Mountain Friends part 2 (mf)


I woke up after about an hour feeling much refreshed despite some dreams that centered around Maria and Nick. I waited for my dick to calm down a bit then went to join the pair downstairs.

Whatever they were cooking smelled amazing. I turned the corner to enter the kitchen and froze. Maria was stirring a pot of something and Nick was standing behind her massaging her shoulders. He towered over her and his massive hands gently touching her skin. She was absent minded in her stirring and she had on hand gently resting on his while he rubbed her shoulders. Her face was blissful. Also her ass was resting against his crotch.

It was innocent in its way though, I couldn’t begrudge her a massage, especially after she had made dinner. “Hey guys, how’s it going in here?”

Maria jumped a little at me walking in but Nick just kept massaging her. “We’re good,” she eeked out, a little startled.

“Have you had her beef bolognese, buddy?” Nick asked.

“No, I haven’t,” I said flatly.

Maria shot me a somewhat annoyed look. Then said, “It’s really good but you have to sit here and stir for an hour. Nick only got me to make it by agreeing to stand here and massage my shoulders.”

“Ha!” Nick exclaimed. “You like it too! You always make it when I ask.” He looked at me, “The trick is you just have to have something to trade.” He was just holding her shoulders at this point.

Maria looked up at him, “well you always have such tempting trades.” I snorted and she glared at me again. “Plus life is busier now. I don’t have time for cooking much anymore.”

I’d like to have the money to make it so she wouldn’t have to work but right now she actually made more than I did. “Maybe you could teach me babe and I’ll make it for you one day,” I said and regretted it as it came out of my mouth. Here was this alpha stud who convinced Maria to cook and I was simping in front of him.

“Maybe you can cook for us tomorrow.” Nick said.

“Wouldn’t be too bad,” I answered back. “Anyways, would anyone like a little wine with dinner?” I pulled one of the bottles we brought out and started looking for a wine opener.

“Why don’t we go get something nice from the wine cellar?” Nick said.

“Oh! Yes please!” Maria yelled.

“I bought my Dad’s collection off of him when I picked this place up from him but I haven’t been able to make much of a dent in it.”

I went to follow but Maria stopped me, “Stir.” Then she left for the cellar.

“Fucking show off,” I muttered then tried to calm myself. He’s been extraordinarily generous and maybe I’m just groggy from sleeping. I should try and give him the benefit of the doubt.

A few minutes later I understood the pain this dish must be to make. Finally though I heard Maria’s giggle and the pair walked back up. “Oh Arthur, you need to see his set up down there.”

Nick laughed in his deep voice. “Well maybe tomorrow so we don’t open the door too much.”

We then got a text at the same time. Dangerous road conditions predicted until 10 am tomorrow.

“Well guess it’s just us three.” Nick said with a smile.

I opened the bottles while the table was set and Maria put the last touches on the bolognese. We dished out everything and sat to eat.

Nick called for a toast, “To reunions and second chances.” I cheered as well though it struck me weird. I guess it was supposed to be her friends together. We ate quietly for the most part and the wine was honestly the best wine I’d ever had. Between the nervousness and taste I might have overindulged a little. Either way, I relaxed and we had a good time. Nick was funny and a captivating story teller.


After dinner had ended, the storm really blew in. We cleaned up the dishes and went to the den. I brought the wine with me but by the time I was over there, Maria and Nick were already on the couch leaving the still luxurious recliner.

“Umm… Do you mind if I sit with my girlfriend there.” I said with fake cheer though the snub kinda pissed me off.

“Arthur, be nice. I haven’t seen Nick in a long time. You’ll get to be next to me at night. Don’t get all weird like you do.”

I was taken aback by the fierceness of her statement and I imagined Nick leered at me for a second. “Sorry Maria, I might have just had a bit too much at dinner. Let’s just watch the movie.” I looked outside. It looked like the snow was falling softly but the wind was intense.

“Check out this surround sound,” Nick said, interrupting my thoughts as the intro to the movie started. It was quite impressive. “I installed it myself.”

“Dude it’s amazing,” I answered.

The movie was a generic rom-com where the girl is dating some loser, reconnects with an old flame, and they both realize they’ve loved each other all along. The room was pretty cold and a few minutes in I grabbed a set of blankets for all of us. I was pretty quiet to avoid disturbing the movie and when I came back Maria was leaning against him. He had an arm over her shoulders and her hand was resting about midway up his bare thigh. I paused for a second and shook my head to dispel my doubts. I wasn’t going to get all weird and jealous.

“Hey guys, I brought some blankets.”

“Thanks buddy,” Nick said and stood to take them. I could swear that I saw something move in his shorts but it was dark and could have been a quirk of the light. I had brought one for each of them but Nick spread them over both of them so I couldn’t see them. I knew I had to keep cool but a sickening pang shot through me every time Maria giggled or they moved around. I barely followed the movie instead glancing over at them, my beautiful girl and this exemplar of the human form. I started thinking about when he stood up, where Maria’s hand had been and the shifting in his pants. I had told myself it was probably the light but it looked like he had a third arm down there.

The movie wasn’t helping, our lovely heroine was struggling with her attraction to a new flame as her oblivious boyfriend acted paranoid and suspicious, driving her away. He was something of a villain but his paranoia was speaking volumes to me. The protagonist and the new flame kissed and I felt my mouth go dry when I looked and saw Maria’s head resting on his powerful shoulders. If the movie didn’t portray the boyfriend so poorly I might have spoken up.

We were only about a third of the way through the movie and I started to doze. The house was warm, I was a bit drunk, I was full, and the fucking recliner was too comfortable. My eyes would shut and I kept waking up so the movie was disjointed. I’m unsure of what happened next how much was the movie and if any of it was real.

I could swear I heard Nick say, “He’s right there.”

“Don’t worry he knocks out hard. I need this.”

I was startled awake by that and they were sitting much as before, Maria cuddled in and the two of them watching the movie. “Sleepy babe?” Maria asked.

“Not at all,” I answered and the cycle began anew.

I stirred and could see some sort of movement under the blankets, Nick gripping the couch and gritting his teeth. Maria was hunched over. I fell back asleep. My dreams were a mix of the movie, the thoughts of Maria’s delicate hand around a throbbing cock, and Nick leering at me.

I woke up and this time my heart was beating. The credits were rolling and the two of them were gone. My mouth was dry and my heart beat faster. “Maria!” I rushed to the bedrooms but no one was in our wing.Images of her lips wrapping around his throbbing member came unbidden to my mind, His hands wrapped in her hair while he held her down, penetrating her throat.

Panic set in a little bit and I practically ran back to the kitchen and almost ran into Nick.

“Hey buddy, you all right? Look a little pale.” He was standing there holding a bottle of wine and Maria following up from the wine cellar.

“Yeah, um, I just….”

Maria laughed, “Had a nightmare or something baby?”

I caught my breath and gave a chagrined smile, “Yeah or something.”

Nick gave a deep laugh as well, “Sorry to leave you there buddy. We were just thinking of waking you up to play some games. The night is young.”
