Bellow Springs: Justins Coming Out Of His Shell [M(18)&F(38)

It’s my first post here. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to glance at this. I’d also love any criticism. It’s my first story of any kind, so please excuse any rookie mistakes.

The annual summer trip to Bellow Springs was a tradition that brought together two families that would have otherwise lost contact due to life’s proceedings. One week out of the year, and what originally was a fishing trip between a group of 5 teenage boys, dwindled into a one-week trip away from the bustling city life and slowed the pace of the two remaining men, now fathers, and their families. Together combined to make a sort of tribe that works together to gather firewood, cook meals, and catch fish. 13.5 miles off the highway, and another 3 miles down a dirt fire route, a small cul-de-sac of dirt was lined with pines, backed up to a slow-moving river which made for the perfect secluded spot to bring the 2 couples together for a stay away from humanity and all its struggles.

Tom and Allan had been coming to this very spot for 23 years. Often in the past accompanied by friends who have since moved away from the area, they now bring the families along to enjoy this little slice of nature. Toms’ wife Liz came into the relationship with a young boy named Bryson, who came from a previous marriage. Now old enough to hold his own in hiking to the better of the fishing holes in the area, Bryson was always asked to come along with Tom and Allen when they would set off from camp and head to where the fish were.

Allan and his wife Jennifer also were the parents to a single son. Justin was a 19-year-old, pale and lanky kid who spent most of his time playing Computer games at home, came to Bellow Springs not out of the longing for Nature, but because his parents forced him to. Not wanting to be there, he often wasn’t enthusiastic about going out to catch dinner and could often be found sitting in a chair by the river, playing his handheld videogames and watching videos on his phone.

The two couples arrived at the spot together and began to set up camp. Tom and Liz unpacked the back of Liz’s SUV and started to set up their 2-room tent with Bryson in close tow, holding the hammer and asking if he could hit the spikes. While the three of them worked on erecting the tent, about twenty feet away Allan got out of his pickup truck to free their little trailer from the hitch on the back of the pickups bed. Jennifer got out of the passenger seat of the truck and walked around the front to the driver’s seat to pull the truck forward, and Justin got out of the backseat and walked over to the river to set up his seat.

“Justin, come help me pop this trailer up” Alan said in a tone in which portrayed his slight frustration in Justin not yet helping.

“Alright” he said with little motivation in his voice.

“Yeah Just’, Go help your father” Liz chimed in teasingly just to be heard. It was right then as she spoke, she tasked herself with getting Justin to come out of his shell.

He looked over at her and offered no smile at her remark.

Tom was looking down the pole, trying to get it into the small hole that Liz was holding open for him as she smiled back at Justin as a reply to his small displeasure of helping set up camp.

Justin smiled back. Liz welcomed the smile and noticed that right before Justin turned away, he offered a quick, ever so slight glance down at her breast. She noticed, watched him walk away, and looked down at Tom with a smile still on her face and guided the rod into the hole.

Liz was wearing a bikini top underneath a green tank top that let her 36DDD breast rest more than a typical bra would. The tight tank top showed her figure almost perfectly. Her stomach, although ample was still tight and allowed her to feel great about her 38-year-old body which retained a slight hourglass figure. Her tan arms were smooth and glistening with moisturizer and her jean cutoff shorts were unbuttoned and reveled purple bikini bottoms. Her round butt helped the unbuttoned shorts stay tight and kept them from sliding down her long tan legs. Her thick thighs also sparkled with the moisturizer that she applied in the car on the drive up.

As Liz and Tom finished setting up the tent, she started to contemplate how she was going to tease Justin with a little more skin. Of course, she only meant to rile him up a little. Nothing more than a little treat for the kid whom she had rightly assumed had never been with a girl. “Innocent fun” She thought to herself.

“Yeah, I’m ready to go swimming” Liz said to Tom as he finished taking his fishing supplies out of the back of his truck.

“No, help me with the pop-up roof for the kitchen tent before we go fishing. That way when we get back, we can start lunch” Tom said.

“Me and Jennifer can have that done by the time you get back. It will only take a few minutes”

“Alright that works” Tom replied “Justin, you want to go fishing with us?”

At the same time Justin said, “No thanks” Bryson said “I want to go!” excitingly.

“Tell your dad to hurry up then” Tom said half-jokingly.

As Allan, Bryson and Tom got ready to leave, Jennifer came out of the trailer.

“I think I am going to walk down to the bridge”

“Today?” Allan said. “Let’s go tomorrow. We will come with you.”

“We can go tomorrow also. Im going to walk down there once a day” Jennifer said.

Allan kissed Jennifer as Tom and Bryson already began to walk away without saying goodbye.

“Want to head to the bridge?” Jennifer asked Liz knowing Liz would decline the 2-mile hike

“I don’t think so” Liz said smiling. “Maybe tomorrow”

Jennifer laughed and turned to Justin who was sitting at the water’s edge playing his game.

“Want to go Just’?” She asked, again knowing the answer.

“No thanks” he said, not lifting his head from his game.

Jennifer poured water into her stainless tumbler, said her goodbyes, and went on her way.

Silence filled the camp and once Liz know everyone was out of earshot, she spoke from inside of her closed tent.

“Justin, Lets go swimming”

“Why?” Justin asked from the waterline.

He didn’t say no, she thought to herself. She smiled knowing this was one of the many chances she would get in the next week to give him a glimpse of her body. She opened her front camera on her phone, pulled up her tank top up and over her breast posing with them in the camera. She lifted the bottom of her bikini top just enough so some underboob would show, and pulled her tank top back down, making sure not to pull the bottom of the bikini top down with it.

As she unzipped the tent and stepped outside, Justin got up and walked towards the trailer.

“Where are you going” she said in a disappointed and almost flirtatious way.

“To get some water”

“Oh. Well will you get me one too?” she wanted him to come back and bear witness to her undressing.

She walked to the water’s edge. Taking an unusually long time to kick off her sandals. Once she heard the trailer door shut and Justin approaching her from behind.

She grabbed at the beltline of her shorts, kicked her left knee out, and peeled them off over her hips, over her ass, and down her thick oiled legs, of course bending at the waist only. Hyper aware of Justin’s footsteps, she heard him stop, turn around, walk back to the trailer, open the door, and leave the door open as he walked back inside for something. As she turned around, she saw him walking back out with a towel held nonchalantly in front of his crotch with one hand, and two waters in the other. Her eyes met his, but his were focused on her bikini bottoms.

She wasted no time and grabbed the bottom of her tank top and began to pull it up and over her head while facing Justin, pushing her chest out as her elbows raised over her head. She felt the bottom of her bikini top start to raise even more then she previously left it. Feeling like it was about to uncover her nipples, she pushed her shoulders forward and pulled her chest back thinking if she flashed him, even on accident, it would be too fast of a move, and the moment would be ruined.

As she uncovered her eyes, she immediately looked to see where Justin had been looking, and of course, as any young man would, he was staring directly at her tits. She looked down at herself, proud of what she was showing him, and pulled her top unnecessarily far away from her breast to rearrange herself. This time, she was sure to give him a quick peak of her nipples.

“Thanks Justin” she said in a voice slightly higher in pitch then normal. Extending her open hand for her water.

She was now full of intent. Throwing caution to the wind, she grabbed the water, put it into the chairs pocket that Justin had been sitting in, and acted as though she was rearranging her bikini bottoms. She stuck her hand down the front of her bottoms, still acting as though she was only adjusting her swimwear and getting ready to jump in, pulled the fabric away from her now wet pussy lips just enough to rub her clit with one of her fingers for a split moment and pulled her hand out.

Justin, although noticing every sign that Liz gave him, was still innocent enough to keep him from thinking that any of them were intentional.

Liz jumped in the water, and Justin sat back in his chair. As she got Waist deep in the water she turned back and noticed Justin had placed the towel in his lap, obviously to cover any signs of his erect cock, and he now had his phone out like he was watching a video. It just so happened to be pointed in her direction.

She now had almost tunnel vision. Her thoughts raced, nature began to spin, and the slow flow of water danced under her. Her nipples grew hard.

“Are you filming me?”

“NO!” his phone darted away from her as she began to walk out of the water towards him.

“Were you filming me?” she asked again as she approached him from out of the water and stopped.

“No.” he said again, but in less startled fashion.

“I really don’t care but I want to know. We’re you?” her voice grew soft.

Justin was confused. She didn’t sound angry, but her eyes didn’t match her smirk. They were peering eyes. Maybe irritated but also maybe not.

He said nothing.

It was out of absolutely nothing but pure and utter instinct that Justin, who was still in his chair with Liz standing over him, glanced down from her locked eyes. Her breast first, with her uneven bikini top tightly drawn across her big tits, barely covering her areolas. Then down to her bottoms, that Liz has shifted underwater to the side to fully show her shaved pussy lips.

His heart skipped and he couldn’t look away. She said nothing. She covered nothing

Her voice broke the camp’s silence. “Can I have my towel?”

He said nothing

She reached down and as she grabbed the towel, she let a couple fingers drag across whatever was under the towel. She felt him. He was hard, and completely entranced by her pussy which was at eye level and just a foot away.

She tossed the towel on the ground.


He finally broke his gaze and looked up at her.

“Stand up Just’.” she said in an almost whisper.

As he stood up, His erect cock lifted one of the legs to his basketball shorts slightly above the knee. The crotch of the shorts now tight with no slack around the bulge of the head.

Liz was a little taller than him but lowered her face to his and stepped close enough to him that her DDD tits were touching his chest. She pulled at his waistband with one hand and grabbed his cock with the other. It was average in length but thick. She wrapped all of her fingers around it and started to rub the head. She felt some pre cum leak out, to which she used it as lube and swirled her thumb around the tip.

She opened her mouth over his nose, just centimeters away and he began to breath her in. Her hips began to thrust with the motion of her hand. She grabbed the base of him and pulled his cock under her now dripping lips.

They stood there standing while she humped the top of his dick.

She moaned slightly while Justin stood silent.

Then he muttered “I’m…I’m…”

Liz stood up straight, angled his penis towards her hole, and rotated her hips forward until she was taking all of him.

Seconds after he was inside of her he came. She felt herself fill with his cum. He now was uncontrollably thrusting his dick into her pussy, as he erupted cum into her with every thrust. His head became light, hers did as well as she moaned into orgasm.

She lightly sat Justin back into his chair, his mouth open, his eyes shut.

As she opened her eyes, she asked “Did you like that Just’?”

“Yeah, I did” is all he could say.

She pulled the crotch of her bikini back over herself, trapping what was left of him inside her and walked back to her tent. She dramatically threw herself onto her and Toms sleeping bags, rolled to her back and couldn’t help but to smile to herself. She pulled off her bikini bottoms, and with the same hand she was just grabbing Justin with, began to finger herself, using his leftovers as lube.

“I’ve got all week.” she said out loud to herself.



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