[FF] – I fucked my now wife in the guest room after her father told me I couldn’t marry her.

My wife was raised in a very conservative, bigoted family. It’s a miracle she’s not a mindless hate machine like her parents and siblings. When I met her, sure she had a lot of bad opinions, but I’ve helped her open her mind up to the world and to people. She’s gotten much better, objectively.

But so she still loves her family. She still loves her siblings, mom, daddy. She still values their approval. And I don’t fault her for that at all, I understand how family is.

They’re old fashioned in a lot of tradition aspects too, which takes us to our story. She wanted me to ask her dad for his approval to marry her. I of course had my objections, for one it’s not like he owned her, we’re past that in our modern day. And I knew he would say no. Her and I dating already put us on thin ice, being gay and all. There’s no way he’d let us officiate it.

I didn’t tell her the latter though. Just the former and extensions of that. But she really wanted this. It would make her happy. So against my better judgement, I said I would.

It was Christmas week. We went down to visit them for a little more than a weekend. It was fine, for the most part. Well, no, it wasn’t. It was walking on eggshells. It was keeping my mouth shut as the father and brother said racist stuff. It was trying not to cry after overhearing her sister tell her her being gay was a phase, and my love not being able to say anything in response.

The day after Christmas, just to make her happy, with the heaviest of weights in my stomach, I sat down with her dad in his study and asked.

Guess how it went? I’ll admit, it didn’t go as bad as I thought. I was worried he’d scream at me, call me a dyke, y’know, something more violent.

But no. He sat quiet for a moment. I remember he’d poured himself a glass of bourbon, but he never took a sip out of it, just tilted the glass around in his hand and watched the drink go around.

What he said was he had the greatest of respect for me for having asked him, that not even her sister’s husband had asked him. He said that I was brave and respectful for having asked. And he said he couldn’t with a good conscious let his daughter marry a lesbian. And that he was sorry. So obviously that made up for it.

He said he’d let me continue to date her though, because I made her happy, and that we probably wouldn’t last for more than another year anyways. I wanted to punch him so bad. But I didn’t. I just nodded. I thanked him, cringing at myself. And I left his den, went up to where our room was.

I told her what he’d said. And she nodded. She smiled. She looked down at her feet. And she started crying. And I went and hugged her, rubbed her back, shushed her. She cried hard into my chest, quiet little sobs. She was so small and fragile.

And then I blinked, and I realized I’d actually fooled myself into thinking that his approval meant literally anything at all. I sat her down, I wiped her tears, and I said, hey hey hey. We can still get married. It’s ok.

She nodded. She said she knew. She just wanted him to say yes is all. And I understood. I hugged her again. I kissed her head. And she held on to me so tight. I kissed her head again.

She went and took a shower. She came out in her little silk night gown. We got into bed. She was facing me. I softly rubbed her back. She’s so so beautiful. She’s so small and cute and soft. I kissed her. She kissed back. It got more intense.

I softly grabbed her little butt. She got her legs around mine. I took her night gown and lifted it, and brought it up, and I took it off her, and I kissed her lips, her chin, her neck, then both of her breasts, then her stomach, and I ended up at her crotch, and I kissed her thighs as I rubbed her pretty little pussy. She was so wound up and so needy.

I ate her out while rubbing her clit. I gave her her gown to bite down on to keep the moans in. Her legs wrapped around me. She’s so easy to make explode. I pinched he nipples with my other hand. She grabbed that hand as she came. A hard, rocking orgasm.

She laid limp as I snaked back up to her face. She licked herself off my lips and chin. And then she asked me to sit on her face. And I kissed her. I got out of bed. I took off my baggy band shirt, my boy shorts. I made sure the door was locked. I got back in bed up on my knees. And I sat on her face.

Not really. I didn’t sit myself all the way. I have good leg strength, I kept myself a little bit above her so I wouldn’t crush the poor girl. As much as she’d love that.

She’s so good. It’s crazy how good she is with that tongue. It’s long, which is obviously an automatic advantage. I’ve helped her hone her skills, but even when we first started going together she had a natural talent for finding those spots.

That night was no different. She was perfect. I grinded on her face a little too, when I got really into it. I grabbed her hair and pulled softly. She loves stuff like that.

I bit into my hand so I wouldn’t make loud sounds as I crashed through an orgasm. I lowered myself off her. I laid in bed. God it was so good. She crawled on top of me. She was smiling, face a mess. She made out with me. I grabbed her little butt and kissed her so hard. I held her little body.

I feel like I should say, I’m 29 and she’s 27. Not in this story, this story was 5 years ago. But there’s only a two year gap between us. I know I keep using “small,” so you might think she’s significantly younger than me. But no. She’s just a short little thing.

We left the following morning. The following year, in the summer, we got married. It was a small thing at this nice nature site. It was friends only. Our dresses were thrifted. There was drinking and dancing. It was perfect.

And now we’ve been happily married for 5 years. She doesn’t talk to her family that much anymore. Not for lack of trying. They’ve mostly cut contact after they heard we were getting married. She invited them to the wedding. Only her sister responded, with a no of course.

But she’s not as sad as she was before about them. She’s found her own comfort in our friends and in my family. They love her to death. Truthfully they love anyone who can cook, and she’s great at it, so it was a guaranteed match.

She’s brushing her teeth right now. I’ve been typing this up on my phone for like an hour now. She did her entire night routine in that hour. She’s much more scheduled than I am.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sxjlq3/ff_i_fucked_my_now_wife_in_the_guest_room_after


  1. What a story of sweet vulnerability, hot sex, and unfortunately bigoted arseholes. I’m glad you are able to enjoy your marriage together ❤

  2. I hate that people like her family still have that mindset. This was such a great story and I’m so happy for y’all.

  3. It’s painful that your wife’s bio-family couldn’t accept her love life and happiness the way your family does. Their loss as you both sound like perfectly lovely people.

  4. This is the best kind of win. I smashed a chick weeks after she had a naked “I hate <redacted plural slur>” meltdown too.

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