A Father’s Struggle 29 – Bulb (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

Well that was definitely a bomb shell as my video system caught multiple camera’s where they SHOULDN’T be.

And I have NO IDEA who did it.

I looked up at the light’s to gauge if there were actual camera’s in said lights.

And I was REALLY looking now that I knew about them though me doing so was probably giving myself away to the person that installed said lights.

Why the fuck didn’t anyone tell me they made camera’s so fucking small?

Granted this is coming from the guy who just bought cameras as small as a hair to spy on everyone. So the irony wasn’t lost on me. But still.

I looked at the lights and determined they looked like your normal low energy led light to me.

So I logged out of my system with it updating itself from all the input I gave it. Though I could probably waste time and actually shift through the video’s and see if I could catch one of my spies by simply looking through the videos.

Only problem is I didn’t know which video to start off with and I don’t know if any of my spies had done anything with it being freshly installed so I highly doubt ANY of my spies had made a move…yet.

But one thing I could do NOW was track down these lights.

I looked up at the ceiling and looked at the lights.

Only problem was they were too high away from me to actually DO anything but look up at them like a dolt.

I mean I could grab a step ladder and closely inspect the light.

No, I had to be sneaky.

I had to catch the perpetrator off guard.

But how?

I set the laptop to the side and got out of my memory foam bag though I looked like a turtle trying to get off it’s back as I got out….like normal.

Eventually I got out and continued to look at the lights trying to find the right one that seemed close enough to where I could look at it more closely….or unscrew it and REALLY look at it.

I moved around my man cave looking at each light that supposedly had a camera attached to the light determining which one was within reaching distance.

I looked over at my bar where there was a bulb within reaching distance.

So I walked over to the bar where I kept all my more expensive liquor along with all the other ones in plain reach. The expensive ones were in a glass cabinet on shelves that had a lock on it and the key hung under the sink.

I looked right at the bulb and decided to put on a little bit of an act as I turned on the light switch and pretended to look at the bulb weird for a few seconds before flicking the light in case my *spy* was currently watching though I highly doubt it.

Then I flicked it again.

Then I turned off the light, killing the power and unscrewing the bulb.

Now I had the bulb in my hand and now I could LOOK at the bulb.

Huh. There etched in small lettering was the PROOF as it read ‘*Deldnes Smart video Bulb*’.


And here I just thought it was a cool light that ‘*randomly*’ changed colors when it turned on.

I pulled out my phone and searched for Deldnes trying to find out more about them….and this bulb.

Looks like Deldnes is some type of European company.

AND they carry all sorts of ‘*bulbs*’ ranging from light changing to speakers to smart home….to camera’s and security.

Looks like bulb production was their bread and butter.

I searched their site looking for the bulb in my hand to get more specifics about the bulb.


Looks like it’s an older model. At least three years old.

800 lumens. That’s cool. Color changing is nice. Infrared camera? Night vision?

I’m sorry HOW MUCH is this bulb?

And it comes in a series?


Ok unless I’m reading from their site WRONG. This particular MODEL of bulb comes in packs of 4, 8, 12 and 16. They start at $600 and go up $2400 as each bulb costs $150. PLUS they can be tethered to each other OR to one centralized HUB. And the hub costs another $350.

I blinked the more I read.

Oh and the kicker…..the bulbs can be linked by one of their PERSONAL glasses to watch videos live.

I clicked on the glasses now that I had somewhere to go on.

I blinked at the glasses as they looked like your normal dark shaded glasses. Apparently the video goes into the lenses and can cover the entire lense. Plus the internal gadgetry can be housed in the thick and wide frames. AND the frames also act as a speaker that vibrates the bone behind the ear.

And these *shades* could be owned for the low low price of $2000.

So now I have evidence of the bulbs as I was being spied on.

And now all I need to do is find the unique shades. Whoever had them in their room was my culprit.


Only problem is the way these shades look, it doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen my daughter’s wear….ever.

I mean I’ve seen my daughter’s wear shades but they’re more…..what’s the word I’m looking for…..stylish.

And the shades on the site looked like something that I would more than likely wear. Not my girl’s.

Most of the girl’s wore these frilly wired frames with almost pointless lenses as they did nothing to protect your eyes as they were stupid shades like red or pink or blue.

Perfect example: you know how models would wear those pointless shades in a photo op in any promotion. That’s the type of sunglasses my girl’s like to wear.

They’re too frilly in my mind.

So now I had a trail I could follow.

But who?

I guess the most obvious answer was go to the person who’s chore is to clean this room…..and that was Abby.

And seeing how she was in school at the moment now was the perfect time to go snooping. If I get caught I’ll just hold up the bulb acting stupid seeing if she had any other bulbs as this one was ‘*flickering*’ or something.

I walked out of my man cave and over to Abby’s room which was on the first floor as her sister, Haley, took the room above her for the balcony. Which I don’t think Abby minded as that gave her more room for her books.

I walked over to Abby’s room and lightly knocked making sure she wasn’t home.

I slowly opened the door and made sure she wasn’t home. Then I called out making sure she wasn’t hiding in the bathroom or something.

I turned on the light lightly sighing and smiled for a girl who likes books sure likes keeping her room dark….and cold. Holy crap!

The moment I stepped into the room it was several degrees colder than the rest of the house as certain objects on my bare chest quickly resembled a girl’s problem as they got hard and poked out.

Looks like Abby was taking advantage of controlling her room’s A/C. Holy fuck it’s cold in here.

Need a fucking sweater to be in here.

I better be quick before my dick decides to go somewhere more warmer and hides IN my body.

I looked around at Abby’s mostly clean room as the only thing that was messy was her bed.

So I started in the obvious locations. I started opening drawers only to find nothing but organized papers, organized drawers of clothes, semi organized drawer next to her bed where I found an interesting object but quickly averted my eyes and slammed said drawer. And the lower drawer wasn’t ANY better as there were BIGGER objects and complicated TOYs where I slammed that one even harder.

Note to self never look in a girl’s drawer next to their bed…especially if they’re sexually active and it’s been a minute for them.

At least now I knew my bookworm had toys.

But no glasses….or extra bulbs. At least none that I saw and I sure as fuck wasn’t going to rifle through a drawer with sexual toys that touched my daughter.

I looked around and thought to myself *If I were hiding spy shades and bulbs where would I **hide** them?*

I chuckled to myself and thought if it were me I’d hide them…under the bed.

I looked and….I’m sorry is that a wedge?

Now why is there a ‘*wedge*’ hiding under my daughter’s bed?

I moved it to the side and found a taller ‘*wedge*’.


But no glasses…or bulbs.

Maybe her closet?

I looked in there and found nothing but hanging clothes, a shoe rack and drawers with nothing but bras, nighties, sweats, and other things.


Maybe her bathroom?

I went into the bathroom and looked in there but found nothing but makeup, hair products, feminine products, and feminine electronics. I even found colored contacts…..contacts in the exact color likeness as her’s.

Why did she have that?

Was that why I thought I saw a purple flash for half a second a little bit back?


I walked out of the bathroom and blew out my lips as they vibrated while I looked around.

I looked at Abby’s desk with her computer and moved over to it. Maybe the glasses were there. If it was electronic that would make sense.

Let’s see here….laptop. Mouse. Controller. TV above. Console.

I looked on the shelf on the side and found her printer.

Opened the drawer and found printer paper and ink cartridges for the printer. A couple of drives.

Still no glasses.


The only thing left was her book shelves against the wall.

I lightly looked around making sure I didn’t move anything beyond checking her ‘*selection*’ as it looked like she organized it. Let’s see here….Manga….Hentai Manga…..Comics…..Fantasy Novels….Sci Fi Novels……Murder…..Crime…..Romance…….And obvious adult novels as I pulled one out to show a female standing in a fighting pose but her armor lacked REAL protection.

Well SHIT.

I walked out of Abby’s room calling my search a major bust.

And here I thought I was on the right track.

Camera bulbs in my man cave…Abby cleaned my man cave. So it was logical that Abby installed the cameras in my room.

But there were cameras in my room which also meant Mackenzie could have done it because that’s HER chore.

Off I went to go question Mackenzie.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/svzllv/a_fathers_struggle_29_bulb_fiction_family_bond_mf