.”

I scoffed, “Fat chance of that happening.”

Dr. Hill raised her eyebrow at me.

I spoke to answer her question, “My husband and I are helping him with a new business venture he is starting.”

Dr. Hill nodded, “OOkkkk…..or you can try other methods to help keep your marriage solid and not crumble around you.”

I looked at her, “How?  I have tried slipping my husband drugs just so I can get the same intensity and it hasn’t worked.”

Dr. Hill looked at me, “Well one option is we can bring in your husband and talk about this.  Maybe talking will help rekindle your passion between you two.”

I chuckled, “Jason seeing a shrink?  HA!,” I looked at her, “No offense doc but I have a better chance convincing my husband to give up red meat.  What else you got?”

Dr. Hill thought for a moment, “We can give you specific drugs that’ll help **you** be more sensitive with your husband.  Might help you achieve larger orgasms with your husband over this other guy.”

I smiled, “Yeah I tried that.  Muschi makes some fine supplements.  It’s not me it’s him that is the one pump chump.”

Dr. Hill smiled, “We have stronger drugs Mrs. Michaels.  Stuff that Muschi doesn’t offer off the shelf.  We can try that. Might help you **and** your husband.”

I looked at her, “And if that doesn’t help?”

Dr. Hill shrugged, “I have other tools in my arsenal.  But for now let’s go with the drugs.”

Dr. Hill got up and walked over to her desk.  She opened a drawer and pulled out a small pad.  She began writing something as she spoke, “I’m going to prescribe you a small series of drugs for both you and your husband for a one time use.  Just follow the instructions and give it a try see if this works give you the same big orgasm you are looking for.”

She ripped the paper from the pad and walked over to me, “Here you go.  Try this and schedule another appointment with me next week.”

I took the paper and spoke, “Jason is on travel until next week at the earliest.”

Dr. Hill looked at me, “Ok schedule a visit with me after the holidays.  Next week is my last week for the year.  We will have our office back open the second week of January.”

I nodded and got up, “Thank you doc.”

Dr. Hill smiled, “My pleasure,” as she followed me to the door.

Dr. Hill stopped me, “Oh before you go here is my card.”

She handed me her card.  I looked at it then at her.  Dr. Hill smiled, “Just in case that does work I can have the pharmacy give you an additional refill.”

I spoke, “Not for emergencies?”

She smiled, “I don’t think you’re there yet.”

I nodded, “Thanks again Doc.”

I got exactly three steps out of Dr. Hill’s office after I paid for my visit and was heading over to the closest pharmacy when my phone rang.

I looked down and saw it was Jason.


I hit the accept button and before I could say anything I heard Jason, “Why the fuck did a Dr. Hill’s **Therapist** office hit our credit card?”




  1. Ginger will always be my favorite character. I love how you are including her more!

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