Tutoring Malena. Part 01

All characters are 18+
Slow start but it gets better towards the end. Trust me;)

“Okay, guys class had ended. Don’t forget that you guys have a test next week” Mrs. Helen yelled at the class.

“Malena, can I speak to you for a moment?” 

I stood up to put my books into my backpack. My name is Ben, I was your typical student that was always top of the class. Some people would call me a nerd, but I just enjoy learning. It did not help that I did not have any friends. 

He could see Mrs. Helen talk to Malena at the desk. Malena was the most beautiful girl in school. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a very voluptuous body. It seemed like a heated discussion as I walked past them.

“You will not complete this class if you keep getting low grades” He heard Helen tell Malena.

“Ben could you come over here please?” As he was about to leave the classroom.

He turned around and walked to her desk.
“Ben? Would you do me a favor?” she asked Ben.

“Yeah sure, what is it?” He answered immediately, teacher Helen helped him get an internship at one of the top companies, a favor did not seem like a big deal.

“You know Malena here right?” She pointed at her. He nodded. “The test next week is her last chance to make her grade better, otherwise, she will be kicked out of school. I need you to tutor her for the next upcoming days.”

“I don’t need tutoring Mrs. Helen, I can do it myself,” She told Mrs. Helen angrily

“If you could do that be wouldn’t be here! What is your answer, Ben?” 

“I will do it if Malena wants my help.”

“Okay! Then it is decided. I will leave you two to it then,” Mrs. Helen picked up her back. “I won’t be available these upcoming days. “ She started to walk away and left the classroom.

Ben turned around awkwardly. He noticed Malena watching him with her piercing blue eyes. “Soo… If you don’t want to do it, we could just lie and say that we studied together?”  

Malena folded her arms under her breasts. “I hate to admit it but Mrs. Helen is right, this is my last chance to up my grades. My parents would be enraged if they found out that I got kicked out of school”

She looked up to the clock. “Shit I am late for my cheerleading class” She took a piece of paper and wrote something. “This is my number text me, and I’ll tell you when I am done, so we can talk “as she handed him the paper.

“Okay,” he replied as Malena started running to her class.
He watched her as she was running down the hallway. Her big breasts moving up and down and her skirt moving as he could almost see her ass. His cock started to get hard as she turned around the corner.

Then he realized, he has the number of the most beautiful girl in school. He bumped his fist in the air. He waited for his cock to soften, before going to his next class.

“Okay, people we all know the Theory of relativity! Can some tell me about it!” While sitting in his Physics class he felt his phone vibrate. He pulled his old iPhone out of his pocket. 

1 Unread message from Unknown Number
Its Malena. He excitedly opens his inbox.

“Hey, just done with practice. Are you still in class?

“When are you done?”

“Class ends in 10 minutes”

“Okay, ill wait outside of school”

He closed his phone and slid it back into his pockets. The remaining 10 minutes felt like the longest time ever.

“That is the end of today’s class! Don’t forget to make your homework for next week!”
Ben jogged out of the class into the hallway full of students. He exited through the main door of the school. His eyes searched everywhere for her. He felt someone tap him on his shoulders.

He turned around. It was Malena, she was wearing a small skirt revealing her long and pale legs combined with a small top that was fighting to hold her big breasts together.
“Do you need a ride? We can talk on the way!  She asked.

“Sure” he replied.

She drove a brand new Mercedes. Not only was she beautiful she was also rich. Ironic isn’t it?

“How was cheerleading practices,” he asked, trying to make some small talk.

“Pretty boring just some final rehearsing for next week football match”

“We never really talked right? She asked him.

“Not really, our interests don’t really align,” he said jokingly.

“Where do you want me to drop you off,” as she drove away from the parking lot.

“Do you know the bookstore next to the mall?” 

“No? I have never been to a bookstore?” She said laughing.

“Oh,” ben nodded awkwardly. “You can drop me off at the mall then”

“I’m just kidding” she burst into laughter. “You should have seen your face”.

Ben felt his face heat up from embarrassment. “When do you want to meet up?” Trying to change the subject.

“I am free tomorrow and my parents won’t be home”. Alone with Malena? He had never been alone with a girl, let alone the most popular one in the whole school. His thoughts were starting to wander off.

“You okay with that? Helloooo?? Earth to ben?” She waved her pale hands in front of his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he started stuttering. “Yeah I am fine with that”

“I’ll text you the time tomorrow” She parked the car in front of the bookstore. 

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then bye!” Ben stepped out of the car and waved awkwardly.

He entered the bookstore. “Hey son, You finally made a female friend huh!” His father stood behind the cashier’s desk. 

“No, dad it’s not like that. Mrs. Helen ask me to tutor her for the next match exam” he replied while putting his heavy backpack on the ground. The bookstore was his father’s business. His mom always told him that he inherited his dad’s love for books. 

“Dad? Tomorrow I won’t be home for dinner I think. I will be tutoring her.”

“Sure that is fine, Just help me with the new book arrivals” He just walked towards the back of the store to help his dad.

I awoke groggily. I forgot to close the curtains. The sun shone forcing the remaining sleep away. I opened my phone that was next to my cushions.

2 missed messages From Malena. I quickly opened them.
“Heyy Ben can you come over at 16:00? :) ” Her other message was her address.

“That sounds good. See you then!” he typed.

He looked at the clock. It was already 14:00. Shit!. He did not even prepare for his lesson. He quickly took a shower. And started to make a plan for how he would teach Malena for the upcoming days.

Afterward, he went downstairs. His mom was in the kitchen. 

“Hey ben, your dad told me you won’t be at home for today right?” she asked.

He took some of his favorite snacks and dropped them in his backpack filled with books. “Yeah I will be tutoring someone today, I won’t be here for dinner I think”. He gave his mother a quick kiss on her cheek, “I need to go, otherwise, I will be late” while running not to miss the bus.

It was a gigantic house as he stood in front of the grey gates. The house you saw in a movie, made out of white marble. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. 20 seconds later the gates opened. He walked past a small fountain and towards the door.
While he climbed the small stairs, the door opened. He looked up and saw Malena. He felt his eyes go wide.
She was wearing a sports legging that was hugging her legs and a big oversized sweater, with her hair pulled up in a messy bun. He almost tripped on the last stair.

“Hey, how are you,” he said. 

“Well studying on the weekend is never fun,” while letting a small cute laugh. “come in” 

He walked past her into a big hall. He heard her closing the door behind her. “This house is humongous”  

She started walking in front of him as she replied: “I can but fun sometimes, but most of the time it’s like a freaking maze. Let’s go to my room. I was already doing some practice”

As the neared a staircase he couldn’t help himself but stare at her ass. It was perky and bounced with each step. He just wanted to reach out and grab it. He felt his cock harden.

“This is my room” she opens a door that showed a gigantic-sized bedroom. It was as big as his living room. The walls were painted with a light grey. There was a king-sized bed in the middle and a bureau with 2 chairs in front of the window that was facing into her backyard.

She walked over to her desk and sat down on the chair. Ben sat on the other and started unloading all the books and paper that they would be using. 

“Okay, I made a plan for the next upcoming days, “ while handing her a piece of paper with an agenda. At the end of next week, you will hopefully be able to get a good grade on your calculus 1. 

“Today we’ll be working on your algebra,” he told her. 

Ben looked outside, it was getting dark. “That is enough for today, I think you made good progress”. He wasn’t lying but she really did well. She probably just didn’t put in enough work before. 

“This is the first time I studied for so long, “ she said. Suddenly her phone started ringing. She stood up and bend down to pick it up out of her jacket that was on the ground. 

Her ass was now in front of his face. He could see her black panties showing through her leggings. He felt his cock getting hard and this time it didn’t seem like it was going soft. He turned his head quickly back as she returned to her chair next to him with her phone in her hands. “Can I go to the bathroom?” he asked.

“Sure it’s right down the hallway the second door” she replied while accepting her phone call. He rested his hands on his crotch area to hide his erection. Lucky she was too busy talking on the phone to notice while he left the room. 

He threw some cold water on his face and waited until his erection went down and then went back.

“Are you going to Rachel’s party?” she asked him as soon as he enter her room.

“No, I wasn’t invited,” he told her awkwardly. “parties aren’t exactly my thing, If u want to go u can go we are finished anyway”

“Nah, I am grounded my parents found out about my grades yesterday” she ran her hands through her blond hair. “Do you want to order pizza? Since we both haven’t eaten anything..”

“Sure,” he back replied quickly. Dinner with Malena? Who would say no?

“Which one do you want? “ While opening her phone to order.

“Pepperoni Pizza,” he told her. 

“Okay, they will be here in about 15 minutes. I’m going to feed my dog, do you want to come?” Ben nodded as Malena stood up. They went down into the backyard. 

Malena let out a low whistle. He could see a dog running in the distance. It was a large husky. It was running straight at him. Suddenly it lunged onto him and he fell to the ground. It started licking his face all over. 

“Off Ruby Off, I am so sorry Ben, he always gets excited with new people” she handed over her hand and he grabbed onto her as she helped him stand up.

“No worry’s he didn’t hurt me” he started to scratch its fur. “I am going to get his food” 

He heard her walking back. Ruby probably smell her food as she went running to Malena.


“Let’s go. That’s probably our food. I am dying of hunger.” While walking to the front door.  He heard the front door close again and saw Malena walking with 2 boxes. 

“Let go to my room”

“Do you want to watch a movie or something while we eat,” she said suddenly. 

“Okay,” he tried to respond casually. Is this a date? Who am I kidding she is just being nice…

She dropped the boxes with the pizza onto her bed and pick up the remote for her tv and handed it over to Ben.

“I am getting us some drinks, you can choose a movie” while walking downstairs. 

He turned on the tv and opened Netflix and chose the movie “Departed” one of his favorite movies. He heard her coming up the stairs and sat upright.
Ben noticed that she held something behind her back.

“I have a surprise since we are both not going to the party we should at least drink”

“TADAA” as she showed him a wine bottle. “I picked it up at my dad’s wine cellar. They said I couldn’t go to parties but nothing about drinking” she winked at him.”

“Uhmm I don’t really drink,” as she sat next to him on the end of the bed.

“This is some good stuff, not like those cheap wine and beers.” She filled him a glass and handed it over.

“Just try it”

To be honest Ben never drank. His mom didn’t allow it. He put the glass of wine against his lips and drank. It felt a small unexpected burn at his throat. “AhemAhen” He started coughing.

He heard Malena next to him laughing. “I told you this is some good stuff,” she told him while he looked at her embarrassingly. He felt a warm feeling spread to his stomach that made him relax. It wasn’t that bad after all.

Malena started the movie as she crouched on all fours to grab the pizza boxes at the edge of the bed. He stared at her amazing ass for the millionth time today. He imagined being behind her while she was in that position naked. Moaning his name and thrusting backward. His cock started to get hard as he felt it getting bigger and bigger

“Here is yours,” as she handed him his box over. He needed to hide his boner. “Could I use your blanket, it’s pretty cold. 

“Sure you don’t have to ask” He pulled the blanket over him. Unexpectedly she went under it too.

After 20minutes both having eaten their pizza and drinking more than 2 full glasses he began to feel a bit tipsy. “Do you want another glass as she poured another one for herself?” 

“No I still have to go back home” he laughed.

“Aaah don’t be so boring, “ she poured him another glass. But as she handed him the glass he didn’t get a hold of it. The wine fell onto her clothes.

“Oepppsssss hihiihihihih” she laughed drunkenly.

“I’m soo sorry,” He said his face red from embarrassment. “I’ll pay for your clothes, sorry”

“Don’t worry about it” she said laughingly. “I need to get these clothes off”

Before Ben could stand up and leave so could change, Malena pulled her sweater over her head revealing her magnificent breasts.  She wore a black bra that was barely holding her breasts. Then she stood up and slid down her legging down. She had the most amazing perky ass he had ever seen. He had seen his fair share of porn but this was a level on its own. She was wearing matching black panties. It wasn’t surprising that his cock was hard like never before, this was the first time he has seen a girl in real life in only underwear. 

She turned around and jump into the bed giggling. I think she has had too much to drink.

“But it’s still wet on my side.” She moved over to his side. Unexpectedly she sat between his legs with her head on his stomach. Her hands-on his legs.

“Much better now.” Ben did not dare move a muscle. His cock was pressing against her back and it was rock hard. Ben prayed that she didn’t notice. She would think he was a pervert.

Lucky she didn’t say anything as they continued to watch the movie. Or should I say Malena was watching the movie? Ben was still getting worked up having the most beautiful girl laying onto him between his legs. He had the greatest view of her breasts as was laying under him. Her hair that was inches away from his face smelled like honey.

“Could you move your phone out of your pocket? It poking my back.” She said. His whole body stiffened. She did feel something. He felt his face heat up.
“My phone is on the desk…’’ he said awkwardly.

She turn her head around. Her hair brushed against my face as she look at me with piercing blue eyes. She then look at the desk and saw my phone. “Then what is… ,” then she realized and her eyes went wide. Surprisingly she did not jump away. 

“Noo way that’s your cock, you’re lying” Her eyes widened in disbelief. 

“Ho…hw..how would I lie,” he stuttered while looking away.

He felt her move from him as she turned around now facing him on her knees between his legs. She looked down at the noticeable bulge. She reached her hand out and rested on top of it. He was quite, afraid of what she would say. 

“Can I see it?” She said giggling. Ben was shocked, she had to be drunk. He felt her hands squeeze around its cock. 

“Ahhh, ” he let out a quiet moan.

“Can I,” she looked him in the eyes with puppy eyes.

“Okay,” he stood up next to her bed. He undid his belt and slid down his jeans and underwear at the same time. He heard a small gasp. She moved so she sat at the edge of the bed with Ben’s cock right in front of her. 

“Woah, I have never seen one so big” She stared at his monstrous cock. Ben knew he was well above average. He looked down at her and let out a little smile. She looked cute watching his cock length in shock.
He saw her reach out her hand and grab his cock. Her hand couldn’t even wrap around his impressive girth. He closed his eyes. She started to move her hand up and down. He felt waves of pleasure move throughout his whole body.

Suddenly he felt the most amazing feeling ever. He open his eyes and saw Malena’s mouth wrapped around his cock. Her red strawberry lips moved skillfully around his cock. Her tongue moved in circles inside her mouth amplifying the pleasure he felt. He began to feel his semen move inside his cock.
Ben then tilted up his right leg so it rested on the bed. He ran his hand through her hair as he began to slowly thrust his cock in and out of her mouth.

“AHHHH that feels soo good!!” He felt Malena’s hand move up to his ass. He began thrusting faster in her mouth as he held her head. This was his first time but he certainly knew what he was doing.
Faster and faster. He was soo close.

“AHHhh Malena I am coming” She began sucking hard on his cock while pushing his ass to her so his cock went deeper into her mouth. At the moment his tip touch the backside of his mouth he came. It felt like all his never were on fire. He pushed her head further onto his cock until he heard her choke on it. 

“AHHHHH” he kept cumming into her mouth as she kept sucking slower and slower until they both stopped.
He still held her by her head as their eyes locked onto each other. He slid his leg down as she moved his cock out of his mouth. 

Malena felt empty without ben’s cock in her mouth. She had never seen let alone suck such a big cock. Her pussy and panties were soaked.

“Tha… Thtt… That was amazing,” he said. He leaned down as their eyes remained locked onto each other. She felt his hot breath on his face. Their lips touched, it felt like thousands of fireworks exploded. She moaned quietly as Ben bit onto her underlip. He pushed her backward so she lay completely on her back while they kept passionately kissing. 

He moved down to her neck as he began planting small kisses.”Mhmmm” She began to run her hands through his hair. He slowly trailed down to her bra while he planted kisses. He slipped his hands behind her bra and unclasped it. It wasn’t so hard as everyone was making it be.  He slowly removed her bra and revealed the most beautiful breasts he has ever seen. They were big yet firm. Her nipples were hard. They were pink. Like strawberries. Ben liked strawberries.

“Mhmmm Bennn” At the moment his fingers made contact with her puckered nipples, Malena moaned softly. He rolled her nipples slowly over his hand while simulations pinching it softly.
He cupped her breasts with both his hand. They were firm and plump. He gently squeezed and molded them over and over.

“Ahhhha MHmmmm” She arched her back to the front giving him more access. Each time he squeezed her breasts, her nerves felt like they were on fire. Ben kissed her nipple softly. He heard Malena’s soft and erratic gaps leave her mouth. He gentle bit and sucked on her nipples. 

He then began trailing down her belly licking her belly button several times. And continued down util her reached her panties. He first rested his face against her panties it smelled amazing like a fruity scent.  He applied some pressure onto her pussy as he began moving his face onto her panties. 

“ahh please” 

He started pulling her panties down and threw them on the ground. He then spread her pale legs. He stared at the most beautiful-looking pussy he has ever seen.   He was mesmerized by it. His hands were slowly trailing on the outside of her legs. He started kissing and licking the inner upper side of her thighs slowly working himself upwards towards her amazing pussy.  Then he arrived, he kissed her pussy slowly teasing her. He then began to lick it up and down.

She moaned as she lifted herself a little pushing her pussy harder into his face, Ben slid his hand under and onto her ass. He kept eating her pussy while molding her perky ass. 

Ben slid his hand back as he began to massage her pussy in little circles. Then he slowly entered her pussy with two fingers. She was tight. He pressed his two fingers upwards against the walls of her pussy. Malena felt like she was on another dimension. How did Ben feel this good?  She grabbed his head with her hands and pushed him against her pussy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
His fingers found her g-spot.  He slowly made pressure on it and massaged it. Malena felt her pussy explode. She arched her back. 

“Ahhh Ben aaahhh” She came hard. Like never be before. Waves of pleasure attacked her body. She pushed Ben’s head harder into her pussy. As the orgasm disappeared, she felt alive. Goosebumps over her entire body. She felt Ben kissing her slowly upwards. He kissed her lips. She felt her juices in his mouth as their tongues collided. 

He took her hands her hands and stretched them above her head. She felt vulnerable. She looked up and into his black eyes. She felt his cock glides against the entry of her pussy.

“Please Ben” She pleaded with him with glassy eyes.  He held her wrists with one hand and layed the other over her neck not applying any pressure. He lowered his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Tell me you want”. While sliding his cock over her pussy over and over.
She turned her head sideways so they were was face to face. 

“Please Ben I want you inside of me”

As soon as she said what she wanted he started pushing his cock slowly into her pussy. She was tight, gripping his cock. Malena never felt a cock so big. She felt the walls of her pussy stretch. His length kept going inside of her seemingly endless. 

“It’s so big Ben ahhh”. She kept moaning over and over. Ben shifted his arm so that he rested on his elbows. His hands holding and stroking her head. Malena had her arms over his shoulder holding him. Her legs spread wide. 

Then he began thrusting into her. Their forehead touched as they kept staring into each other’s eyes. Both experienced the most amazing feeling they ever had. Ben felt her pussy gripping him tightly. 

“Ben mhhm Ben!!!, ” Malena kept moaning Ben’s name. She was close. She gripped his back tight her nails drilling into his back. She began thrusting back at him. Because of his monstrous cock it kept touching her g-spot the whole time.

“I am so close” she whispered to him. The orgasm felt like nothing she had ever felt before. Ben suddenly sensed her pussy contract around his cock and felt Malena’s shudder under him like a snake. Her whole body flooded with her orgasm. Ben stopped thrusting he still hadn’t ejaculated yet. He gave her some time to catch his breath. Malena felt empty as he slid his dick out of her pussy.

“Turned around,” he told her commandingly. She turned around onto her stomach on all fours. She arched her back. Ben hooked one arm around her waist and pulled her to him. Her bubbly ass hanging in the air. He grip her ass cheek both hard and molded them as she made circle movements with her hips.

“Phattts Phatts,” He slapped her on both of her ass cheeks.

“AHHHH,” Her ass turned red. She felt a burning pain, not one of pain but of pleasure. She arched her back more. Her hands held onto a cushion, putting it under her head. He took a hold of his big cock while beginning to slide it over her slit. He liked teasing her.

He began entering her. This time he wanted to cum. He began with slow thrusts and slowly began to go faster and harder. He looked down at her. He saw her back muscles move that she got from her cheerleading and noticed her biting onto her cushion as she let small moans out. Malena felt Ben take a hold of her hair. As her head tilted backwards, he began slapping her ass hard. His dick went faster and faster, touching places she never had felt before. 

Ben felt his balls tighten up and began to feel his semen build up at the tip of his cock. 

“Ahh, Malena ahhhh” He came hard, his cum shooting inside of her warm tight pussy. He loosened his hold over her hair. His arms went under her armpit onto her breasts and pushed her into him until she was on her knees with her back against his stomach.

“Mmmmm” she pressed her body against him. Tilting her head slightly and kissing his dry lips. Even though he had just cummed inside of her he still didn’t stop thrusting. He let on hand glide onto her pussy as he began to massage it while slowly fucking her with his cock.

Malena felt her second orgasm come. This one was even more intense than the last one. The dizziness hit her. She moaned his name while her orgasm rushed throughout her body.

Ben slowly dropped her onto the bed. Both their cum leaked out of her pussy. It was a marvelous sight. Her eyes were droopy, flickering slowly. He entered the bed and spooned her from behind.
His big cock was the last thing she felt against her back, before sleep took her.

Working on part 2!



Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sx2sst/tutoring_malena_part_01


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