The Jungle (sequel to ‘The monster’)

Its been a few months since my last log entry, everything had been the same until the dragon got sick. I had decided to call him ‘Manti’ and he had never complained. one day Manti came back to the nest acting sluggishly, he didn’t leave the next morning or the one after that, a quick scan showed the problem. Manti was sick, some sort of native disease, I wasn’t worried about catching it myself, but if Manti died, I would be alone. I hadn’t taken Xenopharmacy or epidemiology at university, I hadn’t thought they would be useful as a planetary surveyor, and now that decision was coming back to bite me. I had to help him, I remembered I had left a cache of medical supplies at my crash site, I couldn’t be sure if traditional antibiotics would work on the disease, but I had to try. I packed my things and resolved to leave at first light. As the sun began to filter through the trees to my east, I left the nest. Manti called out to me, making those chittering noises he does, as if asking me where I was going, I hope he doesn’t think I’m abandoning him. I head northwest, my battered and worn PDA still has the coordinates of the wreck logged. The moist soil feels good under my tail, I’d only left the nest a few times in the past month, to patch up holes in the exterior silk. About a year ago Manti had herded me out of the nest and then proceeded to tear it down completely, before rebuilding it over the course of the next few days. The process had been fascinating, it seems the protrusion on the lower jaw of the mantis dragons is actually for extruding the silk, and I believe that Manti was actually creating the new nest with me in mind, as it had larger food storage chambers, and the silken bed was larger than before. The whole event served to further convince me that the mantis dragons were sapient or near-sapient. The journey started out uneventfully enough, the jungle was still just as quiet, but I had grown used to the near silence. The rest of the first day was similarly uneventful, I bedded down in a hollow beneath a tree, accidentally disturbing a small mantis dragon in the process, I wondered if it was one of mine, they had never stuck around long enough to watch them grow, so I had no way to judge this one’s age. My PDA showed that I had already made two thirds of the journey, meaning I would get to the wreck at around noon tomorrow. I ate some of the berries I had packed and shut my eyes, hoping I wouldn’t be too late to help Manti. I woke up to the juvenile mantis dragon poking me with its forelimbs, fortunately it didn’t seem to know what it was doing and was poking some of the toughest scales on my body, not even drawing blood. I took the harmless attack as my cue to leave, the sun was just starting to rise and I wanted to hurry, Manti was counting on me. As I continued toward the wreck I took note of the changing ground flora, as I got closer to the wreckage the number of flowering growths seemed to increase. I found the trend confusing, there was no reason for it to be that way, and yet it was, coincidence? The question occupied my mind until I got within sight of the wreck, it looked as expected for a spaceship that took a hard landing in the jungle four years ago, completely smashed up and entirely overgrown, had that big hole in the top always been there? No time to worry about it though, I needed to move fast. I slithered up to the exterior and opened an emergency exit manually, making a horrible screeching noise as I wrenched down the lever. The interior was choked with vines and other low-light plants, the myriad holes in the hull letting in apparently sufficient sunlight. I made my way to the medbay, though as I slithered over a large patch of vines, it gave way, opening a hole that I only just managed to avoid falling into. “not coming back thiss way” I muttered to myself as I slithered away. The medbay was sealed when I got to it, which hopefully meant its contents were unspoiled by the jungle heat, I opened the door, the original electronic system still worked in the medbay, which made sense given that critical systems like the medbay had double backups and an RTG failsafe, the medication refrigerator hummed in the corner, its contents upended but undamaged, I grabbed three bottles of a liquid marked ‘universal antibiotic’ and carefully shut the fridge “might need something else from there later. ” I said to myself as I closed the door and started towards the nearest exit. I slithered towards the exit in the main atrium with the antibiotics in my bag, wanting to get back to Manti as soon as possible. I opened the door to a startling sight, the interior of the atrium was completely changed, it was covered in a waxy substance that I couldn’t identify, and a massive hole had been torn in the roof. The atrium was strewn with bits of carapace from creatures I couldn’t identify, and in the center of it all was a massive alien life form. Details were hard to make out due to the creature being curled up, but I estimated it to be 60 feet long at least, it had 5 pairs of limbs, between which was spread a thin membrane, likely a wing of some sort, its body was divided into bony segments, culminating in a sharp spike at one end, and presumably a head at the other, though I couldn’t tell for certain as the head wasn’t visible in the coils of its body. I was stunned by the scale of the thing, but I had to keep moving. Deciding stealth would be my best option, I began to circumnavigate the room, doing my best to avoid the bits of what could only have been past meals for the creature. The door on the far end of the room was almost within touching distance when the thing began to wake up. I bolted at the door and had started to pull the lever when I was suddenly knocked over by something from behind, I quickly flipped myself over to get a better look at my attacker. The creature was looming over me and it was looking like my 60 foot estimate was too conservative, its head was made up of a massive trapezoidal bony crest and a significantly smaller fleshy lower jaw. It stared at me with three pairs of eyes, looking over my long body, it had probably never seen anything like me before, and I wondered if it was deciding if I was edible. After what seemed like hours but was probably only a minute or two, it lunged at me, moving astonishingly fast for something so large, I barely dodged out of the way, but in the process I fell into an indent in the floor, and before I could get out, it had encircled me. I stared up at it, hoping that the glint in its eye was playful and not hungry, it had apparently decided that I was not a threat, because it brought its head down to get a better look at me, eyeing me up and down. I reached over and touched its bony face, the surface hard and warm, it too was curious about me, and it opened its mouth to reveal its thick pink tongue, which it proceeded to lick my chest with. “what is it with this planet and animals investigating things with their tongues?” I thought to myself as I was subjected to a thorough body inspection by the creature, it reminded me of Manti’s licking sessions. I started thinking out loud:”perhaps there is some sort of mineral that is secreted naturally by my scales but is scarce in the native biosp-uck” my sentence was interrupted by the creature sticking its tongue down my throat, its taste reminiscent of Terran cranberries, but not spot on. The sky wyrm, as I had decided to call it given its apparent aerial nature, continued to probe my throat, and I was beginning to be concerned about asphyxiation until it retracted its tongue, evidently done with its inspection. It pulled its head back slightly, a new look in its eyes, and I was beginning to speculate on what it wanted when it shifted its coils around bringing forward a section that looked different from the others, it was longer, almost twice as long as the rest, and there was another difference too, a massive cock protruded from a sheath slung beneath it. Damn… it was huge! 7 feet long at least, did it want me to fuck it? I was big enough to take the whole thing, I was 20 feet long from the tip of my snout to the end of my tail, but it would be a lot. I slithered over to it and started licking, the same vague cranberry taste hanging in my throat, and soon precum was dripping out if his tip, I looked up at the wyrm, “I’ll help you out, but then you have to let me go, OK?” the wyrm just stared expectantly at me, I hadn’t expected an answer, but i had to try. I brought my tail up to his member and gently speared myself on it, letting out a small moan as I did so, and hearing a quiet vocalization from the sky wyrm that reminded me of creaking metal. I pushed myself further onto him, now almost a quarter of the way there, the wyrm gave a gentle thrust, pushing in another few inches. I got half of him into me before the wyrm started thrusting into me, and I was silently thankful for my experience with Manti, I wouldn’t have been able to handle him without it. The wyrm began burying his full length in me, rearranging my guts to fit the shape of his cock, It didn’t take me long to cum, spewing hot ropes onto his underside and my chest, the intense stimulation of my tailslit was enough to tip me over the edge hands free. He continued to ravage my tail for what seemed like hours, and I came twice more before he began to slow. He finally hilted himself in me and began to fill up my insides with his hot cream, my tail bulging slightly from the quantity. His stream began to slow after a minute or two, and I began to relax, I would soon be on my way back to Manti, then I felt a bulge at the base of his length “eggs!” I thought to myself, I began trying to slide off of him but was quickly stopped by a heavily cawed hindlimb, the egg reached my tailslit and started to press against it, stretching my hole even further “it must be the size of a volleyball!” I thought to myself as it finally breached me and started making its way deep inside me, being deposited with its considerable weight almost seven feet up my tail, Ii looked back at his sheath and saw two more bulges emerge, I did my best to relax my tail and ease their journey, but I could only do so much given their size, after those two had been deposited I looked to see how many more I would have to take, but to my surprise no more eggs emerged, the wyrm took its claw off my shoulder and I started to slide myself off of him. I pulled the tip out to an audible pop, and a dribble of his semen spilled onto the floor, the wyrm retreated to the center of the atrium and coiled up again, I looked up at the sky, realizing it was already nighttime, I debated leaving and trying to make the journey back in the dark, but I had never traveled the jungle in the dark and eventually decided against it. I slithered over to the sky wyrm, the shifting weight of the three eggs in my tail making themselves known, and laid down next to it, it made no complaint as I snuggled up to its warm coils and drifted off to sleep. I woke to the sound of the sky wyrm climbing out of the ship, the metal screeching as the creature’s claws bent it. I got up to leave, feeling the eggs and cum shifting in my tail. I slithered over to the door and pulled the manual release, causing the door to simply fall to the ground, the hinges evidently damaged in the crash. Carefully climbing the remaining few feet to the floor, I wondered what I would do with the eggs, I wasn’t sure how Manti would react to them, I decided I would try to lay them in the evening, when I stopped to eat dinner. I slithered through the jungle for hours, hearing the occasional roar in the distance, I still hadn’t seen what made those noises, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to. I ate lunch in the shadow of a true giant of the forest, a tree easily twice the size of its contemporaries. I reflected that this tree had probably been alive before space travel had been invented, and would continue to live long after my death. It was almost comforting, to sit against something that seemed so permanent, yet so alive. I resumed my journey, only stopping once more before dinner to admire a patch of particularly colorful flowers, upon touching them though, a leaf cut my hand, drawing a small amount of blood, an interesting defense mechanism. by sundown I was getting tired, so I stopped to eat dinner and lay my small clutch of eggs. after eating a meager meal consisting of the last of what I brought with me, I lay down and started massaging the bulges in my tail, pushing them gently towards my tailslit. The first egg reached my tailslit and began to stretch it, eliciting a small moan from me, before it hit the ground with a soft thud. It took a few minutes to lay the rest of my clutch, and a few minutes more to conceal them in a hollow in a tree, I figured it was the least I could do if I was just going to abandon them, but I couldn’t risk Manti reacting poorly to their presence. I began slithering the rest of the way back to the nest, arriving a few hours later to see Manti lying in the same spot I had left him, he was visibly excited to see me, his head perking up as he attempted to get to his feet. I rushed over to him as he failed to rise, he wasn’t looking so good, his chitin had faded from a fiery orange to a dull sunset, I quickly took off my pack and removed the antibiotic, the instructions said to administer 5 oz orally, but I knew from experience that creatures that weighed more needed higher doses. I decided to give him half of it today, and the other half tomorrow, remembering that doctors usually give multiple doses of the stuff. I opened the first bottle and slithered over to Manti’s head, he looked at me curiously as I pulled his mouth open and poured the contents into the back of his throat, not wanting to risk him spitting it out. The effect on Manti was anti-climactic, he just lay there as I poured half of the second bottle into him as well. I was about ready to pass out from exhaustion, so I laid down next to Manti and fell asleep in seconds. Manti had improved significantly by the time the sun came up, the color was returning to his chitin and he was able to walk around, I gave him the second half of the antibiotics that evening and he seemed back to his old self by morning, although he still didn’t leave the nest until the following day. After a week of no relapse of symptoms I was ready to believe he was cured, and I relaxed with my mate, content again at last.


1 comment

  1. I’m still a relatively new author so any feedback is much appreciated, anyone wondering where ‘The monster’ can be found can look on my profile, or dig through r/oviposition for a post made two years ago

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