Step Sister Corruption Part 222 – Day 122 Ginger Sees a Shrink Pf 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

*Sarah aka Ginger*

I sat in a waiting room at Dr. Regina Hill’s office waiting for my turn as I had filled out all the documentation on why I would be seeing Dr. Hill.

I kept my reason fairly vague in the paperwork.  I just selected the options I wanted Dr. Hill to *help* me with, along with options that I wasn’t opposed to helping with my overall mental health.

I had called the Dr.’s office yesterday at exactly 8:01am after they had opened, essentially begging for the doctor to see me.  Really didn’t want to lose my asshole’s virginity to Gabe.  Along with begging them to email me the confirmation of my appointment in which I immediately forwarded to Gabe.

Gabe told me if I wanted to *remain* as a fuck doll I had to attend the therapy session along with a confirmation followup.

So I couldn’t just check in and leave…..damn it.

I had to sit there and talk to Dr. Hill and get her to agree to continue seeing me and get another confirmation email for a follow up and send that to Gabe.

I desperately wanted to remain as a fuck doll to Gabe. But not at the expense of my asshole.

Over the last few days my son had increasingly called me a slew of names ranging from slut to fuck meat but I took the demoralization in stride as it made me happy that I was getting attention from him…..and it made me more wet.

I knew I had a problem but I didn’t care as the last time he fucked me he utterly broke me and any shred of who I was wasn’t there anymore.  My only concern was to make Gabe happy as I was his to use however he wanted.

And Gabe wanted me to see a shrink.  And he wanted me to be honest with Dr. Hill.

Honestly I didn’t want to be honest with Dr. Hill as I was content with my pecking order in Gabe’s line of pussy.  As long as he was willing to fuck me I was happy.

Yet because he commanded it I would sit here and wait for my turn to speak to Dr. Hill.

I looked around the office to see it semi looked like any doctor’s office.

There was a receptionist. There looked like a back room or rooms.

In the waiting room was a big darkly colored door with a light on next to it and a light switch next to the door.

The waiting room was more warmly colored and wasn’t white or beige. It had more comfortable chairs.

Eventually, when my time to see the doctor got closer, the light next to the door turned off and a female exited.

The female quickly walked over to the receptionist and I heard her quickly pay her bill and make another appointment with the receptionist to see Dr. Hill again for the following week.

I only waited a few moment’s before a woman standing a few inches taller than me walked out and addressed me, “Mrs Michaels?”

I nodded.

The woman smiled her discolored coffee stained teeth at me, “Please come in.”

I got up and walked into Dr. Hill’s office.

The office looked drastically different than what I’m accustomed to with doctor’s offices in general being white, stereo typically cold, and a lack of comfort.  This was warm, inviting, and cozy.

There were books galore on one wall.  A nice landscape with an aquarium on the other wall.  A huge view with blinds and curtains.

It was everything that went against medical offices but I assumed this type of layout would be stereotypical with shrinks…..I guessed.

Dr. Hill spoke as I looked around, “Please sit.”

I looked at the direction she was pointing to an overly large sofa as I smirked thinking this must be the ‘laying chair’ that I’ve seen in just about every movie and television show I’ve watched.

I shrugged and sat down on the sofa, finding it nearly comfortable.

Not sure if the sofa was new or not but it was something I might put in my own house…..if my taste wasn’t so……what’s the word I’m looking for……..geared towards fabric couches.

In my own house most of our furniture is more leather than fabric.

I think the only fabric things in our house are over at Kelly and Gabe’s.

Granted they chose an expensive sofa.

Not saying **this** couch isn’t expensive…..more…..guahhhh it’s like I’m judging a **doctor** on their choice of furniture to give her clientele comfort seemed off to me.


After years of having my husband basically spoil me with near expensive items in my life when I come across something that wasn’t expensive, it seemed cheap in my mind.

I got out of my thinking as I heard Dr. Hill speak, “So Mrs. Michaels what brings you here today?”

I looked at her having the largest urge to essentially clam up and not speak but my new *master*, aka Gabe, had ordered me to talk to this **doctor** to get me some much needed help.

Only thing is he didn’t tell me how much I was *allowed* to divulge but knew I had to say something or I wouldn’t be graced with his cock again.

I sighed thinking, might as well give a basic outline, “Well I came here thinking I need help with my marital life with my husband.”

Dr. Hill started writing on a pad, “Uh huh.  So you’re here for marriage counseling?”

I looked at her, “Sort of.”

Dr. Hill looked at me, “So I take it the marriage is fine but in the bedroom then?”

I nodded, “You could say that.”

Dr. Hill wrote something down on her pad, “Go on.”

I sighed, “Well lately I’ve noticed that me and my husband just aren’t clicking anymore.”

Dr. Hill nodded, “And how long have you felt like this?”

I tried to count and answered, “A few months give or take.”

Dr. Hill wrote something down before she spoke, “And what changed for this new problem to come up?”

I wanted to answer *because I fucked my son* instead I answered, “I don’t know.”

Dr. Hill just looked at me but then wrote another thing down on her pad, “Have you always had your *problem* or is it something new?”

I shrugged, “New I guess.”

Dr. Hill looked at me, “Why don’t you tell me about your husband and your issue.”

I sighed again and spoke, “Well things between me and my husband have been fantastic.  Just as of late I feel like he’s lacking in the bedroom department.”

Dr. Hill wrote more on her pod before she looked up at me, “Lacking how?”

I thought *well he isn’t Gabe is the problem* but spoke, “I don’t know.  I just feel like I’m no longer appreciated.”

Dr. Hill wrote more before she looked at me, “Appreciated how?”

I looked at her and spoke, “You know.  Not in general.”

Dr. Hill looked at me, “Ok why don’t you explain to me what it *used* to be before your *problem* came up?”

I blushed as I tried to think of how Jason and I used to make love and nearly scoffed at the idea as it lingered in my head of *how* we used to fuck.  

Dr. Hill remained patient so I found the words to describe how we *used* to make love which up until Gabe I thought was perfect and was happy.  I spoke knowing my cheeks were red, “Well when we first got together we were each attentive towards each other’s needs.  He would *eat* me out and tease me until I begged him to fuck me.  I used to wake up wanting to tease him and give him a good morning beej.”

Dr. Hill wrote something down on her pad while she listened to me.  “That was before we had children.”

Dr. Hill nodded and spoke, “A lot of couples go through that.”

I spoke, “No, we already had two children before Jason and I started having kids.  I had Gabe and he had Kelly before both of us started dating each other.”

Dr. Hill wrote more on her pad before she looked at me, “Did Gabe or Kelly hinder your’s or Jason’s inhibitions towards each other?”

I shook my head, “God no.  We always waited for them to be asleep or when they were at school before we engaged in any of that activity.”

Dr. Hill wrote that down before she looked up, “And when did your love life start to tapper?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know.  It just sort of happened I guess.”

Dr. Hill wrote that down before she spoke, “Mrs. Michaels a lot of couples go through this the longer their relationship goes on.  At first it’s a *raincheck* here and little hurry up there.  Eventually if you don’t take time to keep the magic alive then usually in most cases the novelty of having fun wears off.”

I quickly spoke, “Oh no.  Jason and I still have our fun.”

Dr. Hill looked at me, “Do you still give him a morning,” she looked at her notes, “beej as you called it?”

I blushed but spoke, “Not always.  No.”

Dr. Hill continued, “And does he spontaneously,” she looked at her notes, “eat you out until you beg for his cock?”

I blushed again, “Not really.  No.”

Dr. Hill nodded, “And this is why you’re here?  Because you two haven’t taken the time to *have fun* with each other.  Get back to the life you were accustomed to before kids and building a life together happened.”

I shrugged, “Sort of.  Yeah.”

She looked at me, “Is there something else?”

I refrained from spilling my guts about Gabe and myself…..or Gabe and the slew of girl’s.

She waited patiently for me to answer before she asked, “Mrs. Michaels?  Is there something else?”

I clammed up knowing right now I was probably the worst poker player as my facial expressions probably gave me away.

I looked at Dr. Hill and she waited…and waited.  

I sighed, “Yes and no.”

Dr. Hill rose her eyebrow but remained calm as she spoke, “Mrs. Michaels this is your time to speak.  I’m merely here to listen and help you.  So if there’s anything else you would like to talk about, now is the time to speak.”

I looked at her, “I’m afraid Dr. Hill an hour won’t help me.”

Dr. Hill looked at me skeptically as she spoke, “Mrs. Michaels I can assure you there is nothing you can say that I haven’t heard before.  My purpose is to listen and help where I can.”

I looked at her feeling the *urge* to talk about more than myself and Jason.

I wanted to tell her about my *new* found feelings for Gabe and his glorious cock.  How I want to worship him.  How he has brought me amazing orgasms that Jason has **never** brought me to experience.

I looked at her and spoke, “Tell me Dr. Hill what is your view of orgasms?”



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