[MF] (UK) – 17th Century princes had a whipping boy who received punishment when the prince misbehaved. This story is about a princess and her spanking girl.

In 17th Century Europe, the tutor to a boyhood prince was faced with a dilemma. The tutor was required to discipline the prince for misbehavior, but was unable to physically punish the prince. The solution to this dilemma was for a friend of the boy prince to receive punishment for the prince’s failings. The recipient of this punishment was called *the whipping boy*.

**The Spanking Girl**

I had spent the whole blue-sky weekend in the garden, digging and chopping and sawing. Hard physical work in the gentle spring sun. As the Sunday turned to sunset, I was sawing through the trunk of a teenage oak – a rebellious tree that has gatecrashed the garden of the elderly lady that previously owned my dilapidated property. Thirsty work.

The sweet homely fragrance of a baking cake caught my attention and I looked to the kitchen. Princess grinned at me and waved, smiling infectiously, her blue summer dress speckled with flour. I made the drink sign and she nodded enthusiastically. I returned to my work.

Shortly Princess came into the garden, nervously carrying a full glass of cold beer, trying not to spill.

“Princess!” I said suddenly.

“Yes daddy?” she replied startled, looking up and spilling a little of the beer.

“You’ve spilled my beer Princess” I said, a smile expanding on my face.

“Oh dear, silly me” she responded, sheepishly putting the beer down by my side.

“Kitty!” I called into the house.

After a moment a sing-song call returned “Coming Sir!”

Kitty ran into the garden, long legs and short skirt, long black hair flowing behind her. “You called Sir?”

I sat on an upturned log and patted my thigh “Princess spilled my beer.”

Without a word, Kitty lay across my thighs, raising her skirt.

Princess stood and watched.

Kitty had a beautiful behind and sensuous soft white skin. I ran my fingers gently over her satin bottom, admiring her curves, enjoying the beautiful view. After a minute I drew my hand back and delivered a hard slap. She gasped and her body spasmed, and I felt a power rush through my body. Another hard slap. Her body jerked like a little animal. I hadn’t realised how the weekend of sun and physical work had heated my blood. Another slap. My blood raced. And another. Her white buttocks were turning pink. A fourth slap. I felt my cock begin to stir and the animal in me awaken. A fifth slap. Enough. (For a beer spill).

I tapped her behind and she stood, curtsied and said “Thank you Sir”.

“Thank you daddy” added Princess.

I said: “Go to the bedroom and prepare yourselves. I’ll be up when I’ve finished cutting down this tree.”

I returned to my rhythmic work.

**Daddy**: If you like this I wrote a moderately amusing fairy tale about Princess and I called *Princess and the fox*. Look at my post history to find it. Princess is beautiful and sexy and we’ve been having some wonderful passionate and creative sex together. But Princess wants more

**Princess**: Yes I’ve had some lovely sexy adventures with daddy but I’ve always wondered what it would be like to, as daddy describes it, “play nicely with another girl”. And, daddy does like giving bottom slaps that are a little bit harder than a princess can handle. So I think it would be rather lovely to find a girl for me to play with, and for daddy to give bottom slaps to when I’m not a good girl. Not that that ever happens…

**Daddy**: Princess, you missed your yoga three days in a row…

**Princess**: But fifteen bottom slaps daddy! That’s too many!

**Daddy**: Well don’t miss your yoga then princess. You know the rules. Five slaps each time you miss.

**Princess**: Anyway, we are looking for a kitty! Can you be our kitty? I promise to be a good girl. I definitely won’t miss yoga again.

**Daddy**: I’d love feedback about my story – I’ll write the next scene if you like it. And if you’d like to be our kitty, send us a PM or start a chat. This is a joint account which we both have access to. We really look forward to chatting with you.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sxaj1p/mf_uk_17th_century_princes_had_a_whipping_boy_who